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Rallying Cry

[member="Josef Levik"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Chawza, it had been a while since Alva Calvarona last recalled making a trip out to the Republic Capital, though it had now changed from where it had once sat at Onderon. At the time it had been for free passage for the Imperial Navy as it regrouped along the Western edge of the galaxy, however, now the young crinan woman was here for a different purpose, one she was not exactly fond of resorting to. There was no other option really though, well there was one other, but this was a far better deal than their other choice, at least the Imperial Officer hoped so. They were going to join forces with the Galactic Republic for their upcoming battles, and in this regard, talks were already in the works about how things would settle out.

After all, this wasn't something to be hastily done on the fly. If it were, reaching a face to face conference with the Prime Minister of the Republic would certainly have been more difficult and drawn out. Though, perhaps if there was more time available an official senatorial session would have been appropriate, but war gave little and took much, that Alva was well aware of. The Sith especially were notorious for taking more than they were warranted, and as a representative of the strength of the Empire, Alva no longer wanted to watch them emerge victorious around the Galaxy, even if it meant relocating all their resources once again. . . .and taking refuge within the heart of the Republic to fight by their side.

It weighed on them all, such a drastic decision, but for the Empire they served there was no more time to debate. The Sith would soon be at their doorstep again, and ever since they started the fight with them at Crina there wasn't a single Imperial who didn't want a shot at payback, a shot the Republic could give them. So far talks between the Empress and the Republic's Prime Minister had gone well, they could keep their autonomy, though they would have to watch themselves within the scope of Republic law while they worked together. That was fine, in exchange the Empire could gather strength for themselves separate from the Republic, and strengthen themselves so long as it meant a force against the One Sith's advances.

Imperial Star Destroyers, Class III types, were already being put back into production with the turnaround.

Only the official matter of determining the final extent of their alliance and their new base of operations was left to be settled, handled in person by Calvarona herself along with an accompanying Imperial Moff. Who the young crinan woman would turn to as their shuttle touched down outside the Prime Minister's office. "Moff Graf I hope you're ready, today we may determine the fate of the Empire and the future of the galaxy if this joint matter truly turns the war against the Sith around."

Tanomas Graf

Moff Tanomas Graf had never seen the Republic's Capital world before, only being shunted to different systems around the outer rim, apparently it was supposed to be a beautiful world of sorts, many common and uncommon things around, the same as other planets but different at a time aswell. He would've liked to visit the planet under less grave circumstances, but now was not the time to grovel on such trivial matters to him, they had a job to do right now, and he wanted to do it quickly, so they could get back to the problem at hand.

The One Sith were expanding their borders once again, pushing back the already weakened Galactic Empire far behind it's originally planned borders, and now, the One Sith were planning to assault the Galactic Republic, The Empire figured that they would help their ongoing allies in exchange to re-build their empire once again behind the safety of their borders, and now they were here, at the heart of the Republic, to discuss the "official" terms of the agreement they were going to have with the Republic Prime Minister.

Tanomas was glad that they would get the chance to rebuild, uninterrupted by the One Sith, like they had been doing lately, Crina was lost and soon Siret Wren would fall to the overwhelming might of the One Sith. Tanomas was interrupted from his train of thought by [member="Alva Calvarona"], the Princess of Crina, telling him something as their shuttle was touching down outside of the Prime Minister's Office "Moff Graf I hope you're ready, today we may determine the fate of the Empire and the future of the galaxy if this joint matter truly turns the war against the Sith around." she told him.

"I am, We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They invade our space, and we fall back. They conquer our worlds, and we fall back. Not again. This time the line must be drawn here! This far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they've done!" He spat, not at her, just in general, He had had it with the One Sith and their countless conquests against the Empire, this was going to end, they were going to go down, Graf would make sure of it.

[member="Josef Levik"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[member="Alva Calvarona"]
The thought of what was ahead of Moff Greth sickened him. This was a bad idea in his opinion and one day when the Empire was not looking the Republic would take advantage of this amiable agreement the two powers now found themselves navigating. The threat of the One Sith was the catylist which drove the great Empire to this end. The greatest power to have even span the stars was now nothing more then a small fleet barley surviving to stay alive.

A churn in his gut drove him to this meeting. He had arrived just after [member="Alva Calvarona"] and Moff [member="Tanomas Graf"], who had no idea he was coming but Greth would not stand by and watch this day pass without giving his council. The future of the Empire pivoted on this meeting and he would not let that future be stifled by these republic lackeys. The Empire would rise from the gutters it now called home and his family would be avenged. That was not negotiable nor would he let the bureaucratic infighting of the Republic stand in the way of the Empire regaining its glory. As his ship docked on Chawza he opened a channel to Alvas Com. It was time to let he know he was here.

