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Character Ridia Solii



Ridia A.A. Solii
Character themes: Oratio nocturna (Night prayer) & Lilium - La valse de la tristesse | (Battle mode): Lovely (AMV)
Nickname: The dreamer returned | V blade of the Empire | Saint of the fallen light
Former Title: Legend has it that she was the first deputy of His Supreme Holiness Patriarch of the Empire of the Fallen Light and the High weeping angels and the last royal chronicler
Age: Physically mid 40s| Biologically at least few centuries old
Birthplace: unknown (Although some ancient manuscripts lean towards possibility of some realm within Unknown region part of the Galaxy)
Current homeworld: Osseriton
Gender: Female
Height: 2.56 m tall being natural since her days in Empire and never seemed to change even a centimeter
Weight: 75 kg
Force Sensitive: Yes
Sexual orientation: Unknown (Some debates so far resulted in either being correct: Homosexual or Demisexual leaning towards women/non-binary personas)
Relationship status: Single
Other relationships:
Mentor for Founder of the Naivian Dynasty, the Last Regent of the Empire of the Fallen Light, Lionel Onyx de Folois Sirechi aka "Lord Naiviy De Folois" (status: unknown)

Physical Description: When it comes to the bodies of figures who are spiritual, sacred and in their abilities detached from life and its sins, and at the same time as close as possible to the very mystery that drives the biological, social and other essences of living intelligent organisms and beings, it is very difficult to give an accurate description that could absorb all the beauties and wounds, all the flowers and thorns, cracks and disappointments, from which Ridia could come out not as she remembered herself, and believe me, it was radically different from the way she was described in books and later (sometimes even centuries later) biographical publications as one of the most politically and religiously significant figures of the Age of Dream Angels of the Empire of the Fallen Light, Therefore it would be more correct to describe such a versatile personality as a beautifully ripe flower, wilted and bereft of birth, floating in the snowy ocean of time, "washed" by ice storms and mystical epiphanies, using the very streams and their life-giving as well as destructive aspects and properties to write and realise just such a history, which can capture the greatest number of changes, both tragic and ordinary changes in the history of countless people, with the power of his soul and mind Many parts of the body, as a result of almost endless attempts to bring the body closer to the divine heights of truth and purity, are filled with decaying flesh, within which butterflies live, flowers bloom in some places, and other forms of sentient self-organising matter develop. Although outwardly there are almost no signs of physically developed muscles anywhere in the body, there is still a very strange consistency of aura of powerful inner strength around Ridia, the presence of which is not recommended to be checked. The blood-red hair of the setting red star is very long, like a separate layer of a cloak. The entire face is in almost black skin lesions, the eyes are almost invisible, the eyeballs glowing with a faintly visible colour of total darkness. The skin is smooth, in places soft despite the horrible lesions, wounds, and chemical fumes that are frozen at various stages of development due to Ridia's special innate abilities.

Inventory: none

Personality and beliefs: For those who have never in their lives heard the sacred singing of church choirs and the mind-boggling battles of the special guardians of the fallen light to preserve the rights of the citizens of the empire to live and choose their own path against the forces of internal and external destruction, for those who have been in the state of having your heart ripped out of your body for even a second, placed in a special tank , fed with life from a special natural artefact called the surreal dream nucleus, in a state of complete nakedness of both body, bones and muscle groups in a semi-conscious faint and complete disconnection of pain receptors for the maximum approximation to the truth in the assessment of sincerity and willingness to follow the ideals of the statements adopted in early childhood, will not be able to realise or even for a moment imagine not only the values and plans that Ridia nurtured and implemented, but also the paradox of her entire life, all her deeds and achievements, almost inhuman resilience and faith in the ability of each, even the most damned and terrible in its deeds and thoughts intelligent being, to weave its own beautiful, In some places a poignant world, materialising it in their secret feelings, clothes, wounds, fears, screams and vague dreams and meetings, both in real life and on the other side of the omnipresent river of the universe, and the willingness to support these people, to follow their paths, time after time plunging themselves into the most diabolical and vile stories of other people's hearts and monsters (miracles) living in each of us. Kindness, caution, honesty, respect, openness to all new experiences and some brotherly mentorship on top of all of the above, only remotely outline the life path of Ridia - so enthusiastic about everything strange and even ordinary and yet deeply wise and ready to save and forgive even the most fundamental darkness, if she finds a reason to do so.

