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Character Ronhor Tillo [WIP]

Ronhor Tillo

AgeEarly 30s
WeightIdk weights
Force SensitiveAye Aye!


Ronhor is typically seen wearing traditional Tillo robes, taking pride in his family and making sure that people know where he is from though he doe not have much of an interest in wearing casual clothes. Alongside this, he normally wears sandals or similar structured shoes when it comes to footwear.




Family, honour and respect are three of the most important things to Ronhor. As a noble, he believes it is his duty to help those who are less fortunate or not as gifted as him. This also comes hand in hand with his Force Sensitivity, believing that he was given the power to help people. Though as much as he believes its his duty to help, he does his hardest to avoid responsibility, which is why he passed on leading his family in the future, instead passing it on to his younger sibling for when they were ready to take over the family.


Swordsmanship - Ronhor has practised in various sword arts as opposed to using a lightsaber. In his eyes, most people elevate Lightsaber wielders higher than most, and he does not agree with that. This also affects his fighting style, since he relies on dodges and parries as opposed to outward blocking, since a sword doesn't have the same defensive capabilities as a lightsaber.

Elementalist - Being raised on a planet that was mostly untouched by civilisation, Ronhor has a strong connection with Nature which he uses alongside his Force powers. He wields flames and water in the same manner as he can wield his sword. Fire and Water comes naturally to the Jedi, though he does struggle with some of the other elements such as Earth or Lightning.

Poison-Making - Thanks to the native species of Ragoon VI, Ronhor is well experienced in the art of making and using poisons. Of course he isn't someone who will make use of this skill often, since he considers it dishonourable, though it also means he is able to discover poisons quite easily. At least natural poisons that is, when it comes to man-made ones, Ronhor's skills is less knowledgeable.

Karaoke - As a past time, Ronhor would sing to small little tunes in his free time. They didn't have much in the way of entertainment, with very limited electricity or civilised technology.


Technophobe - Whilst Ronhor is not opposed to using technology or electricity, Ronhor is not well experienced in using technology and would much rather have someone else work on it than himself. He would say that his choice to not use a lightsaber is fully because of his own ideals, but it is partly the fact that he barely knows how to even make one. A sword is always more enjoyable to use compared to a lightsaber in his eyes.

Antisocial - As someone who has not had much experience in the way of conversing with regular people, Ronhor isn't much of a conversationalist. It is more common than not for him to indirectly insult someone without meaning to, or for him to misunderstand social cues. He might be able to get along with more traditional conversations, but to put it in a simple way, Ronhor is not "down with the kids."


Ronhor is the eldest son of the Tillo family of Ragoon VI, a family that had moved to the planet and ended up ruling over it to try and help ensure that the planet is not destroyed by civilisation and destroyed by pollution. These goals of the family are partly as to why the native Ragoons allowed the family to rule over the planet. Whilst his family helped the natives grow and prosper, Ronhor focused on finding his own way to help what he saw as his own people. He studied in as much as he could, learning how to hunt, how to use the Force and how to fight properly. Eventually, he decided that his skills would be better suited off-world from the planet. It would be best to make bonds and connections with other organisations and planets, since as much as his family won't admit to it, Rragoon VI would not be able to defend itself from an invading Force. Whilst going to the Senate for aid would possibly be a much easier way of defending his planet, Ronhor isn't suited for politics and instead decided it would be best to make bonds through his actions. And thus he headed off, learning how better to use his Force abilities and to train. Of course, he had some training from his family but learning from the greater Galaxy was a better experience
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