Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Road to Mandalore

The war began at Wayland, the vast majority of Primeval forces had attacked there but that wouldn't be their only target. A small detachment of the main invasion force, aided by new benefactors in their materials, diverged off course from Wayland and made its way to the nearby world of Mandalore. The Mandalorian capital would hardly be undefended but with their attention drawn towards the current battle it was the perfect time to strike.

An agent of the Bleeding Sun was tasked with leading the task force in its attack. Catalys stood aboard one of the Attrition II-class star destroyers, the design was foreign in comparison to what The Primeval are use to using. A keen eye might notice their origins of being of the Fringe, and indeed in secrecy the Fringe Lords left their old posts behind in favour of a new one in Primeval space. Catalys did not know this, in fact just about no one did -- it was a mystery all in itself as to why a group of individuals approached them with these ships. However; if their goals aligned then... Well, it didn't matter much did it?

Dropping out of hyperspace, the Fleet began its assault on the world below -- Mandalore.

"Don't let your guard down, at any moment they'll realize what's going on, this is their heart and soul and they'll defend it to their last dying breath." The agent made sure to explain what they're up against.

The starship's captain had a response, "That's what we're hoping for." A few grunts and enthusiastic exclamations filled the room in regard to this. Plenty of them were looking to deal a major blow here today.
[member="Catalys Maijora"]


The Mandalorian Clans had seen the Primeval crossing their territory. Due to the nature of Hyperspace travel, it was almost impossible not to. Monitoring stations across the length and breadth of the Mandalorian Territories had monitored the progress of the foreign fleet. When the hostile fleet had made its intentions known by not leaving the Wayland system, forces had been dispatched to ensure that they never again got the opportunity to flee the system. This had hardly left the capital planet of the Mandalorian Clans defenseless, or even vulnerable really. The forces at Bandomeer and Thustra had been closest to the besieged planet and had each sent a token force of naval resistance alongside what had been sent from the capital.

As new contacts broke off from the primary Primeval fleet and began making their way to Mandalore, the intentions of this splinter fleet were fairly obvious. They were making their way to Manda'yaim. However, since these actions would of had to have been made well in advance of the actual assault on the Wayland system, those on Manda'yaim had had more time to prepare than those on Wayland. Few expected such a small force to actually attack the planet, but the risk was severe enough that a moderate first line of defense was established. Ret'lini.

The Primeval fleet would not drop from hyperspace at their intended target. Nor would they do so close enough to the planet that an immediate assault was an option.

As their moderate fleet fell from Hyperspace at the hand of a pair of Krayt-class Light Cruisers and the interdiction they projected, their sensors would briefly detect two pair of Keldabe-class Battleships ahead and to their flanks at a 45-degree angle from the prow of their own warships. A single Keldabe was to the port, to the starboard, above, and below the hostile fleet. Well ahead of the fleet, a number of smaller ships were arranged in a cluster, behind which a swarm of starfighters, bombers, and gunships waited for use. A few moments after being allowed to detect the fleet arranged against them, the powerful electronic warfare systems from a trio of Jahaatir-class Frigates were launched against the new guests of the Mand'alor.

After this, a single and simple message was broadcast to the Primeval fleet. "Welcome to Mandalore. My name is Rally Master Rygel Larraq, and I suggest you go back the way you came."

Cafe on the streets of Mandalore, Five minutes before the arrival of the Primeevil Ships.

Solan drank from the glass infront of him as he looked out over the skyscrapers of the planet. It was a unique city, one he had never quite experienced before and he was curious about its people as he had come to be working with them. He was a mercenary for the Mandalorians, much like he was an ally of the Republic's and the Vitae's. Not a truly devoted Mandalorian himself but someone who admired, hell even wished he had been a Mandalorian a few times. But his devotion to others would never have worked out had he been one so he was happy he shied away from that path.

Admiration was still there as he was to explore the culture a bit more this day... well was used to be the key word as he thought to himself and leaned back in the the chair he was in. He would need to get in contact with some old people. hell he had even sent a message to [member="Aedan Miles"] to see if the two of them could get into a meeting over the fact of the son he handed off to Solan. That kid was more than interesting and Solan found himself thinking about how to train that boy more than others he had come into contact with.

