Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Right Hand... Women?

Sitting in one of the seedier bars in Terra, Judas sat waiting for his appointment with someone that he hoped could become his right hand. He couldn't trust the ones that had been Shadow agents before he came along, he needed someone that wouldn't follow him blindly. Someone that would have his back, and call him out on his mistakes at the same time. If this person showed themselves worthy he would have himself a new right hand. Terra was a city filled with all the vices a man or women could ever want. Spice dealers littered the streets, and prostitutes wandered them aimlessly hoping to find a client. It all made Judas sick, how could people become like that. Giving in to their more primal emotions, they were almost like animals.

Judas though had made himself known around these parts and had even made deals with the local dealers that wanted to make sure none of the Shadow agents interfered with their business. He had become something of a local figure that the criminals came to for advice, and they even welcomed him into their circle. If only they knew what he had planned for them. A smile touched the mans lips as he took a sip from his wine and looking towards the door. Judas' suit was black with a white undershirt. He was hands down the most dressed up person in the bar and his hair was neatly combed only his scarred eye showing.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
Bree came in dressed in the soft gauzy material that flowed effortlessly with each movement of her form. Her eyes quickly darted about the room until they rested upon the person she believed she was looking for. Ever since [member="Tiberius Rex"] had disappeared she had felt disconnected she knew she should go and speak with [member="The Shadow King"] but could not bring herself to know the true reasons he was gone.

She had placed so many hopes and dreams she closed her eyes for a moment letting the emotions roll through her and then radiate away from the crowds. She did not want anyone having to share the sad emotions that she felt. As a zeltron she tried to always make sure everyone felt good and that was done through practice and control of her natural talents.

She walked slowly towards the table she could feel eyes on her it was something that happened when she came in. He was well dressed, calm she inched closer with each step, placing a hand on the edge of the table she smiled, "Hello I'm Breanna, you looking for a little company?"

[member="Judas Zambrano"]
Judas had been looking down at a datapad reading up on the women he was supposed to be meeting, anything that could tell him about her past. Then suddenly he heard the door open and when he looked up he saw a Zeltron stroll in that was just as well dressed as he. She put everyone else to shame, and looks of envy were shot at her by the women that were in the bar. Shame how envious some people could be. Judas had barely had time to figure out Breanna was a Zeltron before she walked through the door, so some of his shock was covered. Even he eyed her though, but not in the same way most did. He saw her as a potential. A ally and someone of great value.

When the women locked gazes with him Judas simply smiled allowing her to come closer and introduce herself. As she did he stood and took her hand placing a kiss upon it and letting out the seat so she could sit. "Why of course." Judas said waiting for the women to sit before he sat across from her and filled up the empty wine glass passing it to her before he did the same for his own. "So Breanna... Tell me about yourself, why you're really here. What you're hoping to gain." Judas said holding up his glass in a toasting fashion.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
She slid into a seat the slight flutter of her dress as it changed to allow her to sit, she accepted the glass and nodded to him, "I am a zeltron" She smiled of course she was one had only to look she was stating the obvious.

"I am capable of making friends quickly, and influencing the minds of those around me when it is needed" She did not smile this time, she remained passive for this moment. "I think my abilities would be of use to you, and the Dynasty. I was once part of the Empire" She didn't mention her relationship with Rex that gave her a flowery title that she had never been comfortable with.

"Tell me what you are looking for, and I will tell you if I'm qualified to do it' Now she smiled and raised her glass, sipping the wine. Her long fingers pinched the stem of the glass holding it tightly as her eyes looked over at [member="Judas Zambrano"] she wanted to know more about him. Only if they were going to work together it would be best to have few secrets just in case someone asked questions.
Sitting back in his seat Judas prepared himself for a long speel of what one was capable of but this women surprised him greatly. Instead of telling him straight out what she was capable of she was going to let him tell her what he needed. That was something new that he had never seen from anyone he had run across. This women was already making steps in the right direction. "Yes it's obvious for all that you're a Zeltron, and I must say the rumors are true." Judas said paying the women a compliment knowing that most of Zeltrons were attractive beings. Even the males.

