Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nobody hears me yell. And I mean nobody. It rarely happens, but when it does, its very apparent. I was walking at a very fast pace. My shirt off, and wearing a simple pair of jeans with a studded belt, Storm, a katana in my hand but sheathed. And my entire body seemed to look brighter as though I might burst into flames. Running up to who I saw was Aida with a man at her feet, and blood over all the floor and walls.

Minutes earlier

I was resting in my room. Drinking a nice whiskey after a shower. Relaxing as today would be a good day. We were scheduled to land on Courscant for the first time in a few weeks. I was coming back to my apartment to grab a few things, stock up on supplies, and gather new materials for what I needed in a Sith Alchemy experiment.

I hoped that with the aid of Aida, I would be able to collect what I needed. She was good at doing what I asked. As a Bounty Hunter she needed to see what I did, how I worked. I thought about seeing if she was good with killing others. Taking a sip of the Whiskey I stopped as a man barged into my room.

"Didn't I tel-"
"Sir one of the slaves killed Baravax!"
"Whoever it is look for them."
"She's just standing there. And none of us really feel like dying."

getting up, I grabbed storm and walked out, making my way towards where the purposed assault was.

Current time

She stood over him. Not making a move. Not answering, so once again, I answered the all important question,

"What in the hell are you doing!"

The man known as Bravax was still cold and bleeding out from when she’d stabbed him. Aida, only now turning back into her human form, looked down at the dead man with a sneer of retribution in her eyes. He had it coming. He might have been young and a trainee in terms of bounty hunting but he deserved it after what he did to one of the girls.

Earlier in the week Aida had been helping the girls further adjust to life on the ship and to be entertainment for the men. Aida was head girl, given her position with [member="Nickolas Imura"] , which meant she was in charge of them but also their protector. It reminded Aida of her time as a dancer and how she kept an eye on the girls in the club as well. They were a family like this one she had now, and they had to look out for one another when they could.

The twi’lek girl of the group, a young green-skinned cutie named Treela, had been dancing for the men when the one called Bravax had noticed her. From what Aida understood Bravax had acted nicer to her than most of the other men. He talked to her nice, treated her nice, and said kind things to her. Given how they were often treated any of the girls would appreciate that kind of treatment from a man. However things were not all as they seemed later on.

Yesterday Treela had been brought back after visiting Bravax’s cabin. She’d been beaten up badly after he’s invited her over. He was the type of guy who liked beatings during the more intimates moments of making love. Treela, obviously, wasn’t that sort of girl but he didn’t take no for an answer. With a broken face and a bruised body she’d told Aida and the other girls the whole story. That had been enough for Aida to want to do something about it.

She knew going to comfort Bravax himself wouldn’t do any good, as he’d either deny it or not care about what he did. She’d considered going to Imura about it but assumed he would wave it off or say that the men were free to do with the other girls as they wanted. Aida was the only exception. None of this stood for Aida, so she decided to take this matter personally.

It was only a matter of acting like she was interested in Bravax, pretending to be blind to the idea of what he did to Treela, before introducing his gut to a knife she’d managed to take from one of the men earlier. There were no words. She only watched as the life bleed out of him before he dropped to the ground. She’d intended to try and sneak away while looking like someone else, but she was already spotted by one of the others before it was too late. After that she just stood there and waited, knowing there was no way to run from what she did.

When Imura arrived she tensed. She was still holding the weapon in her hand, still wet with Bravax’s blood. She dropped it but still stood there, her uniform bloody as the floor and walls. She didn’t have an answer for what she did. It was clear enough.
As I was yelling at the woman, and seeing my trainee down on the ground. His skin had become pale and was sickly. Death had already taken his soul. Walking over, I pushed Aida out of the way forcefully. Enough to possibly slam her against the wall. Kneeling down, I looked to see the puncture wound in his stomach and the dagger on the ground. Standard backup weapon for my men. it was taken from one of them. Looking back over to Aida, I took this very personally. I had let storm drop and rushed over to her.

To her it would seem almost as though I teleported to her because of which the speed I could accelerate myself at. Slamming her up against the wall, one hand grabbing a fist full of hair, and the other Grabbing her arm very tightly. my face got right into hers. The fire in my eyes was visible. The whites of my eyes had turned black and my skin was hot enough to melt plastic simply by touching it. So grabbing her would hurt a lot.

My hair was steaming because of how hot I was, and just getting out from the shower, the water was rapidly evaporating from my hair. becoming wavy and frizzled.

"Why the Feth did you stab him you queen! DO YOU KNOW WHO HE IS? ANSWER ME SLAVE!"