But his eyes now turned towards the sky, knowing something was coming and so he drank from his glass and waited.
It wouldn't be too unexpected that an interdictor would be present, The Primeval had even brought their own should the need arise. Well; it seems that Catalys wasted a good ship because by the looks of it the Mandalorians weren't looking for an escape route, the two fleets were locked in the ring but this was far from a fist fight. The truth of naval warfare was that it's so damn complicated you learn a new trick everyday, even the most outnumbered fleets could pull away a victory thanks to science, mathematics, or just random chance; not just tactics. Yet it wasn't totally unpredictable -- true that when the fleet got caught in their little trap they happened to be pulled out but where exactly in the interdiction field they dropped was a rough estimate to make ahead of time.

The Primeval's fleet was not in a very intricate formation, but their exit route did place them in relative cover of each other without creating too much density between the individual warships. Any sensors that saw The Primeval fleet would have a hard time determining between the Attrition II-class vessels and ones much smaller due to the ship's stealth design, and when it was cloaked all visual and sensor readings would be out the window too. So just like that the low-profile vessels hid within their cloaking bubbles.The Penumbra-class, another stealth vessel, was also hidden away within its Stygium cloak.

That left three obvious targets remaining; the two Permanence-class Battleships and the small mendacity-class corvette which was little more than a mobile yet powerful ion cannon weapon.

A welcoming party?

Catalys snickered at the message but did not offer any form of a response, he wasn't here as a commander -- he was a gambler and the moment their forces arrived he placed his bet. Hopefully the cards would be in his favour, if not it was looking like he might go home with more than just empty pockets. He had his own tricks, however. From the light destroyers a simple message was sent towards the cluster fleet in the form of seven HELIX warheads unlike most warheads they don't attack the ship directly -- as long as the general area of the enemy fleet is known they'll do their job. Meanwhile the battleships prepared to launch their attack craft just as the enemy began to deploy electronic warfare suites against them.

[member="Captain Larraq"]
[member="Catalys Maijora"]

"Unlike the Mark I, the Mark II has a hyperdrive safety interlock to prevent the ship from jumping to hyperspace while cloaked (a cloaked hyperjump destroys a hibridium-shielded ship)"

"Hibridium was an ore that was found only on the western coastline of the main continent of the planet of Garos IV. It was discovered that hibridium had a natural ability to cloak other objects. The Galactic Empire, searching for an alternative to stygium cloaking devices, discovered Garos IV, garrisoned the planet, and strictly regulated the mining of the ore. Unfortunately, the prototype hibridium cloaking devices were far less effective than those created from stygium. They required massive amounts of power to operate, more room to house the device, and left the craft on which they were being used double-blind. Though the craft was invisible to other ships' sensors, it could not locate other ships with its own sensors. Another drawback of these devices was that they became unstable when entering hyperspace, often resulting in the destruction of the ships on which they were being used."

Also, both of your stealth ship designs lack protection from Magnetic and Electromagnetic Sensors. Not to mention the signature they create when they exit Hyperspace.

"A hyperwave signal interceptor (HSI) was a sensor that detected the telltale fluctuations in the local hyperspace field that resulted whenever a starship entered or exited hyperspace. They could not indicate the origin or destination of a ship, but could record its entry or departure, as well as its mass and speed.

Hyperspace signal interceptors were also capable of tapping into hyperspace based transmissions, such as those broadcast by the HoloNet and Hyperradios, as well as communications through subspace."

"The dedicated energy receptor (DER) was a passive sensory device capable of detecting electromagnetic emissions in its surroundings. Using it, a skilled operator would be able to detect emissions from lasers, beacons and comlink transmissions. A DER concentrated its scanning in a narrow, focused beam and is intended to gather detailed, specific information on a previously detected target. Because of its narrow focus, a DER was of little use in early threat detection.

DERs were commonly found in the sensor suites of most military starships, including Rebel Alliance starfighters and Imperial Star Destroyers.
Dr. Lucien wished to install them in infiltration droids.
Imperial Torpedo Spheres utilized thousands of DER devices to find and target weak spots in a planetary shield, by tracking down anomalies and fluctuations in the shields."