Strengths & weaknesses:
1)Embrace of the divine end - a particle of light and fire, of hope and illumination, of catharsis and day, of air and water inspiration, in each of us burns the fire of a special faith, simultaneously subjective in its local nature and universal in its scope, faith in the truth of what we have said and done, in our redemption and reparation under the avalanche of corpses torn and nibbled by life and torn pieces of matter from their clothes, in our power not so much to prove to others and to ourselves, but rather to glorify and carry the name of the infinite flame of love and forgiveness to the living under the arches of epochs and social changes, and in the last act of the collective and individual will, through Ridia to transmit a message from above, through action or through a dream, changing Ridia's state into a somewhat sublime-transcendental one, which allows it to dive into the river of life itself and draw the histories of entire peoples and civilisations, already having the privilege of speaking and doing certain deeds, and, once they have been performed, losing access to this fragment of memory.
2)V Blade of the Empire - Ridia's story is, literally and figuratively, the biography of an individual who rejected her personal life for the sake of serving the righteous blade of the higher powers, no matter how brutal and mutable they may actually be. Reaching almost to the very top of the empire's ecclesiastical hierarchy, Ridia was assigned, both because of and due to her innate "revelations from above" in the form of skin and other bodily ailments, to become a member of the legendary semi-mythical Order of the Guardians of the Fallen Light - a group of powerful beings with special supernatural abilities granted from above (such force entities as Singing Fire, Emerald Wind and others) and engaged in defending and maintaining the fundamental rights of the citizens of the Empire against the most formidable external and internal enemies and preserving the leading power of the Church of Weeping Angels in all spheres of politics, economics, science and beyond, because of which the ability to wield the special blade of Saint G'Avaal after centuries of training and skill building has reached such a high level of perfection that in a sense the blade has become a separate soul, organism and entity, coexisting together with Ridia within a framework of intimacy even deeper than the genetic bond between the two.

1)Who are you, hiding within a man? - to regret those who have lost everything, to regret the very act of this action, it is not all that a clot of organised living matter is capable of, which has long ago broken with the role of a prisoner of the world of rules and war and found new grounds in an incredible coincidence of circumstances, in the measured evolutionary path of which it was you who got to experience this juxtaposition of spheres within yourself: sticky, dirty and nauseating eternal struggle and devouring each other biophysiological systems called organisms with the divine, almost devoid of the benefit of the bearers of the crown of reason and artistic creation "Olympus" of one-night singularities born out of nothing in a universe filled with something. It is this fact that has always prevented Ridia from retreating from her eternal pilgrimage to new destinies and victims of tragicomic fortune and wondering who she really is, a mere mortal woman, a messenger of the will of the empire of fallen light or a stranger alien to both heaven and the dark soil teeming with beetle larvae and tapeworms with several hearts in a row.
2)Hunger...freedom... prison - we, as children, are spoilt by different smells, by touching our clean skin, untouched by the decaying nature of ageing, by the kinds of amazing creatures, their behaviour, the alliances they build among themselves, we are frightened by conflicts between parents, brothers and sisters, the act of one small insect being devoured by a small bird, and in turn by a larger bird, we are taught to listen to sounds, music, to distinguish between cold and bringing more and warm, bringing calmness and a sense of comfort and safety and care. This and many other things that Ridia loved in her childhood and cursed in her adulthood gave birth to a kind of inner triangle of three bases between which she is torn and tries to fill them and all to no avail, she does not know what lies beneath these desires (illnesses/punishments from above? ), what is missing from the one that never had any function but to serve the church, its high goals and ironclad standards and belief in a certain expansion of the soul into the material world and the gradual death and transition of the latter into the hypostasis of the former as an equal brother and co-religionist of the other side of the dagger of being, piercing the whirlpools of death and blackness.