"Lady Calvarona, I seem to have found myself on Chawza and wish to join your retinue. I feel my council would benefit you in the hours to come."
The frak did you go, Gen, you queen? She sure had changed. Or perhaps times had changed and required desperate measures to be taken.

Today she would be entertaining--of all people--Imperials. They were the very people she had waged war against in her former days as Benefactor to the Rebellion; the people she had repeatedly roasted in her writings. But today she had agreed to meet with them under peaceful and progressive terms. Of all things, she was considering providing the Imperials with sanctuary. Young Gen never would have don that. Did that mean she was bowing; breaking? Or had she simply matured?

The fact was, not all empires were created equal. And if she needed to employ a wolf to defend from the coyote, then she supposed that was what she needed to do. This was not the type of behavior she would have wanted for the Republic under any other circumstances. But the fact was that she had little say in the circumstances and everything to lose if she made the wrong decision. Pray the senator would agree.

And so she waited in her compartmentalized office--more a converted storeroom of an enormous, reconfigured warehouse that was now known to be the Republic's latest capitol building. The office was not flattering in the least, but it showed her willingness to adapt; the Republic's willingness to adapt to what it was served. The Empire was at least willing to help, if nothing more.

Someday, she hoped to wing it all right back at the Sith. But each step counted in the meantime. Even if one of those steps was labeled Welcome Imperials. She sighed heavily and awaited the arrival of her diplomatic guests. "Let them into my office as soon as they arrive," Lasedri commanded her secretary, then took a step towards her window and beheld the state of her Republic.

May victory find us in due time. Just make it soon.

[member="Alva Calvarona"], [member="Joran Greth"], [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Josef Levik"]
"Threedee, nuke the Chinese Atrisian."

"Missile salvos ready, sir."

Josef frowned. "No, put the beef noodles in the microwave."

"Oh. Yes, sir."

The Senator of Carida offered the administrative droid something between a bemused smile and an grimace plastered with annoyance. A datapad was clasped loosely betwixt his fingers, his gaze upon the HoloScreen hung on the wall, and his mind was attempting to focus on everything at once. So much happened in short periods of time and the man could hardly keep up with the changing times. Black Orders, Sith declaring blanket bounties, the latest scandal in GravBall, and the Imperials.

Right. The Imperials.

The Prime Minister and Josef hadn't exactly associated with one another in the slightest. It was a sort of mutual respect thing, the way one soldier would behave towards another soldier. They knew what had to be done, they knew beating around the brush only made things worse, and they knew they needed to act fast or forever lose the Republic. Josef quite enjoyed her motley, the way she carried herself and spoke straight from the primal drive to survive - to live.

"They're done, sir. Shall we be meeting the Imperial delegation and the Prime Minister?"

Senator Levik nodded, taking advantage of the moment to steal a quick swig of StimCaf before he and the droid carrying beef noodles started for their airspeeder.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"], [member="Joran Greth"], [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Alva Calvarona"]
Kaidan stood silent most of the time much as he did until now, it wasn't his normal attitude it was just...politics... not his domain, yet he was here for [member="Joran Greth"] The man he wanted to protect. Most of the time he stood firmly at his right his mask preventing his face from showing any expression, yet he didn't need to just like Greth, he had one concern, his lightsaber could cut through sith, but who could cut through the confusion and show the true nature of an ally? "Are you certain the republic will do as they said, mister Greth?" he asked with a calm voice "There is nothing stopping them from betraying the empire after everything is over, Of course, there isn't any proof they would betray us either, but I feel the right course of action would be to have an assurance." Was his work to give advices? No, but he would give them anyway as long as they may help somebody somewhere, he was not some soldier without a personality, he was soldier of the empire and he does not think the empire wouldn't care about what he thinks.

