Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Random Restricted Material Locations?


So I noticed this looking through for Phrik locations...

Cortosis (( Objective : Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain cortosis ore from any of the following planets: Apatros, Obredaan, Katanos VII, Duro, Bal’demnic, Mnencheiasus, Gallos or Bespin –OR—suffer a devastating defeat at the hands of a Force User Character written by another writer. ))
...And was wondering if there is supposed to be a restricted material randomly spawning on my planet, Mnencheiasus, or...?
If it was done on purpose, seems kind of counterproductive since Obredaan is literally a couple of planets away on the map and was always neutral.

*Still isn't sure if blessing or curse*

Edit: If this is because it mentions recently making cortisis swords, that was an import from my company.

That was one of the player-created worlds added to restricted materials objective locations on my watch, during a long LOA of yours if I remember right. Probably best to just PM [member="Spencer Jacobs"] about this stuff, dude.

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