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Quintus Cadera

Tʜᴇ Eʏᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Sᴛᴏʀᴍ


FACTION: Clans of Mandalore


AGE: 38

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.88 Meters (6'2")

WEIGHT: 76 kg (168 lbs)

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Light Olive


HOMEWORLD: Mandalore (Spiritual Homeworld); Concordia (Current Residence)

PLAY BY: Pedro Pascal as Oberyn Martell



(+) Learned Man: Quintus is a lover of books, knowledge, and philosophy. While many see Mandalorians as brash and uncouth, he wants to break that mold. He wants to show the Galaxy that a Mandalorian can be both a warrior and a poet. He also shows some interest archaeology.
(+) Loyalist: If anything, Quintus is loyal to his clan, the idea of Mand'alor, and to the traditions of his ancestors. That being said, he will be wary and watchful to anyone he feels is someone that threatens one or more of those pillars. He will also be a vocal advocate when
(+) Disciplined: During his exile after the recent Mandalorian CIvil War, he spent some time among the Hellyni. Adopting some of their aesthetics in his armor, he also was observant of their fighting tactics and their personal discipline. He took in these traits as his own, feeling he needed it after his exile.
(+/-) Free-Loving: Quintus is openly bisexual. In Mandalorian culture, this is nothing that is worrisome, as Mandalorians are open to such forms of love and sexuality as a whole. However, in cultures that are not as open to these, he would be considered taboo and controversial. He is also not above defending his sort of love to those that would try to quell it.
(-) Barbed Tongue: Among his arsenal as a man of knowledge is a way of words, and the ability to wield them in ways just as deadly as a sword. If he has a dislike of you, he will let you know using sly comments that, while not forward, are meant to show his displeasure through a charming smile. This sometimes gets him into trouble.
(-) Force Hater: Following the last Civil War among his people, Quintus is spiteful of any Force user. Jedi, because of their air of supposed moral superiority. Sith, because he hates them as a beacon of the Dark Side that caused his home to burn. Finally, he dislikes those among the ranks of the clans themselves, because he fears a reprisal of the Burning of Mandalore.


Quintus comes off as a charming man who has a love of intellectual pursuits. At the same time, he is also disciplined to keep a level head. He has a great grasp over the effectiveness of language, wielding it both poetically and with a sharp tongue.He is also one who will be vocal, but polite about his thoughts on the political arena.


War. War always leaves its scars on a man. In a time long since passed, the man who is now Quintus Cadera was a different person. Different allegiances, different ideals, a different life entirely. There was a time where had fought against the forces of Ra Vizsla and those whom he had once thought radicals and rebels. How blind he had been. He had become broken, once he saw what his zealotry had wrought. When Manda'yaim was provoked into belching forth noxious fumes and searing lava, he had lost. The burning had wiped out a good portion of his clan's homestead, scorching his family into ash. The rest were either killed in combat, or executed in the purging of those now branded traitors. He accepted exile, and took on the brand of dar'manda.

He roamed the galaxy, despaired and wrought with guilt. He eventually found, for a time, a life on the world of Hora. He made friends among the local Hellyni. It was through them that he learned to piece himself back together. He took in their love of knowledge and philosophy, as well as their disciplined tactics as warriors. He made himself anew, and eschewed his former name for "Quintus". For years, he served as a mercenary and enforcer for his Hellyni hosts.

Years later, he would hear that Ra's successor, Mandalore the Infernal, had put out a recall to all lost and exiled Mandalorians whose diaspora was a result of the War. Quintus humbly accepted, and went before those in charge, and plead his case. He told them about his reflections in the interim, and that he had no clan to return to. As with many Clanless, he was offered a place among the newly reformed Clan Cadera, to which he accepted as well. While disapproving of the way she became Mand'alor and the political closeness with the Sith Empire, Quintus nonetheless remains loyal to Yasha. Yet, he keeps careful watch over her reign, as he fears what may come to his new family.

The Phalanx, a Buy'ce-class frigate and his personal warship.

A black Balutar-class swoop

His beskar'gam
A gladius-like beskad
A Mandalorian kal
A yellowish-orange Personal Combat Shield
A WESTAR-35 carbine

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