[member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] @Genevieve Lasendri
[member="Josef Levik"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Kaidan Hawk"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Joran Greth"]

"Ah, Moff Greth, your presence is welcome in these matters as well. I look forward to you and Graf's support in these matters." There was no real problem with the other moff's arrival, but at the same time, Alva couldn't help but notice the feeling inside her of displeasure. She was raised in politics on her homeworld, but she didn't necessarily enjoy them as much as she once had. After all, what's one world's antics when she was forced to intermingle with the array of governments and officials in the greater galaxy. The One Sith were truly at the top of the crinan woman's list for adding this to her annoyances as well. Yet, all the same, she didn't actually despise either man now accompanying her to meet the Republic Prime Minister. Partially for their records, but also because they seemed incredibly practical. She was certain they would agree with the necessity of things, as well as provide aid in avoiding poor negotiations she might miss as a result of her world's. . . .isolation causing her to use the recent years to increase her knowledge of the rest of the galaxy's history others likely knew already and got to build more from.

As for the words of the one Greth had brought as security, Alva chose to ignore and not answer him. Not that she didn't find his words important, but because she was not the one he was talking to, and it was not her place to give him her answer anyway. Though she did have to agree, there was always the chance that the Republic would betray them in the end, but that would be a while, since the Sith weren't going to go anywhere anytime soon, even if they did start winning. Besides, as they walked through the halls escorted to the Prime Minister's chambers, Alva tired not to grin thinking of what the soldier had neglected to consider himself. Who was to say the Republic could trust them either, thus heightening the paranoia for either side. "Alva Calvarona of the Galactic Empire, with Imperial Moffs Graf and Greth, to meet with Prime Minister Lasedri of the Galactic Republic."

Tanomas Graf

Moff Graf was just as surprised as the Crinan princess about the unexpected arrival and sudden appearance of Moff Joran Greth, and his "bodyguard"/security Kaidan Hawk, Tanomas was under the impression that he and the princess would be the only Imperials going to attend the negotiations on the capital world of Chawza, but, the more the merrier some people said, it would certainly be helpful to have another Moff and some more security around while they were talking to the Republic Prime Minister, though it was unnecessary

It un-eased Tanomas slightly that Kaidan Hawk would have the audacity to suggest that the Republic, the only faction that has assisted in keeping the Empire alive and well for the time being, would turn back on their agreement, this un-easement settled within his stomach as they waloked down the hallway towards the Prime Minister's chambers, he heard the princess say "Alva Calvarona of the Galactic Empire, with Imperial Moffs Graf and Greth, to meet with Prime Minister Lasedri of the Galactic Republic." And felt the un-easement leave himself as he prepared to face the Prime Minister, for the talks that would possible change the fate of the Empire, the Republic, and the galaxy itself.

[member="Josef Levik"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Joran Greth"]
[member="Kaidan Hawk"]
The Imperials would be ushered in without delay. "Absolutely, Your Highness," the secretary responded, immediately escorting the new arrivals through weapons sensors and a quartet of Senatorial Guards. The guards would confiscate any weapons or recording devices discovered to be on their visitors' persons. Lasedri had always been a paranoid one, but no one could blame her after all she had been through and all she had done. And, to top that all off, she was perhaps the most recognizable political figure in the galaxy. It would be ridiculous to pretend that there was no need to be extra cautious.

But if the Prime Minister were overly concerned, the Empire's servants would never have made it to this point in the first place.

Geneviève was at the door to her office, clad in her typical white coat, lips contorted with grim countenance as she noted the Imperial posse before her. She liked uniform (Let no one say it was not so.) and their confident composure was admirable by many of the soldier background. But the fact still remained that she could not agree with their central ideals in governing. One of their members was royalty, after all. Lasedri's views may have changed over time, but they had not shifted that far.

"Well, you are here," she commented apathetically, then turned about to return to her desk, beckoning with the most subtle of gestures for the ambassadors to follow. This would hardly be enjoyable. But it could hardly be denied. "Senator Levik should be here soon. I hope you understand you owe him more than you owe me for my time."

[member="Alva Calvarona"], [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Joran Greth"], [member="Josef Levik"], [member="Kaidan Hawk"]
Josef didn't know how the admin droid had done it, but this was arguably the fastest he'd ever gotten to the Prime Minister's office. The Senator could've sworn the droid ran a few red lights, nearly blind-sided a speeder or two, and narrowly avoided getting t-boned by a cargo hauler. Well, as long as nobody of actual authority noticed his droid doing such brash and reckless things, he didn't quite mind - as long as he came home in one piece at the end of the day.

"Try not to do that again, Threedee, or next time you'll be in two-dee."

The droid simply got out of the airspeeder, moved to open Josef's door, and started for the Minister's personal office. "My apologies, master. I did not expect that other driver to be so reckless, so I made adjustments."


