Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Redemption on Tython

Location: Tython
Outfit: Jedi Gear
Equipment: Nightsister energy bow, Lightsaber
Tag: Domina Prime Domina Prime

It had been a positive visit to Kashyyyk over all in Dreidi’s mind, she had gained plenty of spiritual healing surrounding the loss of her father and it also gave her the time needed to figure out where she wanted to go next.


It made sense since some records stated it as the original world of the Jedi, there were likely going to be records related to the early formations of the Jedi. Dreidi also figured that it would give her the chance to figure out if there was any way that she could find a balance between doing her work as a Jedi as well as being a Witch of Dathomir. It seemed to be two lives in conflict, to embrace her emotions to use Magick but also to keep a level head and not fall victim to the Dark Side, something heavily tied to darker emotions.

Arriving on Tython, Dreidi landed her ship near a small village, she felt the desire to start her path on the hunt for information at the village. Dreidi stepped away from her ship and looked around the village, seeing the people going about their own business. It reminded of her mission with Iris on Lothal. Something that haunted her as a person, she had been blinded by the training within the CIS, the much more aggressive, Sith based approach to handling issues that she didn’t think twice about her actions. That she defended them to Iris and others. It hadn’t been her positive first step into the GA and Dreidi had always been feeling on edge since then because of how unconventional she was a Jedi.

Breathing in deeply, while she held those views at one point, she had come a lot further as a person. She was stronger now and she had worked hard at improving her skills as well as her mentality as a Jedi. No longer was she rushing into danger without thinking and she was not killing needlessly and creating chaos. That was not the path she wanted to forge ahead. Instead, Dreidi was focused on being the best Jedi that she could be now and not seeking glory to jump ahead.

Wandering around the village, she could feel a tense air, that something was not quite right and that had her curious. Approaching a store vendor, Dreidi leaned in to talk with them, “is everything okay here? I couldn’t help but notice that everyone is on edge?

Raiders came. Stole our credits then fled off in that direction.” The vendor cried out, the loss of their money hitting them hard.

Dreidi placed her hand on theirs, offering some comfort as well as palming over the small amount of credits that she could afford to offer the villagers. “I know this won’t be much but I hope it is enough for everyone to eat. I will be heading out that way and handling these bandits.

The vendor was very grateful and wanted to hug Dreidi, something she allowed briefly before looking towards the direction of where the bandits were supposedly hiding out. This seemed all too familiar now, but perhaps this was the Force giving her a chance to redeem herself?

Walking forward, Dreidi decided to not focus too much on it. All is as the Force guides it.

Daughter of The Destroyer


{ Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic }

"I solemnly swear that i am up to no good~"
There was a unbearably agitating itch radiating in the core of the womans very bones as those keen, azurite eyes stared through a pair of high powered Electrobinoculars. Keeping its focus firm on the multiple transports of convoys and vehicles moving out in the mid day where as they would usually return by the early mornings with their vessels overflowing with the loot attained by right of conquest. In a way it was simply the way of things, and as she spent the waking ours observing the bandits established base of operations, a large structure fallen to ruin but lightly worked on and turned into a passable excuse for a fortress.

Those wiser than the xeno might recognize that very fortress as a once been home to jedi once upon a time in better days.

Dima however could not tell the difference, and with the scurrying insect-like pirates fumbling about with their newly attained loot and hauling it into their newly established base Dima zoomed in the perspective of her sights, examining the many crates in their possession as they were dragged about with the help of multiple men due to some of their treasures sheer weight.

"Are you...certain these are the culprits?" A droid quipped beside the large alien lass, Dimas tail flicking at the question and intentionally slapping the levitating droid gently as a low rumble erupted in her chest.

"Hush X9! Dima is a huntress is she not? This ones instincts are perfect!" She quipped back cockily, the droid in a frustrated flutter of energy smacked into her Mandalorian helm, causing Dima to flinch and glare at him. "H-hey quit it!"