The Age of Dream Angels, X Century, Central Imperial Publishing House, Prisoners of Hope Book Series, Volume 4. Chapter 1.
"The purest of rot."
For those who have lived, who have felt, who have died...For those who know the price of pain...For the sky, the stars, the nebulae, the dawn...As I tell my tale, it is rising...We are given to ourselves from the moment of our first birth...When bodies in darkness find sight...Consciousness everywhere...Finds meanings and structures...Thus was born the maiden Ridia in you, O mother of tragic creation...
That very child, from the very first days when the rays of doubt touched the parents, was recognised as a miracle among the local families - all over the body, from the lovely warm feet to the head and the soft, smooth nostril and the vertex, whole layers of rotting skin with special life-giving vapours, to which all living things - from crickets and insects to birds and large mammals and even giant life forms - aspired, grew and strengthened themselves without emitting any special odour, when the little girl sneezed a little or touched the flowers that were sick with deadly diseases, or by human error, because her mother and father were absent almost all day long, going to work in the wild forests and collecting special life-giving juice for the needs of the local branch of the church, while Ridia lived in the most conservative and full of prejudices zone of the empire, and the girl was "looked after" by adults - childless neighbours, seldom-seen victims of their own children's unfortunate deaths and just girls and boys at a very young age, as if only the first days of March, the attitude and degree of responsibility for the child and her contact with the infected, affected by the waves of epidemics, which during these years were considered the norm and did not develop into social "acts of collective conscience", so over time the parents increasingly wondered why everyone they knew or trusted magically became lighter and healthier, while their daughter spent whole nights covered in wounds and cuts that her body itself inflicted on her body - as if this was the dark side of the gift she had received from above from one of the many deities guarding the secrets and existence of the empire of fallen light. Somewhere by the age of two, three, Ridia began attending the village school, in which the parents, hoping to bring the unusual angelic child together with normal children, could arouse in her an interest in social life and somehow thus nullify the girl's recent habit of humbly enduring her sufferings and seeking them for the happiness of her close and familiar friends and their parents. Of course, it is quite difficult to say why exactly Ridia, and not say the heir of some aristocratic house, the top of the clergy or a true imperial family, was "lucky" to become the owner of such a terrible and powerful sacred "chosen one" gift as this, the purest and born of rot, death and pain for all the living. Unfortunately, to this day we do not know what the specificity of this gift was and why it was because of it, on the memorable date of her 5th birthday, that Ridia lost her home and the physical and psychological embodiment of the concept of "family" forever, and in the person of the churchman who came to take the girl away the whole process was another "noble" act and the result of "the union of the state power and the church to care and educate (read as martyrdom) the best of its future citizens in the values and ideals of the empire", from which were to be born true defenders and patriots, but as we will see further on, Ridia even here turned out to be a real miracle. We know and perhaps, in time we will learn even more about the hell that this amazing woman went through and continues to this day, and most likely to go in the future, so further description of her description will go under a more artistic slant, in order to give the teenage period of life closest to the shade in which Ridia herself saw this life in the first person perspective.
"O angels, O embodied bodies of destiny, thank you for the path open, given...before me...thousands of versts ( see - people, birds, oceans and rafts of love...Through broken bones and experiments to test the fidelity of the soul.... I was getting closer with each passing moment...To the heart of the whirlpool of mercy of the living to the silence...The whole world and cosmos is filled with emptiness...The energy itself...take it...stretch your hand into the air boldly...don't be afraid, and breathe calmly...What I have felt since my appearance in this world? I sang psalms to our deities, I worshipped the wonders of the world above, I drank the air and the rivers of light...And the blood in my temples...And arteries and veins.... The organs themselves want to strive for the movement of dawn...But again history, this time, has decided differently, has separated its creature from God...And Ridia, stepping into the service of the church, has seen once again, beyond the horizon, a dark sign. And somewhere at the age of 15 standard years, the girl saw outside her mortal heart the cherished answer - no idea and concept of biological, artificial and other origins can exist without a spiritual moment - in the light of reason there is a shadow - it is necessary to follow it. "