The pair were briskly given a security check, to which the Senator's little hold-out blaster was confiscated and Threedee was made to wait in the lobby while they handled diplomatic matters. Of course Josef enjoyed having the systems administrator around to help with economic pursuits, but this was a foreign and diplomatic affair. After a few moments of going through the security clearance procedures, the Senator of Carida was promptly escorted to the chambers by a pair of Senate Guards.

Josef entered the room without flair at all. He wasn't even really dressed for such an important occasion, just wearing a simple suit and tie that he usually did during his administrative work. Besides, first impressions weren't always based on appearance - and that was something these uniformed Imperials had failed to understand.

"I am Josef Levik, representative of Carida to the Galactic Senate." A small, subtle smile set his features in place as he started for the Imperials first. He shook each of their hands and offered curt, respectful nods to their accompanying escorts. "And always a pleasure, Prime Minister." The man's smile grew just a tad more as he nodded to her before taking a seat.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"], [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Alva Calvarona"], [member="Kaidan Hawk"]
Greth had just entered the chambers and greeted the Prime Minster and his fellow Imperials as the bible salesman looking man entered. He shook the odd looking mans hand as some sort of odd recognition swept over him. He looked like someone Joren had killed before. He could not place the name of the gentleman but did remember him looking like the Cardian man.

"Greeting mister Levik, It is a pleasure"

Joran released the mans hands and walked to his position flanking princess. So far the meeting was going well, His guard did not like having to give over his weapons but Greth had assure him he would not be needing them. though part of him felt a little less safe and more nervous knowing Hawk did not have his weapons. That was just normal in his world. Greth was never safe, not even in the empire. IN all actuality he knew he was far safer here with he republic then at home with the other Moffs of the empire. For that reason Greth figured the most dangerous man, and biggest threat to him in the room was Moff Graf. For now he would trust the man was more concerned about this meeting and the future of the Empire more than Imperial Political infighting.
[member="Josef Levik"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Kaidan Hawk"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Joran Greth"]

Alva did her best to try and ignore the rather. . . .blunt approach the Republic Prime Minister had towards their arrival, but tried not to let it get to her. It didn't necessarily mean anything, but the crinan woman just felt it didn't bode that well towards matters if the head of state before the Imperial group held some dislike for them all. Although, perhaps she ought to agree with the Prime Minister's point. Everything today was mostly going to be possible as a result of the representative of Carida being as generous as he supposedly was. "Of course Minister Lasedri, we are quite grateful to both the Caridian Senator and the people of the Republic for even allowing these discussions to reach this far." And speak of the devil, it seemed as if Senator Levik was here himself finally, and appearing quite friendly as he greeted them not only pleasantly, but taking each of their hands in turn as well. "Senator Levik, the Prime Minister here was just telling us how much we owe you and I agree. We of the Empire greatly appreciate your part in all these matters. We hope by the end of the day we will be able to work this business out finally and get things underway to cementing our alliance together. . . . . .now then, Prime Minister, where shall we begin?" Smiling softly as she turned back to the woman at the top of the Republic government, Alva wondered if hope was the right word.
Kaidan sat silently beside [member="Joran Greth"] Watching everyone in the room, hard to tell when he was looking at who since his eyes cannot be seen because of the mask, he was feeling uneasy not having his lightsaber with him... it was almost like not having the force since his talent was in that blade, he was a bladesman after all, even if skilled in the force, it was not his main asset.
Although there wasn't really someone who could hurt Greth or princess Alva who he was sworn to protect, he crossed his arms very calm as if he wasn't even concearned about the meeting... in truth... why would he be? Wasn't the republic who created the empire along with all it's senators when emperor Palpatine said? Didn't they do it with a smile on their faces? Yet here is another republic that they don't judge because of the mistakes of others, just as neither they should judge this empire for what the other did. In his eyes, they were not that different and this thing they shared should made them fall to agreement, because they would have been at the same level of...untrustworthiness.

Now it was the boring part, politics, the long talk about... well he never could be attentive enough to even know about what. He couldn't see much difference between the republic and the empire at this point... sure the republic was with the democracy stuff and all that.. yet the empire has the empress and there are the imperial knights to make sure she does not get on the wrong path.

For the first time Kaidan's head turned to the republic senator, Genevieve Lasendri, he has never seen her before, yet she looked familiar, it is possible to look like someone he knew maybe? He could not find anything in his mind, he could have seen her face anywhere right? She was the prime minister. Or maybe there really was someone with a similiar face. It didn't matter, Kaidan immediately took a straight posture and moved his hands at his back waiting patiently.

[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Josef Levik"] [member="Tanomas Graf"]

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