Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Return to Home[Shaper Haru]

Morna had been living on Courscant for about a year now as a bartender. He had been saving up about 55,000 credits to buy his ship "liberty" from an old pilot. It was a R-41 Starchaser. it was alittle beaten up and dirty, but would work for its purpousess. He needed to get back home. Kro Var. His homeworld that he left behind. Morna did not like the place because of his parents death. They were murdered by a Sith hidding as a Jedi. Thats how he has his sword. Black, Phrik, and simple. Thats also when he got his best friend Thron. a Corellian Banshee Bird named after his father. Small for its size. It was loyal to him and him alone. He remeberd the Jedi who gave it to him. He felt sad that his parents had died, so he gave him his first friend.

Currently Thron was on his shoulder eating some sort of nut that he found. Cracking as he broke the shell with his beak. Morna was walking down the street towards his home to pack his belongings so he could return home to contiue his traning. He only had some of the basics down for the Fire element. other than that all he could do was change the wind and make water collect on the counter top. He needed more training if he was going to be in this war that ravaged the Galaxy.

Once inside his appartment ,he gatherd his clothes and personal artifacts. He had just quit his job when a new boy came in that wanted a job. So far all he had was a sack full of clothes a durasteel knife used to cut small things such as rope or cloth, some clothes, about 2000 credits, and bird feed. Morna but on his hoodless cloak that was slightly burnt on the bottom and around the cuffs. It was tight around the arms like a Jacket and bellowed out towards the hem on the bottom. it had a high collar and small dura steel pouldrons on his sholders. he had black leather vambraces to cover his arms and simple smugler pants that had a belt with a fire emblem belt buckle, and knee high leather boots.

Though his most prized possion was a Sith sword that he rarely carried. He decied that he would wear it on his back like usual. It was his life line. Morna's tie to the past. Making sure that he had everything he called Thron with two sharp whistles and left the room. He walked down the stairs to the front loby to turn in his key card. Morna was back on the streets walking to his new ship. It was in docking bay 3. openning the bay door he went over to his ship and got in. a small man came runng at him with some fourm. Morna stoped and asked "What do you want?"

"You have to sign this before you leave sir." He was told. Morna grabed the form and the pen like object that he had and signed on the dotted line. After he had done that he asked "Is there anything else I need to do?" The man just shook his head and walked away.

Morna got into his ship with Thron. The bird did not like inclosed spaces. Shaking his head Morna gave Thron a sleeping pill to knock the bird out so it wouldnt be squaking the entire ride home. Starting the engines he lifted off the ground and went into space.

Morna had just come out of hyperspace when Thron started to move around in his sleep. The pill was was no longer in his system. Morna had taken a second to look at the censors to see if there were any hostiles in the area. There were none. Relunctly he came down to the surface.

Landing on the planet he was ambushed by his own people trying to see who was the mysterious pilot was. when he opend the hatch the sights, sounds, smells flowed into his cockpit. Dust, dirt, and body oder filled his nose. He lept over the side and landed on teh dry ground. everybody was touching him. To see who he was. Rasing his hand he lit his hand on fire. The people dispersed away from his like a cockroach to light. They all gasped. some of the parents coverd their childrens eyes. He knew that his eyes changed color when ever he used his powers. smothering the flame to make a puff sound Morna walked foward to a local and asked "Who is the leader currently I wis to speek with him. and if you show me, I will pay you."

A child rased his hand and said "I know where he is!" Morna then nodded his head, and followed behind him to an estate where thier leader was. He looked at the boy to see if he sould go in. The boy just held out his hand to be paied. doind so he handed him some credits. Morna walked in and anounced himself. "My name is Morna. I was born here about 20 years ago. I left here about a year ago and have returned for training. If you are here please show yourself."

Ruye Etarn

"No, no, no, you must breath more! Fire is not something summoned through brute force! You'd be more suited to shaping Earth that way!" The old Shaper Cabal ordered one of his students, much to far into the physical aspect. These students have yet to know the Spirits call, as described by a rival light years away on Dathomir. Perhaps someday, when his duties as Cabal were done, he would go die there. To be one of the very few Kro Var to die off world in many many years. But it would now seem that he would not be the only one to think such explorative thoughts, riddled with ancient Taboo that he encouraged his people to forget, in his time as Imperial Chieftain; a possition his son now fills for him. What then, was Chief of his magnitude doing teaching mere younglings in the ways of Shaping Kro Var? He was fulfilling a dream he had long ago, and it allowed him to connect with his people. Their warrior culture was still alive in these past few hundred years, and his people began to thrive as others fell. The galaxy his ancestors once knew was gone, replaced in its stead a time of chaos and war. A war that perhaps, they would someday join.

