Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Riftejor Qhevtyx

A Very Grouchy Philosopher and Anti-Nihilist
(Leave it to me to pick the one damn species with one appearance and, therefore, so few images to pick from and little fan art... But, I couldn't pass this idea up.)



NOTE: I know its the epitome of stubbornness, but I refuse to RP in anything related to the Mouse's episodes VII-IX, due to the fact that there's no proper worldbuilding or even basic in-universe history in any way, shape or form (as of 2018). EU and the occasional fanon only for me.


Name: Riftejor Qhevtyx

Faction: Independent

Rank: Former Coruscant Security Force Sergeant.

Species: Muttani

Age: 40

Sex: Male

Height: 5'8

Weight: 255 lbs.

Build: Stocky and pudgy.

Eye color: Red

Hair color: Bald

Skin color: Violet

Force Sensitivity: No

Occupation: Failed academy professor and former Coruscant Security Force Investigator turned mercenary and occasional bounty hunter.


A Proper Education: Though this naturally pudgy, ugly and uncouth Muttani doesn't look like it, he is nonetheless a very intelligent and largely self-taught individual, despite a seemingly unending streak of occasional bad luck over the course of his entire life. His pessimistic, crass and occasionally temperamental mannerisms and outlook lend themselves to the stereotype of a common thug, a stereotype which his strategic mind can often use to his advantage.

Exceptional Courage: While on vacation after losing his university professorship in his twenties and before he joined the CSF (Coruscant Security Force), Riftejor once took on five Gamorrean mercenaries and three Wookiee pirates during the attempted hijacking of an orbital cruise he was on... He came out on top with nothing more then quick thinking, a blaster pistol he kept for personal defense and a stun baton, a fateful event that led to his meeting and falling in love with his first and only girlfriend: a blonde-haired, brown-and-black-furred Bothan named Rurra Ker'hyj. This sweet, ever-laughing and eccentric Bothan, for a time, was able to see past his uncouth appearance and his constant body odor, as well as his crass attitude and dour outlook on sentient life... His actions were noticed by the Cruise Security who aided him in taking down two of the Wookiees, and he was subsequently recommended for training to the CSF.

Security Force Training: Riftejor proved to be an adept with a blaster pistol and faster then his pudgy midsection made him out to be, quick with his reflexes and a moderately-accurate shot, to boot. Riftejor even managed, along with support from his live-in girlfriend Rurra's optimism and loving encouragement, to begin to overcome his violent, verbally-abusive tendencies. These new developments, combined with the Muttani's natural, holofiction-derived courageous attitudes, saved dozens - if not hundreds - of lives over the thirteen years he worked with the CSF, earning him several promotions and the grudging respect of his colleagues.

Philosopher's Mind: Riftejor has always been a philosopher, if only secondhand via the holofictions he enjoyed in his youth with his foster Mother, a rich and eccentric Quarren woman who lived in Coruscant's mid-levels. Once he discovered the subject of philosophy in a history class and how it (as well as history and some science) tied into his favorite fictional exploits of heroism, the Muttani had his curiosity piqued and he eagerly developed his love of fiction and philosophy in unison from that point on, as each of the subjects easily fed into the other, giving him a lifelong, almost constant hobby and a passion which could fuel him and Rurra on through the darkest of times. The constant clashing, growth, co-operative learning and the outward gazing of their opposite personalities and outlooks lent each of them great perspective and served to fuel both the Muttani's emotional happiness and philosophical inquiries, as well as Rurra's physical and emotional well-being, most importantly...


Bitter-Hearted: A fateful arrest was brought about when a call came in leading Riftejor and his Neimoidian partner to a rage-fueled Twi'lek senator's apartment, to find the golden-skinned twat hallucinating at unseen horrors due to his ingestion of illegal spices. By a shock-inducing chance, a further search revealed Rurra's glitterstim-laced, comatose body, nude beneath a blanket and sleeping off a similar, if more peaceful high of her own, her pupils dilated and sightless when Riftejor checked her eyes. The crushing blow to the Muttani's heart was instantaneous and painful, even as he, with trembling limbs and tearing eyes, managed to swaddle the unconscious and nude Bothan's form. Riftejor's stun baton took down the disgraced, ranting senator as his partner placed binders on the Twi'lek, even as Riftejor tried to contain his anger and disappointment.

He flew her comatose body home, silent and stoic through Coruscant's night sky, heart hammering in his chest and emotions boiling beneath the veneer of calm over his face, heart and mind, though the Muttani was able to contain them, if only barely.