"We are supposed to be recovering Mandalorian Gear lost from the recent incursion on one of our transports and THESE lightweights don't look like the kind of pirates who would take on THE ENCLAVE? I mean look at them they are taking SCRAPS from villages!" X9 argued at Dima, causing the xeno to furrow her brows from behind her visor as that tail of hers suddenly began rattling in visible annoyance.

The Alien Mandalorian snatched the droid with one of her four arms, her sharp claws trapping X9 in a bird-like cage as she held him close to her face. A low, audible hiss erupting from her lips which caused the droid to reel back nervously.

"The transport was attacked by MAWBORN! Dima was there! But in the madness some lucky little RATS managed to make off with coveted treasures of manda! Treasures for us! Steel for our foundlings! WEAPONS FOR OUR KIN! DIMA WILL NOT LET LITTLE MICE MEN STEAL FROM THE MANDA THE GODS WOULD NEVER LOVE DIMA IF THIS ONE CANNOT RETURN PRECIOUS SHINIES TO COUSINS!" She would roar, her grip clenching, the cage shrinking and applying more and more pressure. "Now be still, shut up, and watch your Prime be mighty~" She whispered now, calmly...cooler, abruptly letting X9 go and watching as the droid flinched at the sudden outburst of fury from the young Xeno.

"And like all insecure, superstitious prey, Dima can only imagine they do what any other pirate would do..." She mused now, looking back through her optics to witness where the men were all carrying their newly attained loot. A single file line of crates and other resources being moved into what looked to be a secured part of the facility they had taken over. But without any lines of sight inside Dima quickly found herself having to make some choices. "What is it the fancy bandits say X9? X marks the spot?" She teased with a low chuckle, stuffing the optics away and walking over towards her parked ship up on a mountain several kilometers away from the pirate base. Walking up the ramp and bringing down her weapons locker the xenos many eyes wandered over her armory with delight. Claws tapping the chin of her helm while casually deciding what she would bring to this raid she was going to bring down on the thieves.

She pulled a massive, 8 foot fusion cannon from the shelf, feeling it SLAM into the floor from the weight as she purred lowly in delight and began fiddling with its bits.

"P-prime! Isn't that the one that uhhh....blows up when you shoot it? Maybe we should wait till you finish its desig-"

"Awwwwwww! That only happened twice! This one NEVER gets to shoot the big cannon anymore!" She scoffed, frustrated and just dropped the whole cannon to the floor, causing it to flume to life and making the droid freak out in the process. "Fine! But YOU are like, totally RUINING this for Dima ok? This is supposed to be Dimas time to be mighty before the spirits of manda and Dima thinks the gods would like to see the cannon but 'noooooooo'~" She childishly quipped, impishly going through the rest of the armory just tossing shotguns and boring weapons she attained behind her sloppily as if she did not fully take care of her things.

"A-ha!" Dima gasped, finding her old forge weapon at the top and snatching it down the Xeno then held a massive axe!

Well, it was more designed like a Bardiche axe, weighted and large enough to cleave through her prey. One of the first weapons she learned to duel with against the Forceborn. It likely would not be useful against pirates and their lesser tactics of battle but all Dima could thing about was the potential carnage after whacking someone upside the head with the thing.

An idea which made her ears flutter like butterfly wings beneath her helm.

The gods would see her for sure on this day~


Location: Tython
Outfit: Jedi Gear
Equipment: Nightsister energy bow, Lightsaber
Tag: Domina Prime Domina Prime

Tracking where these bandits were located was not terribly difficult for Dreidi, she had been able to figure out roughly they were going to be from meetings with the locals. From that information, Dreidi found herself a speeder and was exploring the surrounding area. It was a vast space and Tython was not a flat surface. It took her a significant amount of time to locate where this base was going to be and then she took the time to location a position where she could comfortable over see the camp and assess the situation.

There were a decent number of bandits, they were various races, and from what she could tell not particularly skilled. What they had was numbers, something that would always Dreidi couldn't solve with training. Numbers would always find a way to win through sheer luck. Her training would only mean it would take larger and larger numbers for that luck to actually kick in. For now, she didn't trust the chances of her being successful.