"My name is Morna." The old man halted his class with an immediate swip of his hand to the side. "I was born here about 20 years ago. I left here about a year ago, and have returned for training." The Cabal slowly brought his commanding hand to his short and greying beard, as he listened to the man continue. "If you are here please show yourself." The old man's eyes began to squint, perhaps in anger, perhaps not.

"Class," He addressed to the younglings, patient waiting in their appropriate stances. "You are all dismissed for the day. Practice our warm ups for tomarrow, you shall work twice as hard for a young mans inconvienance today." He slowly turned as his momentarily happy, but still groaning children ran off to due childish things. The old man came whisping in with silence to where he had heard the sound from afar, thanks to his acute hearing, and hastened step from shaping the air arround him. Of all the Cabals in the land, Haru was one of the very finest. Soon, this man would learn why. But first, there was some talking to be done.

"You are a bit late then," Haru spoke quite loudly from behind Morna, unimpressed in the way he dressed. But he supposed that he had encouraged this type of development, that had for so long caused them to fight and bicker to the point that anything more advanced than a spear was a bad oman. Many of his primitive peoples believed in these Taboo's, and he guessed that to a certain degree so had he. After all it was only but 50 years ago that these thoughts of "progress" and unity ever entered his head. "At age twenty a Shaper is decided by a Cabal what tribe and temple he would be trained in. Judging from your sleeves," He took a quite look over his clothes as he was turning around in suprise. "You are one who 'specializes' in Fire? We shall see if that is true, if that is," He shot an unkind look of distain towards the young man. "You even remember your training." He realized he had not given his name, but it should be obvious, and without a doubt in this young mans mind if he was even still Kro Var. He had served in the highest position a Kro Var had ever fulfilled in centuries, and if he didn't remember his name, than perhaps he would forget his as well. He encouraged the young to leave the nest yes, but he did not want them to break there roots and forget what it meant to be a Shaper.
Morna receved a leacture on how he was late and the way he dressed. He knew he may have getten this from one so old. When the man first walked into the room he felt his presence. It was of Knowledge and Wisdom. Full of thoughts that would be of great use. Thron was still on his shoulder standing proud like he always did. Sometimes the bird made him laugh by how proud it acted when it was the smallest thing that he owned. when the man was finishe speaking to him he replied.

"I know that I am late, Cabal Haru. I left here to escape my past but thought better of it. I have returned from Courscant to contiue in what my father has taught me form his father and his father before him. I knwo that i dress differently I have grown since i have left and ther for have no Kro Var apparel. Yes, I study the element of Fire. It burns within me raging to be unleashed. I have my basic training in Fire. Though the other elemts all I can do is move water form one place to another, lift sand with out touching it, and use a simple gust to open a small window. I wish to be trained as a Kro Var of old. To harness the elements is my Life. It is my Soul."

Morna had said all of this from his heart, and wished he could undo the past so he wouldnt have left, but that is impossable for him and there fore does not think about his past. He pulled the Sith sword from the sheath on his back creating a "Shhhiiinngg" effect, ring through out the halls of the Temple. he then brought it foward saying

"This is a blade that belonged to a Sith that hid here as a Jedi. He murdered my parents in cold blood. The jedi who caught him gave me this sword and Thron. the Corellan Banshee Bird that currently rests on my shoulder as proud as anybird can. He was named after my father in his honor. You may know of my father. he was a great man from what I knew. I have kept the blade but never used it. I didnt have a need for it, but now I do."

He then replaced the Sword in the sheath with a "Shhllip Click" sound. he faced Cabal Haru. waiting for his responce to his words of wanting and of explaination.

Ruye Etarn

The old Cabal watched as the young man unsheathed an impressive sword and told him of the tragedy he was all too familiar with. He knew who Morna was, though he had never really met him. He did know of his father, though not personally, and it did not seem that he was viewed as bad in this village, thus it came to reason that his father was indeed a good man. He was satisfied that the young man could both tell him his name, and feign such great enthusiasm for training. But as far as he was concerned it was all a lie until proven to be a truth. He swears his soul upon the elements? He would make sure that he hadn't, at first. Once it was known he could not give up again and leave everything behind, then he would allow the man to train without lecture unless needed.

