Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ranger's Compound

Name: Ranger's Compound

Image Source: (Optional. Please link the origin and artist of the image you have used, if possible.)

Classification: Jungle Base

Location: Felucia

Affiliation: Antarian Rangers

Population: 10,000

Exterior Barrier: Constructed rocks, dirt and trees that have been set up and placed as a barrier leaving small sensor filled areas with gaps in them. These chokepoints are designed to filter and give the rangers a way to filter out and understand when heavier units are coming. The main gateway that leads into the jungle itself is a tunqstoid doorway that they can use to protect it. Leading to an area where heavier vehicles and defensive shields are able to be set up.

Perimeter: The outer perimeter is an open area filled with pillboxes and trenches themselves. Interweaving through the area around the base excluding the primary pathway that has been set up and designed for the larger vehicles that the ranger's have access to. The trenches are lined for droids to be moving over. Autoturrets for handling infantry are there as well as flame units to scare off any creatures that might try and attack.

Outer Wall: The first really strong layer of protection, turadium and hijarna walls that have jutting defensive towers used for anti air coverage that have a large open space to attack. THe walls have anti vehicle blisters mounted high that are able to be used by droid controllers or manual firing from the others. Sectional bubbles contain ion cannons for attacking larger ships that are a risk to the base itself. Sniper perches that can be used for scouts and taking shots.

Interior Perimeter: A bare area set up as one large open gap, the sections have a massive crossfire between with the two walls and deployed mines that act as defensive measures. The main gates area is blocked off providing a tunqstoid door on either side of a dug out chasm they can use. With a plasma bridge that connected the interior and exterior with a safe way of getting through to the base itself.

Interior Wall: A larger wall built much like the first allowing the cannons and defensive turrets to have a higher area of coverage and more range for the scout snipers. The thick, higher walls also protect the majority of the base itself that has been built around it with a moat constructed to form a barrier that can stop most others coming into the base. The controls to the interior plasma bridge and an override for the exterior are set up there.

Base: Built using self sustaining modular buildings that can be connected and set up. The ranger's have designed it to function to their advantage with heavy artillery and areas where gnat runners can rush around the area. With areas for themselves to press an advantage. A large section of autoturrets and grav traps for defensive measures. From the interior a shield for resisting orbital bombardmentws installed after work so that it would be able to defend the base.

Gravity: Within the defenses themselves and the base the ranger's utalize high gravity defenses. From the traps they can bury under the ground and activate to pull and immobilize troops or vehicles that make it through. Gravity plating within the base itself which allows the ranger's to create intense gravity wells to stun and slam enemies around a room or allow their zero g troopers to have the advantage.

Points of Interest: N/A

Description: Constructed by Sasori and its subsidiaries for the Ranger's With help from their own ideas they have been working on a lot of different places. The main communications and CIC area that the Ranger's are able to coordinate across the planet if they need to. Willa has put a lot of work in to working with the locals who help them out while working with local defense teams. Fleets in orbit can work as they need to with Jericho class able to come down and create a wall for the base itself.

History: (Optional. Describe the history of this Military Base.)

Intent: To add to the planet's lore and provide a submission to bring out and point to those who ask.

Jungle Fever (SSC Dominion of Felucia)

Mock Raid:
Ranger's Assemble

Shatory Sensor
Sato Hardlight Wall
Phyla Chamber:
Hushed Casket:
Living Module:
Pathway Module:
Warehouse Module:
Wall Module:
Variable Plating:
High-gravity trap
Ion cannon
Bp.2 anti-infantry turret
Bp.4 anti-vehicle turret
Bp.5 anti-aircraft turret
DSS-02 shield generator

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