Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Return to New Cov

With the help of some other Jedi she had met, Valery finally began to find her place within the Galaxy again. However, she had a long way to go before she could serve as a Jedi the way she once did. Right now, she was on a path of discovery to understand the state of the Jedi and the Galaxy, in hopes of figuring out how she can use her experience and skills to help make a difference again.

This journey now took her back to a world she spent a great deal of her time on in the past: New Cov. Some of her best and worst memories are attached to that world, but something more tangible as well - the remnants of the old Enclave she used to be a part of. While she didn't expect to find much left of it, she hoped there was something there that could help guide her.

The location of the old Enclave was somewhere deep within the jungle, which was known for its lethal fauna and flora. It was impossible to land within the jungle, so her journey took her to Ilic instead, the domed city that acted as the planet's capital city. During her stay, Valery preferred not to be recognized as a Jedi, and thus decided to cover herself up with brown robes that she wrapped around her typical tunic.

After landing in the city, Valery would begin to wander through its street, trying to see whether or not she could recognize anything from her past.

"Hmm.. perhaps the archives have old records." she wondered.

With these thoughts, Valery looked around for a library, or someplace that could have records about the old Enclave, and her time as a diplomatic liaison to the planet. She knew there had to be something, and she was going to find it.

(Valery's appearance: Appearance)



It wasn't very often his random jobs would also allow him the chance to learn more of what it meant to be a Jedi. But it wasn't something he'd ever pass up. New Cov was one of those worlds with a history in the Jedi nearly forgotten. Too many years had passed, especially during the darker times of the Jedi's history. If he wanted to be a Jedi in the ages like this, where too many killed for war, he needed to learn from the past. See where they had come from so he might find a better path forward.

The library didn't have as much information as he was hoping. While his ship was being loaded up with the next shipment, he was perusing through various datacrons to find a location or some sort of history. Most of it seemed to have been lost during the Jedi Purge of the Republic hundreds of years ago. He let out a sigh as he set down another virtually empty datacron. Nothing. Kahlil sat for a moment longer, just staring at the few accounts there were. He'd taken all of them, and found nothing.

A shame, but not too surprising. The man stood up, taking up the items to put them away. He'd have to search elsewhere if he wanted more information.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
After wandering around for a while, Valery eventually found her way to the large library. She stepped inside and spoke to someone at the reception, who pointed her in the right direction - towards the section that held some of their records regarding the Jedi and their involvement on the planet.

But as she approached, she sensed a presence in the Force nearby, one she believed to belong to a Jedi.

Now curious, Valery approached without masking her own presence, hoping to alert the other Jedi that she was approaching. She lowered the hood, allowing her long, dark-brown hair to cascade down behind her back, and stepped into the room. After only a brief moment, her orange eyes spotted a man putting away data into the archives.

"Greetings." is all she said as she walked up from behind. She stopped a small distance away and looked up at the man who was nearly a foot taller than her.

She offered a soft smile after he'd turn around, and studied him for a moment.



The presence of another Jedi wasn't an unsettling thing for Kahlil normally. But with the current wars and his own family name, he'd always been on edge. He hastily put away the last of the books before turning his gaze to Valery Noble Valery Noble . Well, at least she didn't start with 'Under arrest' or something similar. Kahlil's shoulders visibly relaxed as he offered a soft smile in return.

"Greetings. I uh.. Anything I can help you with or..?" For a moment he was confused why she was approaching him. Subconsciously he reached up to check his amulet. Oh. Crap. He looked far more nervous as the realization he'd forgotten his Taozin Amulet on his ship settled in. "Ah. Right. I take it you were looking for information on the Jedi here, then?"
Valery noticed that Kahlil seemed a little on edge, nervous even after he reached for something that wasn't there, so she made sure to keep her exterior calm, and folded her hands together in front of her lap. "Apologies if I caught you off-guard, but I'm not here to cause trouble." she said with a more comforting smile.

Her eyes then briefly shifted past him, towards the archives behind him.

"But I was looking for information about the Jedi and it seems you were too." she said as she looked at him again. "Perhaps we can help each other find what we're looking for?"