It was so hard to control myself right now. I was very much tempted to start pealing off her skin with my bare hands and then using her skin as a coat. There is a rule against killing one another on my ship. So either she will have a very good reason for doing this, or I will fething skin her alive. Literally. I took my men like son's and brothers. Killing one of them, was killing family.

For that breif moment when Aida felt the wind whisp around her she didn't realize that it had been Imura using the Force speed on her. She hit the wall so hard she dropped the knife and, for a breif moment, her human form fluxed and showed some of her clawdite form underneath. Her concentration, an underlying subconcsious method she'd learned to handle, was almost broken; along with a few other things. Even as scared as she was Aida had expected this from Imura. It didn't frighten her to know she was about to be punishedm possibly killed. She knew what she did and didn't regreat it.

"He mistreated one of the girls." she said, struggling as she was still pinned against the wall. "He beat her nealry to death and I knew you or anybody else wouldn't do anything about it. So I did what I havd to. You may think they're slaves but those girls are family to me. And I look out for my family..."

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
He beat her huh?

I growled as she tried to explain herself. On my ship, it was my rules. Eye for an eye. If one man stole something, he'd have his hand cut off. Then replaced with a mechanical hand so he could still work, but oh would he learn to not steal again. But rules were, killing was punishable by death. I was oh so close to it, but the reason was valid.

I protected my men like family. She protected hers the same way. I released her hair and her body.

Picking up the dagger. I held it in my hand.

"You killed one of my men. You will be punished, but not killed. I have another plan for you. When you heal from this, you will begin working for me."

Taking the dagger, I slammed it home into her arm. The same one that was holding the dagger as my man died.

As [member="Nickolas Imura"] let go of her Aida knew there was some repayment from this. She knew it. She’d been around him too long to know that this wasn’t something she’d get off lightly for. She looked down as he picked up the knife and only watched as he heled it up to her. At first she expected it to come across her throat, ending her life, but instead Imura spoke to her.

After his little comment she felt the knife dig into her arm. She tried to hold back from it but couldn’t help but scream. It was painful of course. Enough that her concentration broke completely and she reverted to her clawdite form right then and there.

When Imura would let her go Aida dropped to the floor, holding her wounded arm. Blood was spilling from it and she was starting to lose feeling. She tried to cover the wound as best she could but her clawdite colored blood was spilling out more and more, staining her hand, dripping down her arm and all the way to the floor.
Standing there, I watched as the woman fell. Getting even more blood onto the floor. The different colors of blood mixing together on the floor, I knelt down next to her as she laid out bleeding. I could still remember her scream as I stabbed her. Reaching over, I peeled her hand away from the bleeding wound. Only to place my own on it.

"This will hurt too, as will the healing process."

To stop the bleeding, I took my fingers and shoved it into her open arm. As much as she would scream, I had the force holding on her so she wouldn't move too much. In an instant, my fingers Heated up and began to melt the flesh. Cauterizing the wound. It was painful. I knew from experience. But so was losing a friend to death. Slowly I moved my fingers out letting the melted flesh push together and become a rather large scab. I wouldn't be surprised if she passed out by how much it hurts.

Some of the crew had gathered around me to see what would happen. I then spoke in a very eerie calm voice. "Clean this up."

They moved as fast as their bodies could. While I ran one arm under the crook of Aida's legs, and another along her back with her good arm slung behind my neck. Standing up, I began to walk towards the med bay.

Aida was biting her lip, trying to fight the pain, before Imura had taken her hand away and gave a very brief warning. The next thing she knew his finger had plunged into her wound. She screamed even louder from the pain before feeling the heat burring inside. It was beyond bearable. It became too much for Aida and, eventually, she passed out. The young clawdite had fallen back with the back of her head being stained in both hers and Bravax’s blood; also along her back and shoulders. She was limp like a fish as her mind went blank from all the pain. The last thing she’d felt was someone, likely [member="Nickolas Imura"] , picking her up and carrying her off. After that her whole world went dark.
Two Days Later

I sat next to a medical bed. The time I had spent here was one that was well worth it. After she had passed out from the pain, the best thing to do was to treat it. In essence, Let the wound heal a little, then cut off the burnt skin, only to glue it, and stitch it back together. It was bandaged and kept to her side. I sat on the other side as she slept. Keeping her asleep was best for now. Moving it would only agitate it. Bacta was given to her, as well as pain relievers. She would wake up some time soon I knew.

The glue was absorbed by her skin so the healing process was already under way. The worst she had to deal with was the stitches being fresh, and trying to avoid infection. Her Clawdite form evident as I sat there. I shook my head as she killed for her "family" She killed a man without remorse. No feeling other than hatred. I knew what she was meant for.

