Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Recognition for a Job Well Done

Rashae said:
“Oh I don’t know.You just.. it. “
"Oh promises, promises," he said with a sly smile, waving it away, "Call me a skeptic but I prefer to experience them before I believe."

He raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh making me wait? Tisk, tisk tisk," Ardgal shook his head, "I do hate waiting. I'm not a patient man at all."

Ardgal didn't mind carrying her, or guiding the woman with both hands as needed. It gave him an excuse to be a gentleman, and while he may have had his humanity torn from him one shred at a time, his manners were not lost. The weight was really not a problem either, Rashae weighed all of zero pounds nothing ounces, and Ardgal.... was on the more meaty side. As he took her deeper in the dark twilight of the hidden city's cave, the world of the living vong illuminated the way.

Small golden dust floated through the air, that on further inspection were tiny bio-luminescent butterflies. Glimmering crystals hung from fixtures like massive, raw chandeliers made by the living hands of nature. The moss under their feet gave off a soft blue glowing hue. On the still waters below, shimmering fish just under the surface raced by leaving streaks of winter green, deep purple, and fiery red. Mushrooms jutted out from various nooks and crannies giving off rays of dull yellow and sickly lime. With every step on them, silver spark-like spores were sent into the air. Flowers filled the darkness with their luminosity in every color the mind could imagine. Everything was alive. It was pure life in its most quintessential form. Everything existed with a purpose, everything breathed and had a being in and of itself. It was a paradise if there ever could be one.

Ardgal couldn't help but smile as he watched Rashae become so engrossed in this. It was her passion, this was where she belonged. For a moment he forgot that he had the threat of a rumbling rebellion on his hands and that he was, in so many ways, less than human. Perhaps it was not by choice, he wondered, nor by default, but by a lack of anything worth being human for. Perhaps he was a monster because he never had anything to be better for. He filed that thought to work on later.

He shrugged as she looked at him for his answer giving a sheepish smile. It was a simple explanation, one that shortcut any questions by the Vong of what are you? why are you here? and other conundrums he didn't need. And more importantly, it gave a very clear line--if anything happened to her, there would be unrelenting wrath.

Rashae said:
.“Your doctor is not going to be happy. “
"I thought you were my doctor," he said with a smirk. "Don't worry, he's quite used to dealing with Mandalorians who don't do as they are told."

Rashae said:
“Ardgal, did you have to go that far? “
Ardgal's first reaction was to give a resounding yes. There was only one message the Vong understood and that was force. They were wired for pain, they were designed to feel pain on a level deeper than any other being. They worshiped it. He wanted to tell her that there was only one way to deal with enemies--with the iron fist, to destroy them with such ferocity that no one would dare raise their hand at you again. He opened his mouth to say it when the thought crossed his mind once more; perhaps he was not human because he had no reason to find it again.

"You are right," he said at last.

Ike's headdress flared in a wild splay like serpents in a nest, turning a variety of colors. If Ike had facial muscles they would have showed pure shock. Shapers would never share their info, it was heresy, it was--He glanced down at Ardgal's side arms, and quickly found some motivation to change his religious views.

"You are, very gracious," Ike said recovering with a silver tongue, "We are more than honored to help, a friend of Raxis is a friend of ours," he waved to the massive bubbling chambers, "Perhaps you would like to see some of where we do our work? This is the base here, where we begin to work with the primordial forms, the very essence of life, with this we can make anything that we desire. Do your sciences have a term for this, I wonder?"
There was a huffing little chuckle. She leaned back casually minding her injured lower chest. Her eyebrow flicked as she looked down. Some may find this to be a submissive gesture or a show of meekness to such a degree to bring the offending person closer. One finger tapped the table once and then slid down to curl into her hand and then slide forward. This was was done in a slow methodical way and repeated just as slowly.

Those ice blue eyes snapped back into his own eyes. “Neither do I.” Her voice steady, heated and velvet.

One should never ever make a lady wait. Tends to make a refined lady such as Rashae cranky. Still he was charming enough to evade wrath. Oddly she should be more angry then this. Less has made her angry before. Rashae chalked it to being injured and easily tired at the moment.

Then who can be angry when you have wonders such as this. One hand on Ardgal’s arm and one hand sifting through the gold dust as she let it flit across her skin and dance. That hand flared, turned and rotated quite gracefully as she watched the gold dust at first cling to her skin and move with it. The Golde dust then moved on as she went to the next wonder. She wanted to take her boots off and let her feet grip the bare grass even if it was glowing blue. Something therapeutic about grass between the toes. It must have taken them forever to get to Ike and that confrontation.

“I am your doctor and doctors by and large make horrible patients. “ She pushed his shoulder a little to make a point. “Even worse than mandalorians.” She would chuckle and hold her side as she quite enjoyed her assisted walk. Part of her pride usually rankle at this sort of thing, but right now it felt as natural as breathing.

Ardgals acquiesced to her statement of going to far. The lady smiled back at him. There were far more better ways of saying you don’t do what your told and you and your family will die other than just coming out and saying it. One must attain a higher standard. The vong had a rather nasty reputation across the galaxy and unfortunately even the Doctor knew that a form of trust was formed through the show of power with these people.

When the head dressed flared, Rashae just made an interested sound as she moved around the vong looking at his peculiarities. When she came back to the front as the Ike finally spoke, she inclined her head towards his offer.

