Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reclaiming her Heritage [PM for invite]


It wasn't a first choice world that Anja had in mind for searching her thoughts. It was a beautiful world filled with high seas and lush continents; a resort of sorts considering its place amongst the eastern fringes just beyond Mandalorian space. Dotting its surface were towering cities that attracted guests from all over the galaxy, pertaining to wealth and commerce, a fact that did not bode well with Anja Aj'Rou. The Host Lord was zealous to say the least; she was absolutely devout in her mission and The Primeval. But when she went into that place it became clear that there was something inside of her begging to be let out. There was another her that did not wish to be so devout.

She came here to reclaim her heritage and reaffirm her position as a Harbinger and Host Lord. To truly accept her place in the galaxy and lead her valiant pilgrimage into the heart of the galaxy and restore a lost place amongst their Gods.

What fate had for her on this world would reveal itself in time and perhaps it would be far more disconcerting than she thought.

Her feet guided her through a meadow of green grass along the rocky gravel-filled shore just outside one of the cities, tall structures reflected off the horizon in a Fata Morgana, causing them to look as if they were floating just above the waves in the sky. This was due to how the shore curved in a crescent shape at her distance. Her Umbaran gaze twisted at the neck back to in front of her, the bones of her back aligning with it as she continued forward towards the unknown.

It was believed that the First Prophet found his way here in exile and if this was true perhaps he left something behind.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Soliael sat quietly on a bench near the shore.

He did not wear his armor, nor did he wear his fur cloaks or his heavy robes. Instead he wore a simple tunic, his hair shaggy and unkempt, his beard in a similar state. There was a simple silver ring on his finger, one that he spun around his index as he lazily looked into the skies above him. There was a smile on his face, and his posture screamed of relaxation.

He did not hide himself in the force.

There was no hiding for him. His signature was that of a man uncaring, no darkness, no light, simply a presence. It screamed out to anyone who could use the force, a massive blip on the radar of anyone and everyone attuned to the inner workings of the galaxy.

It wasn't that he was narcissistic in his strength, it was simply that he no longer cared.

Those that would see him dead were few, and those that had the capability of following through on that malice were even less. Soliael Devin Talith simply did not care if he was found, nor did he care if he was approached. He was a man seeped in happiness.

He had a good woman, wealth, and possibly very soon children. True, he no longer held godhood, but who would want to be a God they had everything else?
The sudden force signature radiated quite unexpectedly; how had she not noticed this before? Perhaps it was because she was too deep in thought. No matter, the pressing concern was that it made her feel very uncomfortable; she's only witnessed that of padawans and petty rogues, the Sith Lord she encountered kept his quite under wraps. As an Umbaran she had a keen sense of others and approached the figure from behind quite cautiously. Anja was unable to tell if this man was proactively blocking her out or he was truly content, almost apathetic, to the world transpiring around him. Of course her racial ability wasn't perfect: There were other races, other people, capable of tricking that but one thing that boded will was her ability to tell if someone was lying. A good liar could get past it, but Umbarans had greater sensory of what went on in a person's biology.

She stopped, her feet planted in the soft soil that sank a bit under her; it was soft from the sea most likely, it was probably higher at some point in its lifetime.

She didn't know if to speak or remain silent, to grab her blade or remain peaceful. There were so many questions spinning throughout her mind that she was unable to plan a course of action and in that moment it struck her quite dumbly. Why did she even approach him? She had very little understanding of the force or how it worked, referring to it as her people commonly did as magic. She was a Witch, not a 'Jedi' nor a 'Sith', having no concept of darkness or light: The force wasn't alive to her, it was never alive to her, just a tool to be wielded like a hammer or a sword.

Finally her lips quivered subtly and formed words. "Who ---.", it stopped at that she went silent. Not out of fear nor concern. She didn't know what to say.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

“Who indeed.” Soliael echoed her words and added to them. “I've often wondered that myself really. Though I suppose we all ask ourselves that eventually.”

He smiled again, and lifted an arm onto the back edge of the bench, opening his palm and then closing four fingers so only his index remained lifted up. He spun it around, pointing towards the sun in the sky as if he was trying to illustrate something, though perhaps he was just being silly. “Who am I? What am I doing? Important questions we never really get answers to.”

Was he babbling?

That was very likely.

Soliael was a man who had just abandoned Godhood. Many people would call that stupid, though they weren't him, and they certainly hadn't been in his position. It had not been an easy choice, but it had been a choice nonetheless, and now he had time to bandy words with strangers that had sneaked up on him.

