Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Iridonia | Objective: Meet with the Iridonian King | Tag: [member="Krest"] | Theme: Link
From the depths of Hyperspace, scores of ships emerged over Iridonia. Small fighters, nothing more than a mere escort paving the way for what was to come. These ships were crisp and new, each transponder read the same code of the Confederate military. They fell out of hyperspace, one by one, until twelve of the fighters loomed silently over the planet. Their weapons were not primed, yet their shields were raised in the event of an attack. A final ship exited hyperspace behind this fighter escort, this one was transport shuttle, which transmitted the codes of a Confederate envoy.

The shuttle passed it's escort, leaving the other ships behind as it headed for the planet below. Four of the fighters would fly close escort, while the rest remained behind. Two of the fighters took the lead as they advanced on the planet's main city.

From his seat in the shuttle Adron's crystal blue eyes took in the sights below. The Exarch did not know much about Iridonia, but he did know of it's King and that had been enough to prompt a visit. The cities below seemed new, not yet set upon by the harsh weather of the years. It was almost an appealing sight, to see progress so active on a world that once turned it's nose up at the very notion.

Reaching out with The Force, Adron searched for a presence he had not felt in years. Perhaps he would not even recognize it if it was to wash over him, but he searched none the less. Eyes narrowed as he spoke softly. "Krest. I'm here." He declared, more to himself than to any other.
The King stood in his throne room among his various advisers. On a holotable before him was various ship designs, the future of the Iridonian Fleet. They had been buying various mass market items since his rise to the throne, but they needed to become self sufficient if they were going to last in this ever changing galaxy. They were in mid-discussion when Krest held up a hand to silence the room.

The Force reached out from where he stood, testing the natural flow as he felt a tremor. A familiar presence. His blue eyes snapped open as he gazed to the various members in the room. "We have guests. Prepare the throne room for a foreign envoy. Ready a squadron to escort our guests." At his words the room cleared, all doing as they were asked with speed and focus. The display before him closed down as he moved to his throne, settling into it as he awaited his old friend.

[member="Adron Malvern"] would be hailed as an Iridonian squadron consisting of the classic A-Wing model arrived. "We have been tasked with accepting your arrival. Please, come along with us to the spaceport where you will be escorted to the King."
The pilot to Adron's shuttle received the Iridonian communication and responded quickly. It seemed there had been some expectation of being led into the planet's system, though why that was there was no telling. The escort ships fell into formation behind the Iridonian's, leading the way to the designated landing pad. As they pulled in closer to the spaceport Adron could sense [member="Krest"] on the world and his signature became more and more familiar. It had been some time since he had seen the old man, yet a part of him was interested to see his reaction. They had not spoken since The Sith Empire conquered his homeworld and he fell to the dark side. Krest was, perhaps, the first person to teach him of the Dark Side.

When the shuttle finally came down on the world, Adron stood from his seat with a silent sigh. The black and crimson suit he wore was accented with the crest of The Confederacy on his lapel. He brushed his hand down over the lapel before making his way out of the shuttle. It seemed his pilot was already speaking with the Iridonian escort, explaining who The Exarch was.

The Iridonians had prepared to receive him and he accepted their reception silently. The trip to the palace was also a brief one, and Adron did not pull his mind from it's depths until he was ushered through the palace doors. Once his eyes looked to Krest he gave a slight smirk. He approached the older man, allowing a slight bow of the head in respect to the King. "The King of Iridonia...It has been some time." He said, eyeing the man closely, curious to see if the man would even remember the boy he had made an impression on so many years ago.

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