Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Roron

Designation: Sentient

Home world: Dagobah

Language: Roronian, galaxy basic

Average adult height: 1.90500

Skin color: Grey, brown, or green

Hair color: Black or white(Usually they grow it into a pony tail)

Breathes: Type 1 oxygen

Strengths: Advanced hunters, sharp claws, skilled in melee combat, can breath under the swampy water of Dagobah.

Weaknesses: Knows nothing about modern technology, without stealth they are rather vulnerable.

Distinctions: Large claws and a muscular build.

Average lifespan: 198 and occasionally 210 years

Races: None

Diet: They are carnivores, they cannot eat absolutely any fruit or they will die.

Communication: Speaking and loud cries that can be heard over long distances. If a cry is heard it is attempting to call for reinforcements.

Culture: At a young age, most Rorons are taught how to be hunters. In order to stay in their tribe, at the age of nine a Roron must go out on their own and kill a Bogwing and rip its wing off and carry the rest of the body back. They usually hunt alone and mostly use their claws to kill prey. Some will carry large axes or knives to kill prey. A old tradition dating back to one hundred years for the Rorons is after killing a creature they will rip the guts out and cover their faces in blood. They are extremely hostile to other creatures and will attack anyone that is in their territory. Each tribe has one tribe chief, members of the tribe can challenge the chief to a battle to the death. If a member manages to kill and skin their chief they are the new Chief of the tribe. When Roron children reach the age of fourteen they are considered an adult.

Technology level: A zero out of ten, they never use modern day technology and prefer their old and traditional equipment.

General Behavior: They are generally hostile all of the time, even to members of their own tribe.

History: The history of the Rorons date back to hundreds and hundreds of years ago. The first known tribe to settle in Dagobah were the Lure. They killed their prey and wore their skin as coats or they would tie them to handles of their battle axes. This tradition was dropped when several more tribes settled in Dagobah, overthrowing the Lure. They have always been known as skilled and aggressive hunters and most travelers never even want to see a picture of them. All tribes mark their territory by taking the intestines of a creature and spreading them around their territory. The Rorons were discovered when several clone troopers wandered into their territory. Before the leader of the clone squad was killed, he managed to send one last request for help before being killed.

Notable players: None yet

Intent: I would just like a new species on this forum just to mix things up. I figured it would be fun to have an advanced hunter species on Dagobah and just to add more RP.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Cor Latch"]
Greetings, I will be your factory judge for the evening,

I apologize for the wait in the factory, I was busy with Invasion of Coruscant and RL events,

Right now, I would have to deny your submission and here's way,
You cannot add sentient species to Dagobah as the article about the planet states in the first paragraph,
"it served as a refuge for Jedi Grand Master Yoda during his exile, but otherwise had no notable intelligent life." (link here)
And we cannot break canon precedent like that with a submission of sentient species.

So, what we'll do is I'll tag your submission as Work In Progress, you need to edit the planet on which the Roron live from Dagobah to something else, it can be a canon planet or you can submit a custom one. If you feel that it would be too much work, or you'll fail to make such edits, I will have to deny it.
So yeah, edit the planet they live on to something else and we'll be able to continue.

Tag me in once you're done.
[member="HK-36"] Just deny it, I feel like an idiot. Thank you so much for taking time to review this, sorry to waste your time. See that just proves my point that I am an idiot, I forgot to tag you :D


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Cor Latch"]
Alright, Denied due to a sentient species being submitted for a planet with no sentient species.

But, if you'll ever change your mind and want to fix this for a different planet, PM me and I can help you make the right edits off-Factory, then you could just ask for Second Chance in the Second Chance thread and the other Species judge would judge your submission.
And don't feel bad :p Those things happen, I'm not expecting you to know everything about every planet >.> Although that's what they want me to know.
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