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[Rise of the Crime Lords] - The Dark Dawn


Well-Known Member


The Crown Prime Casino

One of my favourite places to stay away from home... huh. Home. I had lived on Dohmus Prime for a while now, but up until now I hadn't ever considered it truly such. It had always been my base of operations, my secret hideaway... but yes, I realised as I lounged in the VIP section that... it indeed was, finally, truly, my home. I liked Dohmus Prime. More than just a planet to use, I felt like it was a mirror of myself in a way; tucked away, hidden, not special on the surface, but with secrets hidden within.

And, like Dohmus Prime, I had come so far in relatively little time. Alliances had been forged, and more presenting themselves every day. Not that I would presume to take all the credit. I am well aware that I stand--well, sit--on the shoulders of giants. The VIP section was quiet, having been cleared out for this most important of meetings. Security had been tightened, staff checked and re-checked. I had even taken the time to personally meet them all, so that should a face appear to serve drinks that I did not recognise, I would know straight away.

They had been told that it was a security drill, those who had pressed had been fed false rumours that we suspected a mole.

I was taking precisely no chances.

There was a glass held poised in my fingers, sparkling crystal glinting in the soft mood lighting. However, the chinking ice cubes cooled only water as I awaited my guests, reclining in one of the fine seats. It was... something to keep my hands busy, mostly. I needed a most level head tonight; this was a most important meeting, after all.

The Dawn of a new era, some might say.


Yijun Tung

Location: The Crown Prime Casino
Attire: Custom HH Tang Suit

Weaponry: LCR-45LC Revolver (located in a P-SERIES harness under left arm)
Tags: [member="Ahtemis"]


Tung had been eager for this moment since the whispers first found their way to his ears. He had toiled on the possibilities; the potential risks and rewards of such a grand idea, for many nights leading up to this meeting. Defining opportunities like this were few and far between... moments that could mark your downfall, or your name being remembered throughout history. He was honoured to be entrusted with such a pivotal role by the Oyabun and he did not intend to disappoint.

As the unmarked armoured speeder pulls up to the stairway of the main entrance Tung can't help but find himself taken aback by the awe-inspiring display of lights. They reminded him of home in the narrow corridors of Xiaolangzhèn, playing under the neon lights of Nai Shì as a boy. He smiles at the now distant memory, momentarily humbled as the colours pierce the tinted glass and cover his face. It was only fitting that here, where his future may be defined, he would be reminded of where he had come from.

"Sir, this is as close as we can take you," a suited man speaks back to him from the front passenger seat, breaking him from his thoughts. Tung nods and straightens himself in his seat "This will do, Orito. I can take it from here." The men in the front glance to eachother, visibly uncomfortable with the situation, but do not say anything to protest. The back door opens and Tung steps out onto the crowded sidewalk, giving a watchful eye to those who pass too closely or let their attention linger for too long. Satisfied, he r
aises a hand to dismiss his ride without a glance back and begins his way casually up the stairs to enter.

The situation was thrilling, but only a fool would not hold some reserve. Criminals are criminals, after all.
Location: The Crown Prince Casino
Weapons: Blaster Pistol, Lightsaber
Nearby: [member="Yijun Tung"] [member="Ahtemis"]

Adrian Dyson, a name not really known upon arriving at the Casino. Yet he was here as part of his shadowy master's plans. Weeks ago he encountered a dark force user, a man named Kyrel who had seen him when he was at his lowest. Just someone who had wandered the galaxy aimlessly since the fall of the original black sun. It took persuasion and the opening of powers he never thought he had before. To make him see that he was destined to carve his own path in the galaxy. On behalf of that man, he would be setting up the pieces of the board that was the galaxy. With Empires and Republics reigning for too long within the galaxy. It was time for the Criminal Underworld to rise as something that would rival the major factions.