"I will warn you," His face still stern as stone. "In the next few weeks I'm going to make you chew, taste, and swallow those words boy. I don't care if a good man and his wife were murdered by some fanatic, and you were given trinkets by another. You are Kro Var, you are a Shaper. One does not simply leave because they lost someone. The people of Kro Var for nearly three thousand years have been enveloped in war for all their generations. Do you think that your ancestors never lost anyone? If you wish to be anything to me, you will forget what pains you, and remember what pains your people." He was silent a moment. He wanted his words- all of his words -to sink in deeply into his fellow man. If he was serious, and he knew deep down that perhaps he was, otherwise he would have no reason to return, then somethings within his heart would need to be let go.

"Regardless, this lecture is over. You wish to be trained fully? Fine then, you shall be trained as all men your age train." Haru began to smile, but it was not kind. He was like the stone upon the ground; relentless, strong, hard, and without give or mercy. Simply because the boy had hit a bump earlier in life does not mean Haru would hurt any less than the ground would be for anyone falling over because of that bump. Morna had fallen, but had yet to hit the ground. Haru was rock bottom, and he would force him to pick himself up, or remain at this point for the rest of his life. He was one who made sure that if a man fell nine times, that he would pick himself up a tenth time.

"You shall follow me to the Shaper Temple of Fire. You wish to know of all the elements, then you must know the hardships of the one you profess in. You shall go as quick, and as strong as the other men. You will exhaust yourself as fast as you can, expend all the energy within your muscles, and you shall be unpredictable to your opponents. The elements can teach us many things, and if you survive long enough to speak to me this day, you shall describe how you feel and what you have learned from fire. Then if you are still strong enough to continue, we shall move on to Earth, my natural element. There you shall learn how to remain settled upon this world, and there too I expect you to break, but it is up to you to decided that. Are we clear as to the path you shall take on this day of your 'return'?" He spoke as he walked away, not even mentioning or telling him anything to the young man that he would be moving. He was expected to follow him as a student should.

He smirked unkindly as he approached the Temple. It was mid day, thus the men and women inside have brought their intensity to half way. Morna would either catch up on half a days work in the next hour or he would be extinguished like a suffocating flame. "This is the Temple of Fire. Inside the men already train. Technically you are not allowed within here, as you have not been chosen for this Temple. But I have given you a special pardon, as you are nearly old enough, and I fret you are a bit," He chuckled softly. "Out of practice."

He opened the doors to an untold plethora of fire blasts. The entire room was steamy with evaporated sweat and tears. The room was a sauna, or perhaps a furnace. But even as one of the greatest Cabal's who had ever lived stepped through the men inside did not stop, or hesitate. One particular station, which he would direct Morna to, was a fairly simple exercise, but effective. It was nothing more than an obstacle course, but it was like stone, and unforgiving. Every piece of it was moving, and would cause pain if the student did not perform correctly, as if it was not done correctly the path of most resistance would knock them off unto the hot unforgiving floor. The stone that made it was itself very hot, made to hasten the students speed or have their feet burned by being stationary. Fire was unpredictable but it would always take the path of least resistance, thus there were many paths through the course, but only a few at certain moments that could offer the opening a student required. Some of the obstacle course would of course, require the summoning of fire, the whole basis of the entire Temple. It would test the voracity of his fellow man as the obstacle course was not simple stone, as it was a course in which several men compete against each other at once.

He expected Morna to gawk at it and believe that he was indeed insane. But truthfully he did not plan on him staying here. This was shock therapy, so he would know where he must go before taking the journey. "Step upon the course student, your training begins late." He did not bother to explain the rules of the game because there were none, as you would learn through the game which unspoken rules would work, and which were set there and meant to be broken. He would learn fast or not at all from the exercise, and either scenario would be okay for the Cabal. He would soon know where it was he needed to go with Morna, upon this little field trip here. He would allow him to be upon the course for as long as he could stand within it. He stood a ways away in the likeness of a statue, as he awaited Morna to enter the course.
The old man gave him a warning about, "make you chew, taste, and swallow those words boy." He knew that he was not going to get any special treatment just because he had left early. Infact he may have a harder life for the next few years than most people on Kro Var will. He was considered an outcast, and he wouldnt let that stop him. Cabal Haru was telling him that he needs to drop alittle on the "family" subject, from other people may have been in the situation that he was in now. An outcast with no ties to his own race. he understood completely. He would dull the "family" blade becasue he didnt need it anymore. It was a thing of the past. He told himself that he would never forget it. but he wont dwell on it.