Valery didn't know what exactly he was searching for, but she was always the helpful type. Since her recovery from stasis, several other Jedi had helped her as well, so taking a moment of her time to help another was the least she could do.



The reassurance was a welcome thing. And she wasn't hiding anything in the Force, so at least he could feel she wasn't trying to be deceitful. His gaze followed hers over his shoulder to the datacrons. "Ah, yeah. Sadly there's no information on them asides from the fact they were here some time ago. I'm afraid the purge cleansed all actual information of the temple that was once here." He spoke in a sad tone, turning his gaze back to Valery Noble Valery Noble with an apologetic smile.

"You'll have to try somewhere else, likely in the surviving archives with the Jedi Orders, though I feel you already know that. I am Kahlil."
Valery sighed softly at his words, but she didn't seem too surprised - it seemed to be a pattern everywhere she went. However, she came to New Cov for more than just these archives. Deep within the jungles beyond the city, she hoped to find remnants of her old Enclave, which had its own archives.

Her gaze settled back on the man, and she'd offer him a kind smile.
"Master Valery Noble, it's a pleasure to meet you." she said with a respectful dip of her head.

"I was hoping to find records here, but there is one other, less obvious location on this planet that I intend to visit for information." she said. "I'm not sure what you're looking for, but if you'd like to come along, you're free to."

Valery didn't know if he had been here before and knew about how dangerous New Cov's jungles were, but she would be able to guide him through. With a party of two, they would certainly be a lot safer as well.

"Of course, I don't expect you to just follow a stranger, so I understand if you prefer not to. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them too."



Master? Kahlil paused for a moment, briefly unsure on whether he should be bowing or otherwise showing some kind of respect to Valery Noble Valery Noble . All that happened was the same smile and his own nod. "A pleasure, Valery." Wait, no. Master Noble. Right? Inwardly there was some panic as he'd been away from a temple for some years now. How he was supposed to interact with a fellow Jedi was knowledge lost to him. If it wasn't for his Epicanthix nature, the panicked thoughts would of been all too easy to read.

Instead, his mind was blank and his smile the only thing he dared to show.

"I wouldn't mind, if you know of a different place. I am very much trying to learn all I can of the old orders to better understand how they handled conflict."
Valery tilted her head lightly at the way he addressed her, and simply chuckled softly. But what piqued her interest more was his interest in the old Jedi order, and how they handled conflict.

"Is that so?" she asked as her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Well, it seems I can help you more than I originally thought, then. I'm here to look for the remnants of the Enclave I used to lead, which was established over 4000 years ago." she explained. "I suppose that means I'm that old as well, but I spent the majority of that time in stasis." she smirked.

Valery then looked over her shoulder and gestured for him to follow her.

"I can tell you anything you'd like to know about the old days, and I hope we can discover some lost knowledge as well. It will require us to go into these jungles though, but I've been inside them many times. It'll be just fine."

She stopped at the entrance into the library and elegantly turned on her heels to face him.

"Are you with me?"



That wasn't nearly as surprising as it should of been, once Kahlil thought about it. He hadn't even reacted to the fact she admitted she was in stasis with the usual sort of wonderment someone might expect, instead just worry filled his gaze. "You seem pretty well adjusted for everything that's changed." A calm observation. Should he think more of it? Be worried about her? She was a Jedi Master, did she really need his worry? No, wait. She was still a person.

"I'm with you." He chuckled lightly before following her in turn. If she had more information, that'd be important enough for him to learn. But more importantly, if this really was her enclave, she shouldn't be alone to see the ruins that are left. He knew all too well what it was like to have your world suddenly and drastically changed.

"So which era are you from? The old republic? The old old republic? High?" Idle conversation to fill the air. He glanced to her curiously as they walked, still smiling none the less.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Valery stepped out of the library and smiled softly, even though she was looking ahead of herself. "I'm not entirely adjusted, but remaining stuck in the past is a mistake I've made when I was younger, and I don't wish to repeat it." She briefly thought back to those darker times but set them aside with a shake of her head.

