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Resu Navigators Guild

Corporation Name: Resu Navigators Guild

Headquarters: Undisclosed location near the Realm of Resu, on a frozen ocean moon orbiting a gas giant.

Locations: None yet

Operations: The primary purpose of the Resu Navigators Guild, is to provide navigational guidance of starships that possess exotic Resu technology components. Sometimes, they also assist in the retrofitting process to install Pressurized Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Technology into a starship.

Rationale: Under self-exile from the Realm of Resu with the dangers of unparalleled viral mutations threatening their extinction, a large population of diseased, injured, and veteran Resu followed [member="Bryce Bantam"] out of the system with the 'go ahead' from their cybernetic protectors, the CybeResu - headed by Iron Giant, the exile returned. Upon self-examination of her race and destroyed civilization, as well as the reasons for why it fell, Iron Giant determined that there was only one way to ensure the continued survival of her species: staunch independence from foreign powers, and the colonization of other worlds with the use of hyperspace technology to remove the threat of natural self-extermination. The solution fell into the idea of commerce, if the technology of the Resu was appealing enough that investors would be willing to employ the Resu to operate it despite its exotic maintenance, then both of these goals would be on the road to being achieved. With an economy of their own received from clients, and the ability to scout out thousands of worlds covertly under their service, a trade empire might one day translate into an interstellar presence of the Resu within the Kathol Outback. Not up to the task of leading a specific caste of CybeResu to be trained in piloting larger starships with their technology, Iron Giant delegated that task to a Resu by the name of Steel Broker.

Steel Broker is shrewd to the core, even among his own kind, and despite his lack of expanded vocabulary, his culturally unnatural inclination towards deception and lies makes him a savvy negotiator. He talks big to entice while hides behind a veil of ignorance when he cannot back up his big talk, with the threat of violent aggressive reprisal if you believe the contrary, to silence you. With a monopoly on the Resu technology, its distribution, and its use, Steel Broker and his Navigators Guild are looking pretty to fill an economic niche within the Kathol Outback that needs desperate filling - that of more effective, safer travel through a maze of star clusters and anomalies.

Tier: Tier 2

Description: While loyal to the Underground of the Kathol Outback (particularly Bryce Bantam and his corporation), the guild seeks relative autonomy in its operations, accepting any clientele looking to travel quickly, and safely between points A, and points B, for a price. In addition to this operations, they have a vast knowledge of Resu engineering strategies to assist them in converting a starship into a suitable vessel capable of carrying the Navigators, or designing new ones in the future should they grow large enough to build their own shipyards.... or merely rely on the construction capabilities of other companies, by merely submitting their designs under legal and financial contracts.

Subsidiaries: N/a

Parent Corporation: N/a

Primary Source: N/a

EDIT: I meant to submit this into the TKO pre-sub, so I apologize if the unusual brevity is not befitting of a submission >.>
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Hi [member="Iron Giant"]! I will be reviewing this submission.

Iron Giant said:
Headquarters: Undisclosed location
Iron Giant said:
Locations: None yet
The issue I see with this is the fact that this is a Tier 2 corporation. Company tiers, as they grow in size are substantially larger than their lower counterparts. I don't think you could get by claiming a Tier 2 company has managed to stay completely hidden from the galaxy, completely off the grid. That would fall more towards a Tier 1 company. You could always go with an undisclosed location on Planet X, that would be a bit more feasible. This is also strictly OOC information, how it is discovered IC is entirely up to you, so filling in that information is rather important.
[member="Jamie Pyne"] the reason for that isn't because it's hidden but because its a world/star system that hasn't been previously discovered/explored prior to the guilds founding (so no submission yet), and I thought locations referred to any place they are found besides the HQ, which they have none of yet.

The reasoning behind Tier Two, is because I doubt a "mom and pop shop" could have the engineering power to retrofit starships with their alien technology, which is a central part of what services the navigators provide.
[member="Iron Giant"]

After checking with the factory admin I've confirmed that the Headquarters and locations portions of the template must be filled out in order to approve this submission. Regardless of whether or not this is IC relevant knowledge or not, and the planet, if not canon, must be approved through the Codex before it can be listed in the locations.

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