Morna saw the smile that he gave him. It was not a good smile. not even a grimace. It was a smile of tourture. The man knew that He, Morna, would be put thought hard times ahead. and what probably made the man smile was that Morna would have his most important lessons in the near future from all of the beatings, lessions, and failures. He would accept that he will fail, but he will show eveyone that even if you have nothing to lose, and not enough expierance, that he would never give up. Morna would be knocked down 7 times and he would pick himself up an 8th time. He would not give in to being mocked because of his familys past. Morna had a name to restore. He would not let his fathers and their father before them down.

The Cabal talked to him as if he were an infearer race, when he was talling him of what he was to be trained in. Fire he knew would be the easiest aspect for him. He was born into it, but earth? That would be a whole new different chapter in his life. if the most he could do was move some sand then he had some majior catching up to do. He was told that he would learnn everything from the Fire and when he was strong enough to come back unto the pressence of the Cabal he would then teach him the element earth. He will do the hardest he culd at reaching that goal at first. He would move on to other goals later on. He talked about him breaking. He would not let that happen. He will not give in, stop, slow down, or turn tail. Morna would never break. He vowed that from this point foward.

The man walked off with out him. The man expected for Morna to follow, and he did so. the man was silent untill they reached the Fire shaping temple. and from the looks of it they were training hard. and from the looks of scars, burn marks, bruses, and the smell of body oder they were increasing the intencity of the training everyso often throught the day. they had dummies and balance walks that were filled with flames. he knew that he was restant to fire, but that doesnt mean that he can stand on a blaze for very long. Many of the obstical courses that they had, were where a single man would go across a course with people trying to hinder him from reaching the end. He was facianted when one man finally reached the end to be congradualted by the same peopel who were trying to kill him. They showed respect to one another. He would like it if they were to do such things to him, but he knew that he wouldnt get that on his first try.

Cabal Haru talked about how he pardodned him to attend even thought he was only 19. His birthday was in a month. But because he was so far behind he needed time to catch up. "Step upon the course student, your training begins late." He heard to his right. He looked over at him to make eye contact, and noticed that the cabal never even really looked at him in the eyes. It was a sign that he was lower than the Cabal. It was reasonable. He took off his sword, cloak, armor, and boots till he was left with his tight chaps, his bear chest, and feet. He was exposing himself when he took his clothes off revealing his tattoos. They were not of Kro Var origin there fore he would be looked down upon. He walked over to the obsitical course to start his training. When Morna walked over to the begining everybody stopped what they were oing to watch him. Morna looked back at the Cabal and them at the course. wanting to prove that he was a unchaneled force to deal with.

Ruye Etarn

The man before him was truly amazing before the old Cabal's eyes, in an aspect that few were granted by him. He was the epitome of what it meant to be a Battle Shaman, and he would look forward to his initiation. He began as all the others did, he sprinted through the level course where there was nothing to dodge but the fire blasts of his fellow man. He shaped their incoming blasts, and dodged others; leaping and bounding through the stone tract without a thought of slowing down. He didn't think, as with years of practice he no longer needed it. When his path was blocked he simply went another route until it could be overcome, when he was faced with adversary he averted their attack and then burned them. He was no limited in his ability to simple shaping, but he was a true warrior in the martial arts. Lesser men who attempted the path with him, where unceremoniously knocked off to hit the hard and burning floor, that all students were forced to endure daily. His feet were like lightning, and blazed through the hot stone course.