She also seemed happy about the fact that he was coming along. While she'd handle herself just fine in the jungle, she also understood that she was visiting a place with a lot of memories attached to it. Having someone else there with her made it just a little easier.

"What era? Hmmm.." she seemed to be in thought for a moment. "Well, I was born about 20 years after the Treaty of Coruscant, so quite a long time ago." she chuckled. "I was an active Jedi during what we called the Third Galactic War between the Sith Empire and the Republic. I wish I could say things were much different then, but they were quite similar. The war was one that took a toll on all people in the Galaxy, just how war is divisive and destructive now."

The two would then reach the way out of the city, a large gate that was normally closed. A quick conversation with the guards later, and they would be allowed to venture into the dangerous jungles together.

"Ready for a walk through the jungle?" she smirked a little and seemed to be ready herself. "It will be a bit of a walk, so if you have questions about those old times, I'd be happy to answer them. We can learn a bit from each other and hopefully, we'll find something interesting as well."



The Treaty of Coruscant? Kahlil paused again, watching Valery Noble Valery Noble far more curiously. He knew of it, but from the Sith side. His training then had been quite a bit academic. To know someone who was actually around then, though. That's even crazier than he thought. Hearing that it was just as bad then as it was now was disheartening.

"History is doomed to repeat itself.."

He muttered mostly to himself on that before nodding once at her actual question. His smirk was a bit more nervous than her own, mostly because the dangers of said jungle weren't exactly something he was looking forward to. "In truth I've no idea what to ask you about then. It's.. Pretty crazy to wrap my head around. How about I answer your questions first?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Valery nodded her head in understanding - realizing that this Galaxy was hardly ever in a state of peace wasn't an easy thing to accept. "I've learned that conflict is inevitable, and we have to respond to it as Jedi. It is our duty to protect, after all." Valery said as the two would enter the jungle. "But we don't have to lose ourselves in the process. When I began my training, the Jedi all grew up surrounded by war, and you might expect some to lose their way. But instead, those times forced us all to master our philosophies, so we could remain balanced while we served the Force, and defended the Republic."

She then stopped for a moment and looked around the familiar jungle. A deep breath was taken before she would continue to walk again, her attention back to Kahlil but she was keeping an eye on her environment as well. Both could feel life swarming around them, making it hard to differentiate the harmless creatures from the predators.

But despite the potential danger, Valery seemed to be in a rather good mood.
"But my turn to ask questions, hm?" she smiled and decided to start with something simple. "Where are you from, Knight Kahlil? And how did you end up all the way out here?"



Not words he truly wished to hear. The idea there'd never truly be peace only made him fear for the future of the Jedi as a whole. The Sith thrived on combat, but for the Jedi, it lead to temptation and darkness. It's why he never truly joined the ongoing wars. Or, perhaps, it was because he was afraid? His gaze drifted over their surroundings. Beautiful, but always dangerous. The jungle was like a lot of things he'd seen in his life.

Valery Noble Valery Noble 's question caught him off guard, though. He laughed a little, glancing to her. That was a massive topic to unpack. Should he? Well, she hadn't proved to be untrustworthy yet.

"I was born on Panatha, but my father brought me to Bastion when it was still under the Sith Empire. I wouldn't say exactly that I'm a Jedi Knight, though. I belong to no order."
Valery tilted her head lightly as he answered her question, "Sith Empire, hm? I'm sure there is quite a story there, but I won't pressure if it's, well, personal." she smiled softly and maneuvered through some dense bushes. As they moved further away from the city walls, the jungle grew

"As for you being a Jedi Knight, you may not belong to an Order now but you still hold the same values as the Jedi. Or at least, I assume that's the case, considering you're here to learn more about the Jedi." Valery said.

"I myself don't belong to any Order or Enclave yet either, which.. is a long story. But that's why I'm here - to find anything related to my old Enclave so I can form a new one. "

Valery looked determined when she said this. It would take time to form an Enclave, find students, and established Jedi to help it grow, but there was something driving the Keshian woman that made sure nothing was going to hold her back.