She would be an Assassin. I will train her to use weapons and tools of war. Provide her with armor to protect herself. And then send her out to kill those who were guilty.

Slowly the world came back to Aida’s senses as she began to wake. She didn’t realize how much time had gone by. To her it felt like a long hour of blackness and pain she felt in her arm. She grumbled a little while starting to stir before her eyes opened. She reached up and felt as her head was a little groggy. After that she hissed, feeling something wrong with her arm. Looking down she could see it before she felt it herself. Stitches over a recently tended wound. That meant, as it dawned on her, she was in the medical bay. She’d been here before, for the girls and for the men at one point, but to know she was waking up in the bed now had made her remember what happened before. As she looked she was startled by [member="Nickolas Imura"] sitting there, her subconscious instinct kicking is as she began to revert to her human form. She figured since it was appealing to him he preferred to see her in it. After that she just waited to hear what he had to say.
Sitting there, I watched as she slowly fluttered awake. Ever so slowly moving her self. I let her feel the pain as she tried to move her arm. Once she realized that I was sitting there, I leaned forward with my hand in front of my face as though I were rubbing an imaginary beard. She just sat there. Not saying a word. So, I spoke up to her. Calm, and sounding almost as though I have not talked for ages.

"Move your arm too much, and it will reopen. We don't want the infection to set in."

Standing up, I walked over and grabbed a wheelchair, the repulsor lifts on the bottom causing the chair to hover ever so slightly off the ground. I motined for her to try and stand. While I reached out with my hands to aid her into the chair.

"You might not be able to stand, but I need to show you something."

Helping her into the chair might not sound all that great for her, but it was worth it since she hadn't walked for two days, lost some blood, and was sleeping for a long time.

"You will not like your life anymore than you do now."

(Sorry, I thought I had posted)
While his response wasn’t what she expected that didn’t change the fact that Aida was hesitant about [member="Nickolas Imura"] and his words. His advice was clear enough about not moving the arm, she looking down at it again. Even in a false form she could not hide scars she’d received on her body, no matter what the form might have been.

Then he’d brought a wheelchair to her and told her how she wouldn’t be able to stand. It was true. She didn’t feel much in her legs from being asleep for over two whole days. It made her ach as she was helped into the chair before relaxing a little. At least she could move the rest of her body. It was just be a matter of time until the blood flowed back down into her legs.

His mention of her not liking life any more than now made her give him an odd glance. She didn’t know what to make of it. Was that some statement about her current situation or a hint of what was to come? Either way it seemed both obvious and suspicious at the same time.
I didn't push the wheelchair after she gave me a weird look. I simply walked next to it while the force pushed it for me. I kept silent for a moment and began to explain somewhat of what was happening around here.

"My men want you. A lot of said of how they want to violate you, only to end your life. However, after giving them a talk to, They understood why you decided to take manners into your own hands. Almost all of them agreed. Those who didn't are likely to lie anyways. Nonetheless, they don't like you, but they have your respect."

I continued to walk. Passing door after door. Every once a while a man would come by and see us. hearing me explain it to her. They would nod in her direction, then bow their head as they walked passed.

"As punishment you were stabbed. However, that is not the last of it. You will replace him in his duties. In essence, I will train you to become an assassin. And when I believe you to be ready, I will make you into a living weapon. You will live your life killing others. As of now, you have no reason too other than it being my orders. But soon you will find one. Use it to your advantage. Half the battle is won through the mind."

As he told about the consequences of the men after killing the trainee Aida response was mixed to say the least. The men had hated her but now respected her because of taking matters into her own hands. This had not been the first time, if only they’d known, and even then it was for something of the same reason. It seemed as though one act was only the prelude to yet another. Still seeing the men actually nod to her when they passed had been enough evidence for her that what [member="Nickolas Imura"] said was true.

The next part, however, about her wanting to turn her into an assassin had hit her a little harder in the gut. He was ‘rewarding’ her and ‘saving’ her by turning her into a killer. She didn’t like it at first, being that those times were for the sake of justice. But another reason was the question she had to pose to her owner. She wanted to know if this was purely for the sake of just fixing one problem by throwing someone’s life away to fill one taken.

“What about the girls? What about everything I do around the ship for you? Will you just find a replacement for that as well?”
The question was a good one. I was silent for a moment, trying to phrase the answer to her question in a way that wouldn't sound off. Nonetheless, I just decided to wing it because I was tired, and I wanted this to be done for the moment.

"Yes, and no. You will be working more closely with me than you were, you are still a slave, but only to me. You will be replaced, and a new lady will come in. However, you are still head of the Slaves. They are you family. So I will not take them away from you, or you from them. Consider this more of a promotion. You move up, someone else takes your old spot, and life for you goes on."