Giant stone pillars fell from the ceiling to block his path and to hit him. He dodge the first few but when the last one came it came directly in front of him so close it was impossible to avoid. Normal students would simply not have the reaction time to think of a way around it. But he had committed the course to pure muscle memory, and he remembered well all the times he had been knocked off by these. Now he knew what to expect and what to do, and so as it came down he dropped to his knees, flung his upper body back and slid beneath the pillar before it finally passed him and returned to the ceiling. But he of course would get no breaks and no sooner did he pass one obstacle he faced another. A maze of deadly flame. It's path changed constantly from a mechanism far beneath in the Earth that caused the reeds to explode with fire upon stepping upon it. Step upon the right reeds and the runner would be safe, step on the wrong one and they would need to act quickly to protect themselves from their mistake. They were to sense when the flames would come in order to asses the safest path. There were many paths but only one fluctuated less frequently than the others. This shaper did come close to making mistakes as he first took the fourth path of least resistance, and he was welcomed by much flame all around him which he had to bend straight to save himself from elimination. He moved quickly and with the changing path, but he soon learned of an intersection of an easier path and took advantage of it, but first had to combat the runner already positioned there.

As he jumped through the flames that separated the two paths, he opened up his attack with a kick that the other runner dodged and followed up with a blast of his own fist. He too was masterful and avoided most of the flames with general ease. The other man however leaned back with his kick as he saw the attack, and as the blast got far enough away, he rounded himself in a reverse round house directed behind him that connected with the other mans face. He stumbled back and jumped back to avoid the flame but was then meet with a blast from his opponent, knocking him off the platform. All this was done moving across this segment of the track. Soon afterwards dummies flying in all directions came intended to be stopped or destroyed by fire Shaping came swinging down upon ropes at incredibly fast speeds. He was an epic shaper to behold as he spun in all directions blasting and breathing fire at anything that came at him too quickly. He moved in a zigzag across this segment to avoid being hit and thus knocked off. Many others were eventually taken down. Leaving only him and another student. Their paths eventually crossed, and although the other had the first hit, it was this man who finished him off expertly.

He began to slow down to be greeted by fellow students and comrades at the end of the track who had been watching their progress as well. They were all comrades and brothers to the same mind. This one had expertly passed this test of furious voracity. He breathed in deeply and held his knees as he was no longer in danger of being beaten and bruised by that track, as that was no stroke of luck. He looked over an eye to Morna, as the new student had watched him pass. The others began to look as well, when the outcast began to strip his clothes, revealing tattoos of alien origin. The room was relatively silent as they awaited to see what he had inside him, what he had to offer them as a challenge. They saw Shaper Haru and immediately thought prodigy, that was before they saw his skin. Now they knew that Haru was purposely attempting to humiliate him, to see how far he could push Morna before he broke.

Morna shot a look into the Cabal's eyes, and the meaning was clear. He felt that he would not give up, and Haru admired that. Drive was what gave a shaper his power, even more so in one who professed in fire. It was indeed admirable, but simple drive would bring him no where fast. It took experience to pass his trials ahead, experience he simply did not posses... yet. He watched as they quickly reset the course, and prepared the next round of Initiates to pass through. The other Shamans readied their strength to blast the runners with fire, and Morna would have to be knocked off these platforms many times before the day was up. The Cabal chuckled softly to himself and sat back, inclined to relax as he observed how far his newest student would go.
Morna had seen what was to be done from the other man that had made it through. He knew that everybody would be gunning for him. He was the fresh meat, and it doesnt matter where you are in the galaxy. Fresh Meat is Easy Meat. The little pillars in the very begining he would have to jump from one to the next, and have to dodge the blasts of other men. He knew that the stone was hot. The air around the stone made an invisuable whispy flame. Next he would have to pass a set of large stones that would fall when he got near. He had to avoid them because he would be pushed off or be crushed. After that one he faced what looked like a presure maze. movin in the right sequence to get past with out being burned. He would have to watch the sequences of the fire comming from the reeds. what happened after that was a running battle field. Morna would have to fight and run at the same time. He knew that he could accomplish this part of the task from doing it so many times before.

He blinked back throught time to see himself running from guards that were fireing blasters at him and he would dodge them with ease. He could feel the heat of the bots passing by him mear millimeters. the power of them would be great against his body if they conected, but the never did. He warped into the present time to see the last part of the course. dummies that would swing at him at high speeds. he would have to bend and monover his way around them. he kewn this would be a hard task.