He knew, remembered during a time when the Black Sun was in power when it was forced to be reckoned with. Not even the Republic, nor the Sith could know what to make of the crime syndicate taking control of Hutt space. Such things did not last, the fall began as quick as the rise, and in the end, Adrian lost a limb and an eye because of it. He was almost dead by the time the fighting ended. Kyrel's first order was to dispatch the old remnants of Black Sun, and with resources that he would make sure Adrian would have all that he needed to bring back Black Sun into power.

Walking up the main entrance into the casino, being pat down for what he had and to have his VIP pass scanned and ready. He remembered the last conversation with his dark master. He was told that in order for Black Sun to rise again it needed to follow a similar path that it did during the Clone Wars. Adrian remembered a little of the forgotten histories. How Black Sun was under the control of a Sith Lord, then used to be a part of a larger criminal collective that included the Pyke Syndicates and the Hutt Cartel. Black Sun would go through a similar rebirth with the meeting he had or at least Kyrel had planned with the contacts he knew of, and how Kyrel knew that Adrian had no idea.

Adrian only knew that a collective of the criminal underworld would perhaps be an unforeseen and disastrous consequence to the galaxy following the Great Galactic War. Approaching the stairs to which made his way slowly to the VIP room, he fixed his coat as he stared at a woman to which he assumed was one of the contacts. Taking a seat at a table, he waited patiently for others that might come before giving the woman a nod of respect.

Generic Fill In Account #1

Things always had a way of making themselves flow in directions forever changing.
At least that is how it all felt to Kurjak.
For several months now the pieces had been moving in his slow and now successful takeover of the Crimson Dawn remnants, of course he still had some smaller parties to remove or re-establish but for the most part the control over the Syndicate was completely and utterly his. This alone gave him cause for celebration, a humour that could as always be waited upon.

The Crown Prince Casino was the meaning of this delay, or more so the people who had made their way within it. A secret established gathering that would allow for them, and Kurjak especially to regain some form of symbolism within the Galactic Underworld. He did not know who they were, nor would they truly know him, such was the way of Galactic under-handing.

As always he had travelled with several of his Hylobon Enforcers, each of which had found their own places to be once within the relative safety of the Casino itself, their presence alone put the crime lord at ease, each one more then capable of assuring his protection as well as necessary intentions if it came to it.

For Kurjak however the destination would be the illusive VIP quarters, a place where anything and everything could be spoken, shared and even traded with little to no hesitation of repercussions beyond it’s locked doors. Then again it could also be a trap, a place where they had been gathered by another who wanted power and place. He would just have to see where it went.

Entering the room the large Devaronian would be sure he had eyes on him. After all not everybody knew that the Crimson Dawn were on the rise again, lesser few knew that they had whittled away into the shadows of nothing before he pried them from the dirt. To many he would just be Kurjak, owner of a transportation company out of Denon.

…Then again this room was not full of the many and the everybody in the galaxy.

[member="Adrian Dyson"] [member="Yijun Tung"] [member="Ahtemis"]


Well-Known Member
Three men.

Three men entered the VIP area. Staff would bring them as close as the outer door, but no closer. The staff I had within this area did not leave. Call me paranoid, but when you work with the sort of power I work with, that label is a small price for a little security. And oh, there was significant power here. It wasn't an attack from my compatriots that I feared, oh no. The four of us were well beyond that. We were about to be united, to bring our individual powers together. That was a scary thing.

That was what had me paranoid.

Up until now, we had collectively stayed more or less under the radar. Sure, we had caused trouble here and there, but alone none of us could threaten the galaxy as a whole. However... that was all about to change.

I rose from my seat as each of them entered, giving them the low nod and slight bow of an equal. Two humans and a Devaronian. I'd spoken with each of them over the holonet at least briefly, and on the outside I maintained my composure as the Donna of the Family. Within, however, hopefully suppressed by my force power, my heart leapt. Three of the most powerful men in the underworld had just walked into a room I had made sure would not be disturbed. One's mind does tend to wander when one gets nervous.