Which, all together, means that your cloaked star destoyers would be exiting Hyperspace visible, and that my Ulur'uur Frigates are able to detect your entire fleet, regardless of cloaks or no cloaks.

Loud alarms blared to life as seven large warheads made their way towards his fleet. Their answer was quite obvious apparently.

"Engage Battleplan." Larraq said simply as he took his seat and watched events play out on the forward holoprojector. Each of the Keldabe-class Battleships was equipped with four of the massive Vulcan Mass Driver Flak Cannons. On each ship, all four weapons spun to life. Even from his position on the bridge, Larraq could feel the slight rumbling in the deck plates as the weapons prepared to fire. Two of the four weapons opened fire, aiming in the general direction of each capital ship's hanger bay doors. Round after round would detonate in space, spreading shrapnel in all directions to molest the shields of the hostile capital ships, the bulk of this shrapnel being aimed at the hanger doors to prevent any starfighters from being launched without suffering instant destruction from the anti-corvette weapons. 30 seconds after the first pair opened fire, the second pair of weapons matched the roar of their siblings. 30 seconds later, the first pair would silence themselves for their patterned 30-second cooldown before reactivating themselves. In this manner, two of the massive weapons on each battleship maintained a constant siege of the Primeval capital ships' hanger exits.

The rest of the Mandalorian fleet was not gentile. Every gun on every ship opened fire upon the Primeval warships. Flak batteries and point defense lasers on each of the ships barked out at the seven warheads. The guns of the two Krayt-class Light Cruiser were specifically designed for shooting down starfighters and missiles, their effect was tremendous. More impressively, however, were the effects of the Jahaatir-class Electronic Warfare Frigates. With only seven missiles fired and three such ships available, each was able to focus their Sensor Scrambling Turrets and EM Field Generator Turrets upon the incoming missiles. Most were disabled long before point defense lasers or flak cannons could find their mark. The few that had escaped the effects of the electronic warfare frigates found themselves quick prey to the point defense systems of the surrounding ships.

Not a single missile of such a small barrage would find its mark this day.

"I want maximum jamming effect focused on the four largest ships." Larraq said as he watched the display. "I want Tegaanalir Patrol Ships adding what they can, as safely as they can. Keep the Ulur'uur Frigates to the rear and working at full capacity. I want to know if anything escapes our cordon. If it does, The Haran'uliik and Nebula are to run it down with fighter escorts."

The light star destroyers cloaked after jumping, they're stealth in design not just from cloaking -- so they're already difficult to detect due to the low-profile signatures given off by the ships in general, they cloaked the moment they left hyperspace. I mean if someone was smart enough they'd probably tell it was cloaking, but it'd be difficult if not near impossible to notice the precise size of the vessel let alone its specs or class.

Flak was one of the few effective methods at taking out a HELIX warhead, however the long-range weapons do not need to get close to the enemy to do damage per their design. Instead a fifty megaton reaction charged twenty laser emitters in a single glorious burst of energy. The X-Ray beams were invisible to the naked eye and spread in a 90-degree blast forward and more pinpoint from the center, akin to being attacked by long-range turbolasers. The volley made its way towards the fleet cluster, although they did rely on their own sensors in a sense of the matter an overload wasn't much to worry about as the one-shot weapons were less about accuracy and more about carnage. Having had a reading of their location initially, it wasn't difficult to launch the warheads accordingly in an attack. That wasn't to say nothing the enemy did had no effect, their countermeasures and flak managed to destroy two of the seven before they managed to do their job. Whether the attack made it at all was still unknown.

As for the enemy battleships, that was more or less an oversight. The flak prevented their fighters from launching indeed, the Permanence-class Battleships would return fire with volleys of turbolasers and ion blasts. The accuracy again was hindered from the electronic warfare, forcing them to rely on the sheer amount of firepower to score a hit.

For now the Mandalorians were at an offensive advantage, which was to say the least an unexpected maneuver.

