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Round 1: Roll The Bones (Darth Ferus vs Judas Foster)

Location: Rancor Graveyard, Felucia​
The hot, fungal forests of Felucia held many wicked splendors, most notably a place called the Ancient Abyss, which had the distinction of being the largest Sarlaac pit in the galaxy. However, today all eyes would be watching a desolate Felucian place called the Rancor Graveyard. The graveyard was as its name described, a resting place of innumerable remains of all kinds of creatures, but mostly the home of the towering grey bones of rancors. Whether the rancors were killed onsite or else ware, wasn’t clear, but it was a location which attracted adventures and shaman alike, all eager to explore its impressive spread of fossils, and perhaps steal a skull or two for a dark ritual.

Two Sith opponents in the One Sith Tournament of the Lords would find themselves dropped down at opposite ends of the Rancor Graveyard. Toward the center of the graveyard stood a now-ruined enclosure made entirely of bones. Inside the dilapidated ruins, was a maze of passages and irregularly shaped rooms, now broken and disheveled, which perhaps served as some sort of prison structure long ago. The Sith Lords would have to navigate through this labyrinthine boneyard to find each other and force the other to submit. Whether or not the opponents would use the bones themselves to their advantage, a shield or spear, was entirely up to them.

The judges watched the action on hidden Holo camera high over the planet. Any injured opponents would be airlifted out of the makeshift arena once a victor was declared, unless, of course, the opponents decided to duel to the death. After all, in a battle between two such powerful and ambitious beings, fatalities were always possible if not entirely expected.
[member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Judas Foster"]​
OOC Info
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Kindly tag Sage Bane in every post, as I will be judging the match.
That was a word to describe the feelings of Darth Ferus. Sitting aboard the drop ship to his location, his fingers rapped endlessly against the arm of his seat. While he completely understood that he needed to be dropped off by others to make the duel fair, but the want to get right into it was wearing the Sith's already thin patience down. Golden eyes snapped over to his pilot, and his voice hummed out ever so quietly.
"How much farther?"
From the delay in answering, the Sith already knew this was a newer pilot. He could only assume that experience pilots were kept away from Sith Lords being transported just in case these Sith decided to kill them. Smart.
"We're just above it. Couple hundred feet or so. It'll take a moment or two before we touch grou-."
Rather abruptly the pilot was cut off by the sound of the side door opening. The pilots head swiveled around to see Darth Ferus, dressed in a simple pair of black trousers, wave. And fall backwards out of the ship. Stunned in disbelief, the blue eyes of the young pilot would only watch before he turned the ship around to try and find the Sith that had fallen out under his care. Panic set in at first. What would happen to him if a Sith Lord died on his watch? How badly would he be tortured?
Such thoughts ended as he saw the Sith Lord falling to the earth at an alarming rate. This wasn't his fault, and there were cameras recording. He would be fine right? Rather than dwell on it, he turned his ship right around and left.
Back to Ferus though, who was currently free falling. Within his hand was one of his lightsabers. As per rules of this tournament, he only had two weapons. The golden lightsaber mentioned before, and strapped to his wrist was none other than the Sith Assassin's hidden blade. Fingers tightened to white over the hilt of such a peculiar hilt to an energy weapon. Flat, almost like a real sword, though the blade was still dormant as he fell.
Speaking of, the ground below was rapidly approaching. The Iridonian's eyes widened joyfully as the Force ripped through his form and to his arms. Without pause, a massive blast of raw energy was released just a few dozen feet from landing. The blast was used to slow his descent from full free fall to a softer one, but at the same time the murky water filled skull of a Rancor Bull was blown to pieces. A cloud of dirt, water, and bone formed just as the Sith Lord landed with a massive crack. A golden lightsaber flashing to life was the only sign of Darth Ferus, but as the cloud dispersed the wide and oh so happy grin on his face was clear from even miles away. His eyes, ironically the same color as his lightsaber, fixated on the area that would be their battle ground. A maze.
He hated mazes.
His voice called out, enhanced by the Force to boom across the whole of the graveyard.
"I know my opponent is here, and the one thing I've always hated about a fight is having to work to find it! I'm sure you feel the same way and would just like to get it started. Lets blow apart this make shift maze, and get right to the battle!"
Lightning seemed to crackle over his form, sparking here and there. He was so excited for such a duel that he couldn't contain his powers.
"D̛̬̞̙͚̩o͎̠͈̱n̴̻̦͍'̬͇̠͔̜̣̼͟t̛̮̘̗ͅ ̷̫̗̳̮̠̥̩ķ̭̤e̖̗͓̲͚͜e̶̪̹p̴͇̬ ̖͠m͔͓̦̫͎̜̪͝e͡ ̰͉͖͙̥̟̻w̠̤͠a̢̯̮̹̹i͍͎̗͜t̰̱͎̠̝̳͟i̡͈̼n͓̫g̞̰̤̯!̯͇̩͎̘"
[member="Sage Bane"] [member="Judas Foster"]​
Judas' own entrance was nothing special or as awe-inspiring as his opponent's. The pilot aboard the dropship merely offered verbal notifications as to the timing and distance from his dropzone as well as repeating the numerous rules and regulations that he'd been made to listen to prior to even boarding the craft. The didn't blame this man for being a bit shaken up at transporting a man nearly twice his size in height and weight, along with a sword of similar dimensions.