He left a single piece of flimsi with a hastily-scrawled note on it beside the Bothan's bedside and end table: I know EVERYTHING and while I'm DEEPLY upset, I nonetheless forgive you... I'll help you through this, and I'll always love you. ~R

He left for three days, considering their twelve years of life together, and contemplated what could have possibly gone wrong... Rurra and he had been inseparable, ever-learning and constant companions... What had he done or failed to do? Harshly and due to the most cruel of Fate's sadistic schemes, when Riftejor returned to his home after those three days, Rurra had left and taken her belongings, including their personal protocol droid, with her. His calls to her family and few friends turned up little even despite his frantic and pained explanations - she had cut off all contact with them, as well, horrifyingly and for reasons completely unknown and unfathomable.

Over the following weeks, he threw himself into his work in the CSF with greater determination and not without growing signs of anger and deep emotional pain, withdrawing even from his Neimoidian best friend... Rurra never came back; twelve years had become almost as nothing due to a single, deep-cutting betrayal. Three months afterwards, with no sign of his anger and stronger-then-ever resentment going away, Riftejor decided to quit his job with the CSF, though reluctantly, as his taking out his emotions in this manner on criminals would soon land him a cell among those he had put away. There were more constructive ways to channel his growing frustration and stop the likes of those who had stolen Rurra and his happiness away from him, after all...

The pain in his heart and mind festered yet further, and has slowly burned ever since...

Damn Kids: During his time as a local University professor, Riftejor grew to absolutely despise the glorified teenagers' inattentiveness, hedonistic lifestyles, their bullying of the more serious students and propensity for destroying or stealing University property and others' belongings, to say nothing of the obnoxiously-loud parties that kept him up whenever he was on campus... While he was never a fan of adolescent-related activities even while he was growing up, the Muttani grew to hate those elements of society even more before his eventually leaving the Academy in disgrace. In fact, it was Riftejor's weeks' worth of warnings and subsequent use of a stun baton on two necking (mouthy and inattentive, to boot) students' faces in a frustration-fueled moment of rage that ensured his first job loss...

Animal Killer: A lifelong disgust and intense dislike of animals has always been at the forefront of Riftejor's mind and, while he is certainly no sadistic torturer of life in any form, the Muttani isn't above placing a well-aimed shot into any beast he can safely engage, merely for the sake of his getting in some target practice. To him, animals are nothing more then vermin that take up space from sentients in general, threaten their lives, worst-case-scenario and are meant to be eaten in the best of circumstances.

Appearance: A moderately-overweight purple-skinned humanoid sat in the shade of an awning on a dingy patio outside a Mos Eisley cantina alone, his large purple travel cloak's hood drawn up over his vaguely goblinoid features. His naturally blood-red eyes were tinged with sadness and, beneath the hood, his little pointed ears further accentuated his distorted and fey-like appearance. Oddly enough, and laughable to some others, the entirety of the alien's nose was situated just beneath the gentle slope of his brow; a large, prominent mouth revealed pointed canines surrounded by blunt, speckled gray teeth. Four-fingered hands rested on the dark, dirty, sand-laced table's edge, and the alien's torso was pudgy even despite a stockier-then-average build.

Beneath the man's cloak, the faint glint of medium, midnight blue plastoid composite armor adorned a clean and well-kept black body glove that hugged the entirety of the man's rotund frame as he sat alone, completely engrossed in the holoimage before his scarlet eyes. A hand raised to allow him to brace his fat-chocked chin as his sorrowful eyes remained centered on the holoimage that played back in a loop: himself, laughing toothily as the multishaded, furry form of a lithe and joyous Bothan woman threw her petite arms around his neck and shoulder, each of them drawing the other into a one-armed embrace as they began to rock joyously back and forth, merely making merry together, before the recording cut, only to restart as the holoimage reset itself...


Alignment: Lawful Good

Voice Example: Meeko Ghintee (sorry, that voice was just SO PERFECT), despite having no relation.

Equipment: Datapad, Model 434 heavy blaster pistol, ammo cartridges, refurbished and illegally-customized Coruscant Security Force medium armor, spare clothing, C1-Series comlink, standard tool kit, A99 aquata breather/rebreather

Standard Tool Kit Contents: electroshock probe, fusion cutter, hydrospanner, laser welder, power calibrator, power prybar, probe sensors, sonic welder, vibrocutter, welding goggles and various spare circuits and wires.





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