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Return to Lothal


Disney's Princess
Planet Lothal

Corvus Raaf. A Jedi Grandmaster during turbulent times. Indeed, under her watch the Galactic Republic underwent a change that was thousands of years in the making. The Jedi Order had finally left the Republic.

Here on the planet Lothal was one of their hidden Temples. Buried beneath layers and layers of stone. Doorways made of rock and hidden crevasses. Passwords in the Force. Oh yes... Lothal wasn't just any old planet either. It had a history too. A history from far before the Dark Night of Plaque had swallowed everything. A history that many didn't even bother to remember.

Robert's was among that group too. Indeed, she had come to this ancient planet looking for something far more interesting that hidden Jedi Temples and long lost histories. Oh no... Oh yes. She had come looking for Corvus Raaf.

The first place to start with any good search is at the beginning. The beginning, rather, the construction of the hidden Temple. An event now less than three years ago and participated in by none other than Karen Roberts herself. For after her little hissy fit on Cron and the return of the universe following the Rapture? Well. Nothing had quite been the same.

Here. On this very planet. The newly separated Jedi Order of the Republic drew it's first breath of independence. Taking that fateful first step of separating themselves from the Galactic Senate and taking up a new responsibility for the whole of the galaxy itself. Brave new world. Here. On this very patch of grass yellow dirt. Corvus Raaf had declared their first sanctuary be built.

"And here. Just under where my foot would be... Is where her old office lies."

Karen smiled as she stood upon the grassy surface of The Dublan Plain. The grassy outcroppings that held the secret back door to the Lothal Temple. Right where she remembered them.

"Come now. Let us reason together. That he door might be opened and the path be made clear."

She spoke the password and the Force replied. Without even a sudden tremble of the ground? The tall stones opened and allowed her passage. Down down into the deep.

Welcome home.


Disney's Princess
It should be noted that Karen was never the first to attempt to make sense of Corvus' departure. Oh no. Only a single year past, Karen had herself rummaged through this old office once before. Looking for a very specific Soul Gem and the native powers held within. Alas. Had she known then what she knew now? Everything would have been different. Indeed. Raaf's old lover had come calling that very same night. Catching poor Karen unawares and diverting her efforts into combat. Roberts had barely managed to calm the poor witch before it was all too late. Luckily, she had parted ways with that strange woman on fair standing. Her efforts at turning over Raaf's old documents, ending somewhat poorly. A good thief, Karen was most certainly not.

So the memories seemed a bit lackluster as Roberts reentered the room. It had long since been renovated for another. Though, the Master who claimed them seemed to be out for a bit. Karen's door spike had done the trick with the lock. Child's play, really. Mmm. It was obvious that nobody had ever intended for this large office to hide anything but hours of boring study. Luck. That was in Karen's favor.

"Ah. Well. I suppose now I'll have to turn the place over. ...Poo."

She snorted as her blue eyes fell over the large room. Just where was a bad thief to start?

"Ah ha?"

Roberts smiled as she eyed a treasure chest in the corner. Only somewhat hidden under the bed and covered with a clean cloth.

"Bad thief indeed. Let's see what we turn up eh?"

The next few hours where as dishonest as they were disgruntling. She had found little of use except a note as to where Raaf's old furniture had been taken. Storage. Mm. Go figure.

"Well. I guess that's that, then. Time to see if Corvus was strange enough to go hiding treasures under her bed."

Bleh. Just the thought annoyed her.


Disney's Princess
Moments later Karen had not only discovered the storage closet. But, she'd also discovered it was empty.


She murmured under her breath. Turning just slightly to consider the silver protocol droid as it approached.

"Excuse me. Might you know anything about this closet?"

The droid paused as it startled. I mean. I was the middle of the night you know.

"Oh dear." The droid mused, "Pardon me Master Jedi. I did not see you there. And, what was that? The closet. Oh. No. That hasn't been used in quite some time."