"Thanks." A simple word of departure as the Sith Lord exited the vessel before taking off. Lush, thick, and steaming vegetation surrounded him almost immediately. It was a tropical world and one could nearly see evaporation taking place - or watch the various man-eating plants snap up insects and small reptiles. Avian creatures squealed in warning and larger, darker beasts of the wild roared in the distance.

However, set before Judas was a stadium of corpses. Stark white bones and freshly slain carcasses of various beasts with dried blood caking the ground about it.

Mazes, beasts of the wild, and a single, measly enemy.

The Berserker stood there, black clad in a simple tunic and trousers with matching boots. Upon his waist hung a simple crimson bladed lightsaber while upon his back was the Kingslayer - a Sith greatsword so infatuated with the dark side of the Force that it was its own nexus of it.

Some voice rang out in the distance but Judas couldn't decipher the words. He knew the direction of his opponent and some puzzle was standing in his way.

He didn't like puzzles.

[member="Darth Ferus"], [member="Sage Bane"]
Ferus didn't waste much time after calling out to begin his own work. While he hoped [member="Judas Foster"] would hear him, he did not expect it. This place was large after all. Still with a twisted grin the Sith brought about his hands, aiming right for the massive bone pile that would be his fighting arena. Such a thing would not be allowed however, as this was suppose to be a fight between himself and his opponent, without the outside interference that was puzzles.
So fueled with the desire to fight this Iridonian Warrior made the Force visible around him. Another blast of the raw energies was blasted before him, ripping across the ground and leaving nothing but pure destruction in it's wake. Again and again the blast would be released, and each time it would rip apart the would be arena with a righteous fury. This wasn't even his opponent, but the thrill he got from this was at a level of pure ecstasy.
But this was not a small area to be blow away. After only five minutes the task grew boring, and the section he had cleared was diminutive compared to the rest. What was once a grin soon became a frown, and what ever excitement he had slowly faded. Another shout, far louder than the first, tried to speed up the inevitable fight.
"I know you're there! Come!"
Boredome was rapidly setting it, and that was not something the Sith Lord was okay with. In a brisk jog he went to enter the maze, hoping to find his opponent before he got too bored.
Bones showered about the landscape. This was not something particularly crafted by an expert so a few simple tugs here and there saw mountains of flesh-stripped skeletons turn into something of a landslide. More than once had Judas nearly become a victim of insurmountable piles of carcasses, but through careful and fairly nimble uses of the Force saw his continued existence.

It really was nice to do this without any armor slowing him down.

A few minutes passed with the berserker being occupied by taking apart this fortress of bone chunk by chunk. He got quite a large portion of it completely torn off - resembling a look of a mountain recently scourged by an avalanche. Once he was mostly finished in his efforts of meticulously destroying this structure, he continued forth in search of his opponent. No feelings of ecstasy or excitement flooded his veins. Just the cold, hard feeling in your gut before you went into battle.

Once he got into the fight; that was something completely different.

For now, he unsheathed the Kingslayer and ventured forth into the undamaged section of the maze.

[member="Sage Bane"], [member="Darth Ferus"]
The maze it seemed, was not as terrible as the Sith Lord first expected. Despite it's grotesque appearance (Which Ferus found rather amusing) the sky was still visible, and it was more of a random assortment of bones than a real maze maze. He wandered through, golden saber alight as he cut some of the bones apart as he walked by. The other bones that were supported fell, causing cave in after cave in, to keep the Iridoninian from going the same path twice.

Through this walking however, he found himself in a long corridor, the rib cage bones of many Rancors creating a wall like feeling. It seemed it was set up on purpose, and right down the hall he found himself feeling the presence of [member="Judas Foster"] .


A new vigor set off in the belly of the Sith, and a deep rage began to form. Anger was a natural feeling for any Sith, and Ferus was far from an exception. Pale flesh turned ashen, then to pitch as the Darkside coursed through his veins, a normality for this Darth now. Golden eyes flashed red as he stared on, waiting for his opponent. They were finally going to meet.

[member="Sage Bane"]
Judas tromped through the "maze" as if he were taking some stroll following a battle; peering at the long lines of the dead, the scorch marks plastering the land, and the bright red soil caked over with layers of blood and the droppings of birds of prey. It wasn't anything dreadful to this man. He had been birthed in this environment, his childhood was layered over with bloody campaigns, gruesome personal combat, and the ever present fear of dying.

He wasn't afraid anymore. The one who should be afraid was his enemy.

That flicker in the darkside alerted Judas immediately as to where this other Sith Lord was: directly down a nearby corridor that stretched across the end of the dimly lit, dark pathway of skulls and fractured skeletal remains. The berserker gave a guttural snarl and tightened his grip around the Kingslayer's hilt as he rounded the corner to lay eyes upon his foe.