“I would love to see what it is you do. We call it the Science of Genetics. With genetics I can make plants grow things we need, ingredients for medicines. Organs, tissues for replacements, improvements, corrections in defects. There are many applications.“ One show of knowledge deserved an equal show of knowledge. The olive branch provided as she hoped the Vong understood he was not dealing with an amateur among her people.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Rashae said:
“Neither do I.”
Ardgal watched as the doctor lowered her head and looked up at him with heavy breaths and a seductive tone. His dark brown eyes locked on hers as he felt a sense of pure passion. If she wasn't injured right now--the warrior wasn't exactly sure what he would do, but he knew it would give way to his passion he could feel stirring inside. He had never really felt this before, not with anyone.

Before he knew what he was doing, the warrior's hand reached out, cupping around the back of her neck and pulled the woman in close as fast as he dared without hurting her. He jolted forward towards her, meeting her half way over the dull grey durasteel table. His lips met hers in a passionate kiss. His other fingers ran through her dark hair, caressing her passionately as he kissed her again and again and again. At last he let her go and pulled back, just enough to look into her captivating blue eyes, panting softly. "How was that for an appetizer?"

As he watched the woman enjoy the wonder of the world that the Vong called their home, he felt a smile wash over his face. To him, this had just become a work place, before it was a battle ground. The first time he saw it, the warrior was crawling hand over hand to stay out of sight. The imagery and sentiment had never left much after the tension he felt trying to keep his tenuous power hold over the place. It was growing stronger, if it was not still--difficult to hold. But as he watched Rashae enjoy it, none of that mattered. She liked it, and that alone allowed him to see this place for something more than kill zones with cover and blind spots. He smiled, genuinely enjoying her happiness. It was, after all, beautiful.

Rashae said:
“I am your doctor and doctors by and large make horrible patients. Even worse than mandalorians.”
"Hey now, that's my title and I am proud of it," The warrior teased back, "Why do I get the feeling I am going to have to tie you down to get your rest?"

Ike listened to her olive branch-like offer and gave a graceful sweep of his thin, frail hand, "Oh, yes, of course, how, delightful," he tilted his head for a moment struggling with if he dared to press his luck. Which was more important--his religion? His family? He was standing on the edge of the blade, unsure if he dared risk the wrath of the gods to save his offspring. His eyes shifted past Rashae to Ardgal, "That is to say--incredible--ah--ingenuity," he said turning and leading her down deeper into the passage, Ardgal trailed not far behind Rashae.

"Most everything you see comes, at least in part, from this," Ike said waving to the massive chambers around them, "We do not create anything, the gods hold that that creation is impossible, and anathema for beings to try and produce. Only the gods may create, we only shape their creation to our needs. You very well use such things for what was it--organs? Medicine? We use it to build our homes, our ships, our clothes, everything we have, is alive, even the very light you see comes from living slugs on the cealing," he said gesturing up to the vaulted roof, "We hold such things with the highest level of scaredness." Ike paused, his face tilting downward, even though the Vong had no facial muscles, his expression and voice turned more melancholy, "Although some, nay many, of our brethren hold otherwise, we at Yornekk believe that all life is scared because of this. That the gods crafted light as sparks in the dark to be cared for and tended with gentleness and care."

Ike shook himself for a moment and looked back at the doctor, his eyesacks swelling and his head dress depressing with slight embarrassment, "Forgive my rambling, I got carried away," he motioned to one of the vats, "Since all life is scared, we do not waste it. Within these chambers resides the primordial substances of life itself. When something dies in Yorkekk, or when a biot ceases to be of use, their essence is placed in these vats to be recycled. The circle of life never ceases, and all life carries on with the essence of the life before it. To do otherwise is a waste of life. Even feces are given a second use as we recycle them to carry on the process."

He led her to the very edge of one bubbling with yellow fluid that she could bend over and look into with ease, bits of remains that were not fully broken down ebbed along the viscous, active fluid's tumbles, "As you can imagine, this has various purposes. Primarily, we use it to feed and grow things such as Gruchin, or Dovin basals before they are harvested. This feed ensures their perfect growth to maturity without a slightest defect or undernourishment. Drawing off the Shaping Protocol we act within total alignment with the gods to alter the lives of the beings we already have, you see," he motioned to the material in the vats, "It all begins--and ends with this, you see?"
He ended up having to be more than half way across the durasteel table as it was a painful stretch for her but who cared. Her eyes widened as those lips melded against hers like they belonged there. Those supple hands found their way around his neck as she pulled him towards her to where his massive frame was over the table and had her head tilted back. AS the kisses grew in ravenous potential, her head tilted to the side so it could deepen more and more threatening to push her into a ‘give no effs’ state about her current health situation.

Then he pulled up breathing heavily. For that matter so was she. Breathing like this was not comfortable given her lung was still healing but at the heightened state of passion that turned those icy eyes into a near blue white hot frenzy. There was a hot breathy chuckle of an exhale at his words. Her lips trailed over his cheek and then to his ear. Those lips feathered across the rigid cartilage of his upper ear to his lower ear very slowly before speaking.

“What fraking took you so long?” Came the answer in a heated whisper before she took in his earlobe and raked it across her teeth. Then she let him go with that on his mind. She did have to hold her side as she settled back down, reminded that she might have pushed it a tiny bit. There came the wince but it was worth every freaken bit of it.


When he mentioned tying her up to keep her resting, the anger was hot and ready as she glared at him. “Don’t you even think about it!”


Rashae found Ike fascinating. Not that she was particularly a religious person but she did not miss the connection that this vong had to his beliefs. That seemed to be closely tied into their shaping or manipulation of what they do with the organics of their work. The woman would slowly follow. It might be obvious to the vong shaper that his guest needed help moving around and might be able to smell a fresh wound.