Karen rolled her eyes and nodded with defeat,

"And... I suppose you don't happen to know what they did with the furniture and loose articles stored here?"

"No. I am terribly sorry ma'dam. But any furniture not being used would have been set aside in the Gantry Hall storage room. Not the dormitory room. Perhaps..."

"Yep! Way ahead of you!"

Karen barged right past the droid before he could even finish speaking. She was still chasing bedsheets and bookworms. The poor droid just threw up his hands in defeat,

"Oh my..."


Minutes later Karen had discovered the other storage room. Luckly, it was indeed full of unused items. Raaf's old furniture among them. Though, it was hard to tell what was what, really. Nothing had been sorted in such a way as to give clues what was what.

"Damn. I'll have to use the Force."

Karen reached out with her senses and caught a faint hint of Raaf's perfume. The kind her lover made mention of. Her favorite.


Luckier still. Among the relics was her old desk. Exactly what Karen had been looking for. She scrambled into the cramped room and immeditely set to work ravaging the place. Alas...


A familiar silver droid appeared in the doorway. Casting his worrisome shadow over Robert's ridiculous attempt at stealth and pilfer.

"Excuse me Master Jedi. But I did forget to mention one thing?"

Karen turned her frown to meet the droid's blank expression. Ugh. How she hated him already.

"All of the loose articles found in those items have already been set to Ossus for sorting. Including some of the smaller kitchenettes. Perhaps you might..."


Karen barged past the droid a second time. Already on her way back to her ship. And, to Ossus.


The poor droid threw up his hands in defeat once more.

"...My goodness. These humans! So confusing?"


Disney's Princess
The flight to Ossus was long and ruddy. Millions of lightyears stood between the Fringe World of Lothal and the protected Jedi sector of Ossus. Indeed, Ossus had long been the head and home of the Republic's Jedi Order. After the One Sith had taken the core? Ossus was all that the old Jedi had left now. Still? It was another familiar place to Karen. She herself having visited the world many times. Often on Jedi business. Often right before war.

"R2? You got those hot pockets ready?"

~ Tonk tonk ~

The droid wheeled into her bathroom on her luxury star yacht. Her home away from home. Beeping it's happy head, the Astromech lowered a silver plate of food down toward's Karen and the bath tube. After all,

"No better way to spend a week in Hyperspace, than in the bath?"

She smiled to her little R2 unit and placed the tray atop the bathroom fresher. Grateful for the delivery.

"Thank you R2. Dinner, is served. Hehe."

~ Weep woop ~

The happy droid rolled himself out of the bathroom and left Karen to her peace. Fifteen minutes peace, to be exact. She smiled as she lay back into the warm bubble bath,

"Ahhh. Ossus. Here we come."


Seven days later. Karen Roberts would finally make landfall over Ossus. The last clue in her tawdry little puzzle.


Disney's Princess
Ossus was a member world on the far flung reaches of the Silver Sanctum Coalition. A group of devout Jedi practitioners that Karen knew well. Indeed, she had been a member of the Voss Temple many times. Often visiting for students, classes, shopping, or just to refresh and refuel. However, she had never actually spent much time on Ossus. Which was strange given how vast the knowledge and how complete their library was. Roberts was used to visiting many Jedi Temples and finding their libraries to large and expansive. But Ossus was different. It held many original collections of tomes, cubes, and even paperback volumes. Bundles of lore that was kept safe and preserved, right there onsite. Very impressive.

Karen checked in at the front desk and proceeded down to Collections. Here, deep underground were many of the sealed vaults that contained all kinds of ancient and preserved knowledge. Thousands upon thousands of books and novels all dedicated to furthering the prospects of the Force and it's humble practitioners. To note however. Most of these books were journals. Similar to scientific journals really. Collections of experiments, results, failures, and successes. Some about Alchemy and others about Attunement. Some about the properties of Magical Barriers and others about the geography of Force Worlds. Far far to much knowledge for Karen to even think of browsing in her short lifetime. So she continued past many of the sealed vaults and went right up the search desk.

