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Approved Starship Rekr-Class Mandalorian Dreadnought

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  • Manufacturer: MandalMotors
  • Model: Rekr-Class Dreadnought
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market and Various Mandalorian Factions and Companies
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
  • Mandalorian Steel
  • Various Starship Parts

  • Classification: Task Force Command Ship
  • Length: 1000 Meters
  • Width: 560 Meters
  • Height: 220 Meters
  • Armament: Average
    Heavy Turbolaser Battery (3)
  • Quad-Lasers
  • Mass Driver Cannons
  • Flak Cannons
  • Point-Defense Lasers
  • Flex-Tube Missile Launchers

[*]Defenses: Moderate
  • Mandalorian Steel Plating
  • Standard Military Deflector and Ray Shields

[*]Hangar: Average - 4

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average - Class 3

[*]Advanced Encryption Network
[*]Emergency Catapult-based Rear Hangar
[*]Holonet Trasciever
[*]Military Target Tracking Systems
[*]Advanced Military Firewall
[*]Tractor Beams (2)
[*]Long Range Communcation System
[*]Compartmentalized Power and Build Structure
  • Compartmentalized Build: Split into several sections throughout the ship, each section has the ability to function on its own should the ship come under electronic attack or should some areas become destroyed, allowing for a longer fight in bloody space brawls.
  • Rear Hangar: The ship boasts two standard hangars, one on its belly which house mostly the gunships, besu'liik war droids, and various shuttles; and the main hangar which is approximate in the center of the ship allowing for flight at both starboard and port. The rear serves as an emergency hangar should one or both of the main hangars be damaged. It utilizes old catapult technology that is mostly manual, meaning it can't be affected by electronic or AI attacks. It also provides a safe entry back into the main hangar should the doors be locked shut or rendered inoperable.
  • Flex-Tube Missile Launcher: Where most large capital ships prefer to have dedicated missile tubes for particular types of missiles, the Rekr-class Dreadnought does the opposite. All missile tubes are designed to fire a variety of different ordinances, allowing for switching missile types on the fly as needed.
  • Manual Overrides: Between the manual launch of the rear catapult-based hangar and the flex tube missile launchers, what has been done in the name of contingency slows down day to day use. Switching missile types can be a long process in battle and having the catapult reset after every launch can take minutes that the ship may or may not have.
  • Heavy Turbolaser Batteries: While on paper the Rekr-Class Dreadnought may have around the same amount of firepower as many ships of its class, with most of its punching power stacked behind three powerful turbolasers that can't fire simultaneously, coordinating combat and getting the right shots off at the right time leaves it vulnerable to smaller, faster targets like frigates and corvettes.

Taking design cues from other Mandalorian ships like the Alor-Class of Mandal Hypernautics and the Ordo-Class Frigate of MandalMotors, the Rekr boasts an internal bridge located near the prow of the ship. Similarly to the Alor-class it is connected to the outside world via a complicated network of sensors and cameras as well as the (comparably) small viewport at the front of the hangar. Tangible holo displays projected from the captain's chair allow the captain to always be aware of the battle outside. It also prevents direct, targeted shots from obliterating the bridge mid-battle. Like most of the ship, the bridge is also compartmentalized and offers its own life support system should the ship come under electronic attack or other parts of the ship become inoperable, allowing for the ship to stay in fights longer.

The Rekr also boasts incredible firepower with its main gun, three triple barreled heavy turbolaser batteries. Powerful and destructive, they took the place of the several dozen turbolasers ships of its size tend to carry. Despite holding such power, each cannon can only be fired one at a time and must fully be at rest before the next can fire. While this creates a slower firing rate than most other Turbolasers it also allows for pinpoint accuracy as while one is firing the other batteries are able to be targeted and ready as soon as the okay comes through the system to fire again.

The first "Star Destroyer" class ship created by MandalMotors since before the Omega War, the Rekr-Class Dreadnought brings both power and versatility to the Mandalorian company's fleet of battle ready ships. Originally planned to release, its unveiling was delayed due to the destruction of Mandalore and then pushed even further back after MandalMotors tower and their orbital shipyards were damaged during the Civil War. However, now with Zeke Farthen running the factories and financial day to day of the company, the plans were revitalized and modified slightly to reduce cost and pump out a small Star Destroyer-class vessel ready for mass production by the company to drive sales and increase the flow of credits in the company. The Rekr-Class Mandalorian Dreadnought is a ship made to be marketed towards privateers and small to medium sized companies that wish to protect their goods. Able to be staffed with a minimum crew the ship fits well alongside some of MandalMotors other smaller ships, providing a solid core to any small Task-Force.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Zeke Farthen"]

At 1000m long, the template this ship currently falls under is that of a Cruiser. Under that template, a Hanger that can transport 6 Squadrons rates as 'Very High,' not 'Average' and makes this ship as it stands very overpowered for mass production. If you lowered Hanger size to three I think your weakness balances all else out and I could stamp this approved.

To keep Six Squadrons would need extensive modifications on the ratings or production, or possibly increasing the size of the vessel to that of a destroyer and working from there. There's a lot of options, so let me know what you're thinking and we'll move on from there.


[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

The Star Destroyer template starts at 1000 Meters
Star Destroyer
Variants: Destroyer, Assault, Escort, Exploration, Medical, Patrol, Transport, Dedicated Carrier, Command Ship, Escort, Heavy Carrier, Planetary Assault Carrier
Average Length: 1000-2000 Meters.


[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

You say that but in your previous post you were limiting my 1000 Meter SD to the same "Average" of a 500 meter Cruiser based on the templates given. As it is written as a SD and falls within the Template given ranges of a SD I think it should be judged as such.

With that being said I did drop it to 5
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Zeke Farthen"]

That helps, but there's still too much going on with this ship. For the record, this is being judged as a Cruiser at 1000m. Ship design in the factory has always taken ship length into account. You don't get to work with a more generous rating because you're 1m over, that would be silly and encourage min-maxing.

For comparison, you've got a Carrier Cruiser at 1000m which carries one more squadron but is Av/Av/L/VL. Alternatively, there's a Patrol Destroyer at 1360m, which is L/L/H/H but only 2 squadrons.

As before, there's several ways to proceed, the most obvious are as follows.
1. Drop production to Minor.
2. Drop Hanger count to 4.
3. Reduce one other rating.
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