Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: RadioWhisper

FACTION: RadioChaos

SPECIES: Suspected Human

AGE: Unknown

SEX: Male Voice

HEIGHT: Unknown

WEIGHT: Unknown

EYES: Unknown

HAIR: Unknown

SKIN: Unknown

FORCE SENSITIVE: Suspected but Unclear



Broadcaster - No mater the means, this individual has the capability to broadcast his voice through it.

Charismatic Voice - Seen as a voice without strings, his broadcast are seen as one of the last remnants of Independent News.


Never Leaves his Radio Tower - Unsure how, but RadioWhisper is fearful of leaving his Broadcasting Station.

Has no Personal Connections - Fears having a connection to anybody and unable to show emotions to others.

No one knows what he looks like. The only think people see is the face he links to all his holo transmissions.

Nothing is known about RadioWhisper's upbringing. He is just as mysterious as where he is hiding. The only hints as to what type of person he is, is that he does not pick sides, just that he says it how it is.

Age of Rebellion;
RadioWhisper appeared some years ago, while the nations of the galaxy were developing after the Netherworld incident. He was a lone voice in the Coruscant area of space where only 3 local planets could listen to his broadcast. It is believed that he originally from there and transmits from the planet Coruscant from an underground bunker. This was later dismissed as he spoke of seeing beast not native to Coruscant or the other planets before transmitting. No one truly knows where he transmits from, just that he does it once a week.

Transmission Sam then somehow was broadcasting to the whole galaxy. Some believe that he piggy backed the signal off the Galactic Holo-Net and hijacked nearly all the Hyperspace Civilian Radio Channels. This made him a galactic hit right off the back, as he broadcasted the news with no regional backing. He wasn't a Corperate Sponsor either as much of the news he was transmitting was already told. People from across the galaxy listened to him though, as he spoke of the whole galaxy problems, not just local news.

Era of Darkness;
After his transmission from a hidden location in First Order space, the broadcast was cut short by the sound of blaster fire and RadioWhisper was cut short after his first transmission. For years he was never heard from again, but always on the back of minds who wished for freedom.

It was however, during a speech on Brentaal IV that he resurfaced, though he did not sound the same and used droids to communicate with the masses. He now uses Sliced Droids and wondering HoloCameras to report on his findings across the galaxy.


Doesn't kill
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