[member="Captain Larraq"]
[member="Catalys Maijora"]

I'm not sure how familiar you are with PvP writing, but it's up to the defensive writer to determine what offensive attacks land or dont land. Missiles, once fired, are no longer up to the offensive writer to dictate control of. If the defensive writer says that all of the missiles were shot down, then they were all shot down. Auto-calling what your missiles do or do not do is highly frowned upon, and I'll have to ask you not to do it again. Also, for the record, 7 missiles is hardly enough to force your way through the defensive capabilities of 14 capital ships. And you failed to account for the guidance jamming and EMP Field effects that were directed towards the warheads. If you'll read the submission for the Attrition, you'll see that these missiles are highly vulnerable to Ewar... And you're currently being hit harder by Ewar than anyone in the history of SW Chaos has ever been hit by Electronic Warfare.

This one time, I'll let it slide. You want the weapons to detonate at a far enough range to not be bothered by point defense? That's fine. But please understand that the scattering of lasers will be thin enough to be highly negligible by pretty much everything.

Also, if you wish for your light star destroyers to "cloak after jumping" that would mean that they would need to cloak after arriving in local space from hyperspace. Meaning after they had already been seen by the Mandalorian forces that you appeared from hyperspace directly in front of. If you have any further questions about how these cloaked vessels function, I suggest you contact the submitting writer and ask him these questions. Jon is a highly knowledgeable writer and will be more than glad to help you learn how to effectively utilize them. In the meantime, however, my fleet is more than capable of spotting your ships thanks totheir weakness to magnetic and electromagnetic sensors, as well as due to the hyperspace signature they created when returning to realspace in front of my fleet. In addition to this, the flak created by the Vulcan Cannons would be effecting the shields of these ships, cloaked or not. If the ship is cloaked, a hollow void in space will appear where Flak is obstructed.

"Another drawback common to both was that a cloaked ship could be tracked was by the ship's magnetic signature. This tactic, used mostly by Separatist commander Admiral Trench, allowed tracking torpedoes to be fired and follow the ship even if it was cloaked."

"Get us moving." Rygel Larraq ordered as the enemy ships opened fire with scattered weaponry. "Maneuvering thrusters only. Keep us pointed at the enemy." Larraq added. He wanted to keep the Battleships moving, but wanted as many guns as possible pointed at the enemy craft. The faster his moved, the harder of a target his ships would become. Which would be massively compounded by the jamming systems currently being utilized against the primeval fleet. The full weight of fire of his fleet weighed down upon that of the Primeval. On the forward holoprojector, status displayed showed a dip in shield strength across most of the Mandalorian capital ships from the burst of laser fire. Thankfully, the long range of the attack and the scattered nature of the weapons prevented them from being more effective.

"I want a third of our fighters and bombers to flank around behind the enemy formation." Larraq said as he watched the display with a practiced eye. "Bring Tegaanalir to disrupt their point defense systems. When everything's in position, I want bombs and warheads launched up their ion drives."

The holoprojector showed Larraq that three of the enemy craft were trying to cloak. Two light star destroyers and a corvette were attempting to hide from visual sensors, but had been pinpointed by the pair of Ulur'uur Frigate's Hyperwave Sensors when the six ships had exited hyperspace and were being tracked by the Ulur'uur Frigate's DER Sensors. Up until now, the smaller ships had been all but ignored by the Mandalorian fleet as the Nebula Corvettes and Haran'uliik stayed back. "Order Fast-Cav One to engage hostile Corvettes." Larraq ordered. "Make sure they target the one that's trying to cloak first."

The three smaller ships began separating themselves from the rest of the primary formation while the Vulcan Cannon of the Haran'uliik charged up and prepared to fire.
His ships were taking too much of a beating, having had the positioning advantage. Catalys watched as the ships exchanged fire, although the electronic warfare was becoming too much of a nuisance for them to deliver a desirable amount of firepower.

"Reports in, they've hit the Mendacity." An officer relayed the news. In space the Mendacity-class frigate took an undesirable hit as it maneuvered itself into the defensive pocket in an effort to protect the penumbra, one of its proton torpedo launchers was permanently disabled for the duration of the fight. "Then do something, we can't just sit here and wait for our ships to keel over." He spoke plainly, the lack of concern in his tone was unsettling for the green personnel aboard the warship's command deck.

