Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rhen Qel-Droma


NAME: Rhen Qel-Droma
FACTION: The Jedi Academy
RANK: Master
SPECIES: Corellian Human
AGE: 62
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.89m
WEIGHT: 81.64kg
EYES: Green
HAIR: Gray
SKIN: Old, weathered and tanned


  • Elder: his time has seen him live through many battles and granted the wisdom to reason before acting.
  • Blade and Sword: He has a keen ability with lightsaber forms and the uses of crystals within them.


  • Older: This has put a damper on his dexterity and agility when not using the Force.
  • Bacta Allergy: Can be quite deadly.

Silver hair and older in appearance. Several wrinkles across a weathered face but still walks with his back straight. He has several amphistaff bite scars along his right forearm. On the right side of his face, he has amphistaff venom pockmarks scars scattered along his upper cheek and up towards his temple and ear. A thick, peppered beard aids in hiding the true extent of the damage that the Circle of Healers did their best to heal.

Lost in wipe re-posting

Standard Jedi-issued ship.
Last edited:
Force Powers
General Skill Set
  • Telekinetics
Specialized Skill Set
  • Crystal Alchemy and Imbuing of objects: Fully competent with the basics of inorganic and/or metallurgical alchemy. Capable of independent work on simple but useful projects, and support work on intermediate projects. Benchmarks: A simple genetic or alchemical/surgical alteration; a lightsabre-resistant blade; a functional 'trinket.'
Total Threads: 34

Training Received
Total: 2
Any training your character has received, please link here, listing abilities learned below each thread.

Lost in the great wipe of 2013 :(
Training Given
Total: 5
Any training your character has given to others. Link threads here, and list what was taught below each thread link, as above.

Faction Threads
Total: 26
Any other Faction thread that is not a Dominion or Invasion, including ‘Jedi Academy’ faction threads. Please link such threads here.

  1. Border Surveillance Pt 2
  2. Reclamation
  3. Casus Belli
  4. The Full Reach of Law
  5. GA Dominion of Mechis : Clockwork Rebellion Edition!
  6. Galactic Alliance dominion of Devaron and Aleen
  7. The Sacred Garden - GA T2 Dom of Seltos and Lohopa II
Development Threads
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
Please link any development threads (threads purposed to develop something for the Factory or Codex) here.

Miscellaneous/Character Development Threads
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
If it doesn't fit somewhere else, or it’s genuinely just Character Development, please link it here.

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