Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Riv'Stak the Lonely Lizard (WIP)


(He's the guy on the right)

NAME: Riv'Stak Hrek
RANK: N/A (He's an orphan, so he's not with the Crusade)
AGE: 18
SEX: Doesn't he wish... Lizards get no love.
HEIGHT: 7'10
WEIGHT: 100kg
EYES: Gold
SKIN: Blue-grey
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but undiscovered.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Killer Physique - Rivvy likes to exercise. Hiking, hunting, and working out have made him into a hunk of muscle, even for a Xanti.
(+) Ambidextrous - Just you try to disarm him... He'd laugh and switch hands

(+/-) Experimenting - He just loves to take guns apart, and try to make better ones. His success rate is about 50/50. When he succeeds, he can create something amazing. When he fails, it results in things going boom.

(-) Uber-Carnivorous - He really cannot function without eating some sort of meat.
(-) Hates hot weather - He needs the cold to function. Places like Tatooine are big no-no's without some kind of air conditioning.
(-) Bad eyesight - He usually wears goggles or spectacles to see. Most of his guns have sights on them, so he's okay.

Unlike the vast majority of his race, he tends to stand and walk totally erect, letting the full effect of his great height show. He tends to wear loose-fitting clothes with a lot of old rock logos and metallic bits.

Rivvy wasn't born anywhere near Moross space. It's unknown where he came from, or who his parents were. He was found in a shipment of Bormu steaks on Alderaan, most of which he had partially eaten. Of course, the lady who received the shipment was slightly surprised to see what looked like a frog with four jaws eating her delivery. This lady was Vassha Hrek, who took Rivvy in and soon found that the scaly frog-thing was actually a highly intelligent baby... something.

When Vassha sent Rivvy to school, at the age of five, he had the sad title of 'the scary kid'. On his first day of school, he ran out, hopping on the nearest speeder back home. He'd been talking to the only other student who had dared to approach him, a rather pretty girl who shared her teddy with him. When the teacher saw them playing together, she pointed them out as a good example to the class. But as soon as she turned around, a Nikto boy came over, took the teddy, and beat up both the girl and Rivvy.

Rivvy wouldn't give up, though. In two years, he became the class president, an amazing achievement for an seven year old in a school that included students up to fourteen years old. The girl, Naima, became like a sister to him, and they hung around in school, worked on projects together, and even drove together when they were learning. Eventually, Naima started dating, and she tried to find Rivvy dates, too.

Now, among Xanti, he would've been as irresistible as a Zeltron. But on Alderaan, even as popular as he and Naima were, a lot of girls couldn't help being scared out of their skins by the four-jawed lizard-man, no matter how good-looking he was otherwise. Rivvy was slightly disappointed at this, and instead started getting more into technology. He learned how to build a blaster, and he actually sold one of his first models to a guard captain, who soon became a close friend.

When Rivvy turned 18, he decided that he needed to see more of the galaxy. Maybe there were girls out there who wouldn't cringe when he talked. Or maybe even actually let him hold their hand. Naima actually bought him a little shuttle as a birthday gift, and he promised to come back when he finally had a real job and a girlfriend. So, here he is, prancing around the galaxy.


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