More HELIX warheads were launched, this time at the battleships pinning their hangars. A total of twelve warheads from each of the Light Star Destroyers were sent out whilst the Permanence-class Battleships tried to tank what firepower they could, space was too damn big and firepower tended to spread too much for their own good. Still their batteries fired against the enemy regardless of how screwy things have become for their targeting capabilities.

(OOC: Sorry for the delay, for some reason I thought I had already replied!)

[member="Captain Larraq"]

Cedric Dorn

Location: Between Two Fleets
Allies: [member="Catalys Maijora"]
Enemies: [member="Captain Larraq"]
Objective: Board

Cedric stood quietly in the small cockpit of the cloaked boarding ship, his rebreather cutting into his face and the airtight helmet he wore sealed around that. His muscles twitched, the red skinless visage shifting slightly as he slowly watched the fleet battle unfold before him.

The Sekairo transport drifted, cloaked, towards the fleets. No doubt they were watching for cloaked ships, but ones of a much larger variety. The Stygium cloaking device was in full effect, and the Sekairo was hidden from view. Contained within the belly of the transport were forty soliders. Though the ship usually only carried twenty, the lack of any other cargo or vehicles meant that more soldiers could be fit.

Of course it hardly mattered, they would die by the end of the day anyway.

“Sir. We're getting closer.”

Cedric looked down at the pilot, a scrawny man that he had pulled from the deck of one of the Attrition class star destroyers. He had been told he was a good pilot, but it was not something Cedric was familiar with. “No. Circle us around. I don't want them to see us coming.”

The fleet would hold their attention. A single stealth transport arching around the system would hardly be noticeable, especially if all eyes were on the battle itself, not the edge of the system.
Location: approaching from the rear of the Mandalorian fleet
Allies: [member="Captain Larraq"]
Enemies: [member="Cedric Dorn"] [member="Catalys Maijora"]
Objective: lend star fighter support, act as a secondary barrier against breaching orbital perimeter, take out any landing craft/star fighters/or add a missile barrage to capital ships
Ships: two squadrons of vhe'viin (24), one squadron of Kandossii bombers (12)

Muad Dib, Mad Knight of Mandalore, was leading a training exercise around the planet's moon. A simple flyby through ravines and valleys until they heard their comms crackle with the attacking fleet. Muad grinned as he heard the news.

Most would be worried because their home world was under attack. The fear of subjugation and loss of life would cripple most. But not the Mandalorians and certainly not Muad Dib.

"Hammer, Nail, and Spike squadrons form up and follow me. Manda'yaim calls and we answer!"

Muad, in a vhe'viin, shoved the throttle forward while pulling up on the stick. Roaring out of the valley Muad laughed as the thirty six fighters formed a loose ^ , the top of which was Hammer squadron with the other vhe'viin squadron, Nail, on the left and the bomber squadron Spike on the right.

"Nail squadron, you and flight one and two of Spike set up out here. Hammer this is leader, let's swat some flies. The flight you are designated Spike flight for now. Form up and follow us in."

As the star fighters approached the fleet from the rear Muad stretched out with the force and felt a darkness unseen on the radar approaching one of the Mando ships. Twitching the stick lightly in that direction Muad focused reaching out in the force. Then he felt it, a Darkside presence that echoed his own soul. He chuckled as he felt the points of light representing nearly fifty individuals.

"Sneaky. Hammers, this is leader. I'm sending you target data. Fire two missiles in this area and set your missiles to detonate on a ten meter proximity of anything. Spike flight, monitor and whatever lights up out there, light them up with two proton torpedoes each. Then Hammers, break by flights and conduct staffing runs on target with Spike flight firing on target once lock is acquired. Ready, MARK!"

At Muad's command the barrage of missiles were fired.


Code-Name: Creator
Sitting in a cantina as the attack began, was Kaitara Ordo. She heard the panic but wasn't sure what was going on. Kaitara was annoyed by the fact that she had to waste her time looking for what the panic was about. Knowing Mandolore, it probably isn't something nice. As Kaitara left, she put credits on her table for the tip. Kaitara was correct. It never is nice.It was an invasion. Kaitara saw a group of citizens far off to the left of her get shot by a missle. Every one of them... Dead.

