Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Rises the Moon


"My hands are yours for as long as you need them. I was only waiting for you to ask.”
- Sabé

Theed, Naboo
Three years ago...

Inara stepped sheepishly through the rubble as she repeated her mother’s instructions in her head: “Go to the market, ask for supplies, then come straight home.

Home. Her bottom lip trembled every time she thought of it. It lay partially in ruins, much like the desecrated street she was walking along. But worse than a broken home was a broken family. Her father…

She chewed her lip hard to bite back the pain.

Berenkos do not cry,’ Mother said with hypocritical tears streaking her cheeks.

Inara nodded to herself. She had a job to do - a big one - and she couldn’t let her family down. Her oldest brother was away during the disaster, but he’d come back home as soon as he heard the news. Her middle brother, Omar, was away from the Berenko estate, somewhere in the city. He didn’t speak of how he survived the early hours of the night, and Inara was too fearful to ask.

All she knew was that they were together now, in Theed. Each of them doing their part to keep the family safe and fed.

Inara rounded the next corner, stepping off the main street and into a courtyard that had been set up for civilian relief. Supplies from the less impacted areas of Naboo were being flown in every few hours, but people were desperate; Young Inara had gotten here early, before the next transport, in hopes of getting a better choice of supplies.

She looked with intelligent eyes at the stands and tables, unsure of where to start or what exactly to grab.

- Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

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He was quiet when he first heard the news.

About Naboo, Theed, his father. Then came came the sadness almost as immediately as the quiet hit him. A few tears rolled down his cheek and he didn't wipe them away the trail leaving an invisible stain upon his skin. His father in the medical bay in a small coma of sorts. He should've been there, he should've been beside him. It was always him out of the family that was on the front lines on the ground. Mother was always the same but in the sky, and he seemed to have other matter to deal with. Reading, staying close to the library, having fun and being a kid.

He had never seen the likes of what he saw that day. The horrors of war, he heard the whispers about it. Still, it was something that he had never seen before.

The padawan needed to though, the young boy needed to see it.


A few days or maybe weeks had passed, everything had blurred together. His father was awake now, and he made his apologies for how he had been, however his father being as he was dismissed them. Stating that he had nothing to be sorry about, this is life and this is the path of the Jedi. Defenders of Peace and Justice in the galaxy.

Aiden was assisting daily task around Theed. He was up early in the morning till the moon began to show. He was handing out food supplies, water, necessities and such.

There was a young girl, several years younger than him it seemed. He showed her a small smile, hopeful, yet still stained with some sadness.

"Don't be afraid." He said as he handed her a box. "There's other stuff here too you can take." Aiden turned to grab some more items and began to stock another box as others were doing.

"If you need anything else, just come back. They should be brining in more medical supplies in the next few hours."

Kalantha Kalantha


"My hands are yours for as long as you need them. I was only waiting for you to ask.”
- Sabé

Theed, Naboo
Three years ago...

The young noble looked to the older boy with uncertainty, though she stepped closer anyway to accept the parcel.

Th-thank you,” Inara said, her tiny voice still shaky from the reality surrounding her. She remembered her manners, though, just as Papa taught her.

Eyes straight, chin up, voice clear,’ he would tell her.

The memories had came and went often since he died. She could go hours without thinking of him, her focused demanded by the new life her family was forced to live. But the image of his kind features and warm voice always came back, and when it did, her bottom lip quivered.

Her hands were wrapped around the box of supplies, but she hadn’t pulled it from the boy yet. She held it gingerly as she looked to him. He had kind eyes and a presence that felt so naturally calming. After a brief moment there, she blinked, pulling the box and stepping back.

She’d already thanked him, but she felt there was more she needed to say.

It’s kind of you to help us,” she observed.

My family is grateful.

- Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Kalantha Kalantha

"It's no problem at all. I feel like I'm not doing enough actually." In truth, the padawan was indeed tired, he had slept only a few hours each day since his return. He was more so worried about everyone else, trying to give a reassuring word or gesture towards those that seemed affected by it.

"Please, you don't have to thank me. I just wish I could do more, but....." His thoughts lingered on his father for a brief moment before his mind snapped back to what was going on now. And which a small smile returned to his face and he bowed his head slightly towards the girl.

He stepped forward towards her and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Things look grim now, but if you see everyone here. Coming together to help, that's hope. As long as there is always hope, darkness will not linger for long."

Hope came from the heart, its what brought light out the most. That is what he believed in, hope was the strongest of feelings when it came to being a Jedi.

He withdrew his hand taking a step back and giving a small bow of his head towards the girl.

"My name is Aiden Porte." He said with a warm smile.


"My hands are yours for as long as you need them. I was only waiting for you to ask.”
- Sabé

Theed, Naboo
Three years ago...

She smiled back, if a bit shyly.

"I'm Inara," she told him. "Inara Berenko, of House Berenko."

The words threatened to catch in her throat. Mentioning her family name only served to remind her of everything her family had lost. But something about Aiden's smile was comforting. His bow delighted her, making her almost forget the rubble and ash surrounding them. Inara returned with a shallow curtsy of her own before looking around. She tried to find hope in their reality.

"Maybe things will be better if we help each other," the girl suggested.
- Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Kalantha Kalantha

"Inara Berenko, of House Berenko.

"It's an honor to meet you , Inara." Aiden spoke still with a smile on his face, as he glanced back towards the line, he would have to get back to work shortly and he did not want to hold Inara up. "Helping each other is the only way to get through this." The padawan cleared his throat as he bowed his head again.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Inara. I'll be here most of the day. If you would like to come back and help, or perhaps we can talk a walk afterwards, talk more about hope." Aiden's senses weren't the most attuned in the world, as he was just a padawan. However he sensed a hint of sorrow from her. He couldn't pinpoint it exactly but she seemed sad.

Aiden nodded his head towards her with a smile as he heard his name call him back into the task that he was currently doing.

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