"I though you'd be bigger."

[member="Darth Ferus"]
[member="Judas Foster"] would find no fear within Ferus, just a large, overwhelming feeling of joy. And not the good kind. Iridonian blood still pumped in the Hand's veins, and upon seeing his large and imposing foe, rational thought left. Finally they could begin. The grip on his golden blade tightened as he just began to bounce on his heels. Judas would find his words falling upon deaf ears, for the Darth was too taken now. All this anticipation had finally payed off. A taller man than himself. A big sword he was clearly capable of wielding.

No words were needed now, and like a bullet the Sith Lord took off, his form low to the ground, and his lightsaber in his right hand dragging across it. A trail of molten earth was left in it's wake, but that didn't matter. No, nothing mattered now. The left hand of his reached up, going to grip his foe in a tight embrace of the Force, all to drag not Judas to Ferus, but Ferus to Judas. Using it like a grappling hook, the smaller Sith would close the distant in a sudden moment, and his golden blade, ever filled with the force, would swing around wildly. He wasn't aiming to cut anywhere specific, for upon contact a force blast similar to the ones he was using to destroy the bones would be released to knock the larger man back. Blunt trauma from the sharpest weapon in existence. Ferus certainly knew how to be unexpected.
It was quite ironic, really, to see these things play out before your very eyes. An assassin was going wild with his saber and Force techniques in an attempt to overwhelm his opponent; a berserker who happened to be keeping his cool even more so than the bones that hung around every inch of his body. There was always a time a place to go crazy and unleash every morsel of strength you held within your dear body.

But, dear boy, this was not the time.

When his opponent snarled and began his frenzied forward assault, it was Judas who reeled backwards. While the Kingslayer was one of the heaviest weapons in his arsenal, he brought the massive girth of the blade to bear upon the golden saber smashing against alchemized metal, throwing sparks about the place. At one point during their scuffle, the berserker felt himself taken a hold of by the Force, though it made as much use as trying to drag an anchor somewhere.

He made minimal effort to over-exaggerate blocks, using only the width of his blade and the walls of the bone-filled corridor to his advantage. His left hand snapped upwards and took hold of the flimsy, skeletal roof of flesh-picked carcasses and brought his fist down to his gut. The entire tunnel rumbled and shook with raw might as Judas tore apart the delicate patterns that held the roof above their head.

[member="Darth Ferus"], [member="Sage Bane"]
Wild and crazy was just how the Iridonian fought. His Assassins may be the one to keep their cool, but as the Aspect of War his duty was to be public, unforgiving, and overpower. He was more like [member="Judas Foster"] than either of them realized. But he still had a mind. Kingslayer, being brought around to block his blade, very well should have. Except, Ferus wasn't a beast, just yet. He was a methodical Beserker, and as the blades were about to meet, there was a flick of a switch. Once a fully length lightsaber shrunk in half, and without remorse the now shoto ripped forward for the mans chest.

Duel phase, turned from doubling length to halfing it, offered the ability to bypass most guards. Usually he couldn't especially against lightsabers who's directions could be changed at any given moment. This thick and heavy blade however could not be as shifted as quickly. A savage look of glee took over the Darth's features as his blade cut out.

[member="Sage Bane"]
Whatever swordplay this man had in mind was too erratic, even for the attacker. Keeping your footing when you flung your blade in a completely random direction before whipping it back was hard to do, even for a master swordsman. That was why Judas utilized such minimal effort in blocking his attackers, veering and bobbing out the way with a great deal of assistance from the Force. Once he extended his blade was when Judas made his split-second retreat.


The berserker snarled as he tightened his grip around the roof even more so than he had and yanked it down. The Sith Lord channeled all of his might into the movement, hoping to crush this measly insect with a pile of dead bodies before adding his own to the collection.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
There was a blink of Ferus's face as he watched [member="Judas Foster"] skirt back. Crumble. It was these words that rang throughout the head of the Darth's before he simply looked up. A crushing mass of dead bodies, new and old, large and small, sank down form him, falling from Judas's grip. Death was closing in. In these moments, the red eyes of the beserking Sith Lord turned gold, ashen skin back to pale white. With his opponent out of his way, a primed lightsaber still resided in a tightening grip.

Another flick of a switch, and the saber would go to full length, and with a quick swipe of the Force Imbued blade, he would meet the avalanche head on. The Imbued blade did what Ferus was planning to do to Foster, and upon contact with the first bone, a powerful raw blast of the Force was let loose. What was once falling was blasted away, breaking apart in mid air from the blast itself.

And more importantly, flying for Judas now. Like a baseball to a batter, Ferus knocked the avalanche from him to Judas, all the while skirting back himself away. No longer were there any wildness to his actions, but a deep focus. Yet from the feeling within the air, there was a dark joy still present. Once more the Force began to build up in his blade, he waiting for his opponent to come blasting through, or the corpses to be once more sent his way.

[member="Sage Bane"]

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