Taking this into consideration, I stopped, as well as the chair. Turning to her, I knelt down so I could look at her,

"Long time ago, if a Sith killed a higher up, he was to take the place of his victim. And someone else would come to fill the shoes he left behind. This is the same concept. Only, you are training to become a bounty hunter, or an assassin. Whichever title you choose, you will carry with you for the rest of your life."

As relieved as she was to know that someone else was coming to take her place and watch out for the girls, while she would still be in charge of them, Aida still felt uneasy. All of this because she was careless with her actions and killed yet again that made her right for being turned into a train killer. It didn’t fully sit right with her.

Yet when he stopped and explained it Aida it was clearer to her this was also part of a Sith tradition of sorts. If this was to be her course, however, Aida began to see some opportunity in it. Being trained to defend herself, and the others, better. Of course she would still have to kill whoever [member="Nickolas Imura"] had told her to, meaning she didn’t have any say if they were innocent or not. Aida was so conflicted she kept glancing back and forth between him and her lap and away towards the wall and back again. She didn’t know what to say or do.

“I suppose I don’t have any choice then….do I, sir?”
Nervous. Thinking. She didn't know what she would like about it. she can sugar coat it as much as she liked, but she was hunting people. And possibly killing them. I was no ninja assassin. More so, I was seen, but not heard. A man who looked somewhat in the crowd and went along with simplistic things. Wearing tights and a bandana on your head didn't make you an assassin.

However, I believed I could train this woman to be as such. While she didn't have the force, I believed that I could aid her in that department. Maybe even made a personal stealth field generator that she could use. making her invisible, and or possibly a hologram projector to make it look like she was there, but never was. Nonetheless, I stood up as she asked her question. Shaking my head,

"Not really. Once you earn my respect, then you can choose your own bounties or assassinations. Till then, you do ones that I tell you to."

Pushing the chair once more with the force, I walked along and reaching a door, I opened it. Revealing inside a training room. Off to the side were weights, another corner a Shock boxing ring, and the rest of the room was training mat after training mat. Each of them had men who had free time to practice drills and fighting styles. Some even used swords.

"In here, you will train with me on your skills to become my apprentice. While you do not have the force, I will train you to the fullest extent to fight like you are one."

We kept moving as I was talking. Off to the side, there was a door. A yellow label on the door read "Caution, Live ammo." Showing safety equipment and a gun sign. After opening the door, the sounds of pings and bangs from a small amount of slugthrowers left the adjacent room. We were merely moving into a hallway with bullet proof, and blaster proof glass. In front of us were men standing in cubicals as they practice their shooting skills. Some on the very far end had daggers or throwing stars in which they used to throw.

"Once again, we will train your skills with firing and throwing weapons here. You may choose which you will use most often, however, you will be trained in the use of pistols because so many people have them, and there are more pistols, than swords or lightsabers."

I looked down at her as she sat in the chair. Wondering all that she was thinking.

"Welcome to the life of an Assassin Aida."

The more she listened to more it became apparent that [member="Nickolas Imura"] wasn’t going to sway from his decision. Aida was to be his personal assassin now. As they walked through the training and she watched one thing after another going or, or men firing and practicing to kill her eyes went a little wide. Her actions had never gone that violent yet now she was going to be pushed to that level just to be trained to hunt people down and kill them effectively. When he loomed over her welcoming Aida into the new life, she glanced down and sighed, knowing there was no room to argue.
She didn't look happy at all. Yes, she didn't like it, but that was the purpose of the punishment. She was to kill others. Once you kill a person, you have to keep doing it or else you feel like something is missing within you. I would know since I have killed many in my time. Some were innocent, and others were guilty. However, I never felt remorse for my actions. simply because it was my job. It was what I needed, and wanted to do. She killed one of my men. So now, she will kill others for the rest of her life.

"You will not start today. But once you heal, we will begin training. As well, you will need to go into rehab to strengthen that arm after not being able to use it."

I looked around for a minute taking this all in. then adverting my gaze to her once more.

"As my apprentice, you need a name that will replace your Slave name. While in public, I will call you Aida. However, when on a job, or in combat. you will have a different name. As for what it is, that is up to you. You have until the end of your time of healing to come up with something."

With my hands behind my back, she had not seen what I was carrying. I removed my hands at this time. Displaying the dagger she used to kill my man. The blood still stained upon the mirror surface of the dagger. I sat it down in her lap, and began to walk off. Seeing as how the chair can move by itself. She knew her way back to the med bay.

"Good Luck my apprentice."


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