Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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raider atrok

NAME: raider atrok
FACTION:the one sith
RANK: none
SPECIES: zabrak
AGE: 28
HEIGHT:5 ft 11 in
WEIGHT: 170 lbs
EYES: brown
HAIR: none
SKIN: black&yellow
PERSONALITY:hot headed
WEAPONS: vibroblade sniper blaster model sk-198 and he has a dc-108 blaster pistol


STRENGTHS: fighting under pressure good survival instinct

WEAKNESS:he likes to drink when he does he drinks alot and he gets drunk easily he get motion sick on non mechanized transport because of the bobbing up and down

APPEARANCE: his name is raider atrok and he is a zabrak age 28 skin color black&yellow he is 5 ft 11 in brown eyes 170 lbs

BIOGRAPHY:he was born and raised on the planet iridonia he disliked most other people on his home planet he had a fairly good child hood until his town was destroyed by jedi we had feared there were sith there at the age of 15 he had already learned how to hunt for himself so he spend the next 5 years alone in the unforgiving wilderness of iridonia until cargo ship came to a settlement near where he was at he time he stowed away on that cargo ship that just so happened to be headed to a assassin transport where his force sensitivity was noticed by a assassin whose name he did not know and he never knew but he underwent training to be a assassin and the end of his training was not easy and there is much more to learn but as of now he is a assassin

SHIP:standard issue a-wing fighter

KILLS:none "yet"



Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.
But you know you can make a sub account.
Go to your profile page and find the characters tab. Once there go to the subaccount tab and make the character. It's that easy! Then I'll rp with you (but I want you to start to see if you're good and roleplaying.)
IG-78 said:
But you know you can make a sub account.
Go to your profile page and find the characters tab. Once there go to the subaccount tab and make the character. It's that easy! Then I'll rp with you (but I want you to start to see if you're good and roleplaying.)
ok and thank you for all the info

Iron Knight Loarko

Name: Loarko
Faction: One Sith
Species: Shard
Weapons: Lightsaber
Age: 25
Height: 5ft 11in
Weight 140 pounds
Sex: Male
Rank: None (i guess acolyte?)
Eyes: Green
Skin: Silver Plating
Force Sensitivity: Yes
Personality: Anger towards jedi
Strengths: Lightsaber combat and killing instinct
Weaknesses: Hasn't learned all there is to know. Weak in terms of skill.
Biography: Loarko served as a Jedi guard who patrolled Coruscant. After realizing that the Jedi used his kind as slave guard, Loarko fled to Iridonia and became a Sith. He trained countless hours a day with his saberstaff and strengthened his powers. He seeks a membership with the One Sith.
Ship: A B-Wing he salvaged from a wreckage on Agriworld-2079.
Kills- not yet, but wildlife for food
Bounties: None at this time
[member="Darth Ophidia"]

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