Before the actual start began one of them men cam up to him. he was dressed like the others. Red loose pants, battle scars from burns or from the fighting. his hair was short and slightly singed. He said to Morna "What are you doing here betrayer? You will never have ranks among us. you will fall before you even take the first step. I will be fighting you at the end of the course. That is if you make it there..." The man looked down at him in disgust and spat at Morna's feet as a sign as direspect before saying with a scoff ".....Offworlder"

Morna looked into the man's eyes. Hate fulled the fire in his eyes. Morna simply rased his hand ingniting it on fire saying in an amused tone "If I make it there? you doubt me. Look into my eyes and see that I will not gove up. I may fail, but by the time I have become one of you. I will have beaten you." Morna had started his first rivalry in the very first moments in being in the temple. He knew that when he used the Fire that his eyes would turn a Bright firey orange. he lowerd his hand and looked around him seeing everybody staring at him. With his eyes he challanged them all.

He bet over to give himself a runnning advange to the start of the course. Morna saw that other men were lined up with him. All ready for the task that would only allow one winner. he saw one man standing apart from them. he was wearing full clothes, with his hand rased in the air. He readied himself for the man to drop his arm for the "race" to begin.

The instant the man dropped his arm he ran. Everybody was going to gun for him. he thought his best chance to bea them was to ether ru faster than them or fight them all here. He chose the first one. Morna ran as fast as he could. blasts went flying at him as he jumped form one post to the next. A man cam up right behind him to try and physicaly hit him. only for a second did Morna turnaround in mid air he blased him with a fire bolt of his own. the man would have to block his attack, or pull some matrix move to dodge it. he tirend back around to see that he would not land on the hot stone platform. he felt his heart jump from his chest to his throght. Morna quickly reached out with his unprotected hands to grab the ledge of the platform. Bairly getting a hold. he growled in pain as his hand griped the burning tiles. he knew the longer he stayed in one spot he would get hit. fliping to the top he landed on his feet and began to run again. Reaching the first of the falling pillers he moved around it. and the next one he ran under it not getting stuck underneath. the next few he did the same. the last one didnt seem to be moving so he ran faster pumping his arms harder.

At the last second the Piller bagan to move. Morna dived to readh the end. and did so. His feetl could feel the heat and the wind from the from the falling pillers hitting the ground. rolling to his feel he ran towards the reeds. watching them in unisen. He chose a path that would crisscross across the entire field. He dodged the fire bursts from the ground beneath him. Feeling where the next one would come from. he dodged most of them. the very last one his pants became aflame. It burned him. Boiling the blood that went though his veins. He roared in pain. Many of the men laughed at him for setting himself on fire. Hearing this he was wroth. using the fire on his pants he chaneled the fire to his the other partisapants making them eather dodging him or blocking it. he extuingished the flam on his now black tatered pants.

Morna ran at the next objective. leaving the others to fight them selfs. but they wernt fight eachother. they wanted him. He dodged the first blaster shots that were directed at him. he blocked the next ones with a blast of his own. nullfying the shot. he jumped over the man to kick him in the back of the head. knocking him out. he sprinted to the next man and mad his fists blazing with fire. Hitting him with his balled fists in the face. burning him. he grabed his pants and fulled his fire making his clothes aflame. he moved to the next cours of dummies flying at him. didging a few here and blasitng a few there. he filay moved to the final test. Fightning the man in the very begining.

The man instanly charged at him. Morna fired two blasts at him. keepping him ocupied with that while he formed a flat hand that was ablaze. he amed at the mans neck to his him but the man had his own agenda. he kicked Morna. making him fall toward the ledge. he grunted with pain. Afew of Morna's ribbs would be broken from this. He fliped to land on his feet ready for the next round. Morna did not expect the man to fire any shots at him. the man just charged and charged alone. Morna ran at him. The man jumped into the air to come down upon him with a foot to his face. Morna expecting this droped to his knees like the other man did and slid underneath him. he fired a bolt at hims while he was still in the air. hitting him in the back toward the edge. Before the man could fall to the fire. Morna ran and grabe him by the belt of the mans pants keeping him up. Away from the fire.

Ruye Etarn

Haru watched as the little scene unfolded, and was taken by surprise by how far the initiate had come first try. It was rare to see someone so naturally attuned. He was assured that this one would be interesting to train, though he never gave any hints or clues that would suggest it, just as a stone never reveals its strength to the river until the last moment. He watched as the boy visualized his run through, and he imagined he would be thinking any number of possible ways he could die here in but an instant, to be turned into mush. He heard the insults and saw the fire kindle within Morna, and saw as it kept its light for the entire course.

