Disney's Princess

Reinforced Hollinium Jedi Katan
Image Source: Mass Effect 3, Bioware. EA.
Intent: Personal Body Armor
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Kuati Metalworks Limited
Model: RxH Katan
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Agrinium Armorweave, Insulated Synthetic Fibers and Plastics; with Hollinium Plates, Kinetic Foam, and Glasteel Molding.
Classification: Anti-Energy, Anti-Ballistic
Weight: 18kg
Quality: 7
Suit Specific Features:
- Insulating Synthetic Body Glove undergarment provides outstanding displacement against hazardous chemical substances and the vacuum of space.
- Hollinium plates, Glasteel transparents, and Agrinium armorweave combo provide excellent protection against energy and slug weapons.
- Powered Backpack offers 8 hours worth of a breathable bio-air mixture as well as powers many of the suit's components. Redundant circuitry is applied to minimize electronic burnout.
- Mag Boots incorporated into both boots. Used for magnetic EVA spacewalking with no physical or synthetic strength added.
- Power Gloves incorporated into both palms. Used for magnetic EVA spacewalking with no physical or synthetic strength added.
Helm Specific Features:
- Electronic HUD display
- Audio-Visual Transmitter and Recorder
- Light Amplification Interface
- Rebreather Attachment
- Exotic Filtration Attachment
- Wireless Attachment
- Backup Battery
Prototyped on Anaxes and field tested at Stationbase Gamma, Kuati Proper, the RxH Katan is a vast improvement over the standardized EVA battlesuit market. The suit was created specifically for Extra-Vehicular Activity in deep space as well as deployment in hazardous terrestrial environments during stressful physical conditions. IE: combat.
The layout is composed of an Agrinium Armorweave Mesh overlaying an insulated, synthetic black body-glove. Agrinium is a strong buffer of cosmic radiation and makes for a perfectly positive primary ingrediant for any space suit. Hollinium plate molding, with Kinetic Foam backing, is applied throughout the design to facilitate moderate kinetic protection and to ensure high-density combat durability ratings. Hollinium is manufactered using high-density materials and machining that makes it more durable than most industrial ingrediants. As such, it is extremely resistant to to piercing effects such as generic slug weaponary. However, the armor plating is molded using exceptionally thin sheeting to keep the overall 'matter' managable for your average humaniod occupant. Specialized AA ammunition or hyper-velocity rounds can penetrate this thin sheeting fairly easily.
Sheeting is applied in the construction of the sealed helm, the exotic filtration attachment, and the powered backpack. Raising the coverage area of the armor to an expansive 75% of the body. Coverage is key here. Glasteel is molded and opaqued as the visor to counter deep space flare mitigation.
Even in it's most exotic manifestation, a Katan is essentially a skintight space suit carapace for women.
- 'Reinforced Hollinium' is a TOR online ingame armor featured as Jedi Guardian Tier 14 Armor. More images of 'Reinforced Hollinium' at TOR fashion.com