Finger tapping on the table Judas let the suspense hang in the air as he put on a look as though he were thinking. Although this was nothing more than a ruse. Knowing what Zeltron's were capable of he bombarded her with emotions of anger at his father to cloud her so she not know his true emotions. Though he was pleased. "Due to you once being apart of the Empire your chances are greatly improved. Though you shall soon know what type of qualifications the job has." Judas said before nodding his head torwards the door where three thuggish looking individuals walked inside their eyes glaring at Breanna. "You see these people think I'm on their side, but in truth its a ruse. However I may have passed them information that you're someone that hopes to stop their spice selling permanently. If you can defend yourself and kill all three I will answer any other questions you have." Judas whispered so only she could hear his scarred eye looking past her at the criminals with a look of disdain. He really hoped she made them suffer.

Standing he leaned over so his mouth was next to her ear. "All the weapons you need are right before you." He said before tapping the table twice and drawing her eyes to the utensils that sat on the table. Judas himself could even use the stem of a wine glass as a weapon and he needed to be sure she could match him. Leaning away he gave her a smile before walking away from the table towards the bar where he would watch what happened next.

The thugs slowly circled the table one taking a position behind the women and the other two before her. If anyone had been paying attention the moment the men walked in the bar had emptied except for Judas. Reaching inside his jacket one of them began to reach for a blaster his eyes sharp and teeth bared. The others stood at attention extremely tense to act at a moments notice.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
His emotions were hateful all she could reflect them back, present her own, or do nothing.

She nodded accepting the compliment, she loved compliments. Then the conversation changed becoming darker in nature. The Shadow Dynasty revealed itself.

Why was it that they always wanted her to kill was it some right of passage to show that you could take a life. She looked over at this man of the Shadows she and Rex had talked about killing. Rex killed for contracts and credits he didn't think about who the people who, or what they were, they were just names on a page.

She sighed as she stood up turning to look at the three men as they advanced on her, she smiled and as she smiled she began to concentrate on them. The emotions she could project onto them would slow them slightly. Zeltron liked to make people feel good the men were slowing down their intent starting to waiver she stood there with her hands folded neatly before her.

They were pawns in a game that she was being asked to kill so that she could earn a living, this is what Rex meant.

She looked back, "I don't like killing to prove a point. The manner in which you want to me kill them is personal, very personal." She stepped closer to the men they stopped because she had advanced. Their anger was evident and rolling around her. "Do you want someone who can maximize personnel, get the secrets" She smiled and tilted her head as she looked at the men she sighed as pheremones rolled from her. "If your life was in danger then I could see having to kill. But why kill when we can win them over"

She touched the first man's arm who for a moment went to pull his arm away, "If I asked you to bring me your next shipment of spice, would you do it?" She slipped between the two men crossing behind the second to come up between him and the third. "We can have a party, invite your friends, I'll invite some of mine. We will all make money, we can make money longer if you tell me your bosses name, and where i can find him"

Maximize the situation, increase the wealth of the Dynasty make friends there will be enemies enough.

Bree looked back at Judas, "use them for all they have" She looked back now, "how much are your carrying?" the first one touched her arm, "You are so pretty"

"Yes I am" She reached over cupping his chin, "how much?"

"Cargo hold is full, you got a price?" Now Bree wasn't sure if he was asking a price for the spice, or if he though he could buy her.

Bree nodded, and then looked back, "I don't do torture and suffering unless I have to" Bree was beginning to fill the room with pheremones this would enhance feelings of comfort, joy.

She looked back at Judas again, "I can get information out of anyone, and if my life were truly in danger I would defend myself or you." Bree put a hand out and laid it flat against the second man's chest. "I can usually get into any room" her voice was soft, inviting even though the words were mischievous, "and most do not think twice about me until later when their heads clear, and the headache stops. But by then its too late I have the information and can use it to it's maximum advantage. And the beauty is they only remember there was a Zeltron in the room."