What more could he ask for?

Soliael smiled, still looking at the scene in front of him, never turning or checking on who was behind him. The impressions he got in the force were subtle, nuanced and etched only in the barest of ways, but they were enough for him. To Soliael, the force was not a tool or a thing to be kept at arms length, the force was a part of him, a piece of the shattered mirror that made up his life. To him, the force was like another arm or leg.
The ramblings of the man were barely intelligible. They resembled a bit of madness but the way she felt it was that he just wanted to speak , nothing less. True or false it may be.

"You're awfully relaxed.", she quipped before slowly walking to the opposite side of the bench where he sat but stopped about half a meter behind it and to the side, as if to observe him from a safe distance. Of course she was probably unsafe if he did indeed wish to attack. her milky, pale-blue eyes observed him in his fullest sense, such eyes were one of the few markings of her race. Due to their exile her Umbarans were slightly less pale from being on a lighter world and for some their eyes were less trained but luckily her trip through space had begun to fix that. Their ships often went without lights to conserve energy on long distances between worlds.

her put her arms behind her, her hands hugging each other and fingers locking. She wanted to say more, but left it at that. It was a bit ironic that someone who represented the will of an entire people, zealous warriors at that, would become shy in the presence of a stranger who excreted power and spoke like a hermit.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

“I have no reason not to be.” Wasn't that the truth.

Who could possibly threaten him?

That was pure arrogance on his part, but it was arrogance that was well placed. He knew his limits, and he knew the limits of those who would see him dead. Fingering the ring on his index Soliael smiled slightly, supreme confidence still radiating from him. His eyes finally cast towards the girl that approached him, bright orange orbs floating over towards her.

She had an interesting manner to her, an interesting style of dress.

To say that he recognized her would have been a lie, to say that he cared would have been an even greater lie. She could have been Sith, Jedi, Witch, or any other clan and Soliael would not care.

He was simply relaxing.
Anja raised her chin at the thought, resembling a sense of pride; although it wasn't necessarily in herself.

"You're not like anyone I've met before.", she stated but honestly she only said that because she was glad he had no idea who she was. There were a lot of rumors spreading about The Primeval and Dubrillion was not too far from the truth itself, although they likely had little knowledge that she was even on this world. People came and go all the time and when rumors spread of zealots who've committed mass genocide of entire worlds, you tend to imagine the worst. Maybe he could sense it in her; carrying all that death, but he did not seem too interested in who she was or why she was there.

Her own curiosity always got the better of her -- it was like that when she faced Graxin Rade and The Dark Man and again it would become apparent. Little did she know that she may in fact meet this man in more unfortunate circumstances in an upcoming invasion but for now they were two strangers being social on a beach; what a story that'd make.

"What brings a Jedi out here?", she had always referred to force users as Jedi, despite being one herself she did not refer to herself a force user, but that was simply the result of her misunderstanding of what it was. She had no idea what it was and believed she was simply chosen by her Gods to carry out their will using magics.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Soliael raised an eyebrow.

“Jedi I am not.” He had never been a Jedi. Kira was a Jedi, the only one that he actually respect, but Sol? He was farthest thing from a Jedi one could be. “That would imply I serve the light. Something which I've taken painstaking measure not to do.”

Of course that wasn't necessarily true. Light, Dark, Sith, Jedi, it was all semantics to him in the end. Soliael could do what most people could not, he toed the line. Of course he had given up the use of the Darkside, but that was for one reason and one reason alone.

She had asked.

Soliael had used the Darkside of the force for decades without it ever corrupting him, without it ever touching his soul. Of course it damaged him in ways, ravaged his body and destroyed his eyes, but that was an acceptable loss in return for power.

Power that he had now replaced with something else.

“Though I thank you for the compliment.” He certainly was unique, though only as unique as the next man.
"The light?"

Of course -- she had heard it before -- the light and the dark, a symbolic balance of two opposing powers which vied for control for reasons that to her did not matter; balance to her, The Primeval, was about selfless sacrifice for a greater cause and realization that humility, not before the force, but before each other was important. Of course their sense of humility might've been seen as arrogant. Anja herself did believe she was superior to others in their cause but only by divine intervention, nonetheless she had never once allowed her position or power to get the better of her judgement. She had no greed for wealth or power, she no interest in politics or games, she had even given up a chance to create a lasting alliance simply because it went against her faith.

To some she was insane but to her it was the only sanity in the world; to give up on death and strive for eternal life.