Kaitara started to walk to her home. Another missle was shot behind her. She began to run. She reached home soon. There were fires everywhere outside. Inside Kaitara's home was a big closet... An armory. Inside there was traditional Mandolorian armor, covered in red paint. There was also a few large blaster rifles, vibroblades, and blaster pistols. Kaitara took the armor, a large blaster rifle, and a vibroblade.

There wasn't much I could do from the ground unless Kaitara shot her rifle right in the engine so I moved on to the military base. It was too late though. A ship found Kaitara. She quickly pulled out my blaster and aimed at the engine. She looked closely and shot. The ship fell and it crashed into a building. Well there was nothing she could do about it. When Kaitara reached the military base most of the ships were gone. Well that was too bad. It was just up to hope and skill to protect Mandolore.
Location: On a Boat
Allies: [member="Muad Dib"]
​Enemies: [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Cedric Dorn"]
Objective: Operation ****block

Larraq watched the battle play out in full, holographic glory as his fleet operated with precision and efficiency. The formation of two corvettes and a frigate, known as Fast-Cav One, had maneuvered to the left of the other frigates that made the center of the Mandalorian formation. Larraq watched as the three ships opened fire upon the two smallest Primeval ships. The primary Vulcan Mass Driver of the Haran'uliik Frigate barked out round after round of devastating flak rounds designed to shred ships of the Corvette class while the trio opened fire with a host of more traditional weaponry as well. On the far right flank, farther out than the right-most Keldabe Battleship, Larraq watched a swarm of contact icons reach the halfway point between their starting position and their goal. The fighter swarm he had ordered that way was made up of several different ships. Cabur and Beskad class starfighters, as well as Vhe'viin interceptors and Purudii fighters. With them were Naast Missile Boat, Kandosii Bombers, MMG-84S Gunships, and Cabur, Beskad, and Tegaanalir Patrol Ships all raced along the perimeter of the combat zone to find their way behind the Primeval Fleet while Larraq's Capital Ships continued to hammer the enemy forces with Electronic Warfare and more conventional weaponry.

Larraq could still feel the deck vibrating under the continuous barrage by the Keldabe Battleship's four Vulcan Mass Drivers and numerous other weapons. The vulcan weapons hosed space with shrapnel from massive flak rounds, rounds designed for shredding gunships and corvettes, but remarkably effective at shredding shields and known to cause sensor and tracking distortions due to the large amount of fast moving shrapnel it produced. Larraq's ships were calibrated to deal with the effects of the weapons. But since they had seen little use outside of his own fleets, there were few in the galaxy that would have reason to anticipate such a weapon. Larraq watched as the four Mandalorian Battleships drifted forward on maneuvering thrusters. It wasn't a fast advance on the enemy's flanks, but it slowly pulled the four corners of his formation around the enemy fleet like a closing hand. The battleships had not yet moved completely alongside the enemy fleet. At the start of this, they would have been at a 45-degree angle from the hostile fleet's point of view. Now, they were approaching the 55-60 degree marks as they slowly moved forward while keeping their prow pointed at the enemy.

Twenty-four contact icons raced forward from the enemy LSD's forward facing torpedo tubes. These small warheads would be directly in the area of effect of three conical distortion projectors aimed at the Primeval fleet by the three Jahaatir Electronic Warfare Frigates that were currently barraging the two light star destroyers and two battleships of the primeval fleet with a mix of specialized weapons, including the jamming beam projectors. Each of the Jahaatir Ewar Frigates carried four jamming beam projectors and a distortion projector. Each of the three ships was pointing one of its jamming beam projectors at each of the four largest primeval ships. Each jamming beam was, alone, capable of causing significant distortion to the sensors of a large star destroyer or command ship. Pointing three of them at a ship as small as a light star destroyer or a battleship was overkill, as was the addition of blanket coverage by the distortion projectors and their area of effect coverage.