She moved effortlessly taking deep breaths, and dancing, "everyone sit down" Bree stood behind them, looking at Judas. "I'm athletic which make it easy for me to move as I do, I'm appealing which gets attention, and I'm not afraid to speak my mind. This probably isn't what you had in mind, but I believe it is effective"

Now she could have just blown her chances for a job, or she could have made a few points. Only the man across the table could decide.

[member="Judas Zambrano"]
Judas froze as he saw what the women did, instead of fighting like most would she instead took a more diplomatic approach using her abilities to entice the men. She was willing to even use them to make money which of course you could never have enough of but Judas himself despised drug dealers. Sometimes they were a necessary evil though, and it seemed as though she had a good idea. Judas simply shook his head while clapping slowly giving the women her due. She had done something to shock the man, he had expected blood to be shed. "I'm impressed. Not many would ever try what you just had on three people that had planned on murdering them. It's brave, foolhardy, but it is more inspiring than anything. I must admit that my ways are a bit more archaic as I somewhat enjoy the pain I cause these scum." Judas said walking over to one of the men and waving his hand before the mans eyes seeing just how transfixed these thugs were by the pheremones of the women. Good thing he had been spared. Letting his joy show he wanted [member="Breanna Volsh"] to know that he was impressed by her actions.

"You would be a great ally, and an even worse enemy... You're hired, but these men! These scum! They sell drugs to children they would even do it to their own families. I hate men like this. Ruining the lives of others addicting them to their petty drugs..." Judas said grabbing one of the men by the chin and forcing him to look in Judas' eyes. "You however could fix this. I planned on just murdering all the dealers, but you could clean these streets while still making us a profit. Working beneath me will be tedious and sometimes aggravating I hope you understand?"
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

Bree thought about how these men had been poisoning children, "Yes they deserve a punishment which can be accorded in due time, but to clean the streets as you say." She ran her fingers through the hair of the nearest male taking a bit of delight in how he leaned toward her much as a favorite puppy would who enjoyed a good scratching.

"If we enter softly, use them as the front men make it appear, they are the ones, cleaning up." She smiled and sighed, "by the end of it, their own kind will hunt and kill them, it would seem a fitting ending, do you agree?" She would just need to work hard on keeping them coming back to here, sharing images of things that they had done but had not really done.

Then she had a thought one that she wasn't sure would work, "Can we give them their own product?" Her brow arched slightly, as her lips curved upwards, "you know make them dependent upon the spice?" She had heard of such things, perhaps through control of the spice they could control them more easily. Maybe.

"OH I'm hired" she had forgotten to acknowledge that so involved with thinking on how to use them, and abuse them.

"You want me to work beneath you, well I've been told I do some of my best work under men" she blinked slowly and then turned to the men, "So what do you think of my other idea?" She looked over at her employer for his response.

She had not given her full name and he had not disclosed his, now was not the time to do so. When they were sure no one else was listening that would be the time.
Walking to and fro scratching the bit of stubble beneath his chin Judas eyed the spice dealers while listening to [member="Breanna Volsh"] everything she said made sense, they could use these men to their own ends. MAke them beasts of burden and turn them against their own kind, but that would only be a temporary fix. "Yes it would be a fitting end to these men, but what about the rest? I guess if you can continue to keep these men under your control and get whatever information you need from them I'll begin destruction of their operations. I'm starting to like you already."

The men were like animals looking for affection from their owner, and Breanna was the owner. Most would be envious of the Zeltron's ability, but Judas saw it as a great weapon and in this womens hands could change everything about the way the Shadow Agents currently operated. Chuckling at the Zeltron's joke Judas made one of his own. "Who knows you may be more suited for the top. As such being beneath me isn't a permanent position. I want you to be the face for the Shadow Agents. I am ill suited for such a thing. You will have full control over a large portion of the agents and I shall command what remains. So saying this your first job will be to help in the cleansing of this city. This is your plan so you can do as you want."