Tapping her fingers against her binoculars, Dreidi thought about the best plan of action. She could attempt to talk with them, see what was motivating their actions against the locals around here. See if peaceful terms could be reached. Problem was them then attacking her if negotiations failed or shooting her on the spot for the hell of it. It would then be very hard to get away. So, Dreidi had to be careful with that approach. She could teleport away but there was nothing guaranteed in it being successful.

Something called to her in the Force, a presence that was seeking violence. Very clearly a disturbance but not towards her, towards the bandits. While she wasn't sure violent action was the course of action to take, Dreidi was curious to know who else was here. Perhaps someone she could work with. Following the trail in the Force to the source, Dreidi came across a Mandalorian and their droid companion. She paused, not wishing to disturb their conversation, and assessing how best to approach and not get shot. Mandalorians were an unpredictable bunch that could be trigger happy.

"Hello there." Dreidi spoke up, "I could feel your presence through the Force, it seems that you have some intentions to handle the bandits. I am here to do the same, willing to work together?" Her hands were up to show she was not seeking a fight with the Mandalorian. "Name's Dreidi Xeraic."

Daughter of The Destroyer


{ Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic }

"I solemnly swear that i am up to no good~"
A ripple of shock electrified her spine when a voice suddenly rang from outside her ship, the xeno shooting up to her full height and abruptly SMASHING her helmet against the ceiling of her ship and snarling in pain while her upper arms held her cranium and she quickly turned around and shifted her vision over the stranger that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "OW! Not my head~" She whined, shaking the dazed wobbles from her visage and stomping down the ramp agitated and annoyed. "Sensed? So that god led you here?" She questioned, looking the woman up and down through her helmets visor as her tail rattled threateningly behind her. "Forceborn..." She concluded, her understanding of 'The Force' extremely limited and to the xeno, a pagan 'god' that granted a select few powers and abilities beyond comprehension.

And now one of their gods chosen champions had made their way to her doorstep...shipstep? Whatever the phrasing, Domina was both pleased and fustrated. Primarily because at this exact moment...

She couldn't tell which tribe this one belonged too!

Domina tilted her head judgmentally while examining the woman. Attempting to decipher rather or not the stranger was a Sith or a Jedi, gods Dima had such a hard time telling them all apart they all just began to...blur together after so long. "What...ARE you godling? Darkborn? Lightborn? It's only getting harder to tell these days~" She mused casually, not fully grasping the potential offensive nature of the question. "Domina tolerates Lightborn, however, if you are of the other tribe? The scheming, plotting rats? Then Domina will not be helping you~" She explained simply, innocently in fact. Dima still not fully understanding just how deadly force users tended to be, or more accurately, believing herself to be deadlier, and thus canceling out the threat most force users posed to her. And so she nonchalantly circled the woman, curiosity getting the best of her.

"So? Which is it, little god?" She cooed warmly with a low chitter of amusement.


Location: Tython
Outfit: Jedi Gear
Equipment: Nightsister energy bow, Lightsaber
Tag: Domina Prime Domina Prime

Dreidi was taken aback a fair bit. It seemed that this being had a very interesting way of addressing Force Users and such, it was something new and she wasn't too sure how she felt about the terms but Dreidi wasn't going to correct or argue the titles with Domina. She had to respect what others saw and believed and that was all she could do. "I'm a Jedi, yes." Dreidi stated in a firm tone, she knew that her appearance could be seen as not a typical look for a Jedi, she embraced a lot of her Dathomirian side.

"Lightborn." Dreidi corrected herself when she realised that Jedi might not be the term that this being understood.

Gesturing to herself, "well, hopefully to you I don't look like a scheming rat?" She chuckled hoping that the joke would go down well, though she had no understanding if the other being had a strong sense of humour.

Nodding to the camp of bandits, "how were you planning on dealing with these guys?" She asked curious to assess what the stranger had planned before she revealed her own ideas.


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