Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Reflection, Refraction


Tags: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha


Samuel watched as Kardek’s expression shifted to that of a more pleasant one, muscles relaxing. The tension was removed, and it seemed the Tender had made the right call. He would note such a thing for future conversations with others, still being new to social settings. Yet still, he did not intend to make many exceptions to his hidden identity.

At Kardek’s revelation and smile, he gave a soft, reminiscent smile in return. When first starting down this path, he hated hearing his old name. Now, it was met with neutrality. It was him, now it was no longer - there was no point in hating what he once was, for it was merely fact. “Yes. Gorian was I. And I still use the moniker as a tool to keep what I care about safe.” Though, after what he heard next, he gave a soft chuckle. “It wouldn’t have been a pleasure - you may as well of been talking to a rock if you met me prior." Giving a slight jest at that, "I am grateful to have met you as I am now, instead. Though, I too recall stories of that old crew.” Gaze glanced sidelong, to the IG Droid that was entertaining themselves with a Hologame. “...Does that mean, Alpha is the same Bounty Droid..? What a curious change.” Giving yet another soft hum at the idea.

At Kardek’s next prompt, he would silently take the hand, and shake it, “Of course. Even from our Employers, this I promise. As something of a friend, I suppose.” And when he let his hand go, it returned to fold under his chest. He was unsure with the moniker - it was certainly a fast friendship, and the man was not entirely used to having them. He’d allow the other to decide that.



Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha

Kardek meditated on the fact that they both seemed to share a lot in common after all. Both had been bounty hunters, and from what Samuel was implying, it was a life he desired to keep in the past. He wondered how a man of such notable skill could be content keeping a bar. Perhaps the man had found a path forward being content without an overarching purpose after all, as he had put it. Such a possibility still seemed far out of reach for Kardek, but maybe he could one day say the same. Only time would tell.

He chuckled, nodding knowingly at his remarks about the possible displeasure if they had met in their former lives. "True. Our crew was… brutal, to say the least. Probably best that our paths crossed when they did." Better to be exchanging stories than munitions.

He glanced back over his shoulder at the mention of Alpha, nodding rather stoically, "Yeah. He was. It's… well, it's a long story." He held his gaze on the droid for a moment, a mixture of apparent humor beginning to cross his features as the rogue thought about what had happened to the droid, and by extension, himself. Although he had just admitted to it being a long story, he suddenly seemed prompted to share it… and in the process, he shared something that no other living soul knew. For some reason, he resonated strongly with Samuel... something that didn't make sense knowing that this was their first real time talking together. And so he started to speak...

"We were on a bounty. Political activist. The assignment was from the Imperials… most where in those days. She was young… had a daughter." Kardek's eyes seemed to grow conflicted as he continued, "The four of us surrounded her, blasters drawn. She was holding onto her kid… protecting her… She asked us a simple request, knowing it was the end. Just that we wouldn't let her die in front of her child." Kardek pulled out a cigarra and lit it, the recollection obviously a bit heavy for the gunslinger to recall, "Droken shot her kid. Killed her. Right in the mothers arms. I was… livid." Eyebrows furrowed, "Droken ordered me to shoot the woman, but… I was done. That was it for me. This guy…" he motioned back at Alpha, "...Went to shoot her, but I shot him before he could… right through the head. Then I got shot by Galdo, right here…" Kardek turned his head and parted his hair line, revealing a cybernetic implant that was usually hidden, right on the side of his head. "And Droken reacted by killing Galdo. Droken was a lot of things…" Kardek sighed, "But he was loyal. To me at least. We both were. He rushed me and Alpha to an experimental facility in an attempt to save my life. Now?" He glanced back again at Alpha, a smile crossing his face as the droid fiddled with his hologame. "Now Alpha is basically an extension of me. We share a neural connection, he carries a lot of the processing power that keeps me alive." He turned back to Samuel, drinking the last bit of tea in the cup, "His personality is very childlike, right? For some reason due to the procedure, his personality is essentially a child version of me. Not sure why, but probably because he handles a lot of my subconscious subroutines."