As the twenty-four primeval warheads raced forward into this area of effect, they failed to appropriately acquire locks onto the four Mandalorian Battleships that were their intended targets. Instead, the twenty-four warheads arced and spiraled wildly in the void as they tracked the ghost signatures that were overwhelming their targeting systems. The mandalorian fleet's point defense turrets quickly prioritized targeting these warheads as quickly as possible, shooting down a good percentage of them. A full volley of EMP Detonation Missiles were volleyed from the three Jahaatir Frigates, each armed to detonate after the warhead had flown strait forward for a set period of time before detonating at a precisely planned distance from the warships themselves. The missiles were targeting the cluster of wildly moving HELIX warheads that the enemy fleet had launched, hoping to disable as many of them as possible. Seven of the warheads were shot down by the point defense of the Mandalorian fleet. A further four were disabled by the EMP effect of the missiles launched by the Jahaatir Frigates. The thirteen remaining warheads detonated at random locations between the two fleets, and pointed at random directions. The laser-effect of the warheads would cause as much friendly fire as it did damage to the enemy.

Larraq watched the display with a mixture of amusement and disappointment. <What is their commander thinking?> Larraq wondered to himself as he watched the movements of the Primeval fleet. Their sensors and targeting data would be an absolute mess, and yet they were firing advanced weapons that were highly vulnerable to electronic warfare at the obvious risk of damaging their own ships. The only logical course of action would have been to surrender and leave when the option had been provided, and yet the enemy commander had ordered a suicidal course of actions. Instead of opening fire with everything at their disposal and hoping to get a few good shots in before the enemy retaliated, the Primeval commander had ordered a single volley of seven warheads, not even 1/10th the total alpha-strike capacity for a ship as large as what they had brought. It was less of an opening attack and more like flipping off a cop. Just a bad idea.

Larraq sighed at the actions of whatever Primeval Commander had chosen to assault the heart of the Mandalorian people. He had heard great claims that the Primeval were a force to be reckoned with, and yet their navy was, apparently, made up of hand-me-down ships from halfway across the galaxy and commanded by fools that barely knew how to operate them. "Just put them out of their misery. Disable all missile guidance systems, set for timed detonation, and begin full volleys at the enemy fleet." Larraq ordered as he watched the battle unfold on the display in front of him. Even just one Jahaatir Frigate would have been enough to lock down the small Primeval Fleet, but Larraq was currently hitting them with three such vessels. All the same, random shots from the enemy ships were hitting the Battleships as well as the rest of the fleet in spite of the absurd amount of electronic warfare being pumped into them. Most of the fleet's ships had shown good shield stability until the AOE warheads of the Primeval Fleet had detonated, causing as much damage to the Primeval Fleet as it had to the Mandalorian one. Now, Larraq's ships were showing a dangerous dip in shield strength. Normally, Larraq would have ordered his ships to maneuver closer to the Primeval ships and activate their shield leech weapons, but with the enemy fleet under the effects of Ewar, closing with them would just make his ships an easier target. "We're not using the main thrusters. Divert power from there to shields." Larraq ordered. "And increase power draw from the reactors."

At his command, Larraq's battleships began adding their own warheads to the rest of the armament they were firing into the enemy fleet. Concussion Missiles were volleyed from mass-driver launchers, vastly increasing their velocity and reducing the time it took them to reach their target, as well as reducing the amount of time the enemy had to detect, identify, predict, and aim at the fast-moving warheads. Knowing that their own flak effects would likely shred the warheads if they simply targeted the center of the ships, where the flak cannons were currently focused on shredding the shields of the primeval capital ships and keeping the enemy from being able to safely launch starfighters or bombers, the Mandalorian battleships instead aimed their warheads at the prow or stern of the enemy ships, far enough away from the flak effect to avoid 'friendly fire' on their own missiles. On the forward holoprojector, volley after volley of tiny icons raced between his ships and the primeval fleet.

<They should have just surrendered and left.> Larraq thought to himself.

[member="Kaitara Ordo"]
(OOC: I think you got the wrong thread hun. Nobody's anywhere close to the surface of Mandalore in this thread. However, there is another skirmish on Mandalore in this thread where you should be able to engage in the ground battles / dueling going on.)

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