Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rough Landing


The world was black.

Slowly, Usa'ar Obath came to, realizing he was laying on the ground. It was cold and wet. His vision blurred, then focused. What had happened? His memory started to come back to him.

He had been piloting with a convoy laden with raw resources from the Outer Rim. Somehow, pirates had learned of their cargo and attacked out of nowhere. The battle was ferocious, both sides losing many. The convoy had had plenty of escort fighters, which was a bit odd since the cargo was supposed to be mainly spice and nova crystals. And then Usa'ar's shuttle had been hit, and plummeted to the planet below. But what planet? he thought. He sat up and looked around. There was the shuttle, broken in chunks and pieces nearby, half submerged in swamp. Crooked trees arose from water and ground alike. Dagobah?

I know there were other passengers, he thought. Did anyone make it?

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
'Hmm? wha? were am I?....' He thought as he looked around or at least tried before he realized he wasn't in his body any more. His body was right in front of him, he was stuck in the cargo hold his droid body in one corner it's chest open and Zrixtas's true body, a red crystal the size of a human heart. 'Damn it now what?' He thought as he began to use telekinesis to make his body move a little to reach out for himself. 'That's it come on just a little bit more' He thought as his body then let out a few sparks and loud motor sounds before the hand's palm fell down right in front of his crystal body though it was still reaching out for it, as if it was the power source to the droid.

[member="Usa'ar Obath"]
Usa'ar stood and stretched. What would be the first thing to do in a situation like this? Food, he thought. And then shelter. He looked around for anything he could use in the immediate area. Large scraps of metal could be used for shelter. He noted the wrecked shuttle nearby, a gaping hole wide open in its side. There might be some survivors in there.

He ducked underneath the jagged edge and turned on his head lamp on his helmet to light the dim corridor. Burned bodies, debris, spilled containers. He would sift through the containers soon enough, but right now he wanted to find survivors. If there are any, he thought.


Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas concentrated as hard as he could and then managed to levitate himself up of the floor and then placed himself into his droid body. The start up sequence would run for a while but he did notice that Usa'ar walked passed him, though to him he probably would just look like a damaged droid as his chest chassis closed as his crystal body was put back into it. After a short while he managed to stand up and walked slowly behind the human. "Excuse me but did you happen to be the pilot?" He asked before his optical sensors began to glow red as they fully came online.

[member="Usa'ar Obath"]
Usa'ar nearly jumped out of his boots when he heard the odd voice behind him. He spun and drew his blaster as fast as he could. It was some kind of droid, but it looked... Different. Seeing it meant no harm, Usa'ar put down his weapon.

"Yeah, I'm the pilot. Were you in the shuttle, too? I don't recall ever seeing you before." He looked the droid up and down. Certainly odd indeed.


Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas's eyes glowed a little brighter and the panels around his eyes turned to show anger. A tightness around [member="Usa'ar Obath"] would be felt as he'd rise up a little of the ground. "Were you shot down or are you incompetent?" He'd ask as he seemed more angry over crashing than the pilot himself as he let him down again and shook his head. "What's the point in killing him anyway..." He'd then mumble with a sigh as he turned to look around for supplies for himself. "Sorry about my outburst I get a little... emotional when I fall out of this body.." He'd then say giving no further explanation.
At once Usa'ar knew he didn't like this droid. Anything that tried to mess with him would have to watch its back, especially if it was more concerned about threatening survivors than trying to work together. His blaster would always have to be on the ready.

"look, droid, if you don't want to help, you can get lost. I fully intend on finding away off this swamp and getting back into the civilized world," stated calmly to the droid before scanning the rest of the wreckage for useful objects. He located some preserved food, extra water, and a few simple tools, but the food and water was limited. This would be tough.