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

She gave him a little nod, she looked over the three before her and then made a decision taking the largest one by the hand she led him off the side and there she stood very close to him, whispering softly putting her hands upon him as she filled his mind with images, and emotions. He would believe her she smiled as her forefinger came to reston his chin.

As disgusting as he was right now he was needed, and what she had in mind would work. Then she lead him back, he grunted at his friends and they began to file out, "Don't forget, and come back to me here I'll be waiting" A grin spread across his face as he walked about.

Bree then turned to her new boss, "I told him that if he wanted to be further rewarded he should find a way to help me take over. He thinks he knows someone within the drug organization who might be able to provide information for us, and the way to entice the others to....see things my way" She walked back and picked up her glass, "Being on top means doing a lot of work but very often the reward is worth it"

She rolled her shoulders taking some of the tension from them, "What shall I call you?'
Judas didn't interfere with the women's work. He had of course told her she was in charge of this operation. He had no right to intervene even though he truly wanted to. This may just because he hated the scum though. Turning back to his glass of wine he refilled it once again and began taking a few sips from it watching the women's movements as she implanted memories into the man. Good thing Judas was part Epicanthix, he retained a strong mental resistance, but not indomitable. With enough effort his mind could be penetrated. "I wouldn't say the work is truly worth the reward... At least to me." Judas said offering the women more wine.

"You can call me Judas... Zambrano." Judas said dropping his last name just to see how the women reacted. Most would draw a weapon on him instantly after hearing his last name. Others cowered in fear or offered him gifts. How would Breanna react was what Judas wanted to know.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

Bree gave him a seductive smile, "Then you've not had the right people working for you" She took another sip, "The name Judas has many connotations to it in some parts of the galaxy, do you....feel odd having been named so?" She did not mention the Zambrano name for she truly knew nothing about them, their reputation, or even that they were people of some importance.

Bree had concentrated her life at home on her family, and learning a trade that would be more than shaking her assets in someone's face for a credit.

But she had to admit to one thing right now, she was a sensual creature that enjoyed the physical contact not that she couldn't live without it but she did at times crave it.
Judas saw the seductive smile but gave her a slight smirk playing hard to get. "You have no idea. It's hard to find people to trust. I'd much rather replace everyone with droids. resent company excluded of course." Judas stated as he looked at the Zeltron keeping his eyes on hers. Judas was more of a noble male then most due to his Garhoon upbringing. However the sight of no reaction to the Zambrano name for once made Judas somewhat appreciate that he can let someone create a opinion of him without assuming just because of his name. "As for my name, I think thats the point. I was a bastard child after all. Garhoon families are all about prestige and pride after all. So I was given my real fathers last name and my first to be a constant reminder of how I wasn't welcome to that family." Judas said revealing something deep and personal about himself. If this women was going to be his hand he needed to let her in on some things. THis would be a good starting point.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
Bree listened it was a trait that was highly favored among many women of any world. She tilted her head as she listened she never took her gaze from him his words were important he needed to know that she found them important enough to be fully engaged by him.

"I am much better than any droid could ever be. For while droids are resilent, and programmable there comes a night when you really want someone that can react, rather than perform their programming." She was sure they were not talking about droids in the same context but that was alright for the moment. When he talked about himself being an unwanted child she felt a pang of hurt for him.

Her own family was loving and devoted. She smiled now but differently this was one of understanding. "Judas then it is their loss for while this name was meant to be a label of such, surely you have grown beyond the label they hoped to create" She said it softly and made sure to keep her emotions in check she did want to project onto him the hurt she felt over such things.

"I wish I could say something of my life that would show a commoness between us, at the moment though I can only tell you my feelings"

[member="Judas Zambrano"]
Taking a few steps forward Judas leaned down and whispered in Breanna's ear. "I don't think we're talking about the same thing my dear, but trust me I can tell you're better than a droid." Judas said playing along with the women's game for a bit. Why not add a bit of fun to their meeting. "Yes I may have grown beyond that label, but just how far... Considering I killed my whole family before I left." Judas said backing away and turning away from Breanna. "I do not feel remorse for my actions against them, what I do regret is that I stooped down to their level. But look at me now. I have power, money, and now a gorgeous employee."