“I understand. There is a philosophy among scientists. Energy can not be created. It can be changed but not created. It is Theorized that no new energy can be created. What we have in existence is used and reused repeatedly. I think some have tried to make new creations but every single one of them was taking what is already in the galaxy and making something with it. “

Honestly she should be resting and she was feeling this fact, but she was forcing herself to continue. Her hand went to her wound site as if to support it to keep going. This was to good not to. Rashae hadn’t heard those terms before of the Gruchin or Dovin Basals. “I would like to see those.. “

She was starting to sweat as she was indeed well past her current limit of what one should be doing after nearly being shot to death by an assassin. “Certainly. “ She said politely with a tight smile as she was determined to fight through the pain, through all of this. “Wh.. what .. how do you separate your raw .. ingred.. iants. “ She said in this push to keep going. The woman was starting to get pale.
He got every bit he was expecting and extra Rashae. He savored every ounce of her passionate attack on his lips. He felt his hair stand on end when she kissed along his cheek moving to his ear; if desire alone could tear her shirt off, it would have already been in shreds. The warrior didn't know what was over taking him. As her teeth played along his ear his hands moved, snaking down the back of her borrowed shirt to the tender skin along the exposed areas. His fingertips teased along her supple exposed flesh--only to protrude an inch deeper.

"Because," he whispered back fiercely, his words cutting like a knife through the air, "its not a victory without a fight."

Ardgal could see it as Rashae was starting to go south--quickly. Her tone, her voice, he could smell her own pain through pheromones released in the air, her heat signature was giving of a lot more than was healthy. She was about to go down. Ike took a step towards her, hands outstretched. It could have been nothing, it could have been a desire to help, but after having to put down the rebellion less than an hour ago, and his threats to enforce compliance the warrior wasn't about to take any chances.

"Back!" The warrior barked, leaping to her side. His left hand wrapped around her gently, supporting the woman as his right whipped out one of his pistols with a single fluid motion. "Back! Everyone, back!"

His eyes glared, darting from each Vong in the room like they were all targets waiting to get slotted. A tense moment lingered as he stared all the Vong down.

"Sir," came the voice of Homer, one of the Godkillers, from behind them. Ardgal hadn't even heard them come up behind him, "We saw the lady's bio signs spike. We came as soon as we could."

"That is enough work for today," he said to Rashae softly as he holstered his weapon. Some could even say his words were tender, or compassionate. "Can you walk? We need to get you to rest."

Regardless of her answer, he picked her up gingerly and began to carry her out. He led her away from the chambers to a separate district, one that was instead surrounded by living, home-like structures. Young vong moved in and out of the streets playing and laughing in bliss. From their doors mothers or fathers looked at the humans moving through with mix of fear and contempt. Through these Yorik Coral streets he led her to a small cottage-sized house. One of the Godkillers opened the door for him and Ardgal ducked through, carrying Rashae.

"Welcome to the safe house," he said, giving her a grand tour from his arms, "This is the main room, or--well living room I suppose." He nodded to the three doorways, instead of doors there were curtain like algae hanging over the expanses that still provided privacy, "As you can see, they don't believe in doors. One on the far left is the--kitchen? I guess. Next to it, my room. Center, your room. Right side of that, weapon stores, far right are the, ah, facilities."

With that, Ardgal whisked Rashae into the next room and laid her on the bed. It too was alive, and was something like a sponge soaked in gel, offering perfect body support, it was almost like floating.

He gave the doctor an appraising eye, worry starting to knit on his brows, "Are you alright? Should I--send for the surgeon?"
Rashae was breathing hard, her mouth dry. She was trying to keep a polite profile as she wanted to push on. Her mind was going forward. Her body was going frak no. her body won as her mind moved forward but her body started to crumple.

There he was, arm around her waist and solid. Her head rested against him. “We.. can go look at those pools there. Nothing would work how she wanted it too. Her hand extended towards Ike. Rashae wanted to still talk to him, ask a million questions and more. Then Ardgal said that was enough work, today.

“But.. So much to understand.” The woman wasnt standing.

Before she knew it she was being carried as everything started looking like a fish bowl. The term over extending oneself was an understatement at this point. Two days ago she had a bullet go through her lower lung and she is trying to hike over cavernous terrain? She was surprised the surgeon wasnt here to yell at her or someone.

Once Ardgal had given her the grand tour briefly and laid her down on the bed, she found it to be very comfortable. It instantly conformed to her spine and curvature. The colors turned blue and green as if it knew what she was and what she was made of. It was warm and she found her eyes closing despite the urge to get samples of the very bed she was on. Right before Ardgal's eyes, the little woman was peacefully asleep. The jacket she had one slipped open and there might be just a little bit of blood at the wound site where she might have popped a stitch or two.

Hours later she awakened to being still very comfortable and nicely warm. There were covers up to her chin as she struggled to rouse. That was indeed a large struggle as she was that comfortable. The little lady had probably missed a couple of meals and her stomach was telling her that a nerf steak for the past three days was not exactly enough. She was ravenous.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
He watched as she quickly drifted off to sleep. The scanners built into his left cyborg eye could see she was not in a critical state, but she had a small patch of blood on her blouse where she had re-opened her wound slightly. He felt a wave of worry, fear and regret wash over him. Second thoughts washed over the warrior as he rolled her shirt back to examine the wound. Was he too rough? Did he push her too far? Was this his fault?

"Step aside," Homer said coming up behind the warrior. He handed Ardgal his rifle and pulled a medpac from his belt. The field medic took his place beside Ardgal. His eyes apraised her wound for a second, "Goddamn it, Ardgal, she's a human being not a Godkiller."

"Will she be ok?" Ardgal demanded. Nothing else mattered right now. Nothing.

Homer tried to push away the larger man, but the force barely moved him, "I need space to work, son. Yes, she will be fine. Just some busted stitches. Keep her off her feet, and on rest for a few days."