He almost failed right away, as was expected, not even reaching the pillars as he leaped to realize he nearly fell off. He grabbed the edge and nearly let go when met with the burning platform. Haru was surprised that he managed to save himself and pull up back into the race. Fire went crazy through the track as the students tried to knock them all off, a good lesson that also tested the accuracy of one’s fire blast, and break the wall of harming another person, which of course would be Morna's next lesson once he was sufficiently beaten. He managed the Falling Pillars well, as to be honest they weren't all that difficult to say the least, as most could be avoided simply by changing ones direction. Though he was surprised by the initiative his student took to prove himself, as he did the unnecessary dive beneath the pillars that other more experienced students liked to show off. Perhaps the old Cabal was wrong about this one, it would seem he forgotten little in his year of absence.

Once he arrived at the reeds hilarity ensued, taking the path that fluctuated across the entire maze, weaving across other path’s that runners would be using as well, though being a bit behind he didn't encounter many at first. He did though get burned upon his leg, and Haru smiled as his rage through the flame aside at the audience below. It would seem though that his initiation into the social groups within the temple was beginning early, as many of the students went to gun for him. It wasn't much of a surprise considering his otherworldliness so many Kro Var found as taboo. His tattoos stuck out like a red cape in a bull ring, and the students were the bulls. They charged after him, and only fighting each other on occasion. It would seem that his new student was quite the fast fellow as the other students were usually chasing from behind and the sides. That may also be though that they are not focusing on their objective but rather the stopping of him reach his.

Morna ran into the storm of flying dummies, though not before engaging at least two students, one immediately knocked out cold (a shame he would pay for later by his own Cabal) and the other became the source of Morna's vengeance upon his humiliation just earlier, lighting his clothing on fire. He fought all the dummies impressively, only being hit occasionally, and destroying most of the ones coming his way. It was then though that his own personal test came as his insulter from the beginning of the course engaged him near the end. This would be impressive if Morna could make it first go, and he didn't think that Morna would be getting the attention he wanted. No one beats the Fire Gauntlet first go. Before he even really knew it Morna had collected a nice fan club of enemies in his first hour of being in the temple, especially since he had the gall to show mercy.

The Cabal stood up in confusion as Morna stopped to save a falling opponent he had just defeated. He was close towards the end of the course, and he had become stationary to "rescue" a fellow student, who was confused as everyone else for one moment, and furious in the next. As he was pulled up he immediately and with great speed turned around and hit Morna in the jaw, knocking him off. The other student walked towards Morna, steam coming off from his feet as they burned on the hot tiles. The air in the room turned differently, and the rival student was no longer playing a game. This was a merciless test of voracity and speed, and Morna dared to disrupt this competitive balance and rescue the student from his elimination? The Cabal's eyebrows furrowed, as he watch the ensuing duel. He did not expect Morna to hold his own, this was a far more experienced and ruthless individual, and although it was now evident that Morna had some skill, he most certainly did not match up with his. The student could very easily, and did, justify that Morna bested him through a lucky shot, even if he did get this far on his own skill. No one simply pushed this fellow around, as the arrogant man had dedicated his life to training, and believed Morna treated it like some sort of joke.

The Cabal noticed it was quite evident that the student wasn't laughing, and neither would Morna for the next week, as his jaw would probably be too swollen to do so. He watched as the fight unfolded, and the older student began to circle Morna in a fighting pose, and closed in on him, opening up with a kick of fire to the head.
[SIZE=medium]Morna thought back to when he was still back on Courscant. He was beaten and jumped almost every day when he first got there. It was a pain. Until one day he decided to show who he really was. He was walking don an ally to go to work when people jumped from behind trash cans with vibro swords and knives. A few had brass knuckles. He let them come closer to see what they would do to him. The first guy came up and tried to punch him with the brass knuckles. Letting him punch him to show that he was weak. When he never was. Morna then sent a puch of his own sending the man to fly back a few feet. The other guys thought it was just a lucky punch and came forward with their swords and knives. Morna didn’t want to be cut. He put his hands to the sides open handed to show that he was unarmed. The men then advanced on him. He had never used his powers in public before. He ignited his hands on fire. The men became wide eyed. Morna was not afraid anymore. He was power. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Morna remembered their faces in the back of his mind. After that his street name was Phoenix. And he kept that and would be known as that. Morna caught the man’s foot coming for his head, And twisted it. Hearing snaps. He may have broken some bones or torn ligaments in the man’s foot. The man roared in pain and flipped over judo style and sent a kick to his face. Knocking Morna off the plat form. He tried to catch the side but was unsuccessful. He fell to the pit below and felt his skin burn. He jumped up as quickly as he could so he wouldn’t be burned to hell. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Morna got up to see that the others were crowding around the man who won. He was an outcast again, He may have said the he didn’t care. But truthfully he really did. Morna walked back to where his clothes were on the ground. He had the walk of shame. Morna wanted to grab his clothes and leave. He would try again later. He moved to where Cabal Haru was stnading with the cloes in his arms. Tired and burnt. [/SIZE]

