Name: Raven Sonoly
Species: Twi'lek
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5
Weight: 135 pounds
Eyes: A brilliant golden color
Skin: A very deep blue
Force sensitive: Yes
Strengths: Strong willed, very fast learner, headstrong, stubborn, and a smartass
Weakness: stubborn, her past, her small frame, her lack of training in the force makes her a danger to herself and others when she gets mad.
Appearance: She looks like a normal Twi'lek. Headtails are typically dangling in front of her shoulders. She wears mercenary garb, a skin tight flight suit that allows mobility with a chestplate, arm guards, and leg guards built onto it. She has a lightsaber strapped to her thigh, albeit not a very stable one. She is all muscle, and an olympic class gymnast, which is incorperated into her fighting style.
Biography: She started life as a Hutt plaything. Trained early in the art of dance, she always rode the line of obedience and disobedience. A hatred of Jedi runs in her veins. A master apprentice duo came to the Hutt to buy a holocron while she was little, and promised to bring her back with them. It never happened. This one act has caused a lifetime of mistrust to course through her. She didn't escape the Hutt till her teen years, leaving with a bounty hunter who fell in love with her. Yet she had other plans. When he fell asleep that first night, his blood was the first to decorate her hands, but not the last. It was very recently she build her own saber in a black market, from a persob with very outdated schematics. Her saber pulses up and down the shaft with an orangish reddish light, occasionally with the random spark flying off. Her force powers have been growing at an incredable rate, but it remains to be seen who she will join.
Species: Twi'lek
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5
Weight: 135 pounds
Eyes: A brilliant golden color
Skin: A very deep blue
Force sensitive: Yes
Strengths: Strong willed, very fast learner, headstrong, stubborn, and a smartass
Weakness: stubborn, her past, her small frame, her lack of training in the force makes her a danger to herself and others when she gets mad.
Appearance: She looks like a normal Twi'lek. Headtails are typically dangling in front of her shoulders. She wears mercenary garb, a skin tight flight suit that allows mobility with a chestplate, arm guards, and leg guards built onto it. She has a lightsaber strapped to her thigh, albeit not a very stable one. She is all muscle, and an olympic class gymnast, which is incorperated into her fighting style.
Biography: She started life as a Hutt plaything. Trained early in the art of dance, she always rode the line of obedience and disobedience. A hatred of Jedi runs in her veins. A master apprentice duo came to the Hutt to buy a holocron while she was little, and promised to bring her back with them. It never happened. This one act has caused a lifetime of mistrust to course through her. She didn't escape the Hutt till her teen years, leaving with a bounty hunter who fell in love with her. Yet she had other plans. When he fell asleep that first night, his blood was the first to decorate her hands, but not the last. It was very recently she build her own saber in a black market, from a persob with very outdated schematics. Her saber pulses up and down the shaft with an orangish reddish light, occasionally with the random spark flying off. Her force powers have been growing at an incredable rate, but it remains to be seen who she will join.