Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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((Mostly open, just need to discuss some stuff with potential players))

Viktor had been through multiple tomes and ancient books trying to locate a secret vault known as the cell of Imu, he had been at it for over a week now. The tomes held little only it's vague location, very little information about it or what it contained. He finally found a hololog about the architecture of the area and very carefully examined it, looking for any oddities. And eventually he had found it, a secret door that had not been explored and left alone for hundreds of years. It was in the lower city, near the bottom of the floating platform. Viktor left the library, imprinting the map into his mind and left for Coruscant. He sent out a message over and waited in his laboratory for the recipients.

[member="Nomad Crimson"] [member="Maximilian Vinticus"] [member="Krest"]
Nomad was scanning all possible jobs on the holonet, then one appeared out of nowhere. He signed up almost instantly, it was related to the force there for something worth while. Entering his ship and engaging the hyperdrive and navi-computer he set a course to...... he was a little delayed when he put in Curascant's digits something about entering the haret of sith territory was unsettling but he brushed these thoughts away.
Arriving a few hours later at his destination he landed in a spaceport, quickly dashed through all the checks and finally reached the contractors Laboratory. "H-Hello?" he asked to the door.

[member="Viktor Romanov"]
Viktor saw as the first mercenary walked into his laboratory and stared at him with his dead, mechanical eyes. It was a Nautolan, emanating some force power, that was good he needed those especially since Viktor himself lacked a proper weapon. He examined the Nautolan closely for any signs of illness or thuggishness, but he seemed fine. Viktor then walked over with his protective droids following his every step, no risks could be taken. "So my friend, are you here for the job?"

[member="Nomad Crimson"]
Nomad nodded "er.. yes...sir?" he said. His heart and stomche kept twisting themselves. "My name is Nomad, may I ask yours?" he said, a slight hint of fear in his voice.

[member="Viktor Romanov"]
Viktor could easily sense the fear in his voice. A worrisome trait, fear, it could break the strongest of men and was one of the reasons that Viktor threw away his humanity. He could remember it though, a foul taste filled with hesitation. He could not risk fear in this mission, it was far too important to him. "Do not worry, there is no need to be afraid." He moved over to his surgery table and picked up a generic imposing looking tool in his hands and stared at [member="Nomad Crimson"]. "You know, I could help with that." A grin stretched across his face as the thought of augmentation came back into his mind.
"what do you mean?" Nomad asked. The whole thought of removing someone's humanity was... unsettling for Nomad but what it was worse because he was considering it!

[member="Viktor Romanov"]
Receiving two pills to took one at a time. Swallowing them was a little difficult but he managed. Suddenly his stomach and heart were untwisting themselves however his head went dizzy and he fell to his knees. What he lacked in resolve he made up for in determination. "Thanks" he said Climbing back to his feet. The only side effect was his head was spinning.

[member="Viktor Romanov"]

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