Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Cole Tymon
  • Darth Roth (Moniker).
  • Lord of Despair.
  • General.
  • Sith Empire.
  • Sith Lord.
  • Epicanthix.
  • Panatha
  • 36.
  • Male.
  • 6'0.
  • 210 lbs.
  • Grey.
  • Brown.
  • Caucasian.
  • Yes.

+ Above average dueling skill.​
+ Big planner.​
+ Knowledge is power.​
+ Healthy shape.​

- Rash.​
- Prideful.​
- Lone wolf.​

Roth is in very good shape. His hair his dark brown and tucked behind his ears, and nearly reaches his shoulders. His eyes have yellowed from over a decade of use of the dark side of the force. There is a long scar across his cheek from a previous engagement, and a scar across his left side, going from his up bone up under his arm to his shoulder blade.​

(This is a placeholder for now, until I'm able to fully rewrite Cole's background pre-RP.)​
Born to a moderately wealthy family, Cole Tymon was the second son of his father, Damon Tymon. While his early childhood years were by no means as hard as other younglings in the galaxy, Cole spent most of his youth in the shadow of his older brother, Marcus Tymon. Raised in the city of Khedal on Panatha, Cole and his siblings enjoyed the education of the Epicanthix. Training to become a warrior, follow societal rules and the laws of the Gods. At the age of sixteen, Cole left Panatha for the first time. Marcus and Cole were both sensitive to the force, and were able to pursue training to make better warriors. Marcus decided to perform his training on Panatha, while Cole decided to leave and join the ranks of the One Sith.​
Arriving from Panatha to a Sith Temple, Cole quickly realized how different things were going to be. He was sent to Korriban with a large group of fellow acolytes and a handful of Knights, hoping to train the young Sith into something more than semi-valuable meat shields. Cole continued training in these groups for two years, then he was approached by Konrad von Grimmelshausen. Konrad's offer of apprenticeship and a commission in the One Sith Army were to good to turn down. Soon after, Cole was leading small groups of men and learning a great deal from Konrad. Cole's training continued and his service to the One Sith showed. He received commendations and promotions, giving him an excess of funds and allowing him to build an estate on Vullain and and apartment on Lialic. The now Sith Knight recruited his own personal battalion, loyal to Cole and Cole alone. Everything seemed to be going to great, then everything seemed to flip. Slowly, the One Sith began to dissolve. Cole took his men and his ship and left, waiting to see how everything played out. Once it seemed evident that the One Sith were no more, Darth Roth came out of his hiatus. He found a home in the Sith Order, but Roth's ideals had noticeably changed. Once he was a simple bloodthirsty Sith, ready to kill to push himself forward at all. But his self-imposed exile changed him, and he realized that murdering and undermining fellow Sith was a very poor choice. This time, Roth did not invest himself entirely into the Sith Order. He watched, and lended a hand when needed. And just like the One Sith before, the Sith Order fell. Roth lost faith in the philosophy of the Sith. To him, it seemed they were destined to fall and rise again, rinse and repeat.​
After another exile, Roth shed his title of Sith. Now simply a Dark Jedi, he had no idea where to turn. All his life, he had been a Sith. He had no real colleagues, and he couldn't turn to the Jedi Order. Then, it came to him. After the fall of the One Sith, the leader of the One Sith Army had created a new Empire. One without Sith. Roth sent his poorly manned ship to Csilla, in hopes to find a new home in the Iron Empire.​

Beginner Adept Skilled Master
Force Powers:​
Force Speed {||| ||. ... ...}
Force Push {||| ||. ... ...}
Telekinesis {||| ||| ||| ...}
Force Lightning {||| ||| ||| |..}
Mentalism {||| ||| ||| ||.}

Lightsaber Forms:​
Juyo {||| ||| ......}
Shii-cho {||| ||| ||| ...}
Makashi {||| ||| ||| ||.}




Faction (The Tainted Chorus):​

Faction (The Sith Order):​

Ah, I was under the impression that there was a Sith Academy on the planet. Would it be permitted for me to make the change, for the sake of the story? Thank you for bringing this up, by the way.

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