For the next few hours she and a Librarian would do there utmost to locate all of the items that had been archived from the Lothal Temple shipments. Many of them recorded, but never unpacked. Fortuitous for Karen really. As, she was rather looking forward to being the first to open a very specific box indeed.

"Ah. Here we go. Articles 111 through 113. TJO. Lothal. ...I believe this is what we are looking for, eh?"

The Librarian opened the sealed vault and motioned for Karen to enter. These were large glass rooms protected in temperature and in humidity. Many of them could even be turned into a vacuum chamber to better preserve the ancient collections found within. This room however? Was simply used for storage.

"Let's see what we can dig up in here today. Shall we?"

Karen nodded to her host with a smile of anticipation. Could it really be that the trophy she so longed to find was really just being kept in storage? My my. She couldn't wait to find out.


Disney's Princess
"Yo. Heya Blue. What can I get cha this fine morning?"

"Just a coffee. Thanks Mike."

"No problem darlin'. Have a seat. It'll be right up."

Roberts was a tall, strong woman with vibrant blue hair. Years of fighting didn't hold a candle to how radiant she still looked. Even after all those messy battles her skin could still hold a Jedi's glow. Which was sort of funny because last time we saw her, she was pretty much, well, ...dead. Mostly anyway...

"So Mike. What's the good word? Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Aww. Now you know I ain't supposed to be telling? Margret would kill me if I let it slip before the parents heard."

"Hehe. Oh, I know. Just browsing I suppose. But don't keep us in supense now? Soon as it happens, I want that text. Okay?"

"Haha. Okay okay. Soon as it happens. Promise."

Yeah. Mostly dead is a good way to put it. I mean, rising from the dead takes talent you know. Talent, and a clever cover-up from Republic Intelligence. Indeed, dispite the extravagant rumors of her sudden demise following the huddle, Karen had enjoyed almost a whole year away from Republic space at this point. Hiding right in plain sight. Right under the nose of the Omega Pyre and it's many colorful divisions and powerful lieutenants. Just relaxing, breathing, and living a comfortable retirement on Corellia with good family and friends. It was a great time to be alive and prosperous. Even if she knew it couldn't last. After all. For the life of a Vanguard woman? Such things simply aren't meant to be.

Dressed in Tetan fashions with a black leather jacket swung about her shoulders, this lost blue-haired heroine took one last moment to enjoy her coffee in peace. With almost a decade of visiting breakfast bars on Corellia under her belt? She knew these quiet scenes of tranquility were few and far between. Especially without someone's force frying pans trying to burn the whole place down. Well? ...Nah. Maybe she was just a little rusty.


Disney's Princess
Within and without. In the ebb and flow of the Force came the interesting and the curious. Still waters that would begin to stir, and pool, and even swallow your thoughts whole. Turning day dreams into sharper focus. Such was the temperment of a sensitive being, that when the universe began to glimmer around a singluar individual, you might take notice. Karen Roberts knew absolutely nothing about Kerrigan Coats or the aura of dread that surrounded them. Alchemy was lost upon her completely and she gave little thought to purchasing such expensive trinkets dispite their use. My my, and weren't they expensive too. Still, Karen found her hand waving through the air with a subtle ward of power. Her silent finger tracing a line through the air just above her coffee. It was a Jedi spell that guarded the mind from the toxic effects of violence, paranoia, lust, and fear. Unnaturally common amongst Jedi these days. She would blame Kaine for that one. Luckily, it would suffice.

Once woven she took a long sigh of relief and turned to browse upon the new arrivals. HK seemed only an unfamiliar old man seasoned with an excellent pallette. Surely this comforting gaze was not the source of the panic that could stricken a moral to fearfulness. Perhaps, rather the opposite really. Oh no. It did appear that Tal was the centerpoint of this particular disturbance to her comfortable morning. Even now the Force continued to rest upon with a keen and unseemly interest. Eyes resting upon eyes. Karen was so facinated that she even turned to complacently stare at the male. Oh my, oh my. What ever do we have here?

