Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reviving the GAR

Location: Deep Space, United Trade Conglomerate Merchant Fleet
Time: 0929 Galactic Standard

-- The Deed was clear, should the New Republic Fail, Jaster Awauds Plan was to be activated. He was injured during an attempted assassination on his life. The life of the Vice Chancellor of the New Republic was worth quite a bit. It was kept under wraps and many were not involved with his recovery. However, since his retirement from office, the Republic Crumbled under itself. He was fully recovered now, and he wondered the Galaxy in the last few weeks to gather the needed preparations that his Master had put in place before his death.

-- Tobias did not let it show, but he was a close student of the Admiral of the Void for a large part of his life. The Mandalorian had redundancy plans in place for any of the galaxies problems even the destruction of the Republics Military Force.

-- The Politician turned General had set up a meeting with the other Generals of the Republic Exiles. He wished to grow the Military Force of the Republic as well as give them the ability to deploy that military. With him stood a massive fleet of nearly a thousand Centuri Supply Cruisers and 300-Series Frigates as well as a much larger supply of Admata Dropships. Not great for deploying troops, but great at getting them around. The UTC would continue to construct these ships and any other needs of the Republic in Mass. However, the cream of the crop was the hidden New Clone Army that had been on stand by for the Republic prepared and readied by Jaster and trained in secret by the Trade Conglomerate as well as the genetically engineered Mantinites. The Clones where made by Spaarti, but were again engineered by the UTC Medical Division using the Genome Cylinders to make them again one of a kind and seperate from their cousins. At the moment, the General had about a Trillion Clones ready for delivery.

-- Now he just had to wait for General [member="Alyson Halle"] and [member="Tatsu"] to meet with him and complete this part of his masters plan.

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