Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reclaimer Arms & Industrial

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] Oops, sorry I didn't see that! Yeah, didn't do much with your company unfortunately, I got distracted with a certain black-grey slug of mine >.> <.<

Does this mean you back?

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="James Justice"]

You're going to need a lot more than that to arm an army. But as it stands your transaction is approved, can I interest you in some armored vehicles or speeders as well?
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Its a small army, building it squad by squad.............. well really more of a "mercenary task force" I suppose. I am definitely going to need them in the future, but right now, I am still brewing up ideas for that. When I do, you will be the first on my list to call!

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Lord Ajihad"]

Let's see. One thousand rounds a crate, one hundred crates so that's one hundred thousand rounds per week. That's about 150k for credits but bulk order discount we can do 120K per week which is a lot of bullets. So unless you are looking to start a new galactic scal war id say do bi weekly shipments at 120,000 credits per shipment for one hundred thousand rounds of ammunition. If that's acceptable of course

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