As per usual, my face was obscure by the black hat I wore, matching the slinky black gown well enough to be pulled off in a fashion sense, but certainly an overt statement to say the least. However, once all the men had entered, I made a point to remove it, placing it upon the arm rest of the chair in which I again reclined. Whether they were aware or not, it was quite a significant gesture on my part; extending a vulnerability to them, which I hoped would indicate my sincerity in the talks to come. Not even my staff saw me without the archaic way I protected my identity.

"Gentlemen," I began with a purr, "thank you all for coming. Please, the top shelf is open, have whatever you like."

I raised a hand, gesturing with luxurious nonchalance. Yes, I had turned the charm up high, picking a gown with a slit and a plunging neckline, even going so far as to brush my collarbone with my other hand. It wasn't intentional, not completely, but rather, a defensive mechanism. So much so that I barely even knew I was doing it anymore. In our business you had to be either too powerful to be killed... or too beautiful. Being slender and lither, I would never be the former... so I had to be the latter.

"I trust you had no issues arriving?"

[member="Kurjak"] | [member="Adrian Dyson "]| [member="Yijun Tung"]​

Yijun Tung

Tung looks between those present in the room with reserved scrutiny as they’re brought into the meeting room. The tension in the air was undeniable. Four individuals, each representing power and authority in the Galaxy's underworld, all gathered in one place. Each one ready to pounce the moment something felt off. Heart-rates were up and yet everyone appeared calm. True professionals.

Unfortunately, the Atrisian knew very little about those he was meeting with. While he was aware this put him at a disadvantage, he would never admit to it. He had heard the Devaronian's name before. [member="Kurjak"]. Gokudō informants had mentioned that gangsters using the 'Crimson Dawn' moniker had started popping up, but at the time he thought nothing of it. People tried to piggy-backed on the reputations of legendary groups all the time. It was nothing special. But to see him here now, well, he’d admit he had underestimated their intentions. But Crimson Dawn was not the only name rising from the dead.

The Black Suns. One of, if not, the most notorious criminal enterprise that history had ever seen. The name [member="Adrian Dyson "]meant nothing to him, but the fables and practices of the illustrious Suns were known by any credible person who dared take reigns in the underworld. If Adrian had some sort of connection to the group-that-was, he would be shown Tung’s respect.

After shuffling his sight between the two, his attention falls on the elegantly dressed woman in the room. Tung knew of the Family's enigmatic leader through their alliance with the Gokudō, of course, but he had never been personally introduced. She was everything the rumours had suggested, but only a fool would think there was no bite behind such beauty.

Taking a position at the table, Tung gives [member="Ahtemis"] a standing bow “It is an honour to finally meet you, Madame. Fortunately, I did not have no have to travel far.” There is the hint of a Xiaolang accent in his voice, though it appears to be mostly erased. Raising his head, he turns to regard the other two with a kind smile. “Mr. Kurjak, Mr. Dyson,” he dips his head politely as he says each name, then unbuttons his red blazer to take a seat “I am Mr. Yijun of the Tsukasa Gokudō. But please, as a gesture of our imminent partnership, call me Tung.
Adrian was here for a purpose, originally beginning as instructions from his dark master to reshape the Criminal Underworld. He had his own designs in mind for what would come to pass. He emerged in a luxurious conference room of sorts, what appeared was an elegantly dressed woman as well. The other two individuals that he had come to recognize were both a Devaronian and a Human-like him, but the human, of course, was Atrisian from what he could guess. Recently heard from the grapevine that such the world belonged to the First Imperials now. Yet he did hear of outlaws and criminals who operated into a highly structured criminal organization. Filled with codes and rules, to them crime was not just a way of life but there was a certain level of honor to it. He could respect that.

Walking over to the bar, he grabbed himself a bottle of Corellian Whiskey and poured himself a glass. Drinking the burning liquid slowly, he eyed the three beings, one he could feel in the Force which was the woman that had called them here. He knew of the Family of course, a crime family that had emerged during the chaos of the Galactic War that had gripped the galaxy. Only to emerge as perhaps the driving force in the Underworld with the Gokuddo not falling too far from behind. Now with the planned revival of Black Sun. It was time for the underworld to rise and take it's placed once more in the galaxy.

