Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rell Kapae

Rell Kapae


NAME: Rell Kapae


RANK: Knight


AGE: 20

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6' 0"


EYES: Hazel

HAIR: Brown




- Force Sensitive: Rell has special abilities, including healing properties, that can aid him at moments notice.
- Kind: Rell is willing to help anyone for nearly any reason.
- Agile: Rell can move relatively fast, and ca usually do something at the exact right moment.
- Trickster: Rell has been known for his tricks with merchants, stealing, bargaining and just confusing for fun.

- Hormonal: Rell is exiting puberty, which makes him very emotional and prone to breakdowns.
​ - Too Trusting: Rell is a very trusting person, and sometimes, gets fooled by fake images people put in front of themselves.
- Physical Strength: Rell isn't the strongest human in the galaxy, and not even close to the strongest being.
- Sketchy: Rell just has he look of a person that will give you bad deals, steal from you, or try to sell you deathsticks.
- On Edge: Rell is always on edge, making him jumpy and a little socially awkward.

Rell looks like the common young adult: young, thin and relatively good looking. The only difference is his eyes, which make him look lightly gaunt.

Rell was born in a small human settlement Naboo. As he grew up, he became more secluded and drawn from others. At the age of fifteen, he discovered his healing powers. His community worshiped him, but all he wanted was seclusion. Rell eventually decided to leave his settlement and travel when he was seventeen. Rell traveled far and wide, but eventually stopped to find some sort of work, being completely broke. Rell eventually made it big working as a bodyguard/ bounty hunter, where he got the money to start self studying a subject that he learned of from the Sith Lord Ra'a'mah. He eventually brought himself to a moderate force understanding level and even learned a few abilities. He built himself a lightsaber and got lessons in melee fighting, and can now call himself a knight in the force.



E-11 Carbine
Assorted dried meats
Random trinkets
Black Aerodynamic robes
Black Leather Gloves
Double Bladed Lightsaber

Force Abilities:
Bladesmanship: Novice
Force Push: Novice
Read Intentions: Able
Force Heal: Beginner

Ophelia - Abandoned
Anyone got a Firetruck? - Active
Synecdoche - Active
What does it Take to Ensure Change - Active
Rell, Character looks good so far. Really like the idea that you have with a beggar status. I look forward to seeing how this plays out. Good luck!

[member="Ser Burton Shaw"], [member="Rell Kapae"], It is a requirement to have at least 2 weaknesses. Strengths are not required. But if you want to have a good, well rounded and written character, I recommend to have as many strengths and weaknesses listed. It shows that you put more thought into the character than just the minimum. Going above and beyond will only help you.

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