Kardek then looked Samuel intently in the eyes. Samuel was the only person alive that knew this, and there was always risk in him sharing such information, which is why he never did. But there was a massive weight that the rogue felt in being able to finally share it with someone else. He hoped that the immense trust he was displaying would be honored.

"The only other people that knew about this neural connection was the Neural-engineer and Droken, and both are now dead. You trusted me, and now I'm trusting you. I hope you understand the gravity of the situation, Sam. I know this is our first real conversation, but I feel like we share a special connection somehow. I do consider you a friend."
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Tags: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha


His gaze followed Kardek’s, nodding along when the words came about it being a long story. He didn’t expect to hear said story, and yet, not long after, Kardek spoke of it. So he quietly listened along, as was custom throughout this confusion. He didn’t expect to get this much out of the Gunslinger, but maybe it was his way of showing he appreciated someone trying to help him. Samuel didn’t mind much, anyways.

There was a small grimace as he told the story. Imperial Bounties. He took many, himself, at one point. Main source of income, really, they loved having any kind of Force Sensitive turned into them. And there were plenty of Force Sensitives that were careless during his time in his career. And he spoke of, Droken's actions. Nasty stuff. Couldn’t say he would not have done the same, at one point - if it was for the right price, anything went. He supposed Droken must’ve shared a similar policy to stoop so low. Shame, that.

Carefully, he watched as Kardek brushed his hair aside, peering curiously at the cybernetic implant. Then his gaze followed once again to look at the IG Unit, eyes widening some in surprise as he shared the fact that, well, his life hinged on the fact the droid was functioning. “Feth, that’s a new one.” Murmured softly, with that. “I suppose that’s why you two are a clan then, mmh?” In a mild jest, in reference to a phrase spoken by Kardek, earlier, before the mood sobered again. “It’s a rough job, that. When one does it without limits, that is. Bounty Hunters of the more mercenary ilk are like stars. They rise, they burn bright, real bright for a while. Then they go out. Either got too hot for their own good, burnt themselves out, or they showed too brightly, and got snuffed out. I've come to the simple realization that a good Hunter doesn't need to be Heartless to survive. You’ll receive no judgment from me for your past, and your leaving of it.”

It was then the Gunslinger’s intent gaze met the Bartender’s, and the meaning of it was fairly easily imparted as the more serious words of that came. Brow raised some, and he gave a soft sigh, closing his eyes for a moment as he nodded along in processing. “...Right, right then. I’d be happy to have one, then.” Giving a soft grin as his eyes opened again. “I’d be fine t’call you friend, Kardek. I don’t think you’re difficult to get along with, anyhow.” With another small jest as he adjusted his lean on the counter.

“...Y’know, in a way,” Nodding towards Alpha, “I owe his kind.” Dry chuckle, “The path I branched off from was engulfed in an all-encompassing flame that could’ve just as easily have had me in it. It was facilitated by, what was his name…” Head tilts down in thought, before a snap of his fingers. “Right, think it was IG-800L? Nasty bastard. Had chit bolted and melded to nearly every part of his frame, he practically was a walking weapons platform. Hated everything living, barely even hid that fact. Hutts thought they could keep him ‘round as an assassin, throw him out when they needed to clean up loose ends. They got annoyed that I foiled one of his jobs with a protection contract, so they bought me off ‘permanently’, an’ I picked up Bartending on the side eventually when they weren’t lookin’. Go figure, eh?” Head tilting some, his expression and tone light-hearted a bit with the bit of story of his own.

“They didn’t expect the droid to put up a fight when they finally wanted to clean house, much less destroy their entire stronghold overnight. Made it easy to leave that life behind, for me. The one good Hutt there made it out, too. Win for everyone, ‘sides from the nasty folk. And, I suppose my retirement pay, but I had better things by then.” Giving a more genuine laugh, at the recollection of events. “I much prefer Alpha, though. Soft-spot for the innocent personality, I s’pose. Haven’t really spoken with ‘em, yet, but he’s got a friend, too.”


