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Raxis Independent Designs

Corporation Name: Raxis Independent Designs

Headquarters: Mandalore

Locations: Tel'erra ; Imahalyan ; Mandalore

Operations: Creation of materials and equipment for the use of persons and personnel.

Rationale: Gray was, is, and likely will always be a mercenary by trade. He has seen how easy and abundant the market on arms and armor is in the galaxy because of this fact. He then got to see how little there is for those not of a combat related field when he became the CEO of SocMin Fed. He decided there needed to be a company out there looking out for those who could use new tools for their trades and personal protection. So after finishing off some pirates, he decided to look into being the one to do just that. He looked into some places he had influence and had weaker economies as potential places for him to get his business up and running.

Gray settled on Trenwyth due to the planet being mostly urbanized and having some facilities already in place. He set up his HQ here and then ventured out to the planets in the same sector and settled on Tel'erra and Imahalyan. Tel'erra had become opened up to the galaxy thanks to Gray and could use some help getting them integrated into the galaxy. It was also a big plus for him that the Tel'varn people were natural craftsman and the planet was a treasure trove of natural resources. He chose Imahalyan because the planet was already established, but relied heavily on their agriculture for their economy so going there would help getting some diversity going for them. His wife @Stardust happened to be the Queen of the planet, so he could also foster more support for the royal family in the process.

Gray got everything set up for the creation of the company using most of his credits. He then hired on some employees including those with interesting design ideas that fit his ideal for what the company should offer. Now with all the groundwork mostly in place, he just needs to look at getting his products finished up and on the market.

Tier: 2

Description: Raxis Independent Designs operates under the principles of honor and honesty. Fair and generous pay for employees as well as benefits to see them and their families taken care of. Communication with the customers is made a priority so that they feel they are as important to the company as they truly are. RID is all about the quality of their products, and will go to whatever lengths are required to see it is met. Testing of prototypes is extensive to ensure as many potential issues are addressed, and even Gray the owner will do everything he can to aid in the process.

RID is a company that is independent of any single government. They will sell to any and all organizations that would like to buy their products. Despite this though, Gray believes in the company's right to refuse to sell to anyone and everyone for whatever reason, although is unlikely to ever be something that will be done. RID is about protection over combat and will prioritize sales of more limit products to customers based on what the customer will be using the product for. If the buyer is looking to weaponize a product not intended for that purpose then RID will delay sale or even increase the price of the product in response.

Subsidiaries: None currently.

Parent Corporation: It is called Independent Designs for a reason!

Primary Source: N/A

20% ownership belongs to Gael bar Ammon

Pertient Development Threads:
  • Auction- This is the auction where Gray offered 20% ownership of RID as part of the winning bid.
Modification Made: Add on Mandalore as a new location and changing Mandalore to the new headquarters for RID.
- Getting RID Land
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review

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