Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Rach'ta


NAME: Rach'ta
New Imperial Order
SPECIES: Twi'lek
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 140 lbs
EYES: Golden
SKIN: Pinkish Red

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Seer: Rach'ta has a gift for attaining visions through the Force. Visions of the present, past, and future. These visions are always vague, and leave open the possibility for change as Rach'ta sees only one possibility of many that can exist due to circumstances arising by chance. By attuning himself to a person, place, or thing he gains more clarity for these visions.
  • Oracle's Burden: Visions are fickle things and Rach'ta does not always have control over when they occur and some prophecies simply push their way into his mind. While within a vision Rach'ta is essentially defenseless. It is not uncommon for these visions to be of individuals or places he has never met or been to before or hold little relevance to the task at hand.
  • Frail: Gifted in the Force but not in body. Rach'ta is physically weaker than many of his peers.

Rach'ta was born on Ryloth as an orphan. For as long as he could remember he was without home or permanent family. He was a beggar on the streets and the struggle for survival had always seem present. Around the age of 7 the young Twi'lek began to show great promise in Force abilities. Able to levitate chairs with ease and even spoke of visions of the future to those on the streets where he lived. This garnered the attention of a wandering Jedi Knight who had every intention of bringing the Twi'lek to a Jedi Temple. This quest however was short lived as the Knight was ambushed by a Sith Assassin who had likewise heard of Rach'ta. Instead of seeking him out the assassin waited for a Jedi to locate and gather the child for him. The battle was ferocious but in the end it was cut short of a definitive conclusion as the assassin had gained just enough of an advantage to capture Rach'ta. He took Rach'ta into his care, to bring the Twi'lek into the fold of the Sith Empire. This as well was interrupted. Rach'ta was left alone on a ship in a starport as the assassin went to seek out some sort of Imperial contact, but never returned to the ship.

As the port authority began to remove the vessel from the starport the Twi'lek ran out into the wastes of Korriban. There in the tombs of Korriban, Rach'ta, was found by a dark side cult who raised him as one of their own. While they followed the many of the ideals of the Sith they did not seem to show allegiance to the current Sith Emperor. Their power was obtained organically through meditation and practice, not by formal training. What better teacher was there than the source of power itself? At least that is what they believed in. At the age of 18, 11 years after Rach'ta was removed from Ryloth, he felt the the urge to prove himself to the Force. As thousands had done in the ancient past on this sacred planet now Rach'ta would follow in their footsteps, all for the glory of the Dark side of the Force and the strengthening of himself. Rach'ta dueled and slew his mentor with the Force alone. The dying words of the eldest of the cult and most experienced among them were "And now you walk the path to power". Now alone once more Rach'ta was convinced his destiny was outside of the sands and tombs of Korriban. The same drive that gave him the strength to surpass his mentors now pushes him off world.
Encounters with the Sith Empire
Rach'ta, guided by his visions, crossed paths with The Sith Empire under Emperor Carnifex whenever the Emperor and his subjects attacked Nar Shaddaa. Witnessing first hand the immense presence in the Force that Carnifex occupied enticed Rach'ta to follow him however he could. This desire was carried out by Rach'ta stowing away on an Sith transport as it left Rhen Var. The Twi'lek originally got to Rhen Var by using his powers to cloud the mind of a smuggler, who was promptly shot down when attempting to lift off from the surface of Rhen Var after the affects of Force were lifted. To many destinations Rach'ta stowed away to until the Sith intelligence services intercepted him and took him into custody. After a brief time Rach'ta was able to escape his imprisonment and left the Empire behind him.

Encounters with the Coven
Guided by his visions the adrift Force Adept found himself in the middle of a feast and festivel of which he was not the guest of honor. There he made contact with several witches of a Nightsister coven. Invited to learn more in a break from the usual female only tradition, Rach'ta accepted. To be continued...

First Steps
Stowaway Arc
  1. Emissaries of the Force
  2. TSE Dominion of Rhen Var (Circa 856-857 ABY)
  3. TSE Dominion of Mandalore (Circa 856-857 ABY)
  4. TSE Dominion of Concord Dawn (Circa 856-857 ABY)
  5. Imperial Justice: Stow Away
New Imperial Order | Coven
  1. Magick is Enough
  2. Private Amulet Creation
  3. NIO Dominion of Alashan (858 ABY)
New Imperial Order
  1. NIO Dominion of Ketaris
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