Turning back around so he was facing her Judas took a seat in a chair pulling another up so it would be right across from him. "Come and sit. Tell me how you feel. We are going to be working together for quite awhile so why not get to know more about each other?"

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
She had to laugh they were not talking about droids in the same way even as she looked up at him she wasn't embarrassed at all it was conversation and gesting, and who knows perhaps hinting too.

She was a bit taken back when he mentioned almost casually that he had killed them all, and felt no regret. That was how far detached from them he felt, it could also mean that no one could ever mean very much to him. She did not know it could be a very effective defense system to have. She was not like that though she had a softness to her that was rimmed with a hardness that came from watching the galaxy begin to tear itself apart.

Then he said he wished had not stooped to their level, perhaps what he had shown them by doing so was how much he was like them that he really was part of their family, they had just failed to realize it until he proved it. Such twistedness that could exist within a group that should at least support one another.

She moved with her soft elegance, gliding steps until she stepped in front of the chair and sat down across from him. She kept her glass with her.

"I feel with my hands for starters, but emotionally I feel that those who use people and treat them like they have no meaning should be taught a lesson. Torn down to the very fabric of their existance and then thrown to those that they had demeaned." And she said it all with a small smile, and a glass of wine in her hand. It was how she felt, and how she felt was often equated with an avenging angel.

"I am full blooded zeltron, and possess many of their traits. I am agile, and drink large quantities, and eat as if there is no tomorrow and niether will ever impede my ability to do a job." She put the glass to her lips again, and drank it down.

"I am have terrible romantic ideas, that too is a....trait. Will this bother you?" this trait, that I have?" She studied him she was not trying to do the things that generally happened but she couldn't help her natural abilities it...happened. She pulled her left leg up, her dress covering it entirely only the outline of her form showed, she put her chin in her hand and leaned on her knee so that she could look at him.

[member="Judas Zambrano"]
The women's laugh was infectious and was as sweet as a soothing song, It was so infectious that Judas even cracked a smile. He watched the way she walked and saw that she carried herself with the elegance of royalty. With the way she spoke it seemed she'd be better off in charge of the Shadow Agents then Judas himself. She was more focused on the right thing while Judas was focused on getting the job done and eliminating threats. Maybe they would make the perfect balance for each other? "Then you must have a fight to pick with alot of the people in this galaxy. I mean look around even in a city like this their is always someone using another. Politics are another example if you wish to be specific." Judas said swirling the wine that was in his glass. Looking into it he tried to think if he was one of those people they were talking about, but he honestly didn't know. He had done plenty of evil things but he never used others for his gains. As far as he saw.

