Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reflections [The Primeval]

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Taken aback from this comment she has never realized she could was considered either a sith or jedi. "I... i don't know.."
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
"Afraid? Afraid of what?!" Ari immediately says back as if she actually isn't afraid although she actually is.
"Of what? I do not know, but you do.", she said. Before finally placing a hand on her shoulder. Anja would attempt to reach out with the force and intoxicate her with its power; something only a force-sensitive could respond to. If she wasn't then it'd be useless.

[member="Ari Jade"]
Ari is suddenly scared by what has happened and smacks [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]'s arm away. "Why are you doing this?! leave me alone."
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Ari begins to cough in pain of what is happening. "Stop! Stop!" she says heavily coughing as she can't breathe.
Anja let go but not at her protest, she waited until she sensed her body on the verge of shutting down and released her grip. inside she felt a bit pleased, this was a power she struggled with but now had begun to successfully utilize it. A proper tactic to instigate fear upon enemies. If this was what the force was capable of, she wondered what more she could do.

"Tell me, why are you afraid?"

[member="Ari Jade"]
Coughing Ari blurted out in reply. "Well first of all you almost killed me!" She says slightly collapsing to the ground and continues heavily coughing.
"I spared your life.", she said.

Anja walked closely to her, standing only a foot's length away at the girl on the ground. She looked to [member="Ari Jade"] and just stood there, over her, like a towering figure of authority.

"Do you not know what salvation is?", she asked.

[member="Ari Jade"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Still on the ground coughing but less heavily. "What does that matter you almost killed me!" Ari says slightly frustrated.
"I did not intend to kill you but yet you still protest.", she reached out with the force again this time to place pressure on her body as a motivator. "Stand up!", she ordered.

[member="Ari Jade"]

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