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Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha

At the reference to Alpha being his clan, the chuckled a bit and nodded in confirmation. He then listened to Sam as he expounded on the dangerous pitfalls of bounty hunter life, nodding in agreement. As the barkeeper seemed to return his interest in a form of friendship, Kardek seemed pleased. Truthfully he had been weary of making any significant relationships for a long time, due to the nature of his line of work as well as the pit falls of opening up to anyone that could potentially turn and use it against you. And sure… the danger was always present. Even now. But Kardek was tired of the isolation. Many wouldn't consider him as being isolated, due to his flamboyant persona that he presented, but such was always done at a more surface level. The only meaningful relationship he had weathered was with Alpha, and that was… a different kind of relationship.

Ultimately, Kardek was seemingly moving into a different phase of his life now. One where the fruit of isolation had proven sour, and so he was now becoming more open to allowing more social risk into his life.

At Sam's comment about Kardek not being too difficult to get along with, the man laughed with a bit of amusement on his face. He raised an eyebrow as a bit of a smirk crossed his lips, "Not sure the rest of the Family would agree with you on that one." He jested. "But I guess that's my own fault in the end." He shrugged, contemplating the persona he often presented to others.

As Samuel began to speak more about himself, Kardek looked at him and listened with interest. It was an intriguing story, and at the mention of being permanently bought off by the hutts, he raised his eyebrow a bit and contemplated such a lucrative possibility. "Bet that was a good pay day." He mused, scratching at his chin. "Yeah, those IG's can be brutal kriffers."

He nodded at his explanation at how he got out. In a way they were both lucky, it was a difficult business to walk away from and keep your head. At the mention of Alpha being more preferable, he smiled and chuckled a bit, nodding knowingly. "He's much better now. I've definitely got a soft spot for the guy." He looked back again at him, "I'm working on programming him to have more vocal capacity. I want him to make his own connections outside of just me. He needs friends. I'm…" Kardek turned back to the counter and looked upward, processing his own line of thought, "It's hard sometimes. With him taking on my own childhood behavior, sometimes I'm hard on him. Try not to be. But often…" He shrugged, "He just reminds me of too much of myself when I was younger I guess."
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Tags: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha


His head tilted upon Kardek’s comment regarding the rest of the Family. “Maybe. Doesn’t have to be, but I think you know that, now. Doesn’t really matter to me - I’ll think it, if anything. I don’t really care for the wants and such of The Family. Sometimes, the care of one person is all someone needs for a nudge.” Came his earnest response.

“It was a good payday.” Samuel agreed, “But to an extent, I’m glad I lost it. I wouldn’t be here now, if that was not the case. I’d say this is comparably better regardless of a loss of early retirement. I’d get bored and rusty in the latter. Not to mention what I’d have to put up with, still.” In mild explanation. “And, some of the folk here are nice to hang around, as well.” He would add with a soft hum to the Gunslinger. It was clear the Family didn’t really hold as much ‘sway’ over him as it might appear, being the Bartender of the establishment and all. Still, it was preferable over Hutt Cartels.

As Kardek, in turn, talked about the IG Unit, he gave a soft laugh. “Mmh. I get that. If I were in your shoes, I’d think of it like this, now; you’ve got a chance to raise yourself right. It’s good that you want him to build connections. Look at it like you’re rooting for yourself, when maybe you didn’t get the chance for that earlier. Maybe that’ll help, maybe it won’t, but it wouldn’t hurt to try I s’pose.” As the individual shifted, “What I do know, is that you don’t have to consign yourself to a pre-conceived fate or binding, anymore. Do what you want, without it tearing you apart. Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated, either. Just do me a favor and don’t go off the deep end, a’ight?” A vague warning, and a small request with a sly grin, at the other. The request was more so for Kardek’s own benefit, rather than his own, but still.

“I hope you liked the tea.” Grin, as he shifted the kettle aside once more. “If you ever want more, just ask. I find tea is better when one wants to calm the mind, compared to the other options. Tea and talk.” Grabbing a rag, he cleaned off the countertop once more. Seems this night was about to close, from what he could tell, on a fairly good note.



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