Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Return of the Jed-SITH!

Trapped, trapped for so long. He had been cut off from the rest of the world, the galaxy, the empire, the sith. He was alone but he certainly wasn't afraid, although he was the only sith that he kenw to remain on the planet sith he was still...and a sith was never afraid. It was something, he thought, to correct the next time he meditated. The sith were taught that emotion was the source of their strength...generally those that were negative, rage and suffering. They shunned anything that might be considered weakness and that included such an emotion as fear. Fear was a natural response. Every single species in the universe felt it at a basic was a result of their survival, evidence of their evolutionary travel. The sith might consider it a weakness but he thought that it might be anything but. It was, as with everything, something to be taken in stride, a certain amount of, controlled. Too much and you lose control over yourself...too few and you lack the motivation to survive. It was, quite ironically, how he viewed the Jedi. They viewed themselves as without emotion, fearing it. He knew better, the cold steel of resolve and resolution fueled their emotion and their strength.

But he digressed, trapped he still was in both body and mind, the former leading to an abundance of the latter. A particularly fearsome and....if he was being honest, large, Terentatek had made its home within the tomb he had fled to after being trapped upon the planet itself. He had lost his lightsaber, the one weapon that might allow him to beat the dark side beast as it was resistant to his other favorite form of combat, the force. He had tried to slay the beast, of course, once, twice, three times. Each time he had barley managed to scratch the surface of the beast's massive hide before retreating. Instead he had fallen upon sith sorcery to hide his presence from the beast. The ritual was intensive but not too drawing upon him. It took time and effort to maintain but kept the beast away...most importantly it kept the beast from noticing him. During the time in which it was possible he would pass his time thinking...or reading artifacts he might find in the tomb. He waited...the force would balance itself, he would be free.

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