The mixture of humble and deeply spiritual character, almost fanatical devotion and belief in favour of torture and trials in the name of a higher purpose and at the same time the ability to be critical of certain doctrines of the church played into the girl's hands, because of which, from an ordinary reciter of holy texts in one of the many villages on a backwater planet after many years and eventually decades in both career and mythological terms, the figure and the importance of the ideas preached by Ridia, which at some points did not agree with the official policy of the empire and the main church of high weeping angels, In both career and mythological terms, the figure and importance of the ideas preached by Ridia, which in some points did not agree with the official policy of the Empire and the main church of high weeping angels, grew fantastically, because of which she found herself close to one of the most controversial semi-independent structures within the church called "Harbingers of new grief",a group of mid-level church administrators and representatives of the disbanded "Weeping Inquisition" internal security unit from Sector I at the end of the last century, whose activities included catching naive churchmen coming from below and influencing their underdeveloped worldviews by creating almost prophetic visions and images of the fall of the galaxy's most mysterious superpower. If to briefly describe the result of this long-term co-operation, we can only say that Ridia's faith in her own ideals and their realism only grew stronger, which could not but please both her direct mentors and other, more influential persons from the very top, who did not want to see such a member of the church family as Ridia among the persons with the ability to influence the social and political discourse. But of course, among the rulers of the fate of mere mortals were those who were sincerely interested in the special abilities of a young and gifted girl, which led to Ridia's final choice of her future path - joining the Order of the Guardians of Light... First Person perspective:
"Forgive all those who have wounded your soul...There are no coins in the bodies...Scattered in heaps...The empire lives on...And passions move us...And choice is our covenant...And angels are weary...In the silence of earth and the breath of space...In me lives a hero...And the suffering of hell...I am myself...The blade is closer to the pack. .We entered the era with a wounded leg...And a part of history became...So let the fire burn and faith in the best behind you...Generations with themselves...Breast defended the future...A new day will come in the darkness...And the heavens will sing of glory...Ode of the beautiful morning, for the guards of the empire did not come...."
This fragment, as well as many others that have been collected from very different, sometimes even unrelated stories, tells us a lot about how Ridia saw herself in this order, how she was imbued with hope, and how, for the benefit of others, she sought to learn the meaning of her suffering and terrible illnesses, which only fuelled her interest in culture, history, archaeology, palaeontology and many other disciplines far removed from the duties that the greatest warriors of the empire have had over the past centuries, perhaps even millennia (was made by a separate secret order of the internal imperial chancellery #12 analyses of the surviving archives, from which it was concluded that this group of 9 persoas with a divine gift from above, was the most numerous in the history of the Empire fact of coexistence of such powerful guards, which in the past appeared once or twice in about 300-400 years), Therefore, along with that cruel sadness and pain that enveloped Ridia after each operation to destroy the "outer darkness" (I had to pore through libraries to give a more precise definition of this entity and most likely there are unfriendly semi-divine clots of nothingness, purely by chance, which happened to be on the way of the leading force currents of the galaxy, which "pumped" them with power in too large quantities) was also accompanied by the need to make sure that the Empire was in the right hands and was striving for a bright future. In reality, of course, this was far from being the case, which is why we see the gradual intensification of visits to various ministries and their later branches in Ridia's attempt to understand how the structure of what she protects with her life and basic existence.... Then the information breaks off and after a couple of decades, by the third quarter of the IX century Ridia finds herself in the position of the last royal chrnonicler and some other high posts too.... We will not cite all of them, only noting that Ridia did not change her habit of visiting holy places almost every month as part of mass pilgrimages, which actively affected the attitude towards her of both the imperial family and the highest clergy of the empire, and it was decided to deprive Ridia of all posts in connection with "mass social hysteria, which is caused by stories about Ridia's visions after visiting the next holy places, which have a local or universal level of cultural and ritual significance for all citizens and the imperial family", which, as it is not said here, is connected with prophecies about the impending death of the empire and its gradual fracture into separate zones and local systems of self-government (glory to high weeping angels, both events have not yet occurred despite the presence of military clashes on a planetary scale for reasons unknown to us, in the centre, yet). The further part of the biography is unfortunately unknown to us...It remains only to quote the words of Regent of the Empire of the Fallen Light, Lionel Onyx de Folois Sirechi, as a child who saw it.
"The phenomenon called one of the main reasons why hope, love and mercy will never be extinguished in the memory of the species and races that will inhabit the galaxy in the distant future, no matter what form these sentiments will take upon themselves..."
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