Ruye Etarn

Haru sighed. He almost allowed himself to believe he could make it through without assistance, so when he fell; well he wasn't as disappointed in him as he thought that he would be. He did very well, and exhibited his determination and voracity. Even in the end he didn't discontinue his actions. He showed great bravery in what he had done, and although his younger peers didn't seem convinced that he'd be anything of much, Haru saw something they did not. That though, was not yet ready to be revealed, if it was ever to be revealed. Only time could tell what would become of Haru's future, and although death was nearby, he still had much to offer life before finally departing.

Morna was as good a student as any, but there was one quality of fire he wished that the young man left unattended. His unpredictability would sow doubt in the old teachers mind constantly, never quite sure yet whether or not the student would remain, or give up. Though, if he could turn his determination elsewhere, perhaps he would no longer need to worry about him leaving. Thus was his reasoning that it was time to introduce him to the basics of Earth shaping, but not yet. He wasn't ready for that yet. He needed to make sure he'd follow him no matter what road he led him to. He needed to make sure he could stay put. But regardless, it was time for a bit of praise. He needed it after all.

"For one who is just starting out after a year of inactivity, you are doing well Morna." He told the Initiate as he looked upon him with his scorched clothes in hand. "I think I may be genuinely proud of you today," He said to him as he began to walk away, then he turned back to him, "Don't screw that up." He raised an eyebrow to make sure he understood. "I'm assuming you need a place to stay the night yes? If you would follow me, I have a spare room you may take for the night." He decided that now he had proven himself enough to show a different side of Haru, as he was not always stone, as even stone gave way to the river.
Morna stopped where he was and said "If I could have a place that would be greatful, and why do you praise me when I lost? Is it just to make mee feel good, or to mock me for leaving?" Morna was genearaly asking this question. He did not need another person to mock him today. He proceded to put back on his shirt and jacket. He kept his sword in his hand. Morna kept his back turned to the Cabal. If he was mocking him he would leave. He would not be mocked by his own people. Let alone the Cabal who use to rule them all.

Ruye Etarn

Haru's face quickly turned sour. "You will soon learn the difference between my compliments and my scolding, student. This would be my scolding." He told him, as he began to walk off for him to follow. He walked to the school that Morna had originally stumbled upon earlier this day. He sighed and rubbed his hand with a hand gently.

"At any rate, Morna, you will begin again tomorrow, though not on that course. It is good as a test, but since I now know where you are I am going to personally tutor you." They walked through the darkening day and finally fell upon the small school for younglings. Inside this stone building would eventually lead to his home here in this village, containing a plain extra room, stripped to be spartan.

"This would be your room. I'd medititate here awhile, you might learn something about yourself." He left him to himself.
Morna had most of his belongings in the room. He followed him here. It was striped bare. not a thing was in this room. He knew how to meditate. but didnt really do so. He didnt feel natural when ever he felt things that were outside of him self. But he did likewise. He needed to train his powers. he sat down in the muddle of the room. His feet were folded and his hands were resting by his sides. He placed his items next to him on the floor and thought to himself.

Morna took a few deep breaths and relaxed. He cleared his mind of all thoughts and focused on one thing. His sword. His sword comforted him when ever he needed it. It was his life line. He heard the wind move into the room. the felling of the ground beneath him. the sound of his heart beat its normal thump thump rhythm. It felt peaceful. At home. he stayed there for what seemed like hours. When Thron his bird came flying into the room. He squaked at him to say "What are you doing?" Morna jut shook his head and said "Shhhhhhhh." he went back to concentrating untill he would be next called from his Cabal.

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