Karen spun fully to watch the man with a casual, if unnecessary, interest. Turning her chest and posture fully to contemplate upon this new arrival. Sipping her coffee with only passing amusment and quietly lamenting the quick escape of the other patrons. Ugh. But Gods in heaven, It was so hard to remain retired and undercover. Why couldn't her curiousity just stay dead too.

Smilng faintly Roberts offered a robust and amused,

"Good morning, hmm?"


Disney's Princess
Karen's writer kept her sweet sweet bahooty firmly against it's cushion as her mouth began a smirk. Tal was playing hard to get. For although he was a instinctual gambit, Karen always considered more than just the cards on the table. Because even amongst the strongest of bluffs and between the coldest, hardest of poker faces; there always came a time when all the players must show their hand.

Her eyes flickered with a giggle at HK french. She could apprecite an older man who knew when to keep his cool. And when to make it hot.

"Did you know you carry the faintest scent of plague? ...Forgive me but my religion bids me speak. Indeed I myself, dark stranger, already wonder from whence you came? Are you perhaps a plague spore, a Sithspawn draug, or a budding blackguard bandit? Mmm. Oh! Or something in between. So hard to tell really. I can never seem to get it quite right on the very first try."

She set down her mug and mused even more overtly. Caring little for specktacle at this point,

"Mmm. No. A good morning indeed. I think something splended is afoot."


Disney's Princess
Karen smirked at Tal . He hadn't even blinked. Facinating. She took a long sip of her coffee before replying across the way,

"I'm just here for breakfast. Though you do not appear to have percieved my intent. How exactly are you manifesting a Force Aura without so much as a lick of concentration or inate talent? Are you perhaps? Oh."

She bladed her eyes and delved deeper into the swirling currents that surrounded the man,

"Mmm. No. It's not you. ...Is it? Something. About you. ...Something. You keep with you. Hm?"

Even with all her years of experience, she just couldn't quite figure it out. Was it luck or providence? These fated meetings. She could never decide. It was like looking at a Hobbit who had stolen a very special ring. There was just something about him. Something powerful. Something raw and deadening. The Force gave only hints and gestures. Nothing solid for her imagaination to grasp onto. Indeed, given her musings Roberts had almost completely forgotten about HK. The benefits of his unusal disguise and his cool demeaner no doubt. But when Klye entered the establishment, she knew the gig was up. Corek was one of the most subtle marksman she had ever known. Sure, she could attempt a mind-trick or a vision cloak in order to escape unnoticed? However, something told her that Noah was likely far too experienced with Force Users and Space Wizards to ever fall for something as childish as a charade. So instead she sighed and took one last sip of her coffee.


Disney's Princess
The next day, (after her little coffee excursion to see some old friends,) Karen returned to the Ossus Library. Eager to see if the paperwork had gone through. And sure enough? Just as soon as she reached the Collection's Desk. The old Librarian was waiting for her,

"Perfect timing my dear."

She quipped with a smile.

"Oh? I take it that is good news then, yes?"


Both women gave a chuckle and Karen approached the wide wooden desk. Already noticing the small silver box tied with red string. Some sort of present then?

"Oh my?" Karen beamed.

"Well... Congratulations then." The Librarian nodded, "It's not everyday somebody finds what they were looking for in storage. Hehe. ...Sign here please."

Roberts signed for the tiny object and recieved it into her custody. The poor Librarian. She didn't even know what she was giving away, did she?

"Thank you again Master Keeper. Please. Enjoy the rest of your day."

"And you, my Daughter. The Force keep you."

Karen gave a quick bow and held the silver box with red ribbon in both hands. Nodding to a long search well done,



Man. It sure felt like Christmas.

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