Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rhett Kol-Rekali


  • Full name: Rhett Kol-Rekali
  • Preferred Name: Rhett Rekali
  • Alias: N/A
  • Titles: N/A
  • Species: Near - Human
  • Race: Half - Vahla
  • Homeworld: Keblade
  • Faction(s): Rekali Clan, Mandalorians
  • Rank(s): Neutral Apprentice
  • Class: N/A
  • Masters: Rach Kol-Rakali's Ghost
  • Padawan(s): None
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 17 Galactic Standard Years
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 138 pounds
  • Complexion: ​Caucasian
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown/Black
  • Distinguishing Marks: A
  • Voice Sample: Thomas - The Maze Runner movies
  • Appearance description: X
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Sexual Conduct: Hetrosexual
  • Languages: Galactic Basic, Mando'a, Vahla
  • Occupation: Mandalorian - in - training
  • Residence: Dorm - With the Clan
  • Beskar: Rhett is rather strong for his age and size. Being almost six foot, and being able to take down people who could easily be twice his weight, he fights, hes scrappy, and he has a name to live for. Hence why he continues to trudge on despite being injured.
  • Family: Rhett takes family very personal. He cherishes the family that he could have with the Rekali's because he grew up without one. As far as he knows, he has always had one voice in his head helping him. Only when it was revealed who it was, he realized he had something to look up to, and live for. His family. If they need help, he will be there. If they need a favor, he will do it. He wants to prove that he really is a part of the family.
  • Mandalorian Training: Having training within the Mandalorian Faction, Rhett knows how to operate firearms, hand to hand combat, bladed weapons, and most importantly, the Staff/Spear. It makes him a very risky opponent even for force users.
|| Attributes ||
  • Force: Honestly, Rhett hardly knows how to use the force. He worries more about the physical aspect of fighting, rather than the mystical tricks that others of his family have done. He prefers to use weapons, and gear over the use of the force, or any variation of it.
  • Runner: Running is what Rhett is good at. He can run very fast. He is very athletic. And that's good, but he runs from fights sometimes. if he feels that it's not important to him, or to his family to fight, then he wont. He will walk, and in some cases, run from a fight. In fact, two of the force powers he uses most, is Force burst, and Force Reflex. Making it easier for him to run, or avoid fighting if not needed.
  • Heir of Rach: Rhett believes he is the Heir to Rach Kol-Rekali's name. He speaks to his "Father's" Ghost trying to prove that Rach was not as an illusive man as he was made out to be. Rhett want's to clean his fathers name, and of course, make one for himself. However, this means that some don't believe him, some hate him, and some would kill him just because he claims to be of the Rekali's clan. Even more so, if he messes up, or does something wrong, it severely hinders his progress to clear his fathers legacy.
  • I see dead people: Rhett has a connection with the force that allows him to hear and see ghosts. Some he can, and others he cannot communicate with, but while this may be cool, he has been doing this as long has he can remember. So it's annoying to hear somebody who is not really there. And if in the right place, he can hear too many ghosts at once, and this can overpower his sense. Causing him to break down. Not so good when you are in a public place. Nor in the middle of a battlefield.
|| Weaknesses ||
  • Numbness: Rhett has lost all feeling in his left hand. From about the middle of his forearm down to his fingers he cannot feel anything. His hand could be slammed in a door, thrown in lava, and he wouldn't feel it. When in training, he was slammed in the elbow, and it severely pinched his nerve, and broke his arm. His bones were healed, but his nerves were not. From this, he can't feel anything below that point. Making it hard to tell if he is gripping something right, and even more so when he needs to feel for something, he has to rely on his right hand.
  • Heights: Hes afraid of heights. Sure he's fine if hes in a ship, or climbing up a ladder, but he can't stand on top of building ledges, he can't look down or he becomes frozen with fear. It's nearly impossible for him to deal with the thought of falling to his death.
  • Respect: He feels that he owes no body respect until they prove it to him. Either by fighting, making them worth while to him, or simply showing him that they can be trusted, and he will then respect you. Until then. Nothing. This excludes his family as they all are his blood, and Kin. Therefore he needs to respect them. And he would have respected them anyways.
  • In over his head: Rhett can be careless. Not thinking about possible consequences before he acts upon them. It makes this very difficult for him in stressful situations. He will not think things through, and is rather brash and quick to conclusions. Rushing into a fight, or chasing after some girl is not always a good idea.
Voices of ghosts flooded my mind as a child. I felt those around me. I could hear them. Wanting their loved ones to hear them. Wanting them to live for them. I could hear them. Every once in a while I could see them. Some would talk to me. Tell me about their families. Some died in war, others in their beds. Others from betrayal. I kept it to myself. Saying I was talking to myself. As a child it was blamed on imagination. Now, it's blamed on me being a little crazy. I try to keep it in. Most of the time it works.

One day it was so bad. I was dumb enough to go near the blast sight of Keblade. Ground zero where many had eaten the blast of a nuclear strike. Voices were everywhere. Pleading for me to help them. Asking me favors. But one, only one held back. Clad in dark armor of the Mandalorian heritage, the man spoke clearly. Calmly. Telling me that he could help me silence the voices of the dead. I had a gift, and a curse. The gift of the force, and the curse of being unable to use it. He would teach me. He would guide me. He did what he promised. Gifting me his name, his heritage, and his will. He believed me to be his son, and so I would be.

Traveling from planet to planet. Searching for the one called Ember. It took almost two years to search for him. And when I did, I delivered the message of his son. That I would be living in his name. I would continue in his path for him when he could not. I was adopted into the family, and now move from the clan, and back to the Mandalorian space to train between the two families that I have.

~ will add more information later~
  • Ship Piloting - 3
  • Speeder Piloting - 2
  • Cooking - 2
  • Hand to hand combat - 4
  • Spear combat - 4
  • Sword/bladed combat - 3

Lightsaber Skills
  • Shi-Cho - 2
  • Soresu - 3

Force Skills
  • Force Reflex - 3
  • Force Speed - 3
  • Telekinesis - 2
  • Force Sense - 1

Dathomir Magic
  • Touch of the Kiin'Dray - 2

1-3: Apprentice
4-7: Knight
8-10: Master
11+: Specialization

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