Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ragnall Kleiss


NAME: Ragnall Kleiss
FACTION: Reaper Company
RANK: Mercenary? Not sure what to put here.
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 182 lbs
EYES: Bright green
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Caucasian/White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


-Brawler: Ragnall is a skilled fighter and is thus able to quickly adapt to whatever weapon he wields. He specializes in medium sized ranged weapons such as assault rifles and medium melee weapons such as vibro blades and axes.
-Arsenal: Ragnall has many weapons on his person, including small wrist rockets, thermal detonators, an assault rifle, a pistol, a vibroblade, a jetpack, and a sniper rifle.
-Cunning: Ragnall has the ability to quickly adapt to most situations, and can decide an appropriate course of action on the fly.
-Cybernetics: Ragnall has been modified with many kinds of robotics, including a thin inner skeleton designed to enhance physical output and strengthen muscles, and a cybernetic eye that allows him to zoom in up to 6 times his normal vision.


-Go Big or Go Home: Ragnall prefers to go for the first killshot he can see, and will often sacrifice defense or offense if it means killing his opponent.
-All Offense: Ragnall's fighting style is focused around offense and overwhelming his opponent. Thus, he has little defense while attacking, meaning he is quite vulnerable if countered.
-Weighed Down: Due to the amount of equipment Ragnall always has on him he can't move at the same speed most other soldiers can.

Ragnall Kleiss is a tall, muscular human, standing at 6'3" and 182 lbs. He has black hair and bright green eyes. He is almost always in his armor, pictured above. When he isn't he is normally seen in a bantha leather flight jacket and loose, baggy slacks, as well as a tight black sleeveless shirt under his flight jacket. Any scars Ragnall had or any blemishes were removed surgically before his deployment.

Ragnall was designed to be the perfect soldier. Raised from birth for combat, and implanted with many cybernetic implants, he was the product of a former megacorporation known simply as A Corp. They invested millions upon millions of credits into him, for his implants, custom weaponry, and armor. He rarely had interactions with actual people as a child, only the droids that were designed to care and train for him. At age 5 he started with simple physical excersize, more often than not in the form of games. As he aged and developed a mind of his own, he became more and more rebellious. He began close combat training at age 12, and went out of his way to do as much damage to the droids training him, much to his overseers' satisfaction.

Now, on to the Control Chip. That blasted control chip. At age 14, Ragnall began his training with real weapons. Real guns. He was shown the precise ways to hold a gun, how to fire, reload, et cetera. At age 17, after wanting to retire early from his rigorous training regimine that consisted of an hour of stretches in the morning, two hours of close combat training, three of specialization training for explosives, piloting, and the like, an hour long break, then a trip to the firing range for the rest of the night. Of course, he was denied this by his captors. Suddenly going into a rage, he grabbed the nearest pistol and went on a rampage, damaging several training droids before finally being restrained. He was put under by a small needle in his neck. He awoke a week later, only to find that his movements were not dictated by him. He had a small scar on the back of his head as well. The rest of that day was spent doing the normal training regimine, however, Ragnall was not the one doing this. It was A Corp. They were demonstrating that they now had total control over Ragnall.

At age 21 Ragnall began his final test. His graduation before being put on the front lines to fight for his overlords. He was put into the wilderness, fully geared, against a platoon of about 30 battle droids. Over the course of 3 hours every droid was eliminated. A Corp, finally satisfied, decided it was time to deal him out to the highest bidder. He was to do whatever job the employer asked of him quickly and efficiently, and A Corp would accept the money.

At age 27 some sort of cataclysm took place and A Corp was ruined. Practically no trace remained of them. Except Ragnall. Ragnall was put into stasis and jettisoned into space, only to wake 3 years later in the slums of a giant industrialized planet. He had also had his memory wiped clean. He happened to have all of his current gear with him. Unsure of where he was or what he was doing he began to ask around somewhere that would be willing to host a lost soldier. Eventually he found the mercenary organization known as Reaper Company.



Ragnall's ship is a sleek red starfighter designed for quick flight from point A to point B, and not much else. It possesses two weak laser cannons on each side of it, and also a cockpit covered by duraglass.




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