"Why do you talk of it like it's something tangible? This light; does it not exist when it's dark?"

Perhaps that was a dumb question.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
Soliael opened his eyes.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Bright Orange obscured by black flecks. They dashed across his eyes, his gaze falling directly on the womans face now. He frowned, looking at her as if she was a child with little to no understanding of how things actually worked. He let out a sigh, only a slight breath that seemed to sink his chest. His gaze shifted from her and then towards the view before him.

“No.” Soliael simply said. “Balance is an impossibility.”

“Some would say that there can be no darkness without the light, and that the light has no purpose without a dark, but these people speak from a place of ignorance.” Soliael knew that very well. Though he had switched between the two, using both was an impossibility. The Darkside of the force could never be harnessed to its true strength by someone that believed themselves to be good, similarly, the light would never touch those who were steeped in darkness.

That was the basics of the force.

The Darkside called upon raw emotion, the feelings of fear, anger, hatred that one felt towards something, the power born within the blackest parts of the soul. There was no shining a light there.

Soliael slowly closed his fist. “When true darkness exists. There is no light.”
Her stares were rather piercing but that was mostly due to the fact her race had distinguished eyes, but his were filled with history and a past. She wondered if they always looked like that. He seemed to have spoke from experience rather than a particular interest in debating philosophy with the hopes of understanding it.

"But why? Why is there this 'darkness' and 'light'?", although it may not have been apparent she wasn't asking the basic question; she genuinely wondered why it mattered , she was indeed 'dark side' by most perspectives of the world and little did she know that hint of tranquility she found when meditating in the caverns were her touch on the light, but a touch that was slowly drowned out as she sunk into herself. More importantly was not the question itself but how it affected her, how perhaps he might weigh in on her. What words would sway her actions? That was interesting, to wonder.

"Do you Jedi, or whatever you call yourself, spend so much time thinking on this? Why not just use it?", that's what she thought she did. Of course if she did think about it, when she did use the force she had relied on raw emotion. Not necessarily anger but she felt something. She felt stronger than ever before in more ways than one during her duel with Keira Ticon, for one, which was the first time she realized what the force was.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

He smiled. It was a question that not many asked. Why did it matter at all? Why did the darkness matter? Why did the light matter. The answer of course was rather simplistic, in that most already knew the answer when asked, though they usually arrived at the wrong conclusion.

“Because the Darkness corrupts.” He said, his gaze once again shifting to her.

As if punctuating his point the black flecks once again floated across his vision, a remnant of the Sith Magic he had once used on a daily basis.

“It is not a choice.” Soliael went on, his gaze never leaving hers. “It is not something that can be prevented or stopped. It is in eventuality. The darkness will creep into your soul, it will bind you, twist you, and eventually break you.”

He spoke as if he knew it to be fact.
"Then why would one use it, if this were true?" , the whole idea was rather confusing to her; although it wasn't like she had ever been taught these things before.

She looked to her hand , the skin was rather clean but it was her 'source' of power, to what she understood. She needed to visualize what she was doing in order to do it. Of course, there were likely other more efficient ways, this was so far the only way she was able to draw upon the force, by wishing to do something, and with practice some things worked and others didn't. Occasionally there was a surprise or severe repercussions. Still, she was beginning to understand what he meant. Was what she felt the dark side? That weight, the betraying doubt, and the very thing that sent her to this world?

Another question was raised, how did he know so much about this? "Who are you?", it seems she was finally able to complete the very first sentence she intended to ask. He didn't exactly answer before. Almost immediately she had thought of a better followup.

"What are you?"

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

“Because its a deal, a bargain, an agreement.” He looked away from her again and out towards the waters, his eyes returning back to their normal stark Orange. That was not an effect of the force, not one of the darkside or any other. It was the natural genetic color of his eyes, only the black specs were as a result of the use of Sith Magic. “The darkside grants power. It gives strength beyond imagination. It gives one the ability to bend the wills of thousands, ravage entire worlds, reach the ethos of what mortality allows.”

“That, that is why it is used. Because although the light is equal in purpose, it's power is paltry compared to the dark.” His words once again rung true. The Darkside of the force was powerful, so powerful that it nearly eclipsed all else. Of course the Lightside had its strengths, its moments of power and incredible feats, but the dark...the sweet nectar of Sith Magic, of Force Lightning and Destruction. The absolute Havoc and pain one could cause with the darkness by their side.

Soliael closed his eyes, banishing the thoughts in his head.

