Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Relentless Akovin Workshop Auction - Interested Parties

Relentless Akovin Workshop, will be having an auction on all of its products!​

Hosted by none other than Triam Akovin, the galaxies most well-armed notorious mercenary has-been and unofficial gadget-queen!

This auction will feature various lots granting exclusive access to limited edition technology, as well as ownership to semi-unique devices with powerful abilities. Other lots will also trade services for services, meaning you could have almost anything you can think of personally tailored to you by Triam herself, in exchange for your own line of work suited to her.

  • Need a droid unmatched by anything in the galaxy? Bid your own services and hope the Relentless looks on it favorably.
  • Need the galaxy's most advanced weapons and armor? Bet on yourself and sell your services to Triam Akovin, you won't be disappointed.
  • Need to put a Sith Lord to shame at his own game? Put your service to the test for Akovin's technology, and she'll turn you into a technological 'Jedi' that will put them all in the dirt.
  • Need to up your ante with the best cybernetic upgrades since iBorg? Look no further and work for the cyborg herself, and you'll be upgraded in no time.

This is an interest check on those who plan to attend and place bets, as though this will be a public event open to anyone looking to own the best of the best, there won't be an auction if no one cares enough to show up ;) That is also why there is no posted date yet, I'll figure that out once I get an idea on the sort of returns I might get out of this. :p

Here is a list of RAW items expected to be available for auction:
  1. RAW Manipulation Projector - (Approved) A limited production, power cell hungry, magnetic clamp/stasis field projector made to mimic telekinetic abilities in all environments, to be applied to other pieces of technology.
  2. RAW Magnetic Anchor - (Approved) A limited production unit that is capable of coupling with a magnetic clamp (such as the RAW Manipulation Projector) and increasing its range, strength, and power consumption depending the range it is held at, making an object fixed with an anchor far easier to manipulate.
  3. RAW DIG Boots - (Approved) A limited production, powerful pair of boots with a voracious hunger for power cells that allows a user to manipulate the forces of gravity and inertial movement around their person at will
  4. RAW PUR Power Cell - (Approved) A semi-unique set of Pyronium Ultra-compact Rechargeable Power Cells that hold nine times more energy than the standard power cell for rapid use, with the same destructive potential of a falling artillery shell when damaged... handle with care.
  5. Triam's Custom Services - Triam Akovin will work directly for you to do anything you please, on any project your heart can think of. The only price is what work you can bring to the table for her. There will be four lots open for the following categories: Armor, Weapons, Droids, and Miscellaneous Technology.

And here is a list of RAW items that might be at auction, and/or are planned to be auctioned off in the future:
  1. RAW ALE Field Generator - (Pending Approval) A semi-unique set of five devices that give the user the ability to slow down the outside world up to a thirty minute period (assuming they don't perish within six minutes due to radiation exposure or destroy their life-supporting equipment in that time due to rapid decay). Use with extreme caution and the most dire of circumstances in order to get out of otherwise impossible situations.
  2. RAW Phantom Blade - (Potentially Planned) A limited production blade capable of separating from its hilt for telekinetic ranged combat and returning to the hilt with ease.
  3. RAW Protective Formal Suit & Dress - (Potentially Planned) A limited production clothing line featuring full lightsaber resistance, blaster resistance, kinetics resistance, and other damage resistances dependent on user input.
  4. Full Ownership of A.S.Co. and its many various products - (Potentially) The first company Triam Akovin founded, and the one she made her former riches on. Gain full access to her company and its entire catalog of products to do with as you please.

Oh, and those who are openly Sith, Imperial, and/or people Triam doesn't happen to like need not apply, your bids will be entirely over-looked even if they are superior...

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