Looking back up at her as she spoke about her Zeltron needs and habits Judas opened his mouth to say something before leaning forward so his face was close to hers. "In this world if you feel something you take your chance to grab it. Don't sit back thinking it will come again. I know personally if I feel something I act, and if I want something... I take it." Judas said leaning forward even more so that his lips were close to hers but then he would stop smiling enjoying this game. What he said was true however. "So you tell me what do you feel and what do you want?" Judas whispered to Breanna.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
[SIZE=12pt]She smiled again as her eyes looked over to his, his lips so close she could almost feel the velvety softness upon her own. The warmth of his breath caressed her skin as her senses heightened, it was not dangerous to excite a Zeltron nor would it ever be lethal unless she were to become a killer of souls.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“You want a right hand one that knows you one that can protect you, and help with all your plans” Bree reached up and put a single finger to Judas’ lips. “I can be those things I have the right mind for it. I love a good fight as much as anyone else.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He whispered again this time the lilt of his voice was serious she let her own body do what it was designed to do pheromones rolled off of her. “I will tell you what no other man knows, not Romeo not even Rex.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked into Judas’ eyes her voice steady, sure, “Among the scum of the galaxy there is a man, who fancies himself quite the noble, a gentleman even” Bree licked her lips as talking had began to make her dry what she was going to share was as personal as his secret. “He was on Zeltros left me a scar that runs from from hip” She reached over and took Judas’ hand as she leaned back in her chair she put his hand on her hip and slowly drew it across he abdomen, “to navel.” She let his hand go then, “I want to find him and repay him for his……gift” Her eyes showed the cold hatred she had for this man, she did not know his name but she knew his face. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She took a deep breath, and then leaned forward this time she put her hand on the seat of Judas’ chair between his legs as she leaned further forward to where now she had come in close to him, “I feel a need for a reunion with this man to see his head on a plate” Bree was sure that Judas would understand her desire to see this man again what she felt about it clearly written.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I want enough credits to fill a tub to bath in. I want a life that will let me indulge myself fully. I want a man who knows how to treat a woman like me.” She took in a deep breath.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She brought her lips to just brush his, “So most of what I want requires time” she whispered.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Except for what I want for tonight” She was full blooded Zeltron and the indulgence in pleasure made the blood race, and put a blush on her cheek.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Will you help me find this man..can I use Shadow resources….and will you trust me to be your eyes, ears and hands as we move to take over all that stand in the way?”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]She did not retreat, nor back away he had said reach out and grab what she wanted. “What do I feel right now, I am a creature designed for pleasure.........I feel lust" She smiled at him, "What are you feeling?" A dangerous game to play with someone she just met but instinct told her to be herself it would never damage her to do so.[/SIZE]

[member="Judas Zambrano"]
"Not for protection my dear, but as someone who can watch my back while I do the same for them." Judas whispered to the women as he looked into her blue eyes getting lost in them. Gracing her with a privilege barely any had he moved his bangs so she could see his unscarred eye. She had offered to tell him information that she hadn't even entrusted to the one that they would be doing jobs for and working to protect. It was a something that Judas wanted to make sure she was awarded for. His right eye unlike his left still held the innocence of a childs and the emotions could be seen behind it while his left was dull and emotionless.

Judas offered no resistance as Breanna guided his hand across her body. He felt the silky fabric beneath his hand as it was drug across the women's body to her navel, but even when she released it Judas left his hand there for a second before it drifted back to her hips where it held her firmly. The hatred in her eyes did not go unnoticed because Judas knew that look better than anyone. He lived off of his hate most of his life, he even still lived off of it. Do not give in to that hatred. Do not lower yourself to his standards. It will only make you feel worse in the end. But if you must you have my support in your endeavors." Judas warned as he lifted his other hand and brushed the hair from Breanna's face before cupping her cheek. He could feel how warm her cheeks were through his hand and assumed she was blushing.

"I think you are more than just someone designed for pleasure. You need to be pleased as well. Now I may not be able to grant you what you wish for in the future, but at this moment you can have what you want." Judas said his hand sliding down from Breanna's cheek and cupping her chin. Then Judas leaned forward their lips meeting in a hot passionate kiss for a few seconds before he pulled away. "What I want right now is for us both to have what we want... Now take it."

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
She listened nodding her understanding, "I will protect your back" She purred in her most sultry voice. He knew her secret she knew his. She gazed upon the unscarred eye there she could see emotions as they flickered a beautiful eye she smiled at him. She shared what she had to show a trust and create a bond.

She made a disappointed face when he went on about not sinking to his level. A sadness filled her eyes not about what he said but knowing he had a point. But. She knew within her heart she wanted blood, so very unlike a zeltron this came from pain she looked away for a moment. He cupped her chin and her gaze turned back to him.

She wanted to be lost right now. To forget the pain to focus on excitement, joy, feeling good to enjoy life as she wanted. He was going to give her what she wanted, to take it.

Her long legs unfolded as she made the switch from her chair wrapping her legs around him pheromones filled the air. All of her natural abilities blossomed the emotions of pleasure she couldn't help but attempt to impress upon his mind.

The floating material of her outfit enveloped them. This first kiss turned to another and another. Light delicate touches were placed upon the sensual points. What happen in that time was between Bree and Judas left to the imagination as each took what they wanted from the other.

[member="Judas Zambrano"]

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