The warrior stormed out of the room, shoving the algae aside. His shoulders sagged in guilt. This was his fault. He should have known that it would have been an unwise choice to do this. He pinched the bridge of his nose. The waiting Godkillers looked at him with looks of uncertainty. Ardgal had to make this right. And there was only one way he knew how. He strode off, his boot forcefully hitting the Yorki coral like he was storming a battle ground instead of going to have a conversation.

The warrior returned very very tired. His fists ached, and he still felt like he could feel the blood between his nails. The warrior had changed from his armor into a form fitting tee-shirt and fatigue bottoms, the armor was too coated in blood to wear before a good scrubbing. He unfolded a set of blankets from the foot of the bed, just good old fashioned blankets, and wrapped them around the woman, careful to tuck her in. He eased himself into the chair next to her bed and watched her with red, slightly bloodshot eyes. He leaned forward slightly, watching her sleep with his fingertips pressed together, a single datapad between them. She looked--so peaceful. Just at ease, and totally relaxed.

And to think I almost lost her.

The idea hit him hard, making him wince. He--he shook it off, trying to play it to nerves, or guilt or something else. But it was there, and it wasn't leaving. He furrowed his brows, trying to figure out what to do with that. Was it the sign of something more, and if it was, what could he do with it?

Before he could resolve it, Rashae stirred. He watched her struggle with the bedding, it looked comfortable, too cozy to leave, and he didn't blame her for the struggle. He waited till she noticed he was there before speaking. "Good morning."

He swallowed hard, "Homer said that we were lucky you stopped when you did. You could have done some serious damage to yourself. But you only popped two stitches." The warrior dropped his eyes for a moment, bracing himself for the words he had to say, 'And that's my fault. I should have taken better care of you. It was unwise to make you do that much so quickly. And--I'm sorry." he pursed his lips before shrugging defeated, "I just wanted to make you happy."
Her arms protested as they worked to find the out from under the blankets. The blankets felt nice. Not luxury by any means but they were floofy. Yes the term was floofy. It was cushy and comfy and snuggly. To Rashae, that was the perfect combination for creature comforts when it came to private comforts. She did manage to get her arms out finally as she pulled an armful up to her to snuggle a little minute.

That was till she was conscious of the fact Ardgal was staring right at her. Her eyes popped open to find him there. The woman still had that 'tired' look. The slight turn towards the man told her with the wince that things were very sore.

“Good Morning.” She said back to the leader of the Godkillers.

The woman wanted to sit up but again her body protested any sort of action like that. Ardgal explained what had happened as the doctor nodded. She well knew she had way over did it. Oddly she didnt even feel the stitches pop but then she had a crap ton of distractions to notice when they did pop.

“That was what that was. “ She said softly. “You did make me happy. If I knew this kind of knowledge could be obtained, you couldnt have stopped me. I did tell you I was a horrible patient.” Her head turned towards him. “I have so much to go over. I got to go back and talk to Ike about those pools and his genome base ingredients. How does he fuse things the way he does without a genetic generator and chemical spectrometers? Just so much to do. I need to get up. Here.. help me?”

The woman reached out for his hand to help her get out of this bed that had her so nicely curled in and cushioned in, it seemed impossible to get out of. There was an eagerness in her eyes amidst the tired that lingered. The tired coming from the need to rest and heal, but doctor was as stubborn as they come. All she could think about was the data, the samples to collect.

“Oh my goodness. I need equipment and computers. I need a lab!!” The other hand was on her forehead as a list was rapidly creating. She had to get up and get going. There was just so much to do!! Her body n ot cooperating was just not going to have it. They must work! Come on Rashae, get up!!

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
"Good morning," he said back with a half-tired smile.

Ardgal felt a small twinge of relief. She wasn't mad at him. He still felt a heavy weight of guilt, but at least she wasn't mad at him. He could--well he could feel a little better knowing that. But she was still injured. And he had promised to protect her. That was irreconcilable.

When Rashae offered her hand, he leaned forward, grasping it gently and giving it a soft kiss, "I am afraid not. I made that mistake once before, I won't do it again. Homer has given me strict orders to keep you in bed until you are better, so here you will stay. Until then here is something to keep you busy," he said placing the datapad he brought in her palm. "It should get you started."

Inside she would find a lot of intel on what she wanted--raw data on dozens and dozens of vong shaped organisms, ranging from Yorik Coral to Villips. It was comprehensive, gathered from dissections, bioscans, X-rays, electromagnetic wavelengths, and hormonal compositions. There were blood types, the analysis of blood grades, and on and on the data went. It hadn't been easy for Ardgal to gather in such a short amount of time, but the warrior had done his best.

"I hope its a good start," he said with a half smile, "Anything you need after that, we will work on gathering for you, just promise me that you will take it easier than that," he waved his finger with a humored twinkle in his eye, "Or I bring out the straps and tie you down."

The medic peaked his head in as he heard the two talking, "Mornin' Sleeping Beauty." He appeared, bringing a tray with food on it, several of the local delicacies, most of which resembled a form of exotic crustaceans and wild, colorful salads. "The locals recommended this for a meal, cooked it themselves, said it was a traditional 'coming-of-age' meal for shapers," he shrugged as he set it in on her lap, "Call me if you need anything."

The medic turned on his heel and left, thankfully he was a bit more discreet than Prometheus and more genteel than Virgil.

Ardgal waited till he was gone and they had privacy once more, "Do we have a deal?"
When he kissed her hand instead of not helping her out of bed. A look of accusation was leveled at him. What was this? She was remanded and ordered to bed? No frakking way!! Rashae was about to full on protest and get out of bed anyway. She was half turned to swing her legs over till the datapad was put in her palm. Her eyes couldn’t help but look down. Then those fingers danced over the data.

