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Approved NPC Reginald "Doc" Veska

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Name: Reginald “Doc” Veska
Loyalties: Viqtor Locke
Role: Engineer
Development Threads: None (Will do as Needed)
Age: 51
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: He’s as Average as they come.
Appearance: Veska is aging, well out of his prime, shown by having greying hair and a grey goatee. He is slender and the wrinkles of age show on his face He is age is starting to weigh on him and he can’t go all out like he used to. He wears street clothes, glasses, and his blaster.
Personality: Veska is intelligent, outwardly arrogant, and loyal to his friends and allies. “Doc” is well aware his best days are behind him and he isn’t capable of holding his own in war anymore, but he doesn’t like to show it unless the chips are down. He talks big, and reminds those around him of how it was when he was in his prime, back when he and Viqtor where young and blowing stuff up for the Cartel.
Weapon of Choice: DC-17 hand blaster worn in a quick-draw holster at his side.
Wealth: He does alright, upper-middle class.
Combat Function: If it were up to him he would avoid combat, but he is at terms with the reality that war is almost inevitable and his friend, Viqtor Locke, is a war dog to say it nicely. If he is forced or drawn into a fight he likes to end it quick, beating his opponent on the draw and blasting them down before they can react to him. He will avoid large scale battles, fleeing from them or moving away from active warzones well in advance.
(+) Engineer: He is very well versed in the field of Mechanical Engineering, having spent over twenty five years practicing it, and studying the field even before then. He was also spent a fair amount of time creating and using explosives.
(+) Gunslinger: He has quick hands and dang good aim at close range (20 or less Meters), making him dangerous in a firefight, but easily manageable on the battlefield.
(-) Physical Ability: Back in his prime he was average in terms of speed, strength, and agility. Alas, those days have ended. Trying to drag or carry something too heavy might throw his back out and leave him nearly debilitated. He can only maintain combat for about twenty minutes before he becomes winded and becomes significantly less capable. He also does not hold his own well in a brawl (Close Combat) due to this. (Basically he can't carry a 30Kg bag, can't compete in all out battle, and isn't expected to win a One on One fight he gets into)
Notable Possessions: He keeps a fully equipped mechanics workshop capable of allowing him to produce prototype weapons, explosives, and human sized droids.
Bio: Veska was born on Nar Shaddaa and was able to work hard enough to actually get an education, despite being middle class. He almost immediately began working with the local gangs taking a liking to explosives. After being sentenced to prison for three years for Arson, he was shipped to Kessel, where he met Viqtor Locke. Locke and Veska hit it off pretty quick, both having a dark sense of humor and love of exerting power of others, Viqtor physically, Veska mentally. During their stent in prison Viqtor protected him from the gangs and crews that were locked up, gaining Veska’s loyalty. After serving an additional year for being involved in a fight between Viqtor and several other inmates he was released and decided to go legitimate. Using his skills as an engineer he worked as a low level administrator for various companies throughout the galaxy. He recently came back into contact with Viqtor, having been released years ago gallivanting the galaxy as a hired thug.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Alright it looks good to me now


Approved Pending Secondary
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