Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reela Witko

Reela Witko

Nautolan. Princess. Jedi.

Name: Reela Witko

Faction: Republic

Rank: Princess, Jedi Padawan, Ambassador

Species: Nautolan

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Height: 6' 5"

Weight: 160 Ilbs

Eyes: Black

Hair: None

Skin: Bluish-Green

Force Sensitive: Yes
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Has had previous combat training since she was 10, before being part of the Jedi order
+ Very eager attitude
+Able to breath under water
+Diplomatic powers (though limited)

-Can sometimes be too eager for a fight or the like
-Does not always know when to give up or back down

+ Purple lightsaber (previously owned by @[member="Nala Tu"])



Blueish-Green skin. Has Royal emblem bracelet of her family crest on her right wrist. Prefers to wear Jedi robes over the more royal wares she may have. Her protocol droid is almost always with her, at the bequest of her parents.


Born into the royal family of Witko, Reela was the first, and only, daughter and princess to the Nautolan royalty. While not the rulers of the entire planet of Glee Anselm, the Witko name holds great respect and power among the people. Growing up Reela loved to hear stories about the Jedi and their order. From the ancient masters and knights to the current victories and challenges they faced with the Sith Empire today she adored them. So much that, when she was 10, she began training in Jed-style combat; her parents finding those who, while not Jedi, were skilled in their ways of combat.

Many years later Reela had begun to develop force sensitive abilities, exciting both herself and her parents and the prospect of her being a Jedi. Word was sent and one of the knights of the order, Nala Tu a Kaminoan, came to invite her officially into the order. However word had also reached the Sith who, wanting to choke out such a weed, had sent a Sith to kill her and anyone in the way.

In the ensuing fight Nala defended Reela until she was slain in battle, the royals managing to force the Sith off world before she could cause more harm. Nala's remains were sent back to the Jedi order while Reela, finding Nala's saber, had now devoted herself to becoming a Jedi and a strong future ruler and protector for her people.

Before leaving for Courascant Reela was given a Republic vessel, a gift from a Republic ambassador who was friends with her father, and her protocol droid TC-18 for any assistance.






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