As Yijin introduced himself, Dyson followed suit with giving a nod of respect. His cybernetic eye focused on him as he took his seat at the table. Eyeing him, and the Devonian as well as the woman who summoned him here, by which was beautiful of course, but underneath that all he could do was think of what lied underneath the surface. How deadly she must have been. He spoke his core world accent showing mixed with the rough tone of what would be found in the Outer Rim. "Greetings Mr. Kurjak, Mr. Tung. Madame.. No there were no issues, given the galaxy is still undergoing the aftermath of the recent Galactic War... The time for business has never been better." Looking at the woman sitting at the head of the table. "I believe there is a purpose here?" He said directing his question to the woman who had summoned them. Curious to see why they were here.

[member="Yijun Tung"]



Generic Fill In Account #1

Where others took there time in measuring each of the respective crime lords within the room Kurjak instead simply walked to the bar and had himself a single serve of Alderaanian Black Wine. It was a fine blend that he had established a taste for recently after he acquired a bottle from the safe house of Talas Vermont, one of the last remaining high lords of the Crimson Dawn. He still to this day said the first glass had tasted better then the many that followed, but had put it down to the blood that was also covering everything he touched thanks to Mr Vermonts ability to bleed continuously for far longer then he had anticipated.

It was with this glass that he would return to the table, set it down upon the surface and unfasten the neck clasping of his robe, the thick green material fell away and was placed, with a certain grace across the back of his chair allowing the reveal of the finest tunic, laced in golden patterns that depicted several maps of various systems in the galaxy. As the lace matched the tunic in colour it was hard to make them out at first, but the fine hand that it had taken to make them, it would have taken years upon years of craftmanship. He finally took a seat and allowed the introductions to be made.

There was three others, each representing something, be it a syndicate or a fresh and potential rise in the galaxy and each had the same thing on their mind. Power. There was no need to lie about it, for they all wanted it, they all craved it. They just had to take it.
“I am honoured to meet each of you.” he would finally say, his voice like silk as it flowed from his fanged mouth, honey sent forth to lure in the butterflies. “The road was long, but the trip was productive to say the least.” He thought back, the body of Alberstan, one of the more illusive Crimson Dawn drug runners still lay warm on the floor of his hold, another speed bump in Kurjak’s complete control of the syndicate. “I trust that I find you all well and enjoying the fruits of the galaxies current state.”

[member="Adrian Dyson "]| [member="Yijun Tung"] | [member="Ahtemis"]


Well-Known Member
"Tung," I gave the man a nod, "Mr. Dyson, Kurjak. You can call me Ahtemis."

I let out a soft sigh, doing my best to ensure that my nerves were kept in check. Oh yes, I was a crime lord, just like those present. Perhaps even equal in power by now. But only a fool would enter such a room as this without a healthy dose of fear. I made sure each of them were comfortable and seen to by the single staff member present. Oh how there would be an uproar if the galaxy at large was aware that such a meeting was taking place. I couldn't help but let a soft smile curl at the corners of my mouth at Kurjak's comment. The galaxy's current state indeed.

Turning from him to Adrian and Tung, I rose from my seat,

"To business, then?" I began, again turning to Adrian to meet his gaze. "We are all in possession of quite a number of assets. Each of us run a very powerful group of very dangerous individuals. Mr. Dyson, I believe it was your intention to bring us all together to discuss... an alliance?"

There was something about speaking it out loud that gave me pause. Suddenly it made it real, like the first time a pair give in to fervent lust or the first time you say I love you. I fought the urge to glance around me as I spoke, as if the Silver Jedi or some other do-gooder order might leap from the shadows the moment we voiced our intentions. Quelling my thoughts, I drew in a breath and raised a hand delicately to gesture towards Adrian himself,

"Mr. Dyson," I purred, "if you please?"

[member="Kurjak"] | [member="Adrian Dyson "]| [member="Yijun Tung"]​

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