Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RFI: ID of ship and Jedi Knight

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Request: Identity of Jedi Knight and vessel
Background Information: A Jedi Knight recently landed an advanced vessel, not seen before, near a secure facility and compromised some information. We suspect the Republic given the nature of the information stolen from us, following our forensic information. Image of the ship and person attached:
You can assume some reasonable images of the character's face, rough height and shape. Several images of the vessel and some information of hull composition unless [member="Lira Dajenn"] protests.
Conditions: Must be done without causing a significant disturbance on any world
OOC/ be cool, talk to the writers involved, don't metagame. There's a chance you'll be able to find the manufacturer without breaking into a facility, but talk to the writer involved.
Aid: The network of spies and agents, can be made available if required. We can arrange ID to get through customs on most worlds.
Reward: Credits at a rate of 2,000 per day per agent plus expenses. Propose information to be exchange if you wish.
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