"I know you mentioned wanting to learn more to understand how Jedi handle conflict. What are you planning to do afterward, if you don't mind me asking?" Valery asked, curious about what his journey was truly all about.



"That would be an understatement." He laughed nervously. Even just thinking about the story behind his past in the Empire had him worried. Not that his worry could be felt. As an Epicanthix, his mind might as well not exist in the Force. He nodded slowly as he listened to Valery. Setting up a group of Jedi was not an easy task. He himself tried to help several groups form.

But the Jedi were still in such a disarray that it was impossible to unite them again.

"Ah, stop my family. The Zambrano's are.. Well. My father was the Sith Emperor. My uncle, the Dark Lord. My sister, the new Sith Empress."
Valery stopped walking for a moment as he talked about his family, blinked, and looked over her shoulder towards him. She tilted her head and slowly, after a moment, a faint smile appeared.

"That sounds like quite a difficult task to complete on your own. But I understand why it's one you're pursuing." she said before she began to walk again. At this point, they were far out from the city, and it would begin to feel as if eyes were watching them from within the jungle. However, it seemed to hardly phase Valery.

"How did you end up all the way out here, as a Jedi?" she then asked. "Escaping the Sith, especially your family, seems quite difficult. If it's a story you prefer not telling, I understand of course." she smiled. Valery was simply curious, and wanting to learn more about the Jedi she was traveling with.



Ah, yeah. There it was. He'd had several Jedi stare at him like he had two heads when he mentioned his family. Most couldn't believe he'd give up the power and influence his family had. He kept a nervous smile as his gaze shifted to meet Valery Noble Valery Noble , expecting some kind of negative response. And yet, she smiled. He blinked in surprise as he started to follow after her, unnoticing the eyes that were surly watching them.

"I met a friend who showed me I could leave. That I didn't have to be what my family wanted. I forsook the Force for some time, focusing on running a ship. Being a spacer of sorts. It was a Jedi who sook me out. Asked me to join the Jedi. Zambrano are strong in the Force, and he hopped if I became a Jedi I'd be able to stand up to my father."

To become a weapon against the dark. Ironic, given what a Jedi was supposed to be.

"But I left the order. Too much violence for violence's sake. A Jedi is supposed to raise their blade only in the defense of others, not to take a life."
Valery kept walking towards their destination, nodding along lightly to what he was saying. "It's a complicated topic, and I know very little about the Jedi these days. But where I come from, it's something we taught through the Conquers & Honors." she explained right as she stopped and looked around for a moment. She squinted and seemed to focus for just a second, before moving on again.

"One of the Honors is to Honor Life, which is why Jedi should never kill without reason, or be aggressive. But when our goal is to protect life, it is sometimes necessary that we take it in self-defense, or in defense of others. Of course, it's not an act to take lightly, and there are specific lessons I learned about doing it as properly as possible, whilst also focusing on reflection afterward" she said as she looked over her shoulder.

"When it comes to your family, redemption might not be possible. Although, you're clearly an example that deep down, there might be enough light within to outshine the darkness." she offered a soft smile.

"Back in my days, we were taught no Sith could ever return to the Light. Beyond stage III, the only salvation we believed to be returning them to the Force." she stopped and sighed. "Clearly, they were wrong back then. But the way back is not easy, as I'm sure you know."

Valery then continued walking again and both Kahlil and her could feel they were approaching a location stronger in the Force. Not quite something one would consider a Nexus, but it was a sign that they were getting closer.

"Our ultimate goal is to bring Balance to the Galaxy and the Force, but that begins with balancing ourselves. I hope that I can help bring some of those lessons out there for Jedi. If some truly have lost themselves in the violence.." she frowned and remained quiet, giving him a moment to respond.



"Stage III?" Everything else Valery Noble Valery Noble had said made sense in his mind, but that. It was a term completely foreign to him, despite his experience with both sides of the ongoing war. His eyes stayed forward though. They were getting close to.. Something. He could feel it. Faint in the Force. He'd never of found the place without her leading the way.

"There are many who have. I do hope that they ight be able to accept the wrong they've done."

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