free droid
name: R9-X1
faction: free droid
rank: none
species: droid
age: 20 years
sex: robot
height: 3'1 ft
weight :20-40 kg maybe?
hair: red and silver head cover
skin: red and silver exterior body
force sensitive: nope
EQUIPMENT: electric arc welder, circular saw, computer scomp link arm, VicksVisc holographic recorder/projector unit, internal cargo compartment, general-use fire extinguisher,magnetic lock wheels,jet thrusters,datapad,propellers,basic tools (screw driver wrench arm etc) full-spectrum transceiver and electromagnetic, heat, motion, and life form indicators.
outer casing made of durasteel
weaknesses: ionised weapons
being sliced(hacked),
inorganic:bacta tanks and medkits don't help droids
very limited combat capabilities
feels most comfortable aboard ships if he is not on a ship he tries to rush his crew members along to return to the ship but not enough so that they are speeding through everything and making mistakes
strengths: inorganic :doesn't need to breath eat or sleep
can pilot any ship given enough time to learn it
can hack into systems
preform mechanical duties on himself,droid,starfighters,ships,deathstars(as long as the plans are available)
can remember everything once learnt (and choose to forget if wanted but once forgotten it can't come back but can remember deleting it tho)
biography: R9-X1 was manufactured with other astromech droids and was bought and customized by a smuggler crews slicer: Ianthidor a codru-ji able to hack with all four of his arms, in the short twenty years aboard the YT-1300 light freighter
"meteor" he was taught both the imperial and republic starfighter and starship formations as well as the crews flight data, navigation charts, bits of history of the main planets, how to repair systems, make self improvements as well as improvements for other mechanical devices. after his downloading was complete Ianthidor said to R9-X1 "i have taught you all i know and a little of what you need to know now i ask of you one thing help me escape this vessel and i will set you free" R9-X1 did as his teacher said and helped him escape in the crews small 1man shuttle that broke off from the freighter, but before they could get far the crew shot the pilot seat and killed ianthidor, R9-X1 not knowing what to do set off flying the ship himself dodging and weaving the hail of bullets almost like it was instinct,days after the shuttle escaped it ran out of fuel so R9-X1 stopped it in its place and he set off a distress beacon in the form of a civilian transport on republic codes waiting for the next ship to come along hours later
using the beacons emergency power R9-X1 boosts his short range scanner into a long range scanner, finding a large object coming closer to his ship. the large object is soon identified as the light freighter crystal, the pilot saying "Hello, the is the Light Freighter Crystal investiagting the S.O. S, If you are alive, I'll try to get you out". but he wasn't the only one another ship heading towards R9-X1 at high speeds was closing in, when both ships were in range of each other a squib and a nautolan stepped out of their ships to inspect the crash and lend aid, the squib entering the cockpit using his R5 droid made R9-X1 let out a series of happy beeps. looking at the r5 unit R9-X1 sent out a serious of beeps and boops with a binary underlay saying that he is a free droid looking for a ship to be apart off,also sending out the damage report for the JM-5000, soon after the squib was done discussing what to do with the broken JM-5000 with the other captain he looked at the R9 unit and said "Welcome aboard my crew R9, you're welcome to stay as long as you wish~ though pulling your weight of course!" and laughed. without delay R9-X1 used his thruster to reach the airlock of the medium freighter ship 'thunderflash"captained by linex omil where he stayed for a small time before wanting to find a new crew maybe a more permanent one
ship:(broken,out of fuel) jm-5000 jumpmaster long range scout
bounties collected :none
role plays:
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/48857-very-short-rp-to-help-continue-my-droid-bio-distress-beacon/#entry729337 (distress signal R9-X1 finds a ship)
faction: free droid
rank: none
species: droid
age: 20 years
sex: robot
height: 3'1 ft
weight :20-40 kg maybe?
hair: red and silver head cover
skin: red and silver exterior body
force sensitive: nope
EQUIPMENT: electric arc welder, circular saw, computer scomp link arm, VicksVisc holographic recorder/projector unit, internal cargo compartment, general-use fire extinguisher,magnetic lock wheels,jet thrusters,datapad,propellers,basic tools (screw driver wrench arm etc) full-spectrum transceiver and electromagnetic, heat, motion, and life form indicators.
outer casing made of durasteel
weaknesses: ionised weapons
being sliced(hacked),
inorganic:bacta tanks and medkits don't help droids
very limited combat capabilities
feels most comfortable aboard ships if he is not on a ship he tries to rush his crew members along to return to the ship but not enough so that they are speeding through everything and making mistakes
strengths: inorganic :doesn't need to breath eat or sleep
can pilot any ship given enough time to learn it
can hack into systems
preform mechanical duties on himself,droid,starfighters,ships,deathstars(as long as the plans are available)
can remember everything once learnt (and choose to forget if wanted but once forgotten it can't come back but can remember deleting it tho)
biography: R9-X1 was manufactured with other astromech droids and was bought and customized by a smuggler crews slicer: Ianthidor a codru-ji able to hack with all four of his arms, in the short twenty years aboard the YT-1300 light freighter
"meteor" he was taught both the imperial and republic starfighter and starship formations as well as the crews flight data, navigation charts, bits of history of the main planets, how to repair systems, make self improvements as well as improvements for other mechanical devices. after his downloading was complete Ianthidor said to R9-X1 "i have taught you all i know and a little of what you need to know now i ask of you one thing help me escape this vessel and i will set you free" R9-X1 did as his teacher said and helped him escape in the crews small 1man shuttle that broke off from the freighter, but before they could get far the crew shot the pilot seat and killed ianthidor, R9-X1 not knowing what to do set off flying the ship himself dodging and weaving the hail of bullets almost like it was instinct,days after the shuttle escaped it ran out of fuel so R9-X1 stopped it in its place and he set off a distress beacon in the form of a civilian transport on republic codes waiting for the next ship to come along hours later
using the beacons emergency power R9-X1 boosts his short range scanner into a long range scanner, finding a large object coming closer to his ship. the large object is soon identified as the light freighter crystal, the pilot saying "Hello, the is the Light Freighter Crystal investiagting the S.O. S, If you are alive, I'll try to get you out". but he wasn't the only one another ship heading towards R9-X1 at high speeds was closing in, when both ships were in range of each other a squib and a nautolan stepped out of their ships to inspect the crash and lend aid, the squib entering the cockpit using his R5 droid made R9-X1 let out a series of happy beeps. looking at the r5 unit R9-X1 sent out a serious of beeps and boops with a binary underlay saying that he is a free droid looking for a ship to be apart off,also sending out the damage report for the JM-5000, soon after the squib was done discussing what to do with the broken JM-5000 with the other captain he looked at the R9 unit and said "Welcome aboard my crew R9, you're welcome to stay as long as you wish~ though pulling your weight of course!" and laughed. without delay R9-X1 used his thruster to reach the airlock of the medium freighter ship 'thunderflash"captained by linex omil where he stayed for a small time before wanting to find a new crew maybe a more permanent one
ship:(broken,out of fuel) jm-5000 jumpmaster long range scout
bounties collected :none
role plays:
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/48857-very-short-rp-to-help-continue-my-droid-bio-distress-beacon/#entry729337 (distress signal R9-X1 finds a ship)