“Me?” Soliael said as he opened his eyes and looked back towards her. “I am but a man.”

A man who had lived through centuries, swam within the abyss and returned, and was now sitting here. The former God smiled, lips curling slightly.
She thought about what he had said before. It was true that she felt intoxicated but what she could achieve; even that which was considered lesser in comparison by some.

"Not all are who they seem to be.", she retorted. It was clear he was a man but what defined him? Was it a name or a purpose? That was what she meant, she believed he knew that all too well but then again it wasn't like she had any willingness to tell him who she was. Her thoughts that ran stopped, she looked to him, just to observe.

"You seem to know an awful lot about the subject.", her voice said softly as if suspect. In truth she was more interested in defining herself than him; how selfish that? She was listening to a man's words only for her own gain and giving nothing in return. Anja was far from 'socially responsible', let alone sociable to begin with. "Are you just a lonely man?", she said with a bit of humor.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

He shrugged, his gaze falling on her again.

“I know because I have experienced it.” Black specs floated across his eyes again. They darkened his vision each time they passed over, blacking out his sight wherever they crossed. A hindrance to be sure, one that frequented his eyes far too often. Yet there was no cure, no way of stopping or changing it. The best healer in the galaxy had already tried. “I made my bargain.”

Soliael smirked.

Of course, he had reneged on that bargain, but that would be obvious to anyone that could sense him in the force.

His smile only broadened when she asked her next question. Lonely? No. He was not lonely. He had never been lonely in fact, even during his incarceration he had not been. Soliael always had someone, and now he had even more than that, he had Kira. “I've never been fortunate enough to be lonely.”

He finally said casting eyes back onto the sea.
Anja looked up, the sky was quite clear except for a few thin white clouds and the atmosphere was clear enough for the stars to be faintly visible due to the way the sun had sunk behind the distant city, casting its shadow across the water and rippling across the horizon. The black specs were curious things but the man who bore them was far more the mysterious one, at least from her perspective. She didn't feel that she herself was that mysterious, just having a habit of asking too many questions but so far he didn't seem to mind.

"A fortune? Perhaps, it depends. Being alone can be a great strength but all have their costs.", this was something where she was opposite on. She was truly alone, she may have had a fleet, slaves, and soldiers, but she had no one to share a connection with. The only one who came close she had killed with her own two hands; yet she's never regretted it, if she hadn't done it she would've never gotten this far. It was live or die.

"This world is interesting, hope to visit it often if not for just the sea itself. Too many worlds are exotic, sometimes it's nice to have something that isn't too much on the eyes.", she did not intend for that to be a reference to what seemed to be a plague in his own vision, judging from those specs, but it was in reference to the fact.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
“Every world is unique in its own way.” Soliael commented. “Even this one.”

Dubrillion was a planet with history. Though its oceans and lands were not all that unique, the planet itself held story beyond what most could comprehend. Soliael knew it of course, he knew the history of most worlds, even the ones that were not on the map.

Spend nearly a decade as the God of Knowledge and you picked up a few things that others didn't.

He supposed that most would consider Dubrillion to be a sort of paradise. It was calm, controlled, and had not changed within the past century or so. He wondered if this world would eventually be ravaged by war, so many were now. His fingers flexed slightly, and his hand closed into a fist.

“Do not give up on the exotic so easily.” Soliael advised the girl, his smile curling slightly.
Anja glanced at the smile, briefly, almost forming her own. "Worlds aren't what concern me, Specs.", she gave him the nickname from thought; little did many know that a zealot could have a sense of humor or interests for that matter. She had heard rumors of her 'bounty', where others had called her to be evil, cruel, and otherwise, intolerant of others. She had didn't expect praise, she knew that there would be heretics and she also knew that they would challenge her beliefs. "There are other destinations to which I desire.", she said softly.

She finally released a bit of smile, "The only thing worth living, I'd like to think.", she added.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
His eyes shifted at the nickname, exasperation showing on his face, but he said nothing against it. Instead his head turned to her fully, not just his eyes this time.

“There are many things to live for.” Soliael said, his tone now stern. “Yourself highest among them.”

Living for a cause was all great and grand, but it was when someone lived for their own purposes that it truly mattered, that it truly became important. Soliael could have lived for a thousand causes within his lifetime. He could have born Empires, destroyed Kingdoms, given rise to planets and Star Systems, but he had not.

Oh he had had a hand in dominating thousands of worlds, but he had not done it for the sake of doing it.

He had done it for himself, to further what he wanted.

That was what was important.

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