Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Roleplay with a Princess

[member="Thalia Rist"] well as the youngest of the three princesses on crina I am in charge of moral and making sure the people/entertainment/vices run well to stimulate the economy. So I am up for throwing a party


Insert Hilarious Title Here
I basically cause as much trouble for my family as possible.
I don't travel much, but maybe I could go to some sort of event on your world?
[member="Thalia Rist"]
[member="Karasu Matumaini"] [member="Utena Calvarona"]

[member="Kitty"] [member="Jericho"]

Ok, Replying to you guys in the order i linked you

Kara, Trouble for your family? I sneak out alot and put the guards on high alert, im sure you and me would get into some good old fun before Thalia told Kara she was the Princess... hell thats how i met the guy who taught Thalia a lesson in the force.

As much fun as that sounds, i would like to say it probably wouldn't happen on Onderon... perhaps on your home planet?

And what might i ask you are looking for in a Roleplay Jericho? Situation wise?

As for you Kitty... perhaps you can convince my char somehow to leave Iziz or meet her on another planet she is visiting and try to spy on her or attempt an assassination... or as another idea you could be on a ship as her and both could crash on a unknown but wild planet with some not so friendly creatures that force us to rely on eachother?


The Attention Seeker
Kitty isn't the best assassin and isn't too good at it. I like the crashing idea better and since Kitty turns into a rage monster in hyper space she could be the one to crash it ^.^ Is this all going to be separate RPs though? I thought a group RP would be pretty fun. [member="Thalia Rist"]

I honestly handle my characters in Solo Rps better and i think they get a more personal feel about them when its like that. I mean i can do group RPs, i just prefer Solos.


Two people, open to anything, but without an idea in either of their heads for what. This is going to be fun :D

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