It was a lot of gathered bits and pieces that needed to be collated, sorted and organized properly to get a better understanding. The accusation left her eyes a little as she made one of those incomprehensible mixed bag of feelings expressions. Homer came in at that point with a cheery good morning. That accusatory expression was fired right at him. “What is this that I cant get out of bed?”

“Doctor. you got to let those stitches take. The inside ones and outside ones. You know this. “ Homer tried to be reasonable.

“Stitches are so archaic.. Really!!” She fired back at him. “this is impossible I demand to be able to move around. I got a lot of work to do.”

“Well then do it from your bed. I don’t have the Padme’s resources. I don’t have Gentech resources. Till then, your butt is in bed till those stitches take and can be removed. All the Godkillers are aware of these orders. “ Homer said as he helped her to sitting position and set the tray of food down explaining what it was before walking away.

Rashae jaw dropped. “Come on!!” Maybe when they weren’t looking she could make it out of bed. The calculating woman would bide her time and they will see!!

There was one of those explosive exhales of air as she looked at Ardgal and Homer’s retreating steps, glowering at them. The glared at Ardgal’s reference at tieing down. If there were lasers in her eyes there would be dead people. “coming of age .. shaper?” as she repeated the words looking down at her ‘breakfast’. When the blanket came down from her torso, it had been replaced with a light tank that was as small as they could find. It was lower than usual and barely covered things. She had her lacy pretty underwear on and that was about it.

“You stole my clothes too!! Turn coat!!” The woman yelled out at Homer. The man knew better than to answer back.

She looked up with another explosive exhale of air. “Fine!! Fine!! .. deal. But I need two more datapads and I am going to need good computers. This data is everywhere. “ She said with irritation but she looked at Ardgal trying to be icy and hard. That melted soon as she saw the brown abyss as her sultry voice softened. “Thank you.”

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Ardgal would have been lying if he didn't find the exchange between [member="Rashae"] and Homer humorous. She was an intense, hard-headed, fiery woman caught in the midst of people who saw themselves as gears in a machine. It was the greatest clash to watch two totally opposite sides of suborn argue. One calm, quite, and collected like a rockside cliff, the other intense and fervent like the ocean waves. Ultimately, there was only so much she could do, especially when you took into account that Ardgal had no intent of leaving he side until she was better. As much as that pained the workaholic to think about that.

He realized they'd probably both lose their minds that way. After all, they both were intensely dedicated to what they did. But they would have to risk it.

Ardgal was missing a lot in the organic desires department after his cyborg enhancements, but--he caught himself looking as the blanket fell from Rashae's body. The warrior felt something inside himself he hadn't felt since he was a teenager with the first time he noticed women. He adjusted his seating and gave a little cough. He had been tired earlier, he was fully alert now.

"I-uh-I--I--" shut up, Ardgal, get it together. He cleared his throat, "Your welcome." Play it cool. Play it cool, keep your eyes up front. Don't let them wander. You can do this, you fought off the Dominion at the battle of Irnfall single handedly; this should be a cake walk. As this thought crossed his mind, Ardgal realized his eyes slipped and much lower than he intended for them to. Much further. And longer. Did she see? Damn it. The warrior blushed, and he could feel total embarrassment sweep over him. He let out a nervous chuckle, "I--uuh--"

Skywalker, he would have to get his act together, he was acting like a little boy about seeing Rashae's goods and it frankly sucked. He didn't want her to think of him this way, and he didn't wan to be this giggity. But he would be lying if it didn't take everything in him to not reach over and grab a handful. It didn't help what was stirring down south. Looked again, damn it. He covered his face with pure embarrassment. For a cyborg he was doing a really bad job of keeping things under wraps down south, "I'm sorry, it's just--" you have a nice pair? Your body looks amazing? I haven't seen a naked woman in months who wasn't in a morgue? Its been a long time since I've seen any action? All of these statements were equally true and--really really horrible sounding. He uncovered his eyes and looked directly into hers, this time with intensity and an actual solidarity, "I didn't know that it was possible for anyone to look so beautiful."
She huffed another snort from her nostrils towards the Algae curtain in between going through the data Ardgal had collected. It was a lot of it but it badly needed organizing. She paid no mind to how revealing her attire was for the moment as fingers went over one entry after another, statistics all random and hitting her brain as that brain took it and moved it to other areas. That was what she did with random data. Till it matched something or was needed, it was filed away till something bridged with it. Indeed something always bridged with it, enhancing an already agile, self contained, genetics genius that will make something out of nothing.

Those eyes turned towards the stammering Ardgal as her brow furrowed at what the hell was wrong with him. It didn’t take her long as she looked down. The tank made for a man in the way it scooped showed off the girls rather nicely. It barely covered the nipples and it matched her lacy panties that rode high on smooth silken hips. She put the datapad down as a wicked little smile crossed over her face.

Rashae was unaware that the conditioning and programming was supposed to render the Godkillers more or less immune to these sorts of things. Yet, here Ardgal was making adjustments. What those biotech engineers failed to understand was the brain’s ability to remap itself. Life finds a way. That wicked smile grew larger with each passing second he was uncomfortable.

The woman was considered to be one of the beauties of the galaxy. She could model if she wanted to. The woman could be on the arm of billionaires, if she wanted to. Instead here she was, making a name for herself and arousing the King of the Godkillers. Those light ice blue eyes grew mischievous as she looked him up and down settling boldly on the groin. There was a sultry chuckle. She remembered that kiss and was not far from her thoughts. It would be an utter lie if she said she didn’t want more.