boom! As i came out of hyper space just escaping a pirate fleet in my old arc-170 star fighter i found from the clone wars. "Nice work
R-7, We did it." "Beep do be""What!"pssh! My left thruster has been hit, it released a smoke trail as we spun out of control.I tried to boost my distress signal but nothing was working."Beep beep be!""not the dagobah system!""brace for impact"boom! A big wave splashed upon the the muddy bank as my ship hit the swampy waters. My ship started to take on water as it sunk pssssssh as the pressurized air was released from the cockpit I struggled to release my self from the straps holding me in. after minutes of struggling I took a last breath as my head submerged under the deep waters. The black cloud of water surrounded a beam of light that turned the strip of water navy blue. Click! the straps came undone. I swam to the surface to catch a breath then went back down i started to lose conscience but kept swimming until I grabbed hold of my ship and released R-7 also grabbing my crash kit that includes a blaster rifle. Haa, as i caught a deep breath i was exhausted so i dragged R-7 a land and lied down. After that I came to a old hut with relics and antiques "whew would live here" I had to duck down to get inside the old hut where I found a piticularly small sized bed. "whew ever it was its small and hairy. In another room I found a closet with tiny robes wow. I went outside to come to find a grave covered in dust it wrote Y--A the two initials in the middle were unreadable. later on I got in bed with my feet hanging over the end.

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas found a backpack that he put some water and preserved food into, since he could survive with out food and water he'd just place them there for [member="Usa'ar Obath"] along with a few energy cells he had found. 'These will have to do.' He then looked at Usa'ar and a loud whirring would suddenly sound out from his head before a large and short spark flood exited the left side of Zrixtas's head. His eyes stopped glowing and it seemed that some of his systems were down. 'ugh frakning body!' He'd yell though it would only be inside his head as he began the start up sequence again. 'I don't like this planet...not one bit' He thought again as the report came back and it was a piece of moss that had somehow gotten inside a crack in the chassis around his head.

[member="Jay Nebula"]
Usa'ar heard a loud boom in the distance, but it was so foggy he couldn't tell what it was. Civilization? On this planet, unlikely. He sighed and continued to sweep the ship, gathering anything that could be used into a pile on the shore just inside the hole in the ship.

"I'm going to scout around for a little bit, if you care to know," he said to Zrixtas. "I'll try to see if there's another place that's better to camp." With that, he began trudging off in the marsh to see the terrain. He noted that there was a vast amount of bugs here, both small and incredibly large. And several times he swore he saw a great serpent in the murky waters, but he could never get a good look at it. Of all the planets to crash on, why did it have to be this one?
[member="Usa'ar Obath"] @Zrixtas

Aww! Even in the morning dagobah was dark and concealed by the forest canopy. "R-7 you can power off im going, pssssh,as he turned off, or not, stupid droid." I scoured the dark jungles of dagobah hoping to find civilization here. I stumble over a cord and next thing i know im hanging in a net. "what the heck, looks like im not alone out here". I started to swing so i could reach for my electro knife. Ha got it. "Ahhh.......ptch! Ow that was painful." "whats this" I started to stare at the marking on the ground it didnt look like human nor alien more like a monster. I thought it was hostile until i saw another set of prints next to it. So i followed them until it got dark so I made base camp.

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
[member="Jay Nebula"] [member="Usa'ar Obath"]

Zrixtas Looked at Usa'ar and nodded as he continued to look through the ship and found an emergency beacon as well as a tent to use. Once he had taken everything of value to survival out of the ship he left it an looked around. Seeing something slither passed him in the marsh made him shudder a little, He wasn't going to take a swim anytime soon that was for sure. Hearing a loud snap in the distance he decided to investigate and came upon Jay as he had just gotten down from the trap and was looking at some tracks. With a hand on his blaster he stared at Jay. "Identify yourself."
Usa'ar had slowly expanded his search area in ever-widening circles. At least, very rough circles, because some parts of the swamp were purely impassible. At one point, the thick jungle cleared, as well as the mist, and Usa'ar was able to some hills and mountains in the distance. That would mean it's less damp, and clearer communications could be established.

He started on his way back to the wreck. The extreme humidity was messing with his suit's temperature control system, and Usa'ar began to sweat. Can't wait to get off this forsaken rock, he thought, foot slipping into a puddle, sending small amphibious creatures scattering. Better get back and see if Zrixtas has run off or helped in some way.

[member="Zrixtas"] [member="Jay Nebula"]
"Identify yourself." Arturin opened his eyes, not daring to move a muscle. He looked to where he had heard the voice. There he saw a droid with his hand on his blaster. Arturin looked down at the debris pinning his legs to the ground but left his belt uncovered. Sensing the tension, he slowly reached for his own blasters and and readied for any trouble.

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