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Rina Bal'el

Name: Rina Bal'el
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
Rank: Apprentice
Force Sensitive: Yes
Homeworld: Kiffu
Species: Kiffar

Strengths & Weaknesses:
[+]Nature: Though Rina is neither a Master of the Force nor a traditionally educated noble, she has spent most of her life being groomed to assist her Clan in the interaction of tribes. She is the daughter of the Chief, and thus has earned a respected place among her people. She is an excellent negotiator, holding both a kindness and sternness that most would seek in their politicians. She holds a certain cleverness, never allowing the solutions proposed to her to be the only ones she has to pick one. Though in a greater galaxy her skills may not hold up as well as they do within Kiffu's tribal society, Rina could absolutely grow into a fine politician.

[+]Memories: Like some others of her species Rina is blessed with the gift of the force, a gift that translates particularly into the Kiffar heritage of Psychometry. Though it is hardly her only skill within the force, it is her own trained one. She is capable of seeing the history of objects, both recent an old, spotting both faded memories and deeply ingrained ones. It is a skill that has helped her throughout her life and time as a negotiator for her Clan, allowing her a certain edge over those she meets wit

[-]Naive: Rina isn't a child, she doesn't think of people as 'Good' or 'Bad' but she doesn't have the same amount of knowledge about the greater galaxy that someone more wordly might have. She is ignorant of a great many things, particularly galactic politics. She is unsure of the relations between many worlds, and the dealings of Sith and Jedi confuddle her more than anything else. She isn't a fool, but she simply doesn't have the knowledge base that others have. Though this will diminish in time, it is easy to say that for now Rina is at a great disadvantage when dealing with most off-worlders, particularly those of ill-intent.

[-]Thalassophobia: Due to a childhood incident, Rina has a great fear of open waters, particularly oceans. When she was twelve, Rina nearly drowned within a lake on the southern edge of Kiffu's Azurbani Mountains. She fell into the waters from her fathers boat, and not knowing how to swim nearly drowned. Though her brother quickly came to her rescue, Rina has had a fear of open waters ever since. She is capable of standing at the edge of a beach, but wading into the waters terrifies her, a trip to a world like Manaan or Dac would likely cause her great stress and anxiety, and sitting on a boat in the middle of the lake would likely make her unable to function very well at all.


Rina by all accounts is a picturesque image of what one might expect from the daughter of a tribal chief of Kiffu. Though she herself does not lead the Clan, she holds the appearance of a leader while at the same time maintaining an edge of her heritage.

She carries herself with a regal and lofty bearing, back straight, shoulders squared, and chin up. The way she walked denotes a confidence, as if she knows something that nobody else does. Her raven hair is tightly knotted on the back of her head, half flowing free as spikes of Aurodium are carefully woven throughout it, as if weaving an odd sort of crown of horns within her hair. Unlike others of her tribe, her qukuuf, or the tribal that tattoos that mark a Kiffar's clan, are scattered all over her face and down her neck. Instead of thin slight lines Rina's qukuuf stretch and carve into her face, a mark of her devotion to the Clan.

Despite this odd, Tribal appearance Rina still manages to hold the respect of outsiders.

Though she dresses as other women in the clan would, there are slashes of modern culture dashed throughout her wardrobe, giving her a more accessible appearance than many of her clan. This was a conscious choice that Rina chose to make when her Clan began to expand within Kiffu's southern Hemisphere, allowing her to negotiate not only with other Tribes, but also outsiders such as the Galactic Alliance and those who would come to Kiffu.



Rina is the daughter of the Chief of Clan Bal'el.

Kiffu has long since been a planet that most considered neither noteworthy, nor of any real concern. It's moon, Kiffex, has long been used a prison to house even the worst of the galaxies criminals, but aside from this, the world has been mostly left alone by the galaxy at large. There is nothing of real note on Kiffu, save for the mass of Energy Spiders that have been imported over the centuries, yet even those have fallen to irregardless. As such most of Kiffu has simply...lived. There have been no great wars fought on Kiffu, no massive battles, no earth shattering events like have unfolded on Empress Teta, Alderaan, or Atrisia.

The people of Kiffu have lived in relative peace over the years after the Gulag Plague, falling from the control of the Protectorate to the Alliance and never experiencing any great change that would see the tides of their world change for the better or worse. It is thus, that the Clans of Kiffu have survived, continually fighting and grating against one another over the last few decades.

One of these is Clan Bal'el.

Though not as lofty as Clan Vos or Vel, Bal'el has existed in one form or another for centuries.

Dwelling within the icy hemisphere of Kiffu's southern regions Bal'el has survived mostly through traditional means. Their territory never stretched beyond comfortable mountain regions and others left them mostly alone. They made their living through the harvesting of Energy Spiders, trading traditional medicines from the spice that would otherwise have bee sold on the black markets. The people of Bal'el made a comfortable living and were generally regarded with warmth from the other Tribes on Kiffu. They sought no quarrel with anyone, staying within the south and happily living their lives in more traditional means.

Unlike other Clans, members of Bal'el have not often wandered off-world. Until recently they have been decidedly isolated, either thinking themselves better than others or simply remaining happy to be alone.

This self imposed isolationism changed with the arrival of Rina's father as Chief.

Though the Clan was happy in their isolated sector of the world, a problem had slowly been brewing. With the fading winds of time, and pressure from the other Clans, Bal'el had slowly begun to shrink in size. People died, abandoned the Clan, or left due to a hundred other reasons, and as time grew on the clan became smaller and smaller. Eventually Rina's father was chosen as the new chief of the clan, selected to lead Bal'el into a new era. His actions were swift, harsh by some measure, but necessary to keep the Clan alive. Within a matter of weeks Clan Bal'el expanded it's reach within the south.

The Clan annexed other tribes, took land, created new trade policies, growing it's powerbase and increasing its strength. Within a decade Clan Bal'el began to rival even Clan Vos in size, seizing upon the rise of the Galactic Alliance an opportunities with off-worlders. Clan Bal'el utilized its control of many energy spider dwellings to leverage trade for weapons, supplies, and anything else they might need.

Now holding a more firm position, Clan Bal'el seeks to improve it's status both on Kiffu, and in the greater galaxy.

To accomplish this goal the Chief of clan Bal'el sends his daughter Rina into the galaxy at large, to learn the ways of the galaxy, make new allies, and forge new ties.

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