Those blues slowly trailed back up into those browns locking like predator to prey. “beautiful. Yes. Beauty with a stinger. “ She made no apologies, none. “That’s what you get for making me stay in bed. “

The wicked woman would luxuriously stretch her form out as the abdomen slowly undulated. For someone supposedly not known for being athletic, her abdomen told a different story. It was firm and a little cut. The low cut tank top made for a guy settled just barely hanging on at the nipples. She let the cards fall where they may as she started eating. It was very similar to high grade sushi, which she adores. “Very nice. “ She enjoyed the sushi, while she didn’t relent in providing an eyeful of her gate keeper.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Damn you, Homer.

The warrior furrowed his brows in confusion. He didn't understand, she was--enjoying this? He swallowed hesitantly, every bone in his body was screaming for Ardgal to stop, to put the breaks on this somehow. But it was just by far too enjoyable. And if she enjoyed it, then, well it couldn't be wrong.

He let out a heavy exhale, leaning back so he could really get an eyefull. He hoped the more he relaxed into this the less unnatural it would feel--and the more the bulge in his pants would give him a break. The warrior could feel his blood rushing through his body in a sense of intense hunger and euphoria. His breath was getting faster without Ardgal realizing it. He could feel both of his hands clenching and unclenching. Ardgal had always been intensely self controlled, even before the augmentation. But right now, he could feel himself becoming completely unhinged.

"Well," he said clearing his throat and trying to sound like he wasn't caught in the middle of an intense internal battle. "If this is punishment, I will make sure to misbehave more often."

Ardgal let his eyes roam all over Rashae's bare body. He liked what he could see, and from where he was sitting, there wasn't much he couldn't see. Even so, with his enhanced vision from augmentation, there wasn't much that could keep him from seeing through the thin fabric if he wanted to. He gave it a shot, and felt his skin get a whole ten degrees hotter.

That was rewarding.

"I'm glad you're having a good time," he managed weakly.
“I don’t like being stuck.” She said to his statement of her having a good time. “This isn’t what I call a good time. “

She said to him in a softer tone as her fingers still went over the data. “I hope you do misbehave more often. Otherwise it will get pretty dull. Oh, I still need two other datapads. I got to separate out some of this and cant do it on pads. I should be doing this on a larger system.”

The woman put her tray to the side that had been consumed. She liked it. If that was what shapers ate, it was quite satisfying. She leaned back on the pillow and the still supportive gel like substance beneath her that cradled her quite nicely. Rashae was pretty warm herself as the warmth was telling in the glow of her skin. Homer would change the bacta patch three times a day. It would heal quickly but still took time. The lung damage inside may need more time but Home would restrict her movements after that. The key currently was letting the stitches and bacta do its job for a couple of days. Just two days.

Could the two of them stand this tension for two days. Those startling beautiful light blue eyes turned on Ardgal’s brown. It was like heaven and hell meeting in the midst of a growing storm. Rashae wouldn’t make the first move. Not her style. If he wanted her, he would have to show it. The doctor was not looking at Ardgal like a doctor. That chin jutted at him like the imperious blooming of thunderheads that clapped its thunder in announcing it was there. The woman, the feminine storm was there looking at the Abyss of Ardgal. Looking at the deep darkness with impunity daring it, longing for it.

Rashae saw the hesitancy and wondered why? Why did he hesitate? Why did he look lost? Surely he has had women, probably hundreds. The man was built like a shit brick house. Who wouldn’t want him? She worked on the data and before she knew it she had fallen asleep reclined there without knowing it with the datapad in her hands. It what homer was wanting. The natural course of the body needing to heal, making you sleep so the body could focus on regenerating and reviving itself. Yet there she slept with the glow of the vong creations dancing upon her flawless skin making shadows artfully across those tantalizing body parts that Ardgal was boldly seeing.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Rashae said:
“I don’t like being stuck. This isn’t what I call a good time. “
"Me neither," he said with a slightly wistful sigh. He began to gently stretch, working the kinks out of his neck, "I remember my first assassination. I laid there in the cold of the Mygeetto snow on the top of a balcony, looking down the sniper rifle for 20 hours, no movement, no food, no sleep, by the time I completed it, they had to treat me for hypothermia." He gave a soft smirk, "But at least this time, I have someone who is quite pleasant company."

After a few moments, one of the local vong servant boys would come in and take her dirty dishes, and drop off a parcel with two datapads. If he knew what was in it, well the kid would probably have screamed anathema, witchcraft, or something. Ardgal's eyes never left Rashae's form. He was highly captivated, and a slight smirk crossed his lips at her promise of him misbehaving.

"If you are sure your body can take it," he said with a chuckle and a half shrug, "I can misbehave all you want."

He sighed, and ran his hand over his head. He felt--dishonest. He was used to leaving out information, that was part of what being a mercenary was all about. You killed someone, you learned discretion, which was just the nice way of saying lying-on-cue. When asked you 'had no recollection of such events' or you 'did not recall being at a certain place during a certain time.' That was how the job worked, and those who hated it either died or got out pretty quick with other methods.

But--the way she looked at him made Ardgal feel like she deserved more. A lot more. He leaned forward, placing his weight on one knee with his hand and pinching the bridge of his nose with the other in constraint, "Fuck it."

If she was going to know him, in every way, or really, in this way, she deserved the truth. He looked up in her her eyes, pursing his lips. It was an effort to keep his eyes there. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to handle all of, this," he said gesturing to her mostly bare body. "I haven't exactly been burning up the talhr scene," he let his eyes stray for a moment, he had earned it, after all. "especially not with someone who looks as tahlase as you do."

He looked back at her eyes with an expression of shame, guilt, and pure exposure, "Just three, and none of those for the right reasons."

When she fell asleep, Ardgal watched for several minutes. She looked so restful, the bed looked so inviting, and he was exhausted. His muscles were worn, begging the warrior to at last recharge and get his rest. He had been on edge for too long, burning the candle at both ends. To be honest, his body was still running on a sleep deficit from healing his own wounds. It was too much. He pulled his shirt off, tossing it to the ground and removed his fatigue bottoms.

With a soft sigh, he eased himself onto the bed beside Rashae, his arms absently wrapped around her, easing close as he dared, and he drifted off into blissful sleep that for the first time in quite a long time, was not riddled by pure nightmares or horrific memories.
She had to chuckle and even blush a little when Ardgal said at least she was pleasant company even with the non fun of bed rest. She took the box from the vong boy. She gave the boy a polite nod as he picked the tray up and departed. This was a far different thing than the vong infection of Alderaan. But there was a big difference between a controlled purposeful growth and an aggressive growth. Perhaps that was what was different between the different vong point of views. Those who wished to be aggressive and conquer and those who wished peace and to exist. It showed in how they grew their creations.

Rashae made notes of these observations while talkin to Ardgal. Her eyebrow arched as he was first confident and then cussed the moment later as if he was struggling with something. She put the datapad down and looked over at him. He said he didn’t know how to handle ‘this’. The words he used he didn’t quite understand but she got the gist of it as she remained silent during his confession. She smiled and half chuckled.

It did surprise her that he didn’t have any more experience than she did. Sure she learned how to turn heads, but what do you do once that head was turned and you had him was still a work in progress. “You know. If I had a credit for every time I was told I was beautiful, I would have an account with a small fortune. “ She chuckled at that. “I was raised to be eye candy, Ardgal. Nothing more. I wasn’t supposed to be smart. Much to the horrorified look of my mother when I got into college instead of taking the arm of millionaire Rockenstein’s son. The trophy wife I was supposed to be for the elite. “

It made her angry actually she looked up. She sighed as she collected herself as it wasn’t his fault at all. “You can well imagine the disappointment. I have had only three myself, Ardgal. Well the first one, not even sure it counted. I think.” That one was fuzzy and blurry in a sea of wine.

She left it at that for him to stew on and think about. Then she fell asleep. Unconsciously turning to her side as Ardgal slid in. she pulled the covers around her selfishly burrowing in even as the big guy became a supporting wall behind her and for once, she slept. Subconsciously the arm that was around her she grabbed onto and pulled it up along her front and curled around that arm. No nightmares of her own.

Homer peaked in as it had gotten quiet as he saw both of them sound asleep. “well well well. If that isn’t a bloody miracle.” He said under his breath. He turned around and let them sleep.


Rashae was comfortable and warm. She felt safe, very safe. In that moment that you’re not quite awake but not quite asleep those little arms entangled in that arm that was wrapped around her before she stretched to find the wall behind her. Her brow furrowed before her arm lifted up and the back of her hand landed on the mighty chest of Ardgal. Her eyes sleepily came open. There was one second of surprise followed by a half of second of wonder followed by half a second of why before she just smiled and leaned back against him. Yeah, this was how it was supposed to be.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Ardgal cringed inside as he heard her anger at being called beautiful. He could understand, he supposed. They were alike in that way, they were both expected to be expendable tools used to fight different battles on different fronts for powers that made them what they were. He was designed to kill for the gain of others, she was designed to woo for the gain of others. They were both failures like that. He hated killing, but he had to do it. That was what it was.

"I'm sorry," he said sincerely. He quirked a wry grin, "But if its any consolation, I didn't notice all of this," he motioned to her delectable body, "first. I saw this first," he said, his hand gently pressing against her temple, "And this," he pressed against her breastbone, "you got mandokar, the right stuff. I saw your heart and your mind before I saw anything else."

It may not have been much but, it was true, and it was what he had right now. His eyes twinkled for a moment with warmth instead of deadly nothing, "And for what its worth, I am glad you aren't on the arm of some Rockenstien."

He would be lying if he didn't say that hearing she had only been with a few different men. It probably showed by relieving some of the tension from his posture. Just three? He let out a small laugh, it was unintentional and got louder as it slipped through, "Yes, but you didn't have to pay them like I did."

That was part humor, part reality.

Of course, Homer was no gossip, but in barracks as tight as theirs, with a godlike figure they held dear, it was bound to spread like wildfire. Bets were made on how often they did whatever in the bed, to if they did it at all, and how long they had really been together. Some of those on the mission started circulating the idea that this was just a big private hook up. Of course, no one outside of the ranks would ever be made privy to that, but to those inside—well, all bets were off.

As the time wore on and Rashae's recover increased, well, most of the speculations weren't wrong exactly....
“Mandokar? “ She rolled that word around. “All I did was what I was supposed to do. Who knew rescuing and putting a General back together was going to end up like this?” She chuckled and she blushed as he pointed at her head and her heart.

There was a significant laugh. “Don’t be sorry, Rockenstein is a unmitigated ass. If I ended up with him, I would end up stabbing him or myself or both. “ She shook her head. “He is an awful human being. I assure you he has his trophy wife and companion and pretty sure he cheats on both of those liberally.”

Rashae would have none of that. She could have had him wrapped around her finger, but she didn’t want to be taken care of. A life with money was a life with chains and shackles around you to be something you’re not.

“I paid for them in other ways, Ardgal. I assure you.” Rashae didn’t get into it but she put her hand on his hand to reassure him but they were on equal footing with this whole relationship thing.


She lay naked against his body, her head resting on the shoulder, nestled in the crook of his protective arm. Rashae slept and slept. The woman was happy, sore but happy. At some point she made little sleepy noises of starting to awaken. The raven haired beauty was comfortable, warm and found her sore muscles difficult to move.

The direct contact with his skin and the musky smell at the hollow of his throat invited her senses to awaken as those eyelids finally slitted open a little. Her little hand would be found playing with his chest hair.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
"It means the right stuff," he said with a slight smile. "Its what we look for in a person. That good thing that cannot be defined by words or anything else, it just is, you know it when you see it. You just did what you thought was right, and that's why you have Mandokar. And you weren't scared to do it, even in the face of certain death."

He listened as she talked about how Rockenstien had what he wanted, the warrior gave a satisifed wave of the hand, "Well then screw him if he didn't know a good thing when he saw it."

As she played with his chest hair, Ardgal's lungs filled with a satisfied, blissful sigh. His arms gently tightened around her like a teddy bear. Without opening his eyes, the man's mostly-sleeping lips pressed against her's before he nuzzled against her. The bed was more comfortable than anything he had slept on in years, if ever. And, with her in his arms, that made things even more enjoyable.

"I had the most amazing dream," Ardgal murmured as he was waking, "I dreamed I," he opened his eyes to see Rashae's gorgeous face. At first a sense of shock seized him, he hadn't realized that his dream had been a reality. The shock lasted only for a second, before it turned into pure wonder and joy. "Good morning."

He tried to roll over to see what time it was, only to feel his sore back give a complaint. Soreness settled all over him and he gave a sharp grunt. He settled back in that comfortable position with her in his arms with a chuckle. "I think I might have over done it." he looked up at the ceilings, "Even my eyes are so sore, I can barely move them," an impish glint filled his eyes, "But, very worth it."

"Uh sir, we have--" Virgil peaked her helmeted head in the curtains, halting in mid-sentence. She paused for several moments, apparently adjusting to whatever the hell it was she just happened upon. Her helmet tilted to the left, to the right, and she shook it for a moment before lowering her head to look at the floor.

"Yes?" Ardgal said at last.

"A transmission for Rashae, they said it was just a check in," she said at last, her voice sounding rather awkward. "I will bring you two clothes. And begin preparing breakfast."

She vanished again and Ardgal looked back at [member="Rashae"], trying not to laugh, "I think we broke her," he grimaced, "I think I am going to need some help up."

With great effort, and probably the help of the beautiful doctor, Ardgal managed to stumble out of bed and onto his feet. He helped pull the lady out of bed after him. When they were both on their feet, Virgil came back with the clothes. The armor-clad heroine kept her helmet and eyes lowered to the ground as she placed the stack of clothes on the foot of the bed and walked out as fast as she could.

Ardgal pulled up a bralette from the top of the stack and held it to his chest with a smirk, "They never get my cup-size right, no matter how many times I correct them!"
When he looked into her eyes, when he finally opened those dark brown orbs it was like the skies met the mountains. It was like heaven meeting hell. The flowing light blues engaging the deep dark abyss in what some would call a forbidden love. Two societal failures becoming two of forces of the galaxy. A smile softly spread across that lovely face that he looked into, a smile that was like the dawn rising.

Rashae felt alive. Yes, she was sore as anything ever she had been, but she felt alive. It wasnt just existing and working. She chuckled when Ardgal tried to move and gave his complaint. The woman rolled to her back to stare at the ceiling with him. It could be still a dream? But no. This was as real as it could ever be.

“me too. “ She said with another chuckle at Ardgal's complaint of being so sore. The blanket was on the floor somewhere as the crumpled sheet was all that did little to cover their natural form.

“Homer!” Rashae called out. “Bring me my big medkit, please. “ Her kit had a few things homer may not have.

Then Virgil poked her head in. Well her helmet in. Why she wore the helmet constantly, the doctor didnt know. She did have a pretty face if in an athletic way. Rashae didn't say anything as she nodded. “Tell them the classified research continues. Give the code. Alpha two nine delta six four. “ That would tell Commander Cantalos that she was truly fine and not in any danger. “Have him relay any data or information in a level 10 iron wall encryption. My computer is equipped to decrypt it. “ Her computer was in the other room along with her science and medical equipment.

Virgil's reaction was curious and apparently amusing to Ardgal. “I didn't think she could be broken, aside from being dropped from a couple thousand fiery ball feet in the air. “ Hinting at the hapes cluster incident.

Once the medkit arrived she winced as she sat up, perhaps with Ardgal's hand on her back to help. “Homer, couple of cold packs please. “ as she opened her medkit that held several vials and tubes of substances. She started mixing into a small narrow canister. Once she got the mix where she wanted it, she put it into a hypo injector and put it to her neck. The hiss was released as she waited for the thirty seconds it took to feel its initial relief as it spread through her blood stream and to needed areas.

After a two minutes, she then adjusted for ardgal's weight and height before plugging the injector in his neck. “Give it a couple of minutes, you should be able to move around better. “ Regardless of his cyber components, her concoction should help normalize the man.

Homer would bring two cold packs as he knew what it was for. Rashae tossed one to Ardgal as she pushed on his back for him to get up. “Put that in your cup or your cod piece of your armor. Your going to need it. “ She sure as hell was going to need it for herself. Damn it was so sore but god damn was it good. Better than good. Part of her wanted to do it again very soon, her body was screaming at her what the hell was she thinking. The soreness would win out against the urge by a small margin.

She couldnt help but smirk as Virgil still wouldnt look either of them in the eyes. Rashae went to see what Virgil had garnished for them. The woman definitely had a knack for detail. She couldnt help but laugh as Argal picked up the bra.

“They didn't get the girth right either but.. nice color for you.” with a cheeky smile as she took the bra from his hands. The exchange of the bra had her close to his body as she looked up at the way he joked around. She liked this. Now, how long THESE clothes would say on could possibly be up to a betting pool.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]

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