Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Recollection

The only thing I’m ‘obsessed’ with, is getting rid of you. I don’t care if Lady Moirai picked you out specifically, no one gets to this point without taking their dues.” Even despite Myria’s words, it was clear the Twi’lek was jealous of Safina’s position.

Not just as the Elder’s apprentice, but because of the attention she had been getting. All knew of Safina, but not everyone was trying to stab her in the back. Most were curious to see if the newcomer would shape up, how would she prove herself. What did the Valkyrie Elder see in her?

And no one who was at the top of that attention hill, liked being kicked off it.

Roeas, Castanea. Kick her arse.

Myria took a step back, crossing her arms together as her two lackeys began stalking towards Safina. However, before they could get too close a cold chill filled the hallway. It wasn’t an unnatural feeling, they were on Mygeeto after all. But there was an unnatural feeling to the cold, bypassing the skin and chilling everyone’s bones.

Then the sound of metal began to fill the air, boots hitting the ground that grew louder and louder, until Hildr; one of Vaylin’s personal Blood Angels, turned the corner towards them. The being towered over everyone, standing just over eight feet tall. Her wings, ever stained in blood were curled in as she slowly approached the small group. this?” Hildr’s voice was both haunting and angelic, pitch black eyes staring at everyone present. “You should be all heading to your dorms.

Both Castanea and Roeas immediately backed away, fear clear in their faces. Myria went to speak, but found her tongue tied.

Return to your dorms, now.” Neither of the trio had to be told again, and they quickly departed. “Not you, Safina.” Hildr’s soulless eyes turned to stare down at the young apprentice. This wasn’t the first time Safina had seen one of their kind, she had encountered one when going to speak with Vaylin once; who was conversing with one of their number at the time.

But this was the first time being so close to one…

Lady Moirai wishes to speak with you in her office.” The order was given, and Hildr began to walk away, her pace slow enough to silently indicate Safina to follow.

Safina couldn’t help but to roll her eyes when Myria barked out her orders to Roeas and Castanea.

Of course Myria couldn’t be bothered to do her own dirty work.

Safina was starting to question if Myria really was as good at combat as she claimed when she always had everyone else do her work for her. This method would only get the Twi’lek so far before she inevitably crashed and burned.

A pity.

Safina’s muscles tensed as she shifted her stance the minute Roeas and Castanea started their advance toward her. Blue eyes narrowing as she watched carefully, calculating who would make the initial move.

It was then that a cold chill wrapped itself around them and everyone stilled. It was unnatural in the way that it crawled across their skin, seeping beneath the surface before encasing itself within their bones.


The sound of metal cut through the silence. As it got closer it got louder, making it easier to pinpoint it to the sound of boots hitting the ground. No one moved until Hildr appeared before them. Blue eyes shifting to glance at Roeas, Castanea, and Myria, Safina relaxed her muscles slightly but still kept her guard up as she looked back to Hildr.

While Hildr was one of Vaylin’s personal Blood Angels, Safina knew better than to relax completely within her presence. Roeas and Castanea moved immediately in fear once she spoke, but Myria had other ideas. Safina’s eyes cut back to her as she saw her attempt to speak, only to have her tongue tied, and while Safina wouldn’t have told her otherwise, she still found her knee jerk reaction to speak, whether it was to save face or not, astounding.

Hildr’s voice cut through the air once more, ordering them to their dorms. Safina had bowed slightly in respect before turning on her heel to head into her dorm, like she had been trying to do before this whole incident started.

Hand on the door knob, she had just started to turn it when Hidr’s voice stopped her once more.

Lady Moirai wanted to speak with her?

Safina turned quickly, fingers slipping from the door knob just as quickly as they had gotten there.

“Of course, Hildr.”

The Blood Angel had started off back down the hall, the sound of the metal of her boots ringing through the now empty hallway, Safina quickly following. Her mind immediately started running with thoughts on what she could possibly want to talk about. Safina couldn’t recall anything that would warrant concern about this impromptu meeting, so she chose instead to keep her head high and go into this meeting with as much confidence as she could muster.

It was a cold, awkward silence that fell between the two as they walked. Not that this wasn’t a regular occurrence, as this wasn’t the first time Safina had been called to her Master’s office. Nor was it the first time it had been Hildr leading the way. Albeit, it was questionable if anyone but Vaylin could tell the difference between the Blood Angels. No one knew just how many she had at her beck and call, and the only main difference was the weapons they carried, which wasn’t always.

Their voices were different, but only by the smallest of margins.

Each portraying a cold, towering demeanour.

The walk was a long, familiar route. Starting from the general dormitories, heading outside of the Fortress and across the way to where the Elder Sanctum resided. It gave a chance to look out the expansive terrain of Mygeeto. The ever tumultuous snow storms that battered the protective shielding that covered them.

Once they were within the Sanctum, it was a simple elevator ride to the top. Hildr continued the lead as they walked down the hallway, only to step aside as they neared the doors. The towering being looked down at Safina, saying nothing and everything at the same time.

Safina was expected, and thus could enter. It was only when she had come here on her own violation, that a knock was required. Hildr remained there like a statue, her gaze shifting to stare down the hallway.

Opening the doors would reveal the familiar sight of her Master’s office. It was spartan in decoration, kept tidy but lacking many personal touches. The Sith in question was standing with her back to Safina, looking out the window. And at the side of her desk, was the slumbering form of Vaylin’s pet Vornskrill. The red-skinned creature opened one eye to see who had entered, only to close it again upon seeing the young woman.

Have a seat, Safina.

Vaylin didn’t even turn around to address her, just continued to stare out the window. Her voice betrayed nothing of her intent on calling her apprentice here. A logical thought would conclude that it couldn’t be something Safina had done, but there were times where Sith weren’t logical. When a punishment was dealt for even the slightest misstep.

The Academy Overseers have gotten in contact with me today.” Vaylin began to speak, turning on her heels and strolling over to her seat. She looked at Safina with a neutral expression. “The Bastion, Dromund Kaas and Korriban academies have had excellent turnouts this year. Enough female students that have survived until the end, before they are brought before their future Masters.” The Zabrak slipped into her chair, staring straight at her apprentice. “They suggested a tournament, one to be hosted on Mygeeto as we’re always looking for more hopeful students.” A beat passed as Vaylin let the information sink in, let Safina reach the conclusion that was no doubt forming in her mind.

And you’re going to be part of it.

The air surrounding Safina during the walk felt tense, almost tangibly buzzing. It weaved its way around her, coiling up from her legs, across her chest and down into her lungs, where it sat like a heavy weight. Her mind was flitting between different reasons as to why she was being called to her Master's office. Before her mind could settle on any one reason, they had arrived in front of the door. Taking a breath to steel herself, Safina reached out and opened the door, sparing a fleeting glance at Hildr as she passed to enter into the office.

Safina’s mind was no longer racing, no longer trying to figure out the reason as to why she was called here. Instead, it became increasingly quiet, screeching to a halt and haunting in its silence, the soft click of the door shutting behind her barely registering. Her eyes scanned the space before her, noting that the space remained the same as the last time she had been summoned to the Zabrak’s office. Just as her eyes had landed on her Master before her window, back facing her, the woman spoke up.

Safina moved to the seat before the desk, barely making a noise as she stepped. It was something she excelled at, and led her to being able to get in and out of situations with relative ease, oftentimes without being noticed. She wouldn’t be able to go unnoticed within this confined space however, no matter if a part of her was silently hoping so.

The nerves that had her brain running during the walk here were slowly starting to build once more as her Master spoke up once more. While her voice gave away no ill intent, Safina couldn’t help but feel like something major was about to happen. She found herself focusing on Vornskrill’s slumbering form, the only thing at the moment that would keep her calm enough to fully take in what was being said to her without reacting instinctively.

Her Master’s eyes on her however had her eyes immediately snapping up to meet with hers, as a sign of respect and that she was listening to her every word.

A tournament.

Safina was to participate in a tournament. One that was sure to be filled with bloodshed, anguished cries of those who have fallen, and very few survivors left standing when it is all said and done. There was no point in fighting against it, she wouldn’t dare speak against this. She could see the resolve clear as day on Vaylin’s face. She was participating in the tournament, and she would win.

With that in mind, her shoulders relaxed and her eyes hardened with determination. Only one thing came to mind then, and so she spoke her voice hard - clear with her intentions.

“How long do I have to prepare?”

At the sight of her apprentice’s determination, the smallest of grins appeared across Vaylin’s lips. But her amber eyes shone with a knowing, dangerous look. It could be argued that the Zabrak enjoyed playing this little game, knowing what Safina didn’t and slowly teasing it out to gauge her reactions. Vaylin was already seen as fierce and unrelenting while training the students in general. But Safina got a first hand look at how much more dangerous she was in private.

You’ve got two months, but-” Vaylin spoke swiftly and sharply, cutting off the potential relief Safina would feel at having a fair bit of time to train. “During that time we’ll also be having our own little tournament, something of a ‘qualifying bracket.’” There was that smile again, as Vaylin leaned into her chair and reached over, scratching the head of her pet Vornskrill.

Each academy will be doing the same, putting their students through a qualifying tournament to decide who to bring. We are to do the same, to have an equal number between everyone.” Vaylin paused after that, and just sat there watching Safina. The Zabrak knew of the strength that lingered within her apprentice. But she also knew she was smart, and was likely already speculating and making plans.

Obviously the qualifying round won’t result in any bloodshed, we need our best to be their fittest.” But that didn’t say anything about potential finalists being completely at a hundred percent. “It goes without saying that your training will continue, even up to the tournament itself. But you should not shirk your other studies either.” And that included getting intel on potential opponents.

I’ll be informing the other students about this tomorrow morning, so you best rest up for tonight.” Vaylin gave Safina another fixed look, before turning her attention to the stack of paperwork on her desk. It was a typical sign that the Zabrak was done talking to her apprentice, and was free to leave. Until Safina’s hand touched the door.

Failure is not an option, Safina.

Her Master’s words rang through her head, weaving their way in and settling in the forefront of her mind, however any relief she had begun to feel at the mention of the allowed two months training quickly vanished as she continued speaking.

Safina had two months to prepare. During those two months, she would be continuing with her normal training as well as her other studies on top of training for the tournament, bringing her body to the point of exhaustion again and again, but Safina couldn’t, wouldn’t fail.

While there wouldn’t be any bloodshed during the qualifying bracket, Safina knew there would be points of debilitation during most, if not all matches that would leave some scrambling as though their life depended on it.

She supposed, in a way, it did.

Lady Moirai wasn't the only Master who expected greatness from their apprentices and failure was an indication of the master's ability to teach as it was the apprentices own abilities. Safina knew the implications it meant if she was to fail Lady Moirai during this tournament.

Part of Safina hoped she would be paired to go against Myria during the pre-qualifiers. How satisfying it would be to watch as the one woman who pretended she was strong, pretended she was above others and was more deserving than most put up her defenses without her lackeys there to do her work for her, only to crumble and fall at Safina’s hands.

Time would only tell, but for now Safina had to put all of her energy and focus into her training. She wouldn’t let her Master down. She was going to win the pre-qualifiers, then the tournament.

With her steeled resolve, Safina looked back at Lady Moirai, blue meeting Amber and with the slightest tilt of her chin, her voice came out stronger than it had been only moments prior.

“I won’t fail you Lady Moirai.”

She left then, door shutting silently behind her and as Safina walked back to her room, her mind ran a mile a minute planning for what she was sure was going to be two grueling months of training. She was determined however, to make sure she did whatever she could to win.

Just as Vaylin said, the following day the entire Valkyrie student body was brought together in one of the larger halls in the Fortress. Typically, the students would be directed to sort out their morning routines before attending their assigned homeroom. But whenever the Matriarch and the Elders called everyone together, something big was about to happen.

Only Safina knew, although Vaylin wouldn’t be shocked if a few of the other instructors had informed their own favourites. Even from up on the stage, the Zabrak could hear the amalgamation of whispers and murmurings amongst the students.

And then Hildr slammed her spear down, the noise echoing out across the hall, silencing everyone.

Vaylin strode forwards to the front of the strage. “You’ve been gathered here today for an announcement. The various academies within the Empire are organising a tournament.” She paused briefly, hearing the students suddenly burst into mutterings. “We have been invited to participate, and we have accepted. Each academy will be holding their own little ‘qualifying tournament’ to decide who they will be sending. We shall be doing the same, but only eight of you will be chosen.

That got the students in a loud buzz. Given the size of the Valkyrie student body, eight was an incredibly small number in comparison.

You will be split into two groups, and the matches will be one on one. The selection will be done in such a way that the results don’t lean towards only one group. And there will be no death, for after all we’re not savages.” Vaylin’s amber eyes stared out into the students, sweeping across the crowd. “Your studies will continue, so I advise you use your free time to prepare.

With that, Vaylin stepped back and turned away from the crowd, signifying it was over. A faint smirk formed across the Zabrak’s face, knowing that somewhere within the crowd was Safina, whose mind was no doubt expecting certain things to happen.

How disappointed she would be…


Present Day…

As Safina came at her, Vaylin had to refrain from grinning too much. The memories stirred of Myria ignited a fire within her apprentice. Anger and rage, channelled through her blows as she came swinging.

Left, right. Right, right, left.

The Zabrak defended herself with ease, but let Safina continue pushing her back, allowing her to slip deeper into that anger. Even after all this time, after what happened, the Twi’lek still had an effect on Safina.

A second later, Vaylin ended the assault. She deflected one of her apprentice’s swings away, slipping into her defence and sweeping a leg from behind. Safina was sent crashing backwards onto the mat. Vaylin walked away, leaving her apprentice to pick herself up.

You were so annoyed when you learned Myria had been placed in the same group as you.” Meaning the opportunity to show her up, to embarrass her, wasn’t in reach. And ironically, it meant if Safina wanted to do that, Myria needed to succeed and